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Version actual: uLaunchelf 4.12
MUESTRA ICONOS DE LOS .PSU (a modo del explorador propio de ps2)!!LaunchELF v4.12 (2007.02.16)
-Fixed an issue with the makefile that messed up the network functionality in LaunchELF after exiting from another PS2 application.
-Updated to latest SMS TCPIP driver.
-Removed the prior SMS network modules, and then changed the makefile so EEUG's network modules(SMSUTILS, SMSTCPIP, and SMSMAP) now require the compiled sources from SMS to build uLE.
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[uLaunchELF 4.12
Descargar drivers usbd.irx antiguos (4 ficheros, cambios en la compatibilidad con pendrive, si tu pendrive no funciona, prueba con estos!):
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En el archivo van el codigo fuente(carpeta), el elf sin comprimir(BOOT.ELF) y el elf comprimido(BOOTc.ELF).
Abro el hilo para que os vaiais enternado de las nuevas actualizaciones y para no tener que abrir uno nuevo cada vez qu se actualice.
Funciones del programa:
-Editor de textos - NUEVO!
-Gestor de particiones (tambien hdloader)NUEVO!
-SKIN Personalizable y titulos de menu personalizables - NUEVO!
-Soporte para teclado usb NUEVO!
-soporte para hdd en pstwo - NUEVO!
-Lanzador de elfs con TIMER(como el keylauncher vamos)
-Explorador de archivos en: MC0(memory card de la ranura 1,MC1(memory card de la ranura 2),HDD0(disco duro),MASS(pendrive),CDFS(cd/dvd),HOST(servidor remoto, luego lo explico mejor)
- Servidor FTP integrado (como exectftps)
-Funciones de HOST como por ejemplo con PS2link para transferir archivos del pc a la ps2 por red o lanzar elfs que estén en el pc.
- Posibilidad de crear un IPCONFIG.DAT desde la PS2
- Acceso muy rapido al disco duro, mucho mas que con keylaunhcer o ps2os
De momento no recuerdo nada mas, asi que creo que eso es todo lo que nos aporta(que no es poco para ser 200 kb en la mc)ULaunchelf 4.12 README escribió:Unofficial LaunchELF releases by EP + dlanor + various contributors
LaunchELF v4.12 (2007.02.16)
-Fixed an issue with the makefile that messed up the network functionality in LaunchELF after exiting from another PS2 application.
-Updated to latest SMS TCPIP driver.
-Removed the prior SMS network modules, and then changed the makefile so EEUG's network modules(SMSUTILS, SMSTCPIP, and SMSMAP) now require the compiled sources from SMS to build uLE.
LaunchELF v4.11 (2007.02.02)
-Fixed a bad bug that smashed the storage path for content of copied folders. Instead of being stored inside the proper folder the files were stored beside that folder, with the folder name attached as a prefix to the proper filename. This was due to a single faulty string reference in "filer.c", which has now been fixed.
LaunchELF v4.10 (2007.02.02)
-Modified a file of the latest iomanx source in PS2SDK, which eliminated all problems we've had with recent versions of the iomanx.irx module
-Modified use of LNG definitions, to avoid using translated strings as gamepad button names in tooltips (mainly for the 'Select' button). Please report if I missed any !
-Fixed a bug in copying files with names longer than 32 characters to MC, which caused creation of both a folder and a file with truncated name. The new code will truncate the names to be used on MC before being applied to any MC functions. If a filename to be truncated contains any period ('.') characters, then all truncation will be done in front of the last of these, so as to preserve the final file extension. But if the extension itself is too long (meaning it's not really an extension), then truncation will be made from the end of the full name. Note that if you attempt to copy many files with long names to MC, this truncation may make all those names identical, if they differ only in some final characters, and the end result will be that only the last file copied remains on MC. To avoid such problems, try to make sure that files for MC have valid name length. A generic object name length limit is now applied to other devices too (all file systems have some limitation), but that limit is currently set to 256 characters.
LaunchELF v4.09 (2007.01.27)
-Updated to use the current ps2sdk changes added by jbit.
-Cleaned up the external source package and updated some of the ps2sdk source files.
LaunchELF v4.08e Beta (2007.01.27)
-Upgraded to a newer version of EEUG's networking module "SMSTCPIP.irx". This upgrade should eliminate some data corruption seen with the previous beta
-Added a new LNG definition, LNG(KB_RETURN), to be used only to designate such keyboard keys (virtual or physical), as it seems that some languages need this term separate from other uses of similar words. The english version of this term in "lang.h" is just "RETURN"
-Fixed a bug in generating SJIS-encoded title strings for "icon.sys" files created by the new browser command "New Icon". Note that this bug was not inside the source of uLE, but in the source for a string function of PS2SDK, so if you want to compile this correctly you'll need a very recent update from the SVN repository for PS2SDK
LaunchELF v4.08d Beta (2007.01.07)
-Added some newer network drivers from SMS by EEUG, raising host: speed to 1450 KByte/s
-Removed usbhdfsd both from the modules folder and from the 'Changed source...' folder, as the standard PS2DEV version now has adopted all our modifications for it (SVN 1366)
-Added makeicon.c to the uLE source. This is heavily based on example programs and advice contributed by 'ubergeek42' and 'ffgriever' at 'ps2-scene.org'. It allows the FileBrowser to add PS2-style icon sets to existing folders through a new command in the 'R1' menu. You can fine adjust text positioning in these icons by including some control characters into the icon text string, though at present this requires a USB keyboard. As yet these text entry dialogs use the same old routine we use for filename entry etc, but this will be improved in some later version, to gain the same abilities for gamepad as for a USB keyboard.
The control characters for icon texts are:
HT == Ctrl_I => Step past half a character width (to center text horizontally)
VT == Ctrl_K => Start new row half a character height down (to center text vertically)
CR == Ctrl_M => Start new row a full character height down (normal multi-row text)
Rows will also be automatically 'broken' once every 8 chars, and characters that would pass beyond the bottom right corner will be ignored. If the current path already contains an icon.sys and/or icon.icn file, you will be asked if you want to overwrite or not.
NB: Do NOT overwrite in your B?DATA-SYSTEM folder, as that will result in an invalid system save, and an exploit user will then lose the ability to boot properly !!!
-All features added in earlier v4.08 betas are also included in this release
LaunchELF v4.08c Beta (2007.01.03)
-Modified Host interface to adapt to some changes in 'ps2client_for_uLE_rev3'.
-One such change now allows browser display of file sizes and modification times for 'host:', except for an 'elflist' root, since that is just a pseudo-device
-There's also an improved method for testing object types. This was made possible by the elimination of an old bug from ps2client (cured by others at ps2dev.org), so that uLE no longer has to trial-open every single object like we had to do in earlier versions
-All beta features from the last beta version are also included, unchanged
LaunchELF v4.08b Beta (2006.12.19)
-Changed networking to use IRX modules by EEUG, for 40% speed increase of host:
-Changed browser to use dynamic spacing to allow more characters to be displayed for long file and folder names. Filenames can now be displayed with 49 characters in 'details' mode and with 81 characters in 'filename only' mode. Filenames longer than that are shown with 80 correct characters and a final '~' character to indicate the abbreviation. Folder names are treated the same way, except with one character less, to ensure that the final '/' character will be visible, even for an abbreviated name
-Changed browser of JpgViewer to use dynamic spacing in list mode, as described above
-Changed browser of JpgViewer to only use L2 for switching transition effects
-Changed browser of JpgViewer such that R2 opens the PathPad popup for path selection
NB: Some info shown in the JpgViewer help screen is now incorrect for browser, though it remains correct while viewing a picture/slideshow, as R2 retains its old meaning in this mode. IMO this is not a bug, since that help screen can only be seen in picture viewing mode, which also has different tooltips from browsing mode
LaunchELF v4.08 (2006.12.07)
-Modified use of BrowserModePopup, to make it usable also for config browsing.
-Fixed a bug in font loading of ELISA100.FNT
-Fixed a bug that could crash if "Debug Info" screen was used with latest LNG files
LaunchELF v4.07 (2006.11.30)
-Modified MC attribute handling to ensure compatibility of PS1 gamesaves
-Improved HddManager unmounting, to prevent failure of some partition commands
-Added new "Debug Info" popup to the "MISC" pseudodrive (its use may vary in future)
-Extended FileBrowser from 2 display modes to 3
-Extended FileBrowser from 2 sort modes to 4
-Added 8 new character definitions to "font_uLE.c", for use as 4 double-width characters, representing the 4 D-Pad buttons
-Added a new popup menu to FileBrowser, to control the new display and sort modes. The new popup is opened by the button L1, as it obsoletes the old Title ON/OFF functionality
-Added new LNG definitions to cover all new features
-Modified initialization of uLE to improve compatibility with SwapMagic ELF launching. These changes allow uLE to find its CNF in the same folder as the ELF when launched on mass: by SwapMagic, despite the incorrect path passed in argv[0] ("mass0:\SWAPMAGIC\"). Note that this is NOT the same modification used in earlier betas, which caused other bugs. This method does not involve IOP reset, and should therefore be bug-free. That has been verified both for exploit booting and the 'back to browser' feature of SMS, which were both bugged by the old method.
-Shortened the LNG(Modes) lang.h definition of earlier betas to LNG(Mode)
-Extended HddManager size limit for logical partitions to 128 GB
-Corrected a bug in HddManager sizeSelector tooltips (missed using an LNG definition)
-Modified HddManager sizeSelector to use L2/R2 to step partition size -/+ 10 GB
-Modified tooltips for HddManager sizeSelector to include new features
LaunchELF v4.06 (2006.10.13)
ps2ftpd new additions and changes: Included ps2ftpd.irx and source changes.
-Changed partition filter and removed the codebreaker partition from the hdd partition listing.
-Fixed a future year attribute issue with dlanor's fix.
ps2sdk changes:
-Changed tcpip to use the older working version of lwip(revision 1158).
-Changed to an older working version of iomanX(revision 1332).
outside source file additions and changes:
LaunchELF v4.05 (2006.10.05)
-Modified USB mass: driver to reduce delays in browsing large directories
-Fixed USB mass: driver to permit file/folder names beginning with a period ('.')
-Bugfixed USB mass: driver to eliminate a memory leak at disconnection/hotswap, which was responsible for occasional freezing after hotswaps
LaunchELF v4.04 (2006.09.23)
-Reverted one of my changes in usbhdfsd, because it seems to have broken dir caching. Unfortunately this means that we're back to the original super-slow dir reading, where time delay increases proportional to the square of the object count. So this version is very slow for large directories, but at least they work right...
LaunchELF v4.03 (2006.09.23)
-Fixed a bug that would freeze bootup if loading a font from HDD
-Fixed a bug that could corrupt HDD, mainly observed when making PSU backups. This was due to some problem with changing timestamps via fileXioChStat. (HDD driver bugs ?) That timestamping code has now been removed, which is no loss, as it never worked right. Note also that timestamps are still preserved inside PSU backups, which is where it matters.
-Replaced embedded mass: driver with a revised version of Herben's usbhdfsd (as in uLE v4.02a Beta). The revisions eliminate some serious bugs that would occur when writing directories containing many objects. I want to emphasize that the bugs now eliminated exist in *all* older mass: implementations, not just Herben's (he merely inherited them).
LaunchELF v4.02 (2006.09.16)
-Merged loadable font system contributed by Polo
-Fixed memory leak for ELF launching (LNG buffer was not released)
-Modified 'genFixPath' function slightly to allow more generic usage
-Modified 'loadSkin' function to make better use of 'genFixPath' (as suggested by Polo)
-Improved the LNG loader to ensure fallback to default language for any strings not included in the LNG file loaded (mainly for old LNG files used with new uLE versions)
-Prepared bugfixed versions of old usb_mass drivers useful as external modules with either the old or the new uLE versions (the old drivers also work, but have more bugs, like showing wrong timestamps in uLE). These drivers are for users who find the new embedded usbhdfsd driver incompatible with their USB mass storage devices. The bugfixed versions of the old drivers are released separately, so look for them in the thread for uLE support files. Note also that 'bugfixed' does not mean that all bugs have been fixed, as that could also affect their compatibilities. Always use the newest driver that works for you, as the older ones have more bugs.
LaunchELF v4.01c beta (2006.09.07)
-Replaced old usb_mass driver with the new "usbhdfsd.irx" (now embedded)
-Modified FileBrowser to allow display of timestamps on mass: and hdd0:
-Modified FileBrowser to include original timestamps when pasting from most devices to MC, but in the present form, pasting a file from host: to MC will produce new timestamps.
-Modified FileBrowser to include original timestamps when pasting to non-MC devices too, but due to lacking 'fioChstat' support in mass: and host: these are excepted from that usage, this means it's really applied only to HDD and as yet it has no effect there. The 'fileXioChStat' calls for files and folder on the pfs device seem to be ignored, at least when it comes to timestamps.
-Patched gsKit to prevent 'lost' rectangle plots in non-interlace mode
-Made ShowFont display font twice, with different row alignment. First even, then odd
-Added earlier init of language arrays (setting default language)
LaunchELF v4.01 (2006.09.01)
-Fixed bug that caused the 'Back' tooltip to be duplicated in FileBrowser menu
-Fixed bug in editor that caused it to scroll past every second 'page' without stopping
-Made some minor source alterations suggested by EP, to reduce compiler warnings
-Upgraded usb_mass to latest version from ps2dev.org SVN (plus our usual changes). This version fixes a bug in the last version, dealing with start/stop of USB storage devices, so anyone who had trouble with the last version should try this one. (If you installed an external driver to fix that, try configuring to use the default again instead.)
LaunchELF v4.00 (2006.08.30)
-Tweaked init order to eliminate problems with JPG skins on HDD
LaunchELF v3.99 (2006.08.29)
-Tweaked some config menus that lacked spaces between some tooltips
-Fixed bug that prevented use of LNG files stored on HDD
-Fixed bug that made failed load of initial CNF be shown as success
-Fixed bug that made CNF switch messages use language valid before switch attempt
-Tweaked init to allow LNG diagnosis dialog to work for bootup LNG failures
-Made JpgViewer fullscreen flag persistent, changed only by user and CNF loading
-Removed partition blocks for "__net", "__system", and "__sysconf"
-Implemented Square as space key for FileBrowser virtual keyboard
-Implemented some more characters for FileBrowser virtual keyboard {}:"/|\* But be aware that using '/' will not always work as expected, since it is the PS2 folder separator.
-Moved some graphics characters we use out of the proper font area
-Replaced characters 0x60 and 0x7B-0x7F with proper ascii standard characters
-Erased all graphics characters from font range 0x80-0x9F (as preparation for new chars)
LaunchELF v3.98 (2006.08.29)
-Merged additional font characters contributed by Polo. The font now has most national characters for languages using Latin-style alphabets.
-Modified the 'ShowFont' subprogram to display 256 font characters
-Fixed a bug that caused LNG switch to be incomplete if the old LNG used a name shorter than 4 characters for the "MISC" pseudo-device
LaunchELF v3.97 (2006.08.28)
-Increased font resolution from 8x8 to 8x16 (replaced font5200.c with font_uLE.c)
-Used the new font resolution to improve the symmetry of some characters. As yet this includes "ABEFHPRSUÄÅÖ"
-Fixed the inclusion of the new FTP server improved by EP, which I botched in v3.96
LaunchELF v3.96 (2006.08.27)
-Increased font size to 256 characters, but still with '_' appearanc for many of them
-Implemented 'extra' vowels of german and swedish for font. This covers "åäöüÅÄÖÜ". Note that this implementation is still rather ugly, due to the low resolution of our font.
-Corrected an old bug made visible by the new characters, using top pixel row of font
-Added error diagnostic dialog box for LNG loader, to help in debugging LNG files
-Merged improved FTP server by EP, for better handling of mountpoints and MCs
-Improved partition filter to reject all non-PFS partitions and CodeBreaker partitions
-Added CNF variable for fullscreen mode of JpgViewer
LaunchELF v3.95 (2006.08.26)
-Merged multi-language support contributed by Polo (but not ready for public release)
-Rewrote large parts of the Multi-language support for better coding efficiency etc.
-Extended the 'setting' struct and CNF, to add 15 MISC/ device and subprogram names
-Modified various parts of configuration management, to improve multi-language safety
-Improved text symmetry of ynDialog boxes (most of the ones with OK/CANCEL choice)
LaunchELF v3.94 (2006.08.19)
-Fixed a bug of v3.93 that made PSU restore use incorrect gamesave folder names
LaunchELF v3.93 (2006.08.19)
-Fixed a new bug that let FTP server interfere with FileBrowser through PFS0
-Fixed an old bug that let FTP server interfere with FileBrowser through PFS1..PFS3
-Fixed a new bug in title handling that caused weird results with some PSU backups
-Improved screen cleanup for some command progress reports
-Merged PSU_NoOverwrite implementation contributed by ffgriever at ps2-scene. This eliminates redundant backup work when a timestamped PSU filename is identical to the one that would have been used for a new backup file. NB: Setting it requires text editing.
-Changed pad initialization to cater for digital controllers, and to unlock the controller mode switch (explicitly) for digital or unrecognized (even absent) controller. This has cured some problems that occurred with faulty detection of gamepads and their types. But some cases still exist where you need to set the type manually, by pressing the analog mode button between the joysticks.
-Added Paste+Rename command, which only affects top level selections. It is used by pressing the 'Square' button instead of the normal OK button ('Circle' or 'Cross'), with the 'Paste' command selected in the R1 menu. This works only for standard 'Paste'. Its intended use is for installing stuff to memory cards using new folder names, and to allow 'pseudo' renaming on MC and mass: by using a combination of 'Cut' and 'Paste+Rename'. But you should never do this unless you have as much free space as the data selected, and can accept the copying delay (which can be huge on these slow media).
LaunchELF v3.41a (2005.05.30) - LaunchELF v3.92 (2006.08.15)
-PSU gamesave support
-gsKit adaption (by Polo35)
-JpgViewer (by Polo35)
-TextEditor (by Polo35)
-HddManager (by Polo35)
-Improved CNF handling functions
-Abortable Paste/mcPaste transfers
-USB Keyboard support
-Rename support for PS1 MC files
-User defined launch key titles
-PathPad array for user defined browser shortcuts
-Option for opaque VS transparent popups
-Skin 'Brightness' control
-Improved resolutions 640x512(PAL) and 640x448(NTSC) (by Polo35)
-Full support for NTSC and PAL modes for any console type
-Event driven menu handling
-Menu Frame option
-Menu Titles
-JPG 'skin' implementation (by Polo35)
-Support for 'slim' PStwo using IDE HDD
-ELF loader compatibility improvements
-progress reports when copying files
-capability to write files to a PC used as host: device
-mcPaste for safe backup of MC gamesaves
-IOP reset
-multiple CNF config loading
-key mapping to swap X and O associations
-FTP server and PS2NetFS support through key config MISC/PS2Net
-host: device support using ps2client
-alternate sort order for showing titles: L1=sort_by_title, L2=sort_by_folder
-network settings menu for changing IPCONFIG.DAT settings
-new CNF format that allows for easier file editing
-ability to copy timestamps and attributes of saves from one PS2 mc to another
-special preserved attribute set on mc saves when restoring saves from other devices
-selectable USBD.IRX module
-various changes and bug fixes to many different things
Detailed change log can be found in changes.txt file.
If you find errors with this build, please report them here. Thank you.
Special thanks to: EP, dlanor, kthu, Slam-Tilt, sincro, and Polo35 for all their contributions.
And an especially big thank you to: Mirakichi's excellent program LaunchELF.
suloku escribió:en que quedamos, en lanzarlo desde hdloader o desde la memory card?
en cualquier caso la respuesta es si![]()
x cierto el tuto de mi firma esta muy basao en esta aplicacion...![]()
suloku escribió:DescargarNueva version, 3.41O En el archivo van el codigo fuente(carpeta), el elf sin comprimir(BOOT.ELF) y el elf comprimido(BOOTc.ELF)
ale, ahi teneis la nueva version 3.41O, no es que lleve muchos cambios importantes(por eso ni lo he traducido ni nada)
solo deciros que antes de esta 3.41O(mayuscula) salio la 3.41o(minuscula), pero no se si la releasearon o que paso con ella.
salu2 y disfrutenla!
Cambios escribió:LaunchELF v3.41p (11/19/2005)
-Updated "Development related issues.txt" removing the iomanX.irx issue as it has now been fixed at the sdk level.
-Updated the source package removing iomanX things as radad's changes made it into the ps2sdk.
-Updated the makefile to use the iomanX.irx from the sdk.
-Updated the rest of dlanor's ps2sdk source files so they're more diff compatible.
-Updated the source package that fixes an inconsistency with created files/dirs hour timestamp for hdd and usb mass devices.
-Changed usb_mass driver slightly to allow the reading of Date/Time Created, Date Accessed, and Date/Time Modified.
ps2ftpd new additions and changes: Included ps2ftpd.irx and source changes.
-Reverted back to the UNIX-style LIST format as it appears to be the most compatible overall.
-Placed printf's in the driver to show timestamps and other attributes for possible future debugging purposes that will hopefully only be temporary.
-Altered files: draw.c=version_id, fat.h + fat_driver.c=support for reading more of usb mass timestamp attributes, fat_write.c + misc.c + misc.c=fixes for hour timestamp issue, makefile + libmc.h + libpad.c + libpad.h + libpad.h + libpadx.c=updates, FileSystem.c + FtpClient.c + FtpCommands.c=ps2ftpd changes
suloku escribió:Gracias por mantenernos al dia smile_:D
LaunchELF v3.45 (2006.02.19)
-Fixed a LaunchELF bug that prevented folder overwrites when pasting to HOST.
-Fixed a PS2Client bug that prevented detection of folder conflicts on HOST.
-Added a progress report (written file bytes counter) to 'Paste' and 'mcPaste'.
-EP fixed a few issues that prevented PS1 memory cards from appearing in FTP listing. (Note: Files on PS1 memory cards lack timestamps so the timestamps come from the current PS2 system time).
Link al foro oficial: http://ps2-scene.org/forums/showthread.php?t=37242
Descarga: http://rapidshare.de/files/13667668/uLaunchELF_v3.45.zip.html
CRIVAS escribió:me podrian explicar brevemente que funcion tiene el MCPASTE y cual es la diferencia con el paste normal
Double escribió:Al final lo he solucionado, he cojido el uLaunchELF_v3.47 y le he quitado el archivo LAUNCHELF.CNF y he creado el archivo SYSTEM.CNF con los siguientes comando:
BOOT2 = cdrom0:\BOOT.ELF;1
VER = 1.04
Lo he grabado todo con el nero y a 4X por si aka y todo funcionando, veo las memoricar en mi caso solo lo tengo en la ranura 1 tambien me sale para poder ver el HD pues en mi caso no lo tengo instalado y un apartado del USB que cuando lo pico y pongo mi Pendrive se me queda colgado, no se si no sera compatible, estoy todavia en pruebas, hasta que lo solucione, si alguien tiene otra alternativa que me la comente un saludo a todos.
el ulaunchelf 3.47 permite elegir un usbd.irx, prueba con varios a ver si te coge el pendrive