pinaculo escribió:vamos a ver, nosotros porque somos unos chupa juegos de armas tomar, pero no sabéis la cantidad de gente que conozco de amigos de mí ciudad, de colegas del live, o incluso de gente que tiene el cod contra las que juegas y ves que tiene el juego y no se lo ha pasado, o tiene menos de la mitad de los logros posibles (hablo de los del offline), incluso algunos de ellos que sólo requieren acabar el juego en algún nivel de dificultad como curtido (ya no hablo de veterano).
Por lo que yo opino que este juego es para el online, llamesé como se quiera, y que te pongan una historia y demás a mí me parece genial, pero el 99% del tiempo de vida de este juego es para el online, y si alguno no lo quiere ver y sigue pensando en que la campaña es superlativa por historia, momentazos y demás genial, pero tengo un amigo que se acabó la campaña en normal en menos de 6 horas, y eso para mí ya es algo superfluo porque no te llega para nada, en un sábado te haces el juego de principio a fin.
A vosotros el online del GTA4 os pareció algo cojonudo?, a mí me pareció algo que metieron ahí para decir que tenía online, y que perfectamente podría sobrar y no perder ventas el juego porque lo bueno suyo era la historia, para mí en los cod pasa igual pero al revés, si tú dices que sacas un cod que sólo tendrá online, no modo historia, las ventas bajarán los justito, lo que quiere decir que la gente lo que busca es el online en este juego, y lo otro para ellos es una parte prescindible.
a ver si entendemos ya que cuando digo añadido quiero decir que se podría prescindir de ella y el juego seguiría siendo grandísimo![]()
e-ville escribió:Demasiado hype solo por ser un COD, habria que ver la calidad final porque innovar no es su punto fuerte, sera otro WAW... para estirar el tiron que esta teniendo, hasta que llegue el MW 3
Y a ganar dinero se ha dicho!
pinaculo escribió:Pues yo tengo en este muchísimas mas ganas que del mw3, viendo las múltiples chapuzas y desventajas del juego actual, espero al menos una vuelta a la normalidad, es decir, rachas normales, ventajas normales, y por que no, quizá un poquito de igualdad en cuanto a que nos junten con gente que no nos haga tener un ping de horas.
litos001 escribió:Pues sí, la verdad que estasría bien que volvieran a algo menos caótico!!!, porque mw2 al final con tanta historieta que le han metido a veces las partidas se convierten en un morir-renacer-morir....
pinaculo escribió:
eso es litos, el tema es precisamente ese, el respawn es muy malo, los juegos de IW son más alocados (que a mí por ejemplo en el 4 me gustó mucho) pero es que en este aunque sea alocado el juego la gente lo hace imposible con tanto pepino, la animación del cuchillo sobreexplotada y demás. A mi me encanta, pero es muy aleatorio, hay gente que es una auténtica máquina, y otra que no lo somos, pero que no somos tampoco tan malos como este juego nos hace ver, en cualquier caso, yo lo voy a seguir jugando, tengo que acabarlo, y a ver si entonces las cosas cambian.
KuBy escribió:pinaculo escribió:
eso es litos, el tema es precisamente ese, el respawn es muy malo, los juegos de IW son más alocados (que a mí por ejemplo en el 4 me gustó mucho) pero es que en este aunque sea alocado el juego la gente lo hace imposible con tanto pepino, la animación del cuchillo sobreexplotada y demás. A mi me encanta, pero es muy aleatorio, hay gente que es una auténtica máquina, y otra que no lo somos, pero que no somos tampoco tan malos como este juego nos hace ver, en cualquier caso, yo lo voy a seguir jugando, tengo que acabarlo, y a ver si entonces las cosas cambian.
El problema, al fin de al cabo, son los jugadores, que retuercen, explotan y abusan de todo lo que les dan. Quizás una beta solucione muchos problemas y se vean actitudes que estropean el juego. aunque eso es muy subjetivo.
Pacorroco escribió:Yo espero que la historia comience en Vietnam, pase por sudamérica (intento de asesinato de Fidel, Nicaragua, Panama...), un paseo por Iran.... y todo mezclado con todos los trapicheos que hizo la CIA entonces, drogas, extorsión, sabotaje, asesinato...
Espero que sea un CoD "sucio", haciendo malabarismos entre la línea que separa el bien del mal.
Vamos, lo que le ha dado tan buen nombre a la CIA.
shampy escribió:Pacorroco escribió:Yo espero que la historia comience en Vietnam, pase por sudamérica (intento de asesinato de Fidel, Nicaragua, Panama...), un paseo por Iran.... y todo mezclado con todos los trapicheos que hizo la CIA entonces, drogas, extorsión, sabotaje, asesinato...
Espero que sea un CoD "sucio", haciendo malabarismos entre la línea que separa el bien del mal.
Vamos, lo que le ha dado tan buen nombre a la CIA.
Segun parece, porque de momento hay poca informacion, se trata de un COD basado en operaciones encubiertas de los servicios secretos, ya sea CIA, SAS, etc...
Entonces, ¿como encaja Vietnam en todo esto? Como no sea que hay que infiltrarse con el vietcong para hacer un alijo de drogas, o algun operacion de rescate de rehenes en el mismo Vietnam. Nosé, pero suena interesante....
roberto28live escribió:para no monopolizar el hilo con el multijugador de marras, he estado mirando por ahi a ver que encontraba sobre la operacion nimrod
articulo en wikipedia:
videos (mala calidad): ... /intro.stm
eltutan escribió:para cuando se supone que saldrá a la venta?
KuBy escribió:eltutan escribió:para cuando se supone que saldrá a la venta?
Tanto cuesta mirar el primer post?![]()
plataformas X360 PS3 PC
desarrollador TREYARCH
distribuidor ACTIVISION
lanzamiento 09.11.2010|es_ES
Roberdivx escribió:Yo sigo sin fiarme, necesito un gameplay y ver si innovan algo. No me abucheeis eh xD
KoX escribió:roberto28live escribió:para no monopolizar el hilo con el multijugador de marras, he estado mirando por ahi a ver que encontraba sobre la operacion nimrod
articulo en wikipedia:
videos (mala calidad): ... /intro.stm
Estonces, ¿habrá misiones a lo Rainbox six ?...pues ya lo pueden hacer bien, pq precisamente ayer jugué al RS: Las Vegas 2 que lo tenia pendiente y la verdad es que (a pesar de las carencias que tiene y fallos de la IA aliada) es un juego que los combates son interesantes y dificiles a veces, donde la IA enemiga se suele cubrir bien, las armas parecen algo más realistas, las muertes igual etc...
Y tb ví ayer los capitulos 6 y 7 de la serie The Pacific y buffff lo que me gustaria poder tener una campaña entera de la isla Paleliu
roberto28live escribió:KoX escribió:roberto28live escribió:para no monopolizar el hilo con el multijugador de marras, he estado mirando por ahi a ver que encontraba sobre la operacion nimrod
articulo en wikipedia:
videos (mala calidad): ... /intro.stm
Estonces, ¿habrá misiones a lo Rainbox six ?...pues ya lo pueden hacer bien, pq precisamente ayer jugué al RS: Las Vegas 2 que lo tenia pendiente y la verdad es que (a pesar de las carencias que tiene y fallos de la IA aliada) es un juego que los combates son interesantes y dificiles a veces, donde la IA enemiga se suele cubrir bien, las armas parecen algo más realistas, las muertes igual etc...
Y tb ví ayer los capitulos 6 y 7 de la serie The Pacific y buffff lo que me gustaria poder tener una campaña entera de la isla Paleliu
cuando dices misiones a lo rainbow six ¿te refieres a rescate de rehenes? como en la mision de la plataforma petrolifera de MW2... si te refieres a estrategia... te has equivocado de juego.
pinaculo escribió:en el foro de IW hay un post comentando lo que hablábamos ayer o anteayer, un cod por año, pero en vez de ser como ahora, uno cod con online y offline, hacer un cod exclusivo para el online un año, y al siguiente otro cod (podría ser de diferente compañía) y exclusivamente para el offline. Yo creo que esto no sería bueno, las campañas del cod, si bien son cortas son muy buenas, aunque de historia no sean demasiado inmersivas (salvo el cod2), pero sigo pensando que este juego no es compra obligada si sólo fuese offline, siempre y cuando el modo historia sea como hasta ahora, corto.
pinaculo escribió:en el foro de IW hay un post comentando lo que hablábamos ayer o anteayer, un cod por año, pero en vez de ser como ahora, uno cod con online y offline, hacer un cod exclusivo para el online un año, y al siguiente otro cod (podría ser de diferente compañía) y exclusivamente para el offline. Yo creo que esto no sería bueno, las campañas del cod, si bien son cortas son muy buenas, aunque de historia no sean demasiado inmersivas (salvo el cod2), pero sigo pensando que este juego no es compra obligada si sólo fuese offline, siempre y cuando el modo historia sea como hasta ahora, corto.
Pacorroco escribió:pinaculo escribió:en el foro de IW hay un post comentando lo que hablábamos ayer o anteayer, un cod por año, pero en vez de ser como ahora, uno cod con online y offline, hacer un cod exclusivo para el online un año, y al siguiente otro cod (podría ser de diferente compañía) y exclusivamente para el offline. Yo creo que esto no sería bueno, las campañas del cod, si bien son cortas son muy buenas, aunque de historia no sean demasiado inmersivas (salvo el cod2), pero sigo pensando que este juego no es compra obligada si sólo fuese offline, siempre y cuando el modo historia sea como hasta ahora, corto.
Espero que no hagan tan gran metedura de pata. Un CoD sin on line es como un Harry el sucio sin Magnun 44.
La frase más acertada que he leido hoy ha sido "Si te concentras en el trabajo la recompensa llegará. Si te concentras en la recompensa, te olvidas de hacer el trabajo."
pinaculo escribió:pero el hilo viene a colación de lo que digo, el online está muy currado (en general y salvando las cagadas que todos tienen) y el offline bastante descuidado.
eRgAlle escribió:Espero que los señores de Treyarch se ahorren todas las payasadas que tiene el multijugador de Modern Warfail 2 y que hagan un multijugador de un juego de GUERRA, no una representación del Circo del Sol con armas de fuego (cowboys con trabucos de Curro Jiménez en cada mano, malabaristas lanzadores de cuchillos, un montón de "killstreaks" que lo único que hacen es potenciar el juego rácano hasta límites insospechados y que encima la mayoría de esos "killstreaks" matan sin que se requiera ninguna habilidad por parte del jugador, etc, etc...)
Espero que hagan un multijugador serio, no quiero otro arcade lleno de estupideces y payasadas.
Un saludo para todos.
eRgAlle escribió:Espero que los señores de Treyarch se ahorren todas las payasadas que tiene el multijugador de Modern Warfail 2 y que hagan un multijugador de un juego de GUERRA, no una representación del Circo del Sol con armas de fuego (cowboys con trabucos de Curro Jiménez en cada mano, malabaristas lanzadores de cuchillos, un montón de "killstreaks" que lo único que hacen es potenciar el juego rácano hasta límites insospechados y que encima la mayoría de esos "killstreaks" matan sin que se requiera ninguna habilidad por parte del jugador, etc, etc...)
Espero que hagan un multijugador serio, no quiero otro arcade lleno de estupideces y payasadas.
Un saludo para todos.
zandan escribió:eRgAlle escribió:Espero que los señores de Treyarch se ahorren todas las payasadas que tiene el multijugador de Modern Warfail 2 y que hagan un multijugador de un juego de GUERRA, no una representación del Circo del Sol con armas de fuego (cowboys con trabucos de Curro Jiménez en cada mano, malabaristas lanzadores de cuchillos, un montón de "killstreaks" que lo único que hacen es potenciar el juego rácano hasta límites insospechados y que encima la mayoría de esos "killstreaks" matan sin que se requiera ninguna habilidad por parte del jugador, etc, etc...)
Espero que hagan un multijugador serio, no quiero otro arcade lleno de estupideces y payasadas.
Un saludo para todos.
100% contigo,espero que se dejen de tantas tonterias,cuantas mas cosas le metas mas trampas se inventan,los putos husain y las mierdas de puñaladas desde 10metros,atraves de las paredes y demas formas raras de apuñalar que he vivido gracias al Comando,el perk que transforma a una persona normal en un personaje de anime
DSimphony escribió:zandan escribió:eRgAlle escribió:Espero que los señores de Treyarch se ahorren todas las payasadas que tiene el multijugador de Modern Warfail 2 y que hagan un multijugador de un juego de GUERRA, no una representación del Circo del Sol con armas de fuego (cowboys con trabucos de Curro Jiménez en cada mano, malabaristas lanzadores de cuchillos, un montón de "killstreaks" que lo único que hacen es potenciar el juego rácano hasta límites insospechados y que encima la mayoría de esos "killstreaks" matan sin que se requiera ninguna habilidad por parte del jugador, etc, etc...)
Espero que hagan un multijugador serio, no quiero otro arcade lleno de estupideces y payasadas.
Un saludo para todos.
100% contigo,espero que se dejen de tantas tonterias,cuantas mas cosas le metas mas trampas se inventan,los putos husain y las mierdas de puñaladas desde 10metros,atraves de las paredes y demas formas raras de apuñalar que he vivido gracias al Comando,el perk que transforma a una persona normal en un personaje de anime
hombre yo del online del mw2 solo kitaria los killstreak acumulables en buscar y destruir y alguna q otra chorrada, como por ejemplo el comando y los deathstreaks por lo demas no lo veo para nada mal juego y si esperas con lo de "otro arcade lleno de payasadas" q te saquen un juego mas como el battlefield o un ghost recon olvidate... cod ha sido arcade desde el primero y eso no va a cambiar ahora. yo sinceramente me conformaria con q quitasen el comando y no pusieran tanques n_nU
denis74 escribió:De vez en cuando viene bien hacer un rastreo de información por el extranjero. En este caso mirad que dicen desde el Cuartel General de Treyarch:
“We can’t wait for our community to experience Call of Duty: Black Ops,” said Mark Lamia, Studio Head for Treyarch. “We have focused our entire studio on this game, with dedicated multiplayer, single-player and co-op teams creating the most intense, gripping and riveting experience possible for our fans on all fronts.”
Y aquí mi pregunta es. ¿Se refiere a los servidores o que se quieren currar un buen multiplayer?
porque podrían decir "dedication in multiplayer" pero eso....parece lo de los servidores más bien.
Roberdivx escribió:Ultimamente hay muchas declaraciones de treyarch y activision sobre el juego, me veo que han invertido mas pasta en este que en el modern warfare 2 , ya veremos... por ahora solo toca esperar, ver el gameplay, etc
First impressions: 'Call of Duty: Black Ops'
Call of Duty has always been about the soldiers in the trenches, so it's interesting that the level of Call of Duty: Black Ops showcased by Activision and studio Treyarch kicks off with an operative leading colleagues from up above.
Hovering above from inside an SR-71 Blackbird, players will send orders guiding a group of four soldiers past a convoy of Russians in the Ural Mountains. They simply point to areas on the screen and hit a button to lead the squad, so don't expect a complexity of, say, a Ghost Recon. But, similar to the view above an AC-130 gunship in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, the SR-71 scenario offered a fascinating perspective of the battlefield.
Of course, this is still a Call of Duty title, and once that brief command-based sequence concluded, the story shifts back to the soldier on the ground, as he and his three colleagues attempt to infiltrate a Russian facility.
The name of the level, "WMD," is set in 1968, during the height of the Cold War. The players' character is part of a larger endeavor to stop the spread of Communism. As the foursome moves through the facility, they come to a relay station they must take out. One by one, players will pick off unsuspecting foes with a scoped crossbow. Similar to previous Call of Duty titles, players will click to hold their breath and fire away.
This is when we check out one of the franchise's new features: alternate ammo that can be changed on the fly. As the group gets closer, they find an area with at least a dozen enemy soldiers, two of which sit by a truck. The lead character switches from a standard arrow tip on his crossbow to an explosive tip. Once fired, a beacon flashes for a couple seconds and boom goes the enemy. The lead character would eventually switch to an AUG assault rifle that could house attachments, although none were available during this level.
The firefight that ensues is textbook Call of Duty. Chaos dominates as players must navigate streams of bullets to reach their destination. Black Ops seems to follow the footsteps of the Modern Warfare franchise in attempting to deliver a more cinematic presentation, with the team ending the "WMD" level diving off a large cliff.
Overall, the level seemed to deliver the intensity and explosiveness of previous Call of Duty titles, and the SR-71 section left me wondering what other surprises Treyarch might have in store for Black Ops
First look: 'Call of Duty: Black Ops' swoops into action![]()
The Cold War generates heat anew in the upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops, the latest title in a multibillion-dollar video game franchise.
Players spy on suspicious activity while piloting a Lockheed SR-71 recon aircraft over the Ural Mountains; on the ground, they tackle a radar station lodged in the lofty terrain, flurries whipping in the wind. You hear the click-click-click as your character adjusts the sights of his modified military crossbow to take out the enemies. A firefight ensues, then a dizzying rappelling scene and — guns blazing — a feet-first, window-shattering breach of a control room.
In an exclusive preview of one level, game developer Treyarch wanted to demonstrate "the game is epic in scope," says studio head Mark Lamia. In Black Ops, due Nov. 9 for the Xbox 360, PS3, Wii and PC (not yet rated), "our writers are focused on (a) story that has meaning and character and will be multi-threaded."
More on 'Call of Duty: Black Ops' with Treyarch studio head Mark Lamia
By moving into the U.S.- Soviet era of mutually assured destruction, Call of Duty: Black Ops will be the first Call of Duty game developed by Treyarch to go beyond World War II.
In addition to our First Look on the game in print and some impressions from Brett Molina here, we have additional comments from Treyarch studio head Mark Lamia. "The team is really excited about creating a game in this period," he said. "We really felt like it was fertile ground for us and we could provide something fresh for gamers."
Beyond the single-player story, the game will have a cooperative mode for two to four players and an online multiplayer mode. As for the story, players will see it story unfold from the point of view of at least two main characters in multiple covert international conflicts. "Our writers are focused on telling an epic story," Lamia says. "You will see the evolution of some of these characters through time and the conflict."
The preview level shown to Game Hunters (it actually takes place later in the game), "immediately puts you in the boots of these blacks ops soldiers and behind enemy lines," he says. "This setting, this period, was perfect for us because it allowed us this creativity. This period hasn't really been done in games and it spans a period of time. We are not getting into the exact period of time, because it is part of our story that we are going to reveal later, but it does cover a longer period during this era."
During the Cold War, Lamia says, "there were these black operaions, these deniable conflicts, there was unconventional warfare that occurred. Uunderneath the surface of this cold war, there was this hot war and it was taking place between the superpowers. This is not Russia of today, this is the Soviet Union of that period, whose leaders would say, we will bury you. But under the threat of mutually assured destruction, these conflicts never could go hot. So they put together these black operations to carry out conflicts.
Research for the game included consultations with Maj. John Plaster, a veteran of the Studies and Observations Group (SOG), a multi-force black operations unit led by the Central Intelligence Agency during the Vietnam War. (He also wrote the book SOG: The Secret Wars of America's Commandos in Vietnam).
"(Plaster) was able to talk through what it was like being in the SOG and in particular his experiences during the Vietnam War era and the kind of, at the time, classified and sort of black operations that he was a part of," Lamia says. "He talked about everything from his training to missions to tactics. He reviewed our characters, our weaponry and, aside from the inspiration and drawing upon some of the history he was able to talk about, he was able to advise us on very practical matters. Like a SOG behind enemy lines would be wearing this, doing this and carrying this."
"Their stories in particular were not ones that were ever told and while we are not endeavoring to make a historical account, it's an entertainment product, he also feels that this could inspire people to want to learn about the history of what these soldiers experienced and went through," Lamia says..
Also adding intel was Sonny Puzikas, a former Soviet special forces operative. "He has come into studio as well, and offered his advice and expertise on how Soviet special forces trained, the weaponry they used and what it was like to be in that force. When you meet with these people you can't help but feel inspired about what they are telling you and it opens up new avenues of gameplay."
With their assistance, "we learned about how the SOG and these special forces went about their conflicts," Lamia says. "They got the superior intelligence and then they were able to outfit themselves as appropriate for the mission. They would literally go into armories and list out the weaponry they needed for the teams. As we learned about that, we would have alternate forms of ammo and modified forms of weaponry in the game."
Lamia continues: "We do our research, which are our inspirations, and we strive for authenticity. But we create our fictions from looking at all of this. It was exciting for the team to do something it had not done before with Call of Duty."
The modified military crossbow seen in the preview level, Lamia says, "is a great example of how elite black ops teams were permitted to equip themselves for whatever job they had at hand, which means that they could get a hold of anything and modify it any way they wanted to accomplish their missions objectives. The specific crossbow in the game is based off the design of a military grade crossbow. The use of the our crossbow was inspired by a story we heard about from Major Plaster about a member of SOG who would equip himself with a bow for some of his real-life missions, and our research, which showed its use by indigenous warriors in Vietnam that fought with special forces. In our case here, it served this mission as a dual-purpose weapon used for stealth, and one which when modified, could stealthily and precisely place a lethal explosive at range."
From the initial piloting of a reconnaissance aircraft to on the ground combat in the Soviet Union -- and several other examples of action in different settings -- Black Ops seeks to push Treyarch's Call of Duty missions to a new level. "Variety of gameplay. Variety of setting. There is a real focus and an attention to detail and pacing," Lamia says.
Readers, excited about Call of Duty: Black Ops?
emifer2 escribió:First impressions: 'Call of Duty: Black Ops'
Pacorroco escribió:emifer2 escribió:First impressions: 'Call of Duty: Black Ops'
Muy buen aporte.
¿Y salía cuándo?![]()
emifer2 escribió:First impressions: 'Call of Duty: Black Ops'First impressions: 'Call of Duty: Black Ops'
Call of Duty has always been about the soldiers in the trenches, so it's interesting that the level of Call of Duty: Black Ops showcased by Activision and studio Treyarch kicks off with an operative leading colleagues from up above.
Hovering above from inside an SR-71 Blackbird, players will send orders guiding a group of four soldiers past a convoy of Russians in the Ural Mountains. They simply point to areas on the screen and hit a button to lead the squad, so don't expect a complexity of, say, a Ghost Recon. But, similar to the view above an AC-130 gunship in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, the SR-71 scenario offered a fascinating perspective of the battlefield.
Of course, this is still a Call of Duty title, and once that brief command-based sequence concluded, the story shifts back to the soldier on the ground, as he and his three colleagues attempt to infiltrate a Russian facility.
The name of the level, "WMD," is set in 1968, during the height of the Cold War. The players' character is part of a larger endeavor to stop the spread of Communism. As the foursome moves through the facility, they come to a relay station they must take out. One by one, players will pick off unsuspecting foes with a scoped crossbow. Similar to previous Call of Duty titles, players will click to hold their breath and fire away.
This is when we check out one of the franchise's new features: alternate ammo that can be changed on the fly. As the group gets closer, they find an area with at least a dozen enemy soldiers, two of which sit by a truck. The lead character switches from a standard arrow tip on his crossbow to an explosive tip. Once fired, a beacon flashes for a couple seconds and boom goes the enemy. The lead character would eventually switch to an AUG assault rifle that could house attachments, although none were available during this level.
The firefight that ensues is textbook Call of Duty. Chaos dominates as players must navigate streams of bullets to reach their destination. Black Ops seems to follow the footsteps of the Modern Warfare franchise in attempting to deliver a more cinematic presentation, with the team ending the "WMD" level diving off a large cliff.
Overall, the level seemed to deliver the intensity and explosiveness of previous Call of Duty titles, and the SR-71 section left me wondering what other surprises Treyarch might have in store for Black Ops
- Nos quedamos sin poder pilotar el pilotar el SR-71 Blackbird que aparecía en el teaser tráiler del juego. Lo utilizaremos para dar ordenes al resto de soldados. Modo cooperativo para hasta cuatro jugadores, "inspirado en múltiples misiones encubiertas"
Fuente: USAToday
First look: 'Call of Duty: Black Ops'First look: 'Call of Duty: Black Ops' swoops into action![]()
The Cold War generates heat anew in the upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops, the latest title in a multibillion-dollar video game franchise.
Players spy on suspicious activity while piloting a Lockheed SR-71 recon aircraft over the Ural Mountains; on the ground, they tackle a radar station lodged in the lofty terrain, flurries whipping in the wind. You hear the click-click-click as your character adjusts the sights of his modified military crossbow to take out the enemies. A firefight ensues, then a dizzying rappelling scene and — guns blazing — a feet-first, window-shattering breach of a control room.
In an exclusive preview of one level, game developer Treyarch wanted to demonstrate "the game is epic in scope," says studio head Mark Lamia. In Black Ops, due Nov. 9 for the Xbox 360, PS3, Wii and PC (not yet rated), "our writers are focused on (a) story that has meaning and character and will be multi-threaded."
Fuente: UsaToday
Entrevista con Mark Lamia:More on 'Call of Duty: Black Ops' with Treyarch studio head Mark Lamia
By moving into the U.S.- Soviet era of mutually assured destruction, Call of Duty: Black Ops will be the first Call of Duty game developed by Treyarch to go beyond World War II.
In addition to our First Look on the game in print and some impressions from Brett Molina here, we have additional comments from Treyarch studio head Mark Lamia. "The team is really excited about creating a game in this period," he said. "We really felt like it was fertile ground for us and we could provide something fresh for gamers."
Beyond the single-player story, the game will have a cooperative mode for two to four players and an online multiplayer mode. As for the story, players will see it story unfold from the point of view of at least two main characters in multiple covert international conflicts. "Our writers are focused on telling an epic story," Lamia says. "You will see the evolution of some of these characters through time and the conflict."
The preview level shown to Game Hunters (it actually takes place later in the game), "immediately puts you in the boots of these blacks ops soldiers and behind enemy lines," he says. "This setting, this period, was perfect for us because it allowed us this creativity. This period hasn't really been done in games and it spans a period of time. We are not getting into the exact period of time, because it is part of our story that we are going to reveal later, but it does cover a longer period during this era."
During the Cold War, Lamia says, "there were these black operaions, these deniable conflicts, there was unconventional warfare that occurred. Uunderneath the surface of this cold war, there was this hot war and it was taking place between the superpowers. This is not Russia of today, this is the Soviet Union of that period, whose leaders would say, we will bury you. But under the threat of mutually assured destruction, these conflicts never could go hot. So they put together these black operations to carry out conflicts.
Research for the game included consultations with Maj. John Plaster, a veteran of the Studies and Observations Group (SOG), a multi-force black operations unit led by the Central Intelligence Agency during the Vietnam War. (He also wrote the book SOG: The Secret Wars of America's Commandos in Vietnam).
"(Plaster) was able to talk through what it was like being in the SOG and in particular his experiences during the Vietnam War era and the kind of, at the time, classified and sort of black operations that he was a part of," Lamia says. "He talked about everything from his training to missions to tactics. He reviewed our characters, our weaponry and, aside from the inspiration and drawing upon some of the history he was able to talk about, he was able to advise us on very practical matters. Like a SOG behind enemy lines would be wearing this, doing this and carrying this."
"Their stories in particular were not ones that were ever told and while we are not endeavoring to make a historical account, it's an entertainment product, he also feels that this could inspire people to want to learn about the history of what these soldiers experienced and went through," Lamia says..
Also adding intel was Sonny Puzikas, a former Soviet special forces operative. "He has come into studio as well, and offered his advice and expertise on how Soviet special forces trained, the weaponry they used and what it was like to be in that force. When you meet with these people you can't help but feel inspired about what they are telling you and it opens up new avenues of gameplay."
With their assistance, "we learned about how the SOG and these special forces went about their conflicts," Lamia says. "They got the superior intelligence and then they were able to outfit themselves as appropriate for the mission. They would literally go into armories and list out the weaponry they needed for the teams. As we learned about that, we would have alternate forms of ammo and modified forms of weaponry in the game."
Lamia continues: "We do our research, which are our inspirations, and we strive for authenticity. But we create our fictions from looking at all of this. It was exciting for the team to do something it had not done before with Call of Duty."
The modified military crossbow seen in the preview level, Lamia says, "is a great example of how elite black ops teams were permitted to equip themselves for whatever job they had at hand, which means that they could get a hold of anything and modify it any way they wanted to accomplish their missions objectives. The specific crossbow in the game is based off the design of a military grade crossbow. The use of the our crossbow was inspired by a story we heard about from Major Plaster about a member of SOG who would equip himself with a bow for some of his real-life missions, and our research, which showed its use by indigenous warriors in Vietnam that fought with special forces. In our case here, it served this mission as a dual-purpose weapon used for stealth, and one which when modified, could stealthily and precisely place a lethal explosive at range."
From the initial piloting of a reconnaissance aircraft to on the ground combat in the Soviet Union -- and several other examples of action in different settings -- Black Ops seeks to push Treyarch's Call of Duty missions to a new level. "Variety of gameplay. Variety of setting. There is a real focus and an attention to detail and pacing," Lamia says.
Readers, excited about Call of Duty: Black Ops?
1 saludo
Beyond the single-player story, the game will have a cooperative mode for two to four players and an online multiplayer mode
pituking escribió:La campaña en cooperativo para 4 jugadores, que aprendan los prepotentes de IW