Nota de Gameservers ( nada de Treyarch ni ostias ) :
Updates for 11/10/2010
Browser issues: The latest update is that there is progress on the in-game browser in displaying all of the servers. ETA is still unknown but this work is at the highest severity levels to have completed.
In Game Lag: A rollout of an increase to the sv_maxRate from 5000 to 25000 will be issued today. Instructions on how to do this on your server will come once it has been rolled out. Keep in mind that this parameter tune will help with some aspects of lag that has been seen.
11/10/2010: 6:35pm EST - The changes to all subscriptions have been done to enable sv_maxRate of 25000
In order to activate this change, simply restart your server at your convenience. On restart, the server will come up with the new sv_maxRate Setting
Pending orders: An email will be sent out to those that still have an order in pending to give an estimated ETA on activation. The vast majority of the servers in the 25 locations have been installed and running. Please note that your billing start time does NOT start until your server is activated.
RCON Tool connection issues: Work is being done to look into the cause for the rcontool connection issues that have been seen. Updates will come once we have more info
Esas son las notas del parche , paso de traducirlo con el traductor de google porq ya lo haréis vosotros y lo interpretáis cmo queráis, pongo la nota oficial así no hay problemas