Leviatan22 escribió:Que le han hecho a Gnaw? parece como más dopado ahora con el ácido.
Leviatan22 escribió:Que le han hecho a Gnaw? parece como más dopado ahora con el ácido.
hotfix incoming:
-Acid spit, split spit will now correctly split and remove first spit
Dance escribió:Leviatan22 escribió:Que le han hecho a Gnaw? parece como más dopado ahora con el ácido.
Si, se quejan de eso en los foros oficiales. De todos modos hoy al iniciar Steam se ha actualizado y he leido por ahí esto:hotfix incoming:
-Acid spit, split spit will now correctly split and remove first spit
Bladewing estará contento con la actualización de ayer![]()
PD: No he podido evitarlo y me he pillado 3 skins que están de oferta... gñéééééé.
ByR escribió:alguien para unas pachangas?
EDIT: grandes pachangas las de hoy xD, no hemos perdido ni una y eso que ni nos comunicabamos
akbar escribió:Los dlcs valen la pena o paso de pillarlos?
Dance escribió:akbar escribió:Los dlcs valen la pena o paso de pillarlos?
Los DLC solo son skins decorativos, hoy están al 66% (cabrones), pero no afectan para nada no tenerlos.
Buenas pachangas ByR, así da gusto, gente que va a por las torretas y cuando ve a alguien apurado va en su busca.
Veréis que soy muy maricona, pero evito a toda costa que me maten para que se inflen a solares. Cuando le he preguntado a Zalenor si le gustaba Skolldir y ha contestado muy sinceramente algo así como "me está dando mucho asco", he estado descojonado 5 minutos, que honestidad oyes xD
Cody_Travers escribió:soy el unico o ahora se cae mucho? apenas es jugable
Rikardo52 escribió:que tal esta el awesomenauts?? me parece muy interesante pero quisiera saber como esta el tema con cheaters/bots y sobretodo si hay bastante gente jugando.
Cody_Travers escribió:buenas paridas dance que meada les metimos por dios
Shiro_himura escribió:Yo lo que continuo diciendo, coco esta muy op. Su ulti de la bola es demasiado buena. Luego al perrito le han subido el veneno, ahora con esperar a que se acerque lanzarle el veneno al que le pones que realentice, para poder morderle el otro esta muerto.
Y además a nivel 70 creo que erá que el mono con el rayo pueda realentizar un 65% es una burrada
Dance escribió:Eres un máquina, tanto esta mañana como esta tarde. Encima tienes media premade hecha jugando a dobles, mamóng.
chicoadicto escribió:Demasiados enfermos de mierda en premade abundan en este juego, si a eso añadimos que me tiro toda una partida jugando con un bot porque al matchmaking de mierda no le apetece meter a nadie mas y que encima ese bot no para de fedear a susodichos enfermos pues mala cosa.
gatosamurai escribió:chicoadicto escribió:Demasiados enfermos de mierda en premade abundan en este juego, si a eso añadimos que me tiro toda una partida jugando con un bot porque al matchmaking de mierda no le apetece meter a nadie mas y que encima ese bot no para de fedear a susodichos enfermos pues mala cosa.
Es que el sistema de este juego es de traca. Ayer casi ganada una partida van y se piran mis 2 compañeros y me quedé yo solo + 2bots contra 3 tios... pues me fueron comiendo terreno y casi pierdo. Al final gané a base de hacer el suicida contra su base porque le quedaba nada de vida, pero vamos... Y menos mal que lo pillé de megaoferta, pero pensar que el LoL es gratis y este juego vale normalmente 10 eurazos...(Que es muy divertido y tal pascual, pero vamos...)
Patch 1.11
Character balance/fixes
-New! The two stage power pills turbo renamed to power pills light
-Power pills light now has its own icon
-Power pills light price reduced from 135 Solar to 110 Solar
-Power pills turbo replaced with power pills light
-NEW! Blue print container now increases damage of explode to 100 damage below 50% health instead of reducing death time (damage does not stack with Thermonuclear cleaner).
-Blue print container price increased from 0 Solar to 145 Solar
-Jump height increased a bit
-Renamed Raelynn’s jump to “Six million Solar” human jump.
-Snipe, Iron rifle price reduced from 300 to 260
-Snipe, Iron rifle damage increased from 14 to 15 damage
-Snipe, Pump rifle damage increased from 7 to 10 damage
Major fixes and improvements
-Made several fixes to ranking calculations, hopefully fixing the issue that rankings were sometimes reset.
-Added an option to the launcher to disable some of the multithreading in Awesomenauts (so that the game uses less CPU cores). Disabling this is not recommended, but we expect turning this off might fix the large number of framerate hickups that some users are getting.
-Controllers now work in the Launcher (to make the game work better with Steam Big Picture mode).
-The control scheme menu now works completely with controllers.
Minor fixes
-Several minor control scheme and HUD fixes.
-Fixed empty unlocks under some circumstances.
-Fixed counter on flying droid spawner on AI Station 404 after host migration.
ByR escribió:Lo dejé un poco de lado pero habrá que volver, que hecho de menos a derpl xD eso si, me esperaba alguna mejora para el en este parche
ByR escribió:Yo tambien lo deje porque en todas las partidas se metia algun bot por no encontrar a 6 players, eso sigue asi o lo han cambiado? es que me jodia mucho empezar una partida y que hubiese bots el 90% de las veces
Patch 2.1.1 (hotfix)
General fixe
-Fixed an issue where SuSi could not be selected when you didn't have the Starstorm exclusive announcers
-Random loadout is now more random :think:
-Added cats for the AWC champions
-Credits have been updated
-Increased range of cocoon
-Can't shoot through turrets anymore
-Changed text about rabbit teeth to state all enemies
-Damage over time of spit increased from 15 to 25 damage
-Direct damage reduced from 10 to 5 damage
-Spike slime damage over time increased from 5 to 8 per stage
-Spike slime direct damage reduced from 5 to 2 per stage
Patch 2.1
NEW: SUSI announcer DLC
NEW Custom games features:
-New game mode: Randomnauts (a combination of all the below settings)
-New option: random character
-New option: random new class on death
-New option: allow same class in team
-New option: random loadout
-New option: autobuy random upgrades
-New option: override solar prices (one price for all)
General balance
-Aiguillon stealth duration reduced from 30s to 20s
-Power pills light health increased from 15 to 18
-Power pills light price increased from 120 to 130
-Power pills turbo health increased from 20 to 25
-Power pills turbo price increased from 120 to 130
-Power pills companion health increased from 20 to 25
-Power pills companion price increased from 120 to 130
-Droids won't heal anymore when being pushed out of turret range, only if they would be killed by the health decrease they are given 25% of their health back (15hp).
-Solar tree coin regen reduced from 20 to 17 per minute
-Baby Kuri Mammoth debuff resistance increased from 20% to 25% per stage
Ted McPain
-Fixed that Ted McPain weapon switching did not function correctly when pressing the shoot button at the same time
-Removed a Spanish text from the French text of Ammo Weekly
-Shotgun shots are now separated into 3 projectiles each dealing 8 damage
-Commando Ted Figurine shotgun damage reduced from 5 to 2
-Base health increased from 130 to 140
-Reduced time Ted McPain’s mine stays on the ground from 8s to 6s
-Triple RPG now also increases the cooldown of airstrike by 4s
-Machinegun Stance now increases movement speed slighty
-Minimum jumpheight is now lower, this should provide for more jump accuracy
Coco Nebulon
-Melee movement slowdown increased from 50% to 75% of normal slowdown (so she is slower while shooting than before)
-T-800 Dome now spawns a hummingbird droid instead of a sawblade droid.
-T-800 Dome removed one stage, droid spawns with 100% health
-T-800 Dome price reduced from 180 to 145 Solar
-Nuclear Warhead now increases the attackspeed of timerift (250% per stage)
-Base damage of timerift increased from 1 to 2
-Base attackspeed of timerift reduced from 600 to 150
-HC Bomb now deals X3 damage for 215 Solar
Froggy G
-Can't Touch This is now a flat damage shield with 40 hitpoints
-Hammer Pants price increased from 130 to 150 Solar per stage
Derpl Zork
-Empowered Grid Trap price increased from 115 to 150 Solar
-Lead Casing price increased from 150 to 180 Solar
-Fixed that pressing the Siege Mode button during cooldown would have weird effects
-Rubberband Ball speedup time increased from 3s to 5s
-Placing weedlings delay reduced from 0.4s to 0.3s
-Placing weedlings cooldown reduced from 1s to 0.3s
-Fertilizer extra health reduced from 15 to 8
-Weedlings now grow stronger during the course of the game, placed and new ones (every 5 min +7hp, max +21hp)
-Weedling base health reduced from 60 to 45
-Weedling health regen reduced from 4hp/s to 2hp/s
-Medican now also increases the regen of weedlings (+1hp/s per stage)
-Spike Slime dot damage reduced from 10 to 5
-Spike Slime now also increases the direct damage of spit by 5
-Spit dot damage reduced from 30 to 15
-Added direct damage to spit: 10 base damage
-Tentacle Soup slow time increased from 1s to 1.25s
-Rabbit Teeth duration increased from 1s to 1.5s
-Rabbit Teeth now also work on creeps and droids
-Overcharged Metabolism now adds a negative debuff to direct hit enemies where they take 10% more damage for 4s (+10% per stage, 160 Solar per stage) (at the moment only the damage receiver can see the extra damage, we will fix this in a future patch to show the damage to everyone)
-Drone explosion radius slighty increased
-Drones now directly explode when they hit a wall
-Drones can now be detonated with a second press
-Removed the delay on shooting suicide drones
-Turret addon price reduced from 230 to 200 Solar
-Healthpack surprise price increased from 140 to 180 Solar
-Twisted Nightmares now add damage to healing wave (+3 min damage and +15 max damage for 170 Solar per stage, deals 3 damage less on droids, 2 stages)
-Happy Thoughts price reduced from 200 to 160 Solar per stage
-Plastic Praying Beads added a stage (3 stages)
-Plastic Praying Beads damage reduced from 2 to 1
-Plastic Praying Beads price reduced from 230 to 120 Solar
-Hidden Leaves price increased from 155 to 175 Solar
-Jaggra Eggs price increased from 150 to 175 Solar
-Bronco Yeast price decreased from 185 to 155 Solar
-Spiritual Cooking duration increased from 20s to 30s
-Shooting a cocoon now has a 0.1 delay
-Cocoon bullet collision size slightly decreased
-Cocoon bullet speed slightly decreased
-Monarch Blessing duration reduced from 4s to 3s
-You can now go out of stealth by clicking cloaking skin while stealthed