Takeda escribió:Uhmmmm? Hablo del NUEVO motor no del Doom 3, por cierto, puedes decirme cuantos juegos nuevos estan en desarrollo con el UE3 y con el motor del Doom 3?
El nuevo motor de Id software no sera para competir con Unreal 3.0. Sera para competir con Crysis, porque los motores en PC definen su generacion principalmente por la libreria que usan y el shader model, mas que por la placa de video en la que se basan
Doom 3 usa el OGL equivalente al directx 9 y se basa en Shader models 3.0. Unreal 3.0 usa el directx 9 y se basa en shader models 3.0.
Son motores de una misma generacion. Aunque el Unreal 3.0 se basa sobre una placa de video base de mayor capacidad y por eso se ve mejor. Pero misma generacion de librerias y shaders al fin.
Cuando salga el nuevo motor de Id sotware, ya no se basara en el OGL equivalente al directx 9 de hoy ni los shaders models 3.0. Sera basado en el OGL equivalente al directx 10 y los shader models 4.0, y para correr aprovechado en Windows Vista
Unreal 3.0 ya no tendria nada que hacer en cuanto a generacion de motor contra un motor basado en una libreria mayor y un nivel de shader models superior. Nunca un motor basado en una libreria antigua y shader models antiguos va a poder desbancar a un motor que justifica el uso de nuevas placas de video, nuevo OS y nueva libreria. Es el mundo del PC, lo mas nuevo es lo que domina; totalmente distinto a las consolas.
Garibaldi fan de Sony escribió:Muy buena excusa, la verdad es que las dotes imaginativas de Microsoft y Epic para negar lo evidente con los últimos rumores de GOW en PC son cada vez más surrealistas.
edit, encontre el rumor, tambien como fue desmentido:
http://www.actiontrip.com/rei/comments_news.phtml?id=011007_4 There is no "new information" that Gears will be released on PC. You know console games are developed on PCs, right? Even if we never release Gears of War on PC we still need to run the game on PC to develop and test content for it.
Our first E3 demo, over two years ago, was done on an PC equipped with dual NVIDIA graphics cards. That was how we simulated the power of Xbox 360 before there was actually a real Xbox 360 to run on.
We gave NVIDIA a copy of wargame.exe (along with some sample content from Gears) so they could help us tweak Unreal Engine 3 performance and reliability on NVIDIA graphics chips. That was necessary to make the development tools perform well and ensure that their drivers would support UE3 going forward. That was beneficial because two PC games (Roboblitz and Rainbow Six Vegas) have already shipped for PC and we're planning to ship our next Unreal Tournament game on PC this year as well.
So in reality the only thing this supposed "leak" demonstrates is that we work closely with NVIDIA to ensure the best possible performance for our engine on their platforms. Ditto for ATI and other graphics vendors as well.
Unfortunately none of the site reporting this silliness bothered to ask me for a comment on it
When asked recently in an interview whether I had "any comment on the Windows Vista version of Gears of War?" I replied the following:
There's nothing to announce at this time. We've said all along that, at some point in the future, we could adapt Gears of Wars for PC. Based on past experience we've learned that it takes approximately 5 years for an OS to fully take hold among the gaming population. So unless it takes us 5 years to bring Gears of War to Windows, we certainly expect to keep supporting Windows XP users. For now however Gears is available exclusively on Xbox360 and we're still working on improvements and enhancements to it.
OMG, OMG! Xbox 360 games developed and tested on the PC! HAX!!
pero no es para preocuparse, a lo mejor GoW si sale en PC. En el 2009 y con el sucesor de windows vista. Viendo que Halo 2 desde el 2004 y todavia no piso el PC (a pesar de que todo mundo gritaba que pasaria en poco tiempo) y para cuando lo haga tienes que tener windows vista