Si no lo he entendido mal, y según los foros de Epic, todos los pre-order de Bulletstorm estándar se convertirán automáticamente en la Epic Edition, en cualquier tienda y hasta fin de existencias. 17, 2010 - Epic Games And Ea Announce ‘Bulletstorm Epic Edition’ with Exclusive Early Access To Gears Of War 3 Beta
Q: When can we start pre-ordering the "Epic Edition" and "Limited Edition" of Bulletstorm?
Q: Where can we pre-order the "Epic Edition" and "Limited Edition" of Bulletstorm?
A: Anywhere! All Bulletstorm pre-orders, no matter where you order(ed) from, will be the Epic Edition (Xbox 360) or Limited Edition (PC and PS3)! Retailers will provide these special editions while supplies last.Q: My retailer doesn't have an "Epic Edition" only the Standard Edition.*
A: You'll automatically get the "Epic Edition" or "Limited Edition" when you pre-order the Standard Edition. Again, this is while supplies last. All pre-orders will get the free upgrade.
Q: Does the pre-order program only apply to GameStop and Amazon?
A: The Bulletstorm pre-order program applies to *all* pre-orders in the channel. It is not exclusive to GameStop and Amazon, although these retailers are certainly participants.
Q: What if I ordered my copy of Bulletstorm before the pre-order program was announced?
A:If you pre-ordered Bulletstorm, you will automatically be upgraded to Epic Edition for 360 and Limited Edition for PS3 and PC.
Q: Do I need to cancel my pre-order and order the game again to get the EE/LE?
A: There is no need to cancel your order. All existing pre-orders will get EE/LE. This program is worldwide.
Q: Why am I seeing different prices for the Standard and Epic Editions?
A: Both the Standard and Limited/Epic Editions are available at the same MSRP/RRP (Recommended Retail Price)