porri escribió:Esto, phantasy star II, III y IV, la verdad nunca los habia conocido hasta que se me dio por comprar el Mega Drive Collection y son joyitas (para mi)
yo tuve en mis manos el primero, me lo prestaron, y como ya lo había jugado y tal me compré uno de ls mejores jegos de estrategia del momento, Buck rogers the doomsday, que grande! yque pena me dio verlo en psp, las musiquillas son realmente crispantes (para mi,claro)
próximamente si quereis enlazar al post principal

1942 FBA.. 1984 ing sh/m 2j I
Commando c.rel 1985 ing sh/a 1j I
Exes exes c.rel 1985 ing sh/m 2j I
Ghost´n goblins c.rel 1985 ing ac/p 1j I
Super mario bros. nes.. 1985 ing ac/p 1j -
Castlevania nes.. 1986 ing ac/p 1j 128kb -
Legendary wings c.rem 1986 ing sh/m 2j I
Section Z FBA.. 1986 ing sh/m 1j I
Side arms c.rem 1986 ing sh/m 2j I
The speed rumbler c.rem 1986 ing sh/a 2j I
1943 c.rel 1987 ing sh/m 2j I
Black tiger c.rem 1987 ing ac/p 1j I
Castlevania II simon´s quest nes.. 1987 ing ac/p 1j 256kb -
Gemini wing fba.. 1987 ing sh/m 2j 360kb z
Street fighter c.rem 1987 ing .vs. 2j I
1943 kai c.rel 1988 ing sh/m 2j I
Altered beast smd.. 1988 ing ac/p 1j 317kb Z
Double Dragon nes.. 1988 ing ac/p 2j 256kb -
Forgotten worlds cps1. 1988 ing sh/m 2j I
Gohuls & ghost c.rel 1988 ing ac/p 1j I
Last duel c.rem 1988 ing sh/m 2j I
Megaman nes.. 1988 ing ac/p 1j 128kb -
R-Type (Tai Sang Version) tgfx. 1988 ing sh/m 1j 160kb z
Super mario bros. 2 nes.. 1988 ing ac/p 1j -
Super mario bros. 3 nes.. 1988 ing ac/p 2j -
Truxton fba.. 1988 ing sh/m 1j 564kb z
Blazing Lazers tgfx. 1989 ing sh/m 1j 204kb z
Castlevania III Dracula´s course nes.. 1989 ing ac/p 1j 512kb -
Double Dragon 2 the revenge nes.. 1989 ing ac/p 2j 256kb -
Fantasy Zone tgfx. 1989 ing sh/m 1j 174kb z
Final fight cps1. 1989 ing beat 2j I
Galaga '90 tgfx. 1989 ing sh/m 1j 116kb z
Golden axe smd.. 1989 ing ac/p 2j 349kb Z
Heavy Unit pecp. 1989 ing sh/m 1j 191kb z
Ninja gaiden nes.. 1989 ing ac/p 1j 256kb -
Ordyne tgfx. 1989 ing sh/m 1j 211kb z
Thunder force 2 smd.. 1989 ing sh/m 1j 373kb Z
U.N. Squadron cps1. 1989 ing sh/m 2j 1,23mb z
Wilow cps1. 1989 ing ac/p 2j 1,79mb z
Wonderboy III Monster Lair pecp. 1989 ing sh/m 1j 32,4mb r
Xenon 2 smd.. 1989 ing sh/m 1j 526kb Z
1941 cps1. 1990 ing sh/m 2j I
Alien Soldier smd.. 1990 ing sh/m 1j 1,05mb Z
Arrow Flash smd.. 1990 ing sh/m 1j 252kb Z
Blue´s journey mvs.. 1990 ing ac/p 1j 2,8mb z
Bubble Bobble nes.. 1990 ing ac/p 2j 160kb -
Burning Angels tgfx. 1990 ing sh/m 1j 183kb z
Carrier air wing cps1. 1990 ing sh/m 2j 1,37mb z
Columns smd.. 1990 ing pzzl 2j 82kb z
Coryoon - Child of Dragon tgfx. 1990 ing sh/m 1j 273kb z
Cyber Core tgfx. 1990 ing sh/m 1j 206kb z
Cyberlip mvs.. 1990 ing ac/p 1j 3,08mb z
Darius Alpha tgfx. 1990 ing sh/m 1j 219kb z
Darius Plus tgfx. 1990 ing sh/m 1j 480kb z
Double Dragon 3 the sacred stones nes.. 1990 ing ac/p 2j 256kb -
Download tgfx. 1990 jap sh/m 1j 385kb z
Final Blaster tgfx. 1990 ing sh/m 1j 227kb z
Fire shark smd.. 1990 ing sh/m 1j 164kb Z
Ganryu mvs.. 1990 ing acc. 1j 18,4mb +
Ghost Busters smd.. 1990 ing ac/p 1j 368kb Z
Image Fight tgfx. 1990 ing sh/m 1j 255kb z
Insector X smd.. 1990 ing sh/m 1j 214kb Z
Legion pecp. 1990 ing sh/m 1j 1,9mb r
Magic sword cps1. 1990 ing ac/p 2j I
Magical Chase tgfx. 1990 ing sh/m 1j 289kb z
Magician lord mvs.. 1990 ing ac/p 2j 2,70mb z
Megaman 2 nes.. 1990 ing ac/p 1j 256kb -
Megatwins cps1. 1990 ing ac/p 2j I
Mercs cps1. 1990 ing sh/a 3j I
Ninja gaiden 2 nes.. 1990 ing ac/p 1j 256kb -
Override Mission Code Override tgfx. 1990 ing sh/m 1j 141kb z
Phelios smd.. 1990 ing sh/m 1j 263kb Z
Prehistorik isle in 1930 fba.. 1990 ing sh/m 2j 677kb z
Psycho Chaser tgfx. 1990 ing sh/m 1j 118kb z
R-Type Part-2 (Tai Sang Version) tgfx. 1990 ing sh/m 1j 148kb z
Shinobi I shadow dancer smd.. 1990 ing ac/p 1j 342kb Z
Snow bros fba.. 1990 ing pzzl 2j 2,79mb z
Super Star Soldier tgfx. 1990 ing sh/m 1j 277kb z
Target earth smd.. 1990 ing sh/m 1j 265kb Z
Thunder force 3 smd.. 1990 ing sh/m 1j 340kb Z
Thunder spirits snes. 1990 ing sh/m 1j 636kb z
Whip Rush 2222 AD smd.. 1990 ing sh/m 1j 211kb Z
Aero blasters smd.. 1991 ing sh/m 2j 314kb Z
Air zonk PC Denjin Punkic Cyborgs pecp. 1991 jap sh/m 1j 321kb z
Alien 3 smd.. 1991 ing ac/p 1j 312 kb Z
Alpha mision II mvs.. 1991 ing sh/m 2j 3,01mb z
Block block c.rem 1991 ing puzz 2j I
Burning force smd.. 1991 ing sh/m 1j 255mb z
Captain commando cps1. 1991 ing beat 4j I
Dead Moon tgfx. 1991 ing sh/m 1j 226kb z
Download II pecp. 1991 ing sh/m 1j 32,4mb r
Earth defense force snes. 1991 ing sh/m 1j 570kb z
Fatal fury mvs.. 1991 ing .Vs. 2j 3,9mb z
Final Soldier tgfx. 1991 jap sh/m 1j 257kb z
Ghost pilots mvs.. 1991 ing sh/m 2j 3,47mb z
Gohuls & ghost, super cps1. 1991 ing ac/p 1j I
Golden axe II smd.. 1991 ing ac/p 2j 337kb Z
Gynoug smd.. 1991 ing sh/m 1j 282kb z
Hellfire S pcep. 1991 ing sh/m 2j 7,46mb r
Joe & Mac caveman ninja snes. 1991 esp ac/p 2j 615kb z
Kings of the round cps1. 1991 ing beat 3j I
Legend of toki smd.. 1991 ing ac/p 1j 290kb Z
Marble madness smd.. 1991 ing pzzl 1j 240kb Z
Megaman 3 nes.. 1991 ing ac/p 1j 354kb -
Ninja gaiden 3 nes.. 1991 ing ac/p 1j 256kb -
Over Horizon nes.. 1991 ing sh/m 1j 257kb z
Pac-mania smd.. 1991 ing pzzl 1j 72,9kb Z
Power Gate tgfx. 1991 jap sh/m 1j 123kb z
R-Type snes. 1991 ing sh/m 1j 404kb z
R-Type Complete CD pecp. 1991 ing sh/m 1j 11mb r
Rayxanber II pecp. 1991 ing sh/m 1j 10,1mb r
Sinistron Violent Soldier tgfx. 1991 ing sh/m 1j 165kb z
Sonic the Hedgehog smd.. 1991 ing ac/p 1j 380kb Z
Speed ball 2 smd.. 1991 ing dep. 2j 252kb Z
spriggan pecp. 1991 ing sh/m 1j 6,84mb r
Street fighter II the world warrior c.rel 1991 ing .vs. 2j I
Streets of rage smd.. 1991 ing ac/p 2j 376kb Z
Sunset riders snes. 1991 esp ac/p 2j 754kb z
Task force harrier EX smd.. 1991 ing sh/m 1j 578kb Z
The king of dragons cps1. 1991 ing beat 3j I
Three wonders cps1. 1991 ing mult 2j I
Tumble pop fba.. 1991 ing pzzl 2j 1,66mb z
Turbo force fba.. 1991 ing sh/m 2j 2,12mb z
Undead line smd.. 1991 jap sh/m 1j 421kb Z
Vapor trail smd.. 1991 ing sh/m 1j 430kb Z
Ys III - Wanderers from Ys (e) snes. 1991 esp qest 1j 539kb z
Zero wing smd.. 1991 ing sh/m 1j 358kb Z
Acrobat mission snes. 1992 ing sh/m 1j 465kb z
Aero fighters fba.. 1992 ing sh/m 2j 1,98mb z
Aleste snes. 1992 ing sh/m 1j 571kb z
Alisia dragoon smd.. 1992 ing ac/p 1j 697kb Z
Andro dunos mvs.. 1992 ing sh/m 2j 1,66mb z
Atomic runner smd.. 1992 ing ac/p 1j 516kb Z
Battle mania smd.. 1992 ing sh/m 1j 300kb Z
Bio-Hazard Battle smd.. 1992 ing sh/m 1j 572kb z
Blazeon snes. 1992 ing sh/m 1j 501kb z
Bouken Danshaku Don The Lost Sunheart tgfx. 1992 jap sh/m 1j 286kb z
Chou Aniki pecp. 1992 jap sh/m 1j 6,25mb r
Chuck rock smd.. 1992 ing ac/p 1j 356kb z
Cotton - Fantastic Night Dream pecp. 1991 ing sh/m 1j 8,28mb r
Darius twin snes. 1992 ing sh/m 1j 503kb z
Dog gyuun fba.. 1992 ing sh/m 2j 2,75mb z
Dragon quest V snes. 1992 ing qest 1j 1,30mb z
Empire of steel smd.. 1992 ing sh/m 1j 462kb Z
Fantasy Star Soldier pecp. 1992 ing sh/m 1j 8,15mb r
Fatal fury 2 mvs.. 1992 ing .Vs. 2j 7,69mb z
Flying hero daibou ken snes. 1992 jap sh/m 1j 5,49mb z
Gate of Thunder pecp. 1992 ing sh/m 1j 7,15mb r
Gley Lancer smd.. 1992 ing sh/m 1j 767kb z
Image Fight II pecp. 1992 ing sh/m 1j 13,1mb r
Joe & Mac 2 lost in the tropics snes. 1992 ing ac/p 2j 722kb z
Kiaidan 00 pecp. 1992 jap sh/m 1j 24,3mb r
Last resrort mvs.. 1992 ing sh/m 2j 2,72mb z
Lords of Thunder tgfx. 1993 ing sh/m 1j 14,4mb r
Macross 2036 pecp. 1992 jap sh/m 1j 13,8mb r
Megaman 4 nes.. 1992 ing ac/p 1j 512kb -
Megaman 5 nes.. 1992 ing ac/p 1j 512kb -
Neo turf masters mvs.. 1992 ing dep. 2j 8,99mb +
New Adventure Island tgfx. 1992 jap ac/p 1j 321kb z
Ninja comando mvs.. 1992 ing ac/p 2j 3,13mb z
Ninja gaiden tgfx. 1992 jap ac/p 1j 329kb z
Phalanx snes. 1992 ing sh/m 1j 623kb z
Prince of Persia snes. 1992 esp ac/p 1j 585kb z
Psychic Storm pecp. 1992 jap sh/m 1j 20,3mb r
Rayxanber III pecp. 1992 ing sh/m 1j 5,21mb r
Risky woods smd.. 1992 ing ac/p 1j 446kb Z
Shadow Of The Beast pecp. 1992 ing ac/p 1j 57,2mb -
Shinobi II the revenge smd.. 1992 ing ac/p 1j 534kb Z
Sol-deace smd.. 1992 ing sh/m 1j 360kb Z
Soldier Blade tgfx. 1992 ing sh/m 1j 386kb z
Spriggan Mark II - Re Terraform Project pecp. 1992 jap sh/m 1j 24,3mb r
Star wars IV snes. 1992 ing ac/p 1j 854kb z
Street fighter II´ champion ed. c.rel 1992 ing .vs. 2j I
Street fighter II´ hyper fighting c.rel 1992 ing .vs. 2j I
Streets of rage 2 smd.. 1992 ing ac/p 2j 0,99mb Z
Strike Gunner snes. 1992 ing sh/m 1j kb
Summer Carnival '92 pecp. 1992 ing sh/m 1j 2,5mb r
Super dodgeball mvs.. 1992 ing dep. 2j 6,89mb +
Super sidekicks mvs.. 1992 esp dep. 2j 3,1mb z
Tatsujin tgfx. 1992 ing sh/m 1j 264kb z
Terra Cresta II - Mandrer no Gyakushuu tgfx. 1992 ing sh/m 1j 284kb z
Thunder force 4 smd.. 1992 ing sh/m 1j 715kb Z
Truxton 2 fba.. 1992 ing sh/m 2j 1,33mb z
Twinkle Tale smd.. 1992 ing sh/m 1j 526kb Z
Varth operacion thunderstorm cps1. 1992 ing sh/m 2j I
Viewpoint mvs.. 1992 ing sh/m 2j 3,85mb z
Aero fighters snes. 1993 esp sh/m 2j 565kb z
Aladdin smd.. 1993 ing ac/p 1j 1,13mb Z
Alcahest snes. 1993 ing qest 1j 817kb z
Arcus spirits snes. 1993 ing qest 2j 946kb z
Bahamut lagoon snes. 1993 ing qest 1j 2,03mb z
Batsugun fba.. 1993 ing sh/m 2j 2,29mb z
Battle mania 2 TS vintage smd.. 1993 ing sh/m 1j 691kb Z
Bio Metal snes. 1993 ing sh/m 1j kb z
Bomberman snes. 1993 ing pzzl 2j 297kb z
Bubble Bobble 2 nes.. 1993 ing ac/p 2j 256kb -
Cadillacs & dinosaurs cps1. 1993 ing beat 3j 3,92mb z
Castlevania Dracula X Rondo of Blood pecp. 1993 ing ac/p 1j 80mb -
Columns III revenge smd.. 1993 ing pzzl 2j 241kb Z
Cool spot smd.. 1993 ing ac/p 1j 626kb Z
Daffy duck the marvin missions snes. 1993 ing ac/p 1j 551kb z
Darius force snes. 1993 ing sh/m 1j 460kb z
Dragon Quest I & II snes. 1993 ing qest 1j 871kb z
Elemental master smd.. 1993 ing sh/m 1j 398kb Z
Eliminate down smd.. 1993 ing sh/m 1j 529kb Z
Fatal fury special mvs.. 1993 ing .Vs. 2j 11,1mb +
Final fight 2 snes. 1993 esp ac/p 2j 785mb z
Flashback the quest for identity smd.. 1993 ing ac/p 1j 962kb Z
Golden axe III smd.. 1993 ing ac/p 2j 686kb Z
Lufia & The fortress of doom snes. 1993 esp qest 1j 802kb z
Megaman 6 nes.. 1993 ing ac/p 1j 512kb -
Mega man X snes. 1993 esp ac/p 1j 919kb z
Metamor Jupiter pecp. 1993 ing sh/m 1j 12,6mb r
Nintendo world cup nes.. 1993 ing dep. 2j 256kb -
Paladin's quest snes. 1993 esp qest 1j 826kb z
Ranger-X smd.. 1993 ing sh/m 1j 575kb Z
Robo Aleste Smcd. 1993 ing sh/m 1j 59,5mb I
Samurai shodown I mvs.. 1993 ing .Vs. 2j 7,97mb z
Saturday night slam masters cps1. 1993 ing .vs. 2j 6,28mb z
Secret of mana snes. 1993 esp qest 1j 2,7mb z
SD Kidou Senshi Gundam 2 snes. 1993 jap sh/m 2j 597kb z
Shinobi III the return of ninja master smd.. 1993 ing ac/p 1j 626kb Z
Sonic 2 smd.. 1993 ing ac/p 2j 748 Z
Sonic cd Smcd. 1993 ing ac/p 1j 146mb I
Sonic spinball smd.. 1993 ing pzzl 4j 549kb z
Star Blade Smcd. 1993 ing sh/s 1j 347mb I
Star wars V return of the jedi snes. 1993 ing ac/p 1j 1,63mb z
Summer Carnival '93 pecp. 1993 ing sh/m 1j 9,5mb r
Super Air Zonk pecp. 1993 ing sh/m 1j 5,68mb r
Super Darius 2 pecp. 1993 ing sh/m 1j 20,8mb r
Super Robot Taisen Dai-3-Ji snes. 1993 ing qest 1j 1,19mb z
Super Robot Taisen Dai-4-Ji snes. 1993 ing qest 1j 2,17mb z
Syd Mead's Terra Forming pecp. 1993 jap sh/m 1j 2,31mb r
Sylphia pecp. 1993 ing sh/m 1j 16,3mb r
The punisher cps1. 1993 ing beat 2j 3,9mb z
Uchuu no kishi snes. 1993 jap sh/m 2j 624kb z
V-five fba.. 1993 ing sh/m 2j 1,06mb z
Ys IV - Mask of the Sun snes. 1993 ing qest 1j 1,02mb z
Aero fighters 2 mvs.. 1994 ing sh/m 2j 5,36mb z
Aliens versus Predator cps2. 1994 esp beat 2j 10,6mb +
Another world 1 & 2 Smcd. 1994 ing ac/p 1j 68,2mb I
Armored warriors cps2. 1994 esp beat 3j 15,7mb +
Battle squadron smd.. 1994 ing sh/m 2j 256kb z
Bomberman 2 snes. 1994 ing pzzl 2j 432kb z
Brain Lord snes. 1994 ing qest 1j 690kb z
Castlevania bloodlines smd.. 1994 ing ac/p 1j 695kb z
Cyberbots cps2. 1995 esp .vs. 2j 20,6mb +
Earthworm jim I smd.. 1994 ing ac/p 1j 1,85mb z
Earthworm jim II smd.. 1994 ing ac/p 1j 1,73mb z
Ecco fighters cps2. 1994 ing sh/m 2j I
Darkstalkers cps2. 1994 esp .vs. 2j 14,8mb +
Demon's crest snes. 1994 esp ac/p 1j 1,35mb z
Donkey Kong Country snes. 1994 ing ac/p 2j 4mb -
Dungeons & dragons Tower of Doom cps2. 1994 esp beat 4j 11,7mb +
Fire striker snes. 1994 ing pzzl 2j 416kb z
Hagane snes. 1994 ing ac/p 1j 1,15mb z
Mazinger z cave. 1994 ing sh/m 2j 2,77mb +
Mega man X 2 snes. 1994 esp ac/p 1j 985kb z
Puzzle bobble mvs.. 1994 ing pzz. 2j 1,33mb z
R-type 3 snes. 1994 ing sh/m 1j 945kb z
Robotrek snes. 1994 esp qest 1j 1,11mb z
Samurai shodown II mvs.. 1994 ing .Vs. 2j 13,8mb +
Slayers snes. 1994 esp qest 1j 1,17mb z
Snow bros 2 fba.. 1994 jap pzzl 4j 1,72mb z
Sonic 3 & knuckles smd.. 1994 ing ac/p 2j 2,43mb Z
Star wars VI the empire strikes back snes. 1994 ing ac/p 1j 1,22mb z
Street hoop mvs.. 1994 ing dep. 2j 4,5mb z
Super mario all-stars+ super mario world snes. 1994 ing ac/p 1j 1,28mb z
The king of fighters 94 mvs.. 1994 esp .Vs. 2j 12,1mb +
The lion king smd.. 1994 ing ac/p 1j 1,53mb z
Top hunter mvs.. 1994 ing ac/p 2j 6,64mb z
Windjammers mvs.. 1994 ing dep. 2j 3,89mb z
Zed blade mvs.. 1994 ing sh/m 2j 4,91mb z
19XX cps2. 1995 ing sh/m 2j 8,07mb +
Aero fighters 3 mvs.. 1995 ing sh/m 2j 8,9mb +
Biomechanical toy fba.. 1995 ing sh/a 2j 2,77mb z
Bomberman 3 snes. 1995 ing pzzl 2j 826kb z
Breath of fire II snes. 1995 esp qest 1j 1,65mb z
Caravan shooting collection snes. 1995 ing sh/m 1j 259kb z
Chrono trigger snes. 1995 esp qest 1j 2,93kb z
Donkey kong country 2 diddy's kong quest snes. 1995 ing ac/p 2j 4mb -
Donpachi cave. 1995 ing sh/m 2j 5,03mb +
Dragon quest VI snes. 1995 ing qest 1j 2,53mb z
Fatal fury 3 mvs.. 1995 ing .Vs. 2j 18,6mb +
Fatal fury real bout 1 mvs.. 1995 ing .Vs. 2j 23,3mb +
Final fantasy III snes. 1995 esp qest 1j 2,15mb z
Final fight 3 snes. 1995 esp ac/p 2j 1,75mb z
Ginga fukkkei Dentsu sapphire pce.. 1995 jap sh/m 1j 57mb p
Hyper pacman fba.. 1995 ing pzzl 2j 434kb z
Illusion of time snes. 1995 esp qest 1j 1,57mb z
King Arthur & The Knights of Justice snes. 1995 ing qest 1j 1,91mb z
Magic knight rayearth snes. 1995 esp qest 1j 818kb z
Marvel super heroes cps2. 1995 esp .vs. 2j 19,1mb +
Mega man 7 snes. 1995 ing ac/p 1j 1,33mb z
Mega man X 3 snes. 1995 esp ac/p 1j 1,23mb z
Mortal Kombat 3 psx.. 1995 .Vs. j mb e
Ninja gaiden trilogy snes. 1995 ing ac/p 1j 831kb z
Pang! 3 cps1. 1995 ing puzz 2j 1,49mb z
Pulstar mvs.. 1995 ing sh/m 2j 17,8mb +
Raiden project psx.. 1995 sh/m j mb e
Romancing Saga 3 snes. 1995 ing qest 1j 2,47mb z
Samurai shodown III mvs.. 1995 ing .Vs. 2j 16,7mb +
Secret of evermore snes. 1995 ing qest 1j 2,25mb z
Secret of mana 2 snes. 1995 esp qest 1j 1,28mb z
Secret of the stars snes. 1995 esp qest 1j 621kb z
Shippu mahou fba.. 1995 jap sh/m 2j 2,49mb z
Soul Edge psx.. 1995 .Vs. j mb e
Stahlfeder psx.. 1995 sh/m j mb e
Steam Hearts pecp. 1995 jap sh/m 1j 34,2mb r
Street Fighter Alpha warriors´ dream cps2. 1995 esp .vs. 2j 7,2mb +
Streets of rage 3 smd.. 1995 ing ac/p 2j 1,61mb Z
Super maro world 2 Yoshi's Island snes. 1995 ing ac/p 1j 1,22mb z
Tekken psx.. 1995 .Vs. j mb e
The king of fighters 95 mvs.. 1995 esp .Vs. 2j 15,4mb +
Toy story snes. 1995 ing ac/p 1j 2,82kb z
Two-Tenkaku psx.. 1995 sh/m j mb e
Wipeout psx.. 1995 cars j mb e
X men children of atom cps2. 1995 esp .vs. 2j 19,9mb +
Air gallet cave. 1996 ing sh/m 2j 7,01mb +
Airgrave psx.. 1996 sh/m j mb e
Bomberman 4 snes. 1996 ing pzzl 2j 897kb z
Bubble Bobble featuring rainbow islands psx.. 1996 pzzl j mb e
Crash bandicoot psx.. 1996 advn j mb e
Dark half snes. 1996 ing qest 1j 1,93kb z
Dezaemon Plus psx.. 1996 sh/m j mb e
Donkey kong country 3 snes. 1996 ing ac/p 2j 4mb -
Dragon Quest III - Soshite Densetsu he snes. 1996 ing qest 1j 2,33mb z
Far east of eden mvs.. 1996 ing .Vs. 2j 11,07mb+
Fatal fury real bout Special mvs.. 1996 ing .Vs. 2j 24mb +
Gaiaseed psx.. 1996 sh/m j mb e
Hot dog storm cave. 1996 ing sh/m 2j 1,43mb +
Kirby super star snes. 1996 ing ac/p 1j 2,70mb z
Lufia II Rise of the Sinistrals snes. 1996 esp qest 1j 2,11mb z
Megaman X3 psx.. 1996 ac/p j mb e
Metalslug mvs.. 1996 esp ac/p 2j 12,6mb z
Mortal Kombat 2 psx.. 1996 .Vs. j mb e
Mortal kombat trilogy psx.. 1996 .Vs. j mb e
Neo drift out mvs.. 1996 ing cars 2j 8,25mb z
Ninja master mvs.. 1996 ing .Vs. 2j 17,5mb +
Philosoma psx.. 1996 sh/m j mb e
Popolocrois psx.. 1996 rpgs j mb e
Realm snes. 1996 ing ac/p 1j 518kb z
Rudra no hihou snes. 1996 esp qest 1j 2,14mb z
Samurai shodown IV mvs.. 1996 ing .Vs. 2j 21,6mb +
SD Gundam Over Galaxian psx.. 1996 sh/m j mb e
Spriggan powered snes. 1996 ing sh/m 1j 615kb z
Star ocean snes. 1996 ing qest 1j 5,07mb z
Street Fighter zero 2 cps2. 1996 esp .vs. 2j 15,2mb +
Super mario RPG snes. 1996 esp qest 1j 2,56mb z
Tekken 2 psx.. 1996 .Vs. j mb e
Terranigma snes. 1996 esp qest 1j 2,91mb z
The king of fighters 96 mvs.. 1996 esp .Vs. 2j 22,5mb +
Treasure Hunter G snes. 1996 ing qest 1j 2,13mb z
Waku waku VII mvs.. 1996 esp .Vs. 2j 13,2mb +
Wipeout XL psx.. 1996 cars j mb e
X men Vs. street fighter cps2. 1996 esp .vs. 2j 26,4mb +
X2 no relief psx.. 1996 sh/m j mb e
Alundra psx.. 1997 rpgs j mb e
Arkanoid snes. 1997 ing pzzl 1j 228kb z
Battle circuit cps2. 1997 esp beat 3j
Bomberman 5 snes. 1997 ing pzzl 2j 1,12mb z
Buster bros collection psx.. 1997 pzzl j mb e
Castlevania sinfonia nocturna psx.. 1997 ac/p j mb e
Crash bandicoot 2 psx.. 1997 advn j mb e
Dodonpachi cave. 1997 ing sh/m 2j 7,75mb +
Dungeons & dragons shadow over mystara cps2. 1997 ing beat 4j 17,2mb +
Final fantasy IV psx.. 1997 rpgs j mb e
Final fantasy VII psx.. 1997 rpgs j mb e
Gundam 0079: The War For Earth psx.. 1997 mech j mb e
Gundam The Battle Master psx.. 1997 mech j mb e
Last blade mvs.. 1997 ing .Vs. 2j 25,3mb +
Macross Digital Mission VF-X psx.. 1997 mech j mb e
Marvel super heroes vs. Street fighter cps2. 1997 esp .vs. 2j 22mb +
Megaman 8 psx.. 1997 ac/p j mb e
Megaman X4 psx.. 1997 ac/p j mb e
Meta-Ph-List-Gamma X 2097 psx.. 1997 sh/m j mb e
Oddworld Abe´s oddysee psx.. 1997 ac/p j mb e
Resident evil DIRECT´S CUT psx.. 1997 surv j mb e
Shoock troopers mvs.. 1997 ing ac/p 2j 18,7mb +
Soukyuu Gurentai-Oubushutsugeki psx.. 1997 sh/m j mb e
Street Fighter EXa psx.. 1997 .Vs. j mb e
Super gem fighter mini mix cps2. 1997 ing .vs. 2j 16mb +
The king of fighters 97 mvs.. 1997 esp .Vs. 2j 27,4mb +
Tomb Raider II psx.. 1997 advn j mb e
Vampire savior the lord of vampire cps2. 1997 esp .vs. 2j 22,9mb +
Wild arms psx.. 1997 rpgs j mb e
Xevious 3D-G+ psx.. 1997 sh/m j mb e
Blazing star mvs.. 1998 ing sh/m 2j 20,5mb +
Breath of fire III psx.. 1998 rpgs j mb e
C the contra adventure psx.. 1998 ac/p j mb e
Crash bandicoot 3 psx.. 1998 advn j mb e
Dangun feveron cave. 1998 ing sh/m 2j 6,99mb +
Darius g psx.. 1998 sh/m j mb e
Darkstalkers 3 psx.. 1998 .Vs. j mb e
Dead or Alive psx.. 1998 .Vs. j mb e
Einhander psx.. 1998 sh/m j mb e
Esp Ra. De. cave. 1998 ing sh/m 2j 14,2mb +
Fatal fury real bout 2 mvs.. 1998 ing .Vs. 2j 29,4mb +
Final fantasy V psx.. 1998 rpgs j mb e
Gran turismo psx.. 1998 cars j mb e
Granstream Saga psx.. 1998 rpgs j mb e
Gundam Char's Counterattack psx.. 1998 mech j mb e
Heart of darkness psx.. 1998 ac/p j mb e
Jade cocoon psx.. 1998 rpgs j mb e
Last blade 2 mvs.. 1998 ing .Vs. 2j 31,2mb +
Marvel Vs. capcom the clash of super hero cps2. 1998 esp .vs. 2j 21,6mb +
Medievil psx.. 1998 surv j mb e
Metal gear solid psx.. 1998 advn j mb e
Metalslug 2 mvs.. 1998 ac/p 2j 16,9mb +
Mortal Kombat 4 psx.. 1998 .Vs. j mb e
Oddworld Abe´s exodus psx.. 1998 ac/p j mb e
Parasite eve psx.. 1998 surv j mb e
Resident evil 2 psx.. 1998 surv j mb e
Rival Schools psx.. 1998 .Vs. j mb e
Shoock troopers 2 mvs.. 1998 ing ac/p 2j 27,4mb +
Spyro the dragon psx.. 1998 advn j mb e
Slammasters 2 ring of destruction cps2. 1998 esp .vs. 2j 12,6mb +
Street Fighter Alpha 3 cps2. 1998 ing .vs. 2j 23,4mb +
Tales of phantasia psx.. 1998 rpgs j mb e
Tekken 3 psx.. 1998 .Vs. j mb e
Tenchu stealth assassins psx.. 1998 advn j mb e
The king of fighters 98 mvs.. 1998 esp .Vs. 2j 38,6mb +
Thunder force V perfect system psx.. 1998 sh/m j mb e
Tomb raider III psx.. 1998 advn j mb e
Xenogears psx.. 1998 rpgs j mb e
70's RobotAnime-Geppy-X psx.. 1999 sh/m j mb e
Arkanoid R 2000 psx.. 1999 pzzl j mb e
Chrono cross psx.. 1999 rpgs j mb e
Chrono trigger psx.. 1999 rpgs j mb e
Crash Team Racing psx.. 1999 cars j mb e
Driver psx.. 1999 cars j mb e
Garou mark of the wolves mvs.. 1999 ing .Vs. 2j 77,2mb +
Giga wing cps2. 1999 ing sh/m 2j 12,6mb +
Gran turismo 2 psx.. 1999 cars j mb e
Guwange cave. 1999 jap sh/m 2j 17,8mb +
Fatal Fury Wild Ambition psx.. 1999 .Vs. j mb e
Final fantasy VI psx.. 1999 rpgs j mb e
Final fantasy VIII psx.. 1999 rpgs j mb e
Legend of legalia psx.. 1999 rpgs j mb e
Lunar silver star story psx.. 1999 rpgs j mb e
Macross Dyrl psx.. 1999 sh/m j mb e
Macross VF-X 2 psx.. 1999 mech j mb e
Omega boost psx.. 1999 sh/m j mb e
Pong psx.. 1999 pzzl j mb e
Prehistoric isle 2 mvs.. 1999 ing sh/m 2j 52,1mb +
Puzzle bobble 2 mvs.. 1999 ing pzz. 2j 8,22mb +
R-Type delta psx.. 1999 sh/m j mb e
Radikal bikers psx.. 1999 cars j mb e
Re-Volt psx.. 1999 cars j mb e
Resident evilL 3 psx.. 1999 surv j mb e
Retro force psx.. 1999 sh/m j mb e
Silent hill psx.. 1999 surv j mb e
Spyro 2 Ripto's Rage! psx.. 1999 advn j mb e
The king of fighters 99 mvs.. 1999 esp .Vs. 2j 75,3mb +
Tomb Raider IV psx.. 1999 advn j mb e
Tony hawk's pro skater psx.. 1999 dpts j mb e
Worms armageddon psx.. 1999 tact j mb e
1944 cps2. 2000 ing sh/m 2j 15mb +
1945 k III fba.. 2000 ing sh/m 2j 2,61mb z
Alundra 2 psx.. 2000 rpgs j mb e
Capcom vs. SNK psx.. 2000 .Vs. j mb e
Crash bash psx.. 2000 pzzl j mb e
Breath of fire IV psx.. 2000 rpgs j mb e
Dimahoo cps2. 2000 ing sh/m 2j 15mb +
Driver 2 psx.. 2000 cars j mb e
Final fantasy IX psx.. 2000 rpgs j mb e
Galaga destination earth psx.. 2000 sh/m j mb e
Grandia psx.. 2000 rpgs j mb e
Gundam battle assault psx.. 2000 mech j mb e
Legend of dragoon psx.. 2000 rpgs j mb e
Legend of mana psx.. 2000 rpgs j mb e
Lunar 2 eternal blue psx.. 2000 rpgs j mb e
Macross Plus Game Edition psx.. 2000 mech j mb e
Mars matrix hyper solid shooting cps2. 2000 ing sh/m 2j 18,2mb +
Metalslug 3 mvs.. 2000 ac/p 2j +
Nightmare in the dark mvs.. 2000 ing pzz. 2j 17mb +
Pang! mighty cps2. 2000 jap puzl 2j 5,49mb +
Parasite eve II psx.. 2000 surv j mb e
RayStorm RayCrisis psx.. 2000 sh/m j mb e
Snow bros 3 fba.. 2000 ing pzzl 4j 1,99mb z
Soul reaver legacy of cain psx.. 2000 surv j mb e
Spyro 3 Year of the Dragon psx.. 2000 advn j mb e
Tenchu 2 birth of stealth assassins psx.. 2000 advn j mb e
The king of fighters 2000 mvs.. 2000 esp .Vs. 2j 78 mb +
Tomb Raider V psx.. 2000 advn j mb e
Tony hawk's pro skater 2 psx.. 2000 dpts j mb e
Wipeout 3 Special Edition psx.. 2000 cars j mb e
Bomberman tournament gba.. 2001 esp pzzl 2j 2,36mb z
Breath of fire gba.. 2001 esp qest 1j 1,72mb z
Castlevania chronicles psx.. 2001 ac/p j mb e
Castlevania harmony of dissonance gba.. 2001 ing ac/p 1j 4,93mb z
Darius R gba.. 2001 ing sh/m 1j 1,21mb z
Darkstone evil reigns psx.. 2001 rpgs j mb e
Golden sun 1 gba.. 2001 esp qest 1j 6,85mb z
Gradius advance gba.. 2001 ing sh/m 1j 1,95mb z
Hoshigami running blue earth psx.. 2001 rpgs j mb e
Mario kart super circuit gba.. 2001 ing cars 2j 2,07mb z
Megaman X5 psx.. 2001 ac/p j mb e
Megaman X6 psx.. 2001 ac/p j mb e
Metalslug X mvs.. 2001 ac/p 2j +
Pacman collection gba.. 2001 ing pzll 1j 2,60mb z
Phalanx gba.. 2001 esp sh/m 1j 2,09mb z
Progear cps2. 2001 ing sh/m 2j 13,1mb +
Rival Schools 2 psx.. 2001 .Vs. j mb e
Robotech the macross saga gba.. 2001 esp sh/m 1j 1,91mb z
Sengoku III mvs.. 2001 ing acc. 2j 42,7mb +
Street Fighter EX2 Plus psx.. 2001 .Vs. j mb e
Super Dropzone - Intergalactic gba.. 2001 sh/m j
Super Mario bros 2 - Advance 1 gba.. 2001 ing ac/p 1j 2,06mb z
Supèr robot wars alpha gaiden psx.. 2001 tact j mb e
Tetris worlds gba.. 2001 esp pzzl 1j 1,68mb z
The king of fighters 2001 mvs.. 2001 esp .Vs. 2j 76,1mb +
Tony hawk's pro skater 3 psx.. 2001 dpts j mb e
Worms world party psx.. 2001 tact j mb e
Zanac x zanac psx.. 2001 sh/m j mb e
Zupapa mvs.. 2001 ing dep. 2j 17,3mb +
Altered beast gba.. 2002 esp ac/p 1j 4,8mb z
Bomberman max 2 gba.. 2002 ing pzzl 2j 5,31mb z
Castlevania aria of sorrow gba.. 2002 ing ac/p 1j 4,19mb z
Dragon ball Z the legacy of goku gba.. 2002 esp qest 1j 4,63mb z
Final fantasy psx.. 2002 rpgs j mb e
Final fantasy II psx.. 2002 rpgs j mb e
Gatchaman Shoot psx.. 2002 sh/m j mb e
Gundam battle assault 2 psx.. 2002 mech j mb e
Invader gba.. 2002 ing sh/m j
Lord of the Rings I gba.. 2002 esp qest 1j 5,69mb z
Lord of the Rings II gba.. 2002 esp qest 1j 12mb z
Lufia the ruins of lore gba.. 2002
Lunar legend gba.. 2002 ing qest 1j 6,27mb z
Megaman & bass gba.. 2002 ing ac/p 1j 4,60mb z
Megaman zero gba.. 2002 ing ac/p 1j 3,52mb z
Metalslug 4 mvs.. 2002 ac/p 2j +
Metroid fusion gba.. 2002 esp ac/p 1j 4,49mb z
Metroid zero mision gba.. 2002 esp ac/p 1j 5,05mb z
Monster force gba.. 2002 esp qest 2j 2,76mb z
Night raid psx.. 2002 sh/m j mb e
Rage of the dragons mvs.. 2002 ing .Vs. 2j 73mb +
Shining soul gba.. 2002 esp qest 2j 5,33mb z
Space invaders advance gba.. 2002 ing sh/m 2j 5,21mb z
Super Mario World - Advance 2 gba.. 2002 esp ac/p 1j 2,28mb z
Super Mario Yoshi's Island - Advance 3 gba.. 2002 esp ac/p 1j 1,52mb z
The king of fighters 2002 magic plus mvs.. 2002 esp .Vs. 2j 81,9mb +
Tony hawk's pro skater 4 psx.. 2002 dpts j mb e
Worms blast gba.. 2002 esp pzzl 2j 1,48mb z
Baldur's gate dark alliance gba.. 2003 esp qest 1j 5,43mb z
Bubble bobble old & new gba.. 2003 ing pzzl 2j 1,33mb z
Castlevania circle of the moon gba.. 2003 ing ac/p 1j 3,78mb z
Crash nitro kart gba.. 2003 esp cars 2j 3,98mb z
Dragon Ball Z the legacy of goku II gba.. 2003 esp qest 1j 5,92mb z
El hobbit gba.. 2003 esp qest 1j 4,62mb z
Final fantasy tactics advance gba.. 2003 esp qest 1j 6,99mb z
Golden sun 2 la edad perdida gba.. 2003 esp qest 1j 12,4mb z
Iridion II gba.. 2003 ing sh/m j
Kirby nightmare in dream land gba.. 2003 esp ac/p 1j 7,28mb z
Lord of the Rings III gba.. 2003 esp qest 1j 12,6mb z
Mario & luigi superstar saga gba.. 2003 esp qest 1j 6,62mb z
Megaman zero 2 gba.. 2003 ing ac/p 1j 4,22mb z
Metalslug 5 mvs.. 2003 ac/p 2j +
Mobile Light Force psx.. 2003 sh/m j mb e
Oddworld munch's oddysee gba.. 2003 ing qest 1j 5,33mb z
Samurai shodown V uncensored mvs.. 2003 ing .Vs. 2j 79,3mb +
Shining soul II gba.. 2003 ing qest 2j 8mb z
Sol divide psx.. 2003 sh/m j mb e
Super Mario Bros 3 - Advance 4 gba.. 2003 esp ac/p 1j 2,62mb z
Svc chaos snk vs capcom superplus mvs.. 2003 esp .Vs. 2j 41,3mb +
Tales of phantasia (e) gba.. 2003 esp qest 1j 6,68mb z
The king of fighters 2003 mvs.. 2003 esp .Vs. 2j 80,4mb +
The legend of zelda a link to the past gba.. 2003 esp qest 1j 3,77mb z
The lost vikings gba.. 2003 esp pzzl 1j 2,25mb z
Boktai the sun is in your hand gba.. 2004 esp qest 1j 8,20mb z
Dragon ball Z buu's fury gba.. 2004 ing qest 1j 5,85mb z
Final fantasy I & II dawn of souls gba.. 2004 esp qest 1j 10,5mb z
Fire emblem las piedras sagradas gba.. 2004 esp qest 1j 13,2mb z
Kirby & the amazing mirror gba.. 2004 esp ac/p 1j 6,80mb z
Lord of the Rings la tercera edad gba.. 2004 esp qest 1j 13,9mb z
Mario vs. donkey kong gba.. 2004 esp pzzl 1j 6,55mb z
Megaman zero 3 gba.. 2004 ing ac/p 1j 4,63mb z
R-type III gba 2004 z
Shining force resurrection of dark dragon gba.. 2004 esp qest 1j 6,18mb z
Street Fighter II hyper edition aniversary cps2. 2004 ing .vs. 2j 20,3mb +
Sword of mana gba.. 2004 esp qest 1j 8,29mb z
The legend of zelda the minish cap gba.. 2004 esp qest 1j 7,64mb z
Boktai 2 solar boy django gba.. 2005 esp qest 1j 7,64mb z
Juka and the monophonic menace gba.. 2005 esp qest 1j 5,89mb z
Kingdom hearts chain of memories gba.. 2005 esp qest 1j 16,5mb z
Mario party advance gba.. 2005 esp pzzl 2j 6,55mb z
Megaman zero 4 gba.. 2005 ing ac/p 1j 9,82mb z
Robots gba.. 2005 esp qest 1j 12,8mb z
Shaman king legacy sprinting wolf gba.. 2005 esp qest 1j 7,17mb z
Codename blut engel mvs.. 2006 ing sh/m 1j -
Danny phantom urban jungle gba.. 2006 ing sh/m 1j 2,36mb z
Final fantasy IV gba.. 2006 esp qest 1j 5,01mb z
Scurge hive gba.. 2006 esp qest 1j 5,83mb z
Summon night 1 gba.. 2006 ing qest 1j 5,09mb z
Summon night 2 swordcraft story gba.. 2006 ing qest 1j 10,1mb z
Yu yu hakusho ghostfiles gba.. 2006 esp qest 1j 3,88mb z
Final fantasy V gba.. 2007 esp qest 1j 5,35mb z
Final fantasy VI gba.. 2007 esp qest 1j 5,67mb z
serán más o menos así,

lo único que el rol para mí en psp queda descartado, soy demasiado fan de las sagas de bioware, baldur´s y comañia hasta dragon age (el único que todavía no he comprado)