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eloskuro escribió:Guy escribió:eloskuro escribió:Curioso que no hagan el anuncio en el E3. Deben de tener mucha chica que mostrar en el evento
Tienen que estar realmente muy mal para hacer la enesima bajada de pantalones.
como los de sony para bajarse el sueldo dices?
Yo espero que Sony y MS hagan unas conferencias epicas y salgamos ganando todos. Ah y nintendo tmb, aunque ultimamente tengo pocas esperanzas :/
Insider: Hbm I cant speak directly on this other then you are in the right direction. And common sense is required to look at the lines.. and iv told you there is more memory then what has been released. But the console wasn't meant to launch till late 2014.. e3 should bring this "extra" function.. but only in small incentives..
now the e3 leaks are not 100% correct. Things are changing there drafting idea's.. its all up in the air..the games that are in dev and are up for show there is so many rumours and everything is in lock down due to leaks.
- Remedy Entertainment quantum brake mind blown/ and assurance that alan wake has start development.
- Ms games studio 343 halo 2 anniversary avaliable soon!
- Epics 3rd/1st person hybrid. "S.a.m.t.n"
- Horizon 2 / pgr 5 to devs
- Crytek 1st person shooter number 4
- Grasshopper I haven't seen this but I am told it is the lollipop chainsaw sequel. And is apart of the Japanese push.
- Capcom resident evil ... and a monster hunter esquire game.. seeing how deep down is ps4 timed exclusive.
- Rare has two games but one of them is developed in conjunction with capcom. The other is a first person shooter. There will also be trailers for other rare games but there only just started heavy development so wont be released till late 2015/16. Its more of a fan service to keep minds at ease.
- Sega has a new sonic project. And iv heard of some type of sega all stars sort of game.. not sure if on show tho. And an rpg reboot not shinmue related.
- Black tusk just gow announcement and a small cgi trailer with 2 min of game play very early in development. 2016
- Ubisoft ac5 .. Division xbox one lead platform.. I have heard this also.
- Ms has a new Japanese 1st party studio. Not many people know what is coming from there .. but its is rumoured to be a big rpg franchise. But iv heard not lo2
- Now platinum games has two games one is heavily exclusive and is re imaged for today standards. I am told scifi rpg set in a esquire fantasy worlds. the other is ether mgsr2 or there totally new concept. Iv also heard crazy stuff which is hard to believe that bn2 is timed exclusive now and then will become multi platform. And that this is due to brake downs between big n and p+.. Nintendo are not keeping developers in the loop with new hardware emerging concepts.
- Bethesda fallout 4
- Biowear mess effect 4 .. and remaster of 123.
- Valhalla Game Studios devils 3rd... the last 24 hours I have heard exclusive to x1 and pc...
- Id4 Doom4
- valve multi plat left for dead 3.
- Ninja theory . Enslaved 2. Multi not sure how far in dev. I have heard people say this could be mistaken for heavily sword 2. But others have said Enslaved 2.
- Rock star games red dead redemption 2 and gta5 remastered. Every body is pushing for agent.. but rumours are that agent is gta6 and set back in london and you can fly to two different continents. Also talks of manhunt inspired action horror game.
- lionhead studios. Fable 4 .. they may not talk about risk .. a scifi rpg due to wanting to show off fable 4 it is amazing very pixar.
- Xbox minis / indie games. I only know there are hundreds so a montage trailer.
- kojima mgs5 and reassurance.
- Squresoft tomb Raider sequel / final fantasy playable.
- Avalanche studio. Justcause 2(misterx: must be a typo?)
Now the big big rumours and if you read this I am not going to be held accountable for these so if you are looking for 100% you may be disappointed or you may be surprised.
Ok !!
- Sega and Yu Suzuki and Microsoft studio have come to an agreement to joint publish and fund the development of shenmue sequel.. people have claimed that the project has been in test phase for over 12 months.. there pushing for a living inspired reality. The game will be a major aaaa platform that will push Augmented reality. And a test demo has been shown to select few. This test demo was hybrid controller/kinect and people could talk to the character in the shops.. the A.r was immersion because the camera could be 3rd or 1st person. Items could be interacted with and the glasses saw the controller as the item they had in there hand. A mobile phone that the devs had in the game had been remapped with an app.. and the real phone could take images which then could be viewed in the game... all tech demo stuff.. game release is 2016 late.
- Now the second big rumour and probably more so is the true sequel to final fantasy 7 .. or the remake.. this I have been told is really happening and could possibly be the big surprise of e3.. I have not seen this but there is two projects linked to this game.
The first rumor!! it would be to hard to make a true remake of ff7 with next generation gfx.. so they have retooled and remade the first game.. all the models have been remade all the background gfx have been re- imaged all cgi made new.. so basically a true remake but same design.. like halo combat evolved .. a new coat of paint. Also there are talks of making a true bunch of final fantasy old style Japanese rpg with this engine..
now there will be a spin off .. and it will be a an action game very much like crisis core.. .. and this game has been in dev for some time.. fans of ff7 will have to take what they get.
- Now Microsoft game studio rumours. Halo 5 ... I have seen this.. 1080p 60fps and really has them Hollywood big block buster special effects... But people are saying its shipping next year.. there is just to many games coming out in the launch window 2014.
And two halos in one year is dramatic. I asked if it will be at e3 in playable or in trailer form.. and the answer was may be.
Other stuff that is tipped to be there is..
- phantom dust 2..
- crackdown three..
- blue dragon
- and lo 2 in some form.
- An xbox party game also.
and there is also talk of a major 3rd party purchase on the horizon.
- Other stuff is rumoured is 360 emulation will be available and halo A2 available to download directly after e3.
- Beem turns new mobile devices into mini xbox 1 handhelds. The first game to use this is Rip tide 6 players Many other to follow.. xbox party game is meant to use this.
- now ryse 2 ... hhmmm ? Its locked for discussion. But they did say open world like halo 5 and the witcher 3. So could mean anything really.
As you can imagine it is bizarre this time of year.. leaks rumours... other stuff .. this is all that has been discussed but I would definitely expect that kinect reveal sort of surprise adlest 2x .
remember it about the hardcore
And I didn't go into tv stuff or the kinect stuff ether.m. I thought it would be better to discuss what could or couldn't happen and what is but I will let you decide. As its better to have something then nothing when going into a concreted jungle ..
Sega and Yu Suzuki and Microsoft studio have come to an agreement to joint publish and fund the development of shenmue sequel.. people have claimed that the project has been in test phase for over 12 months..
Natsu escribió:misterXmedia no es un mega fanboy de MS?
Todo los que suelta son los sueños humedos de mucha gente, me parece un pedazo de fake, pero de confirmarse me da un chungo y es que...
Sega and Yu Suzuki and Microsoft studio have come to an agreement to joint publish and fund the development of shenmue sequel.. people have claimed that the project has been in test phase for over 12 months..
Estoy un poco arto de que jueguen así con mi corassson.
De todas formas con la mala fama que tiene el tipo este no sé que se cree que gana diciendo todo esto, las mentiras tienen las patas muy cortas, menos de un mes de cortas
Rokzo escribió:Ahora espero que salgan todos los que decían que era imposible que One se vendiera sin Kinect, que se había pensado totalmente con funcionalidad hacia ella, lástima que ya no esté abierto el hilo de hablemos de la next gen.
Vamos, es algo que se veía venir a leguas y ahora sí que puede competir en precio a PS4, como dicen un pack de One+Halo 5 por 400€ es muuuuuuuuuuy tentador...
eloskuro escribió:Siguiendo con el tema. Otra lista. En este caso de misterXmediaInsider: Hbm I cant speak directly on this other then you are in the right direction. And common sense is required to look at the lines.. and iv told you there is more memory then what has been released. But the console wasn't meant to launch till late 2014.. e3 should bring this "extra" function.. but only in small incentives..
now the e3 leaks are not 100% correct. Things are changing there drafting idea's.. its all up in the air..the games that are in dev and are up for show there is so many rumours and everything is in lock down due to leaks.
- Remedy Entertainment quantum brake mind blown/ and assurance that alan wake has start development.
- Ms games studio 343 halo 2 anniversary avaliable soon!
- Epics 3rd/1st person hybrid. "S.a.m.t.n"
- Horizon 2 / pgr 5 to devs
- Crytek 1st person shooter number 4
- Grasshopper I haven't seen this but I am told it is the lollipop chainsaw sequel. And is apart of the Japanese push.
- Capcom resident evil ... and a monster hunter esquire game.. seeing how deep down is ps4 timed exclusive.
- Rare has two games but one of them is developed in conjunction with capcom. The other is a first person shooter. There will also be trailers for other rare games but there only just started heavy development so wont be released till late 2015/16. Its more of a fan service to keep minds at ease.
- Sega has a new sonic project. And iv heard of some type of sega all stars sort of game.. not sure if on show tho. And an rpg reboot not shinmue related.
- Black tusk just gow announcement and a small cgi trailer with 2 min of game play very early in development. 2016
- Ubisoft ac5 .. Division xbox one lead platform.. I have heard this also.
- Ms has a new Japanese 1st party studio. Not many people know what is coming from there .. but its is rumoured to be a big rpg franchise. But iv heard not lo2
- Now platinum games has two games one is heavily exclusive and is re imaged for today standards. I am told scifi rpg set in a esquire fantasy worlds. the other is ether mgsr2 or there totally new concept. Iv also heard crazy stuff which is hard to believe that bn2 is timed exclusive now and then will become multi platform. And that this is due to brake downs between big n and p+.. Nintendo are not keeping developers in the loop with new hardware emerging concepts.
- Bethesda fallout 4
- Biowear mess effect 4 .. and remaster of 123.
- Valhalla Game Studios devils 3rd... the last 24 hours I have heard exclusive to x1 and pc...
- Id4 Doom4
- valve multi plat left for dead 3.
- Ninja theory . Enslaved 2. Multi not sure how far in dev. I have heard people say this could be mistaken for heavily sword 2. But others have said Enslaved 2.
- Rock star games red dead redemption 2 and gta5 remastered. Every body is pushing for agent.. but rumours are that agent is gta6 and set back in london and you can fly to two different continents. Also talks of manhunt inspired action horror game.
- lionhead studios. Fable 4 .. they may not talk about risk .. a scifi rpg due to wanting to show off fable 4 it is amazing very pixar.
- Xbox minis / indie games. I only know there are hundreds so a montage trailer.
- kojima mgs5 and reassurance.
- Squresoft tomb Raider sequel / final fantasy playable.
- Avalanche studio. Justcause 2(misterx: must be a typo?)
Now the big big rumours and if you read this I am not going to be held accountable for these so if you are looking for 100% you may be disappointed or you may be surprised.
Ok !!
- Sega and Yu Suzuki and Microsoft studio have come to an agreement to joint publish and fund the development of shenmue sequel.. people have claimed that the project has been in test phase for over 12 months.. there pushing for a living inspired reality. The game will be a major aaaa platform that will push Augmented reality. And a test demo has been shown to select few. This test demo was hybrid controller/kinect and people could talk to the character in the shops.. the A.r was immersion because the camera could be 3rd or 1st person. Items could be interacted with and the glasses saw the controller as the item they had in there hand. A mobile phone that the devs had in the game had been remapped with an app.. and the real phone could take images which then could be viewed in the game... all tech demo stuff.. game release is 2016 late.
- Now the second big rumour and probably more so is the true sequel to final fantasy 7 .. or the remake.. this I have been told is really happening and could possibly be the big surprise of e3.. I have not seen this but there is two projects linked to this game.
The first rumor!! it would be to hard to make a true remake of ff7 with next generation gfx.. so they have retooled and remade the first game.. all the models have been remade all the background gfx have been re- imaged all cgi made new.. so basically a true remake but same design.. like halo combat evolved .. a new coat of paint. Also there are talks of making a true bunch of final fantasy old style Japanese rpg with this engine..
now there will be a spin off .. and it will be a an action game very much like crisis core.. .. and this game has been in dev for some time.. fans of ff7 will have to take what they get.
- Now Microsoft game studio rumours. Halo 5 ... I have seen this.. 1080p 60fps and really has them Hollywood big block buster special effects... But people are saying its shipping next year.. there is just to many games coming out in the launch window 2014.
And two halos in one year is dramatic. I asked if it will be at e3 in playable or in trailer form.. and the answer was may be.
Other stuff that is tipped to be there is..
- phantom dust 2..
- crackdown three..
- blue dragon
- and lo 2 in some form.
- An xbox party game also.
and there is also talk of a major 3rd party purchase on the horizon.
- Other stuff is rumoured is 360 emulation will be available and halo A2 available to download directly after e3.
- Beem turns new mobile devices into mini xbox 1 handhelds. The first game to use this is Rip tide 6 players Many other to follow.. xbox party game is meant to use this.
- now ryse 2 ... hhmmm ? Its locked for discussion. But they did say open world like halo 5 and the witcher 3. So could mean anything really.
As you can imagine it is bizarre this time of year.. leaks rumours... other stuff .. this is all that has been discussed but I would definitely expect that kinect reveal sort of surprise adlest 2x .
remember it about the hardcore
And I didn't go into tv stuff or the kinect stuff ether.m. I thought it would be better to discuss what could or couldn't happen and what is but I will let you decide. As its better to have something then nothing when going into a concreted jungle ..
Natsu escribió:También se me había pasado por la cabeza, no te creas, pero entonces MS no ha entrado en modo pánico, ha entrado en modo locura demencial, Pask sin Kinect, bajada de precio, FFVII, Shenmue III, suena todo demasiado de los mundos de yupi, aunque una de esas ya se ha cumplido.
mocolostrocolos escribió:Joder, no hay nada como llegar de buena mañana al trabajo y leer las gilipolleces de Misterxmmedia.
Natsu escribió:mocolostrocolos escribió:Joder, no hay nada como llegar de buena mañana al trabajo y leer las gilipolleces de Misterxmmedia.
mocolostrocolos escribió:Natsu escribió:mocolostrocolos escribió:Joder, no hay nada como llegar de buena mañana al trabajo y leer las gilipolleces de Misterxmmedia.
Mira la lista que ha puesto eloskuro xD
Por cierto, como era lógico, Microsoft ha dicho que el anuncio del modelo e ONE sin Kinect lo han querido dejar fuera del E3 porque se quieren centrar únicamente en juegos.
IridiumArkangel escribió: De todos modos, este E3 tiene que ser el de los juegos. TODAS necesitan presentar juegos que vendan las máquinas, porque mucho se critica a Nintendo en ese aspecto (y bien criticado), pero es que Microsoft y Sony tampoco es que se esteen esmerando mucho precisamente (sobretodo Sony ultimamente emho).
Si estás a la espera de nuevos detalles sobre Kingdom Hearts III y Final Fantasy XV, apúntate la semana del diez de junio, porque Square Enix ha prometido más información sobre ambos juegos en el E3 2014 que se celebrará en la ciudad de Los Ángeles.
Cuando tenga lugar la feria, se producirá justo un año desde que ambos proyectos fueron presentados por primera vez al público. El productor Shinji Hashimoto lo ha confesado en la Comic-Con acontecida esta semana en Tailandia, donde no ha dado más detalles.
El productor ha destacado, además, que ambos proyectos tendrán presencia en futuras ferias a lo largo del año, haciendo referencia a la Comic Con de San Diego y al Tokyo Game Show como dos ejemplos de futuras citas interacionales.
Los dos juegos están envueltos en el máximo secretismo. Sus lanzamientos se producirán en una fecha que todavía está por definir (previsiblemente 2015, al menos para Final Fantasy XV). No te pierdas la feria angelina para futuros anuncios.
IridiumArkangel escribió:
Si es asi, hacen bien. Parece que Phil tiene al menos 2 dedos de frente... aunque lo que ha heredado era un barco que iba contra las rocas, A ver cuanto es capaz de enderezarlo.
De todos modos, este E3 tiene que ser el de los juegos. TODAS necesitan presentar juegos que vendan las máquinas, porque mucho se critica a Nintendo en ese aspecto (y bien criticado), pero es que Microsoft y Sony tampoco es que se esteen esmerando mucho precisamente (sobretodo Sony ultimamente emho).
Rokzo escribió:El nuevo Tombi ni en nuestros sueños más húmedos
JavierEA escribió:Rokzo escribió:El nuevo Tombi ni en nuestros sueños más húmedos
Hace un par de años recuperaron la licencia, pero vaya, me veo primero un remake del 1 en la Store (con UbiArt sería magnífico)
Rokzo escribió:JavierEA escribió:Rokzo escribió:El nuevo Tombi ni en nuestros sueños más húmedos
Hace un par de años recuperaron la licencia, pero vaya, me veo primero un remake del 1 en la Store (con UbiArt sería magnífico)
Pues no tenía ni idea que habían recuperado la licencia. Ahora me has hecho tener esperanzas en algo que seguro luego me quedaré con las ganas. Maldito
Guy escribió:IridiumArkangel escribió:
Si es asi, hacen bien. Parece que Phil tiene al menos 2 dedos de frente... aunque lo que ha heredado era un barco que iba contra las rocas, A ver cuanto es capaz de enderezarlo.
De todos modos, este E3 tiene que ser el de los juegos. TODAS necesitan presentar juegos que vendan las máquinas, porque mucho se critica a Nintendo en ese aspecto (y bien criticado), pero es que Microsoft y Sony tampoco es que se esteen esmerando mucho precisamente (sobretodo Sony ultimamente emho).
podrías desarrollar esto un poco más?
Roberdivx escribió:Nintendo llevandose todos los stands, lo veo xD
IridiumArkangel escribió:el Knack que más de relleno no puede ser (porque como juego...)
Guy escribió:IridiumArkangel escribió:
Si es asi, hacen bien. Parece que Phil tiene al menos 2 dedos de frente... aunque lo que ha heredado era un barco que iba contra las rocas, A ver cuanto es capaz de enderezarlo.
De todos modos, este E3 tiene que ser el de los juegos. TODAS necesitan presentar juegos que vendan las máquinas, porque mucho se critica a Nintendo en ese aspecto (y bien criticado), pero es que Microsoft y Sony tampoco es que se esteen esmerando mucho precisamente (sobretodo Sony ultimamente emho).
podrías desarrollar esto un poco más?
Aristoteles escribió:No entiendo como alguien puede quejarse de sony a estado alimentado la ps3 hasta el fin de sus días, en este e3 ya todo sera para ps4, todos los títulos que se van a presentar serán para ps4, vita poco o nada y ps3 ya le queda el pulso de los multis y poco mas, sagas anuales.
Ahora va a ser el momento donde se va a poner toda la carne en el asador para ps4 con juegos triple AAA.
Aunque quiero ver que tiene microsoft, aunque sin mucho entusiasmo.
Zokormazo escribió:Aristoteles escribió:No entiendo como alguien puede quejarse de sony a estado alimentado la ps3 hasta el fin de sus días, en este e3 ya todo sera para ps4, todos los títulos que se van a presentar serán para ps4, vita poco o nada y ps3 ya le queda el pulso de los multis y poco mas, sagas anuales.
Ahora va a ser el momento donde se va a poner toda la carne en el asador para ps4 con juegos triple AAA.
Aunque quiero ver que tiene microsoft, aunque sin mucho entusiasmo.
Pues a mi me parece normal que alguien se queje si Sony (o quien sea) pone a la venta un hardware en 2013 y el software decentillo no va a empezar a llegar al menos hasta finales de 2014. Para eso se podian guardar el hardware un año en un cajon no? xD
Zokormazo escribió:Aristoteles escribió:No entiendo como alguien puede quejarse de sony a estado alimentado la ps3 hasta el fin de sus días, en este e3 ya todo sera para ps4, todos los títulos que se van a presentar serán para ps4, vita poco o nada y ps3 ya le queda el pulso de los multis y poco mas, sagas anuales.
Ahora va a ser el momento donde se va a poner toda la carne en el asador para ps4 con juegos triple AAA.
Aunque quiero ver que tiene microsoft, aunque sin mucho entusiasmo.
Pues a mi me parece normal que alguien se queje si Microsoft (o quien sea) pone a la venta un hardware en 2013 y el software decentillo no va a empezar a llegar al menos hasta finales de 2014. Para eso se podian guardar el hardware un año en un cajon no? xD
Zokormazo escribió:Aristoteles escribió:No entiendo como alguien puede quejarse de sony a estado alimentado la ps3 hasta el fin de sus días, en este e3 ya todo sera para ps4, todos los títulos que se van a presentar serán para ps4, vita poco o nada y ps3 ya le queda el pulso de los multis y poco mas, sagas anuales.
Ahora va a ser el momento donde se va a poner toda la carne en el asador para ps4 con juegos triple AAA.
Aunque quiero ver que tiene microsoft, aunque sin mucho entusiasmo.
Pues a mi me parece normal que alguien se queje si Sony (o quien sea) pone a la venta un hardware en 2013 y el software decentillo no va a empezar a llegar al menos hasta finales de 2014. Para eso se podian guardar el hardware un año en un cajon no? xD
Zokormazo escribió:@eloskuro: todo muy logico, pero sigue siendo normal que el early adopter se queje cuando ve que la first saca una mierda en 6 meses para la consola cuando promete el oro y el moro. Y lo que presenten en el E3, a medio plazo lo minimo xD
Zokormazo escribió:@eloskuro: todo muy logico, pero sigue siendo normal que el early adopter se queje cuando ve que la first saca una mierda en 6 meses para la consola cuando promete el oro y el moro. Y lo que presenten en el E3, a medio plazo lo minimo xD