I just said all this on tumblr but I'm too lazy to retype so here's what I said on there:
"Well by now I'm pretty sure you all caught on that this wasn't official and it was all just an ARG I created to support Bethesda by creating a shit ton of hype for the the survivor 2299 thing.
I know a few people did because a few of you messaged me on here haha.
The story and characters (with the exception of the survivor) were all created by me, all the audio clips (except for the french poems and few sound effects) were all created by me as well, oh and the posters and pictures, they were all created by me as well.
I'm really sorry I wasn't able to finish the story! Thing is, from now on I'm going to be way too busy to carry on with all of this now so I'm going to have to wrap things up here sooner than I hoped

You can hate me all you want, I don't mind and I completely understand, I should have told you from the beginning it was just an ARG. But then again I like to tease.
If you have any questions about the story, characters or anything else I'm gonna do a Q&A.
It's been fun!
PS. I don't have a clue if the survivor2299 website is real or not either, I don't know who created it or anything and i'm not associated with them at all."
So yeah, if you have any questions about the characters, story or anything ask away and i'll try and answer as much as I can!
You can send me all the hate you want, I understand and I won't take offense at all to it but I won't respond to it, I'll only answer the proper questions!