_[ October 7. 2003 ]____________________________________________
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| Half-Life 2 - "Chosen 9" release |
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| Company: Valve Corporation (
http://www.valvesoftware.com ) |
| File size: 100 x 15MB |
| Release: November 2003 |
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| Quote from
http://www.planethalflife.com/ : |
| "There were a ton of rumors the past couple days about the |
| existence of a leaked, playable Half-Life 2 beta, but |
| thankfully those stories have been confirmed to be completely |
| false." |
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| Well, I hope nobody believed this rumor. Who would actually be |
| good enough to get the source, but forget the game ? |
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| To myg0t: this is too big for you to take credit
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| - Anonymous leaker |
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Parte del nfo de la beta, en el q dice q tenian la beta antes de que se filtrara el codigo, con lo que una vez filtrado este, no han visto razon para no "liberar" esta beta. Probablemente no sea una version muy reciente del juego, pero esperemos q nos permita hacer unos tests pa ver q se espera como pudimos hacer con el doom3.
Ya tendremos mas noticias de dicha beta