El juego ya se está vendiendo en USA. Algo que he leído esta mañana en los comentarios de una noticia:
The gameplay is there. By far this is better than 2017 but there are a lot of downfalls.
Short campaign - About 15 mssions or maybe 4 hours on Easy. This is remedied by Campaign remix and survival mode.
Campaign Remix is the campaign levels over again but added difficulty.
There is only you and 2 other bots throughout 90% of the game, there are parts where you are joined by other EDF but its far and few.
The other 2 bots are on the same level as you though and you can revive them and they you. So its an even trade-off.
No more 50s retro spacecraft - everything seems to be modernized.
Only 3 difficulty levels. Which brings it to about 25 or so hours.
There are 4 classes that you can level up to level 8 and they are pretty unique.
No more 150 or so weapons

. The weapons feel more unique now but I have no come across any other the top weapons yet like lasers. There are 7-8 tiers of weapons which unlock as you level up so you can't has an overpowered gun for lower level armors.
There are a few new enemies as well.
Also sometimes it seems a little linear but that was the same with 2017. Like the canyon levels.
There are no beach levels, sorry if you liked that from 2017 but its all city scape here.
There aren't 100's of ants and bad guys on screen at a time but there are about 50-60ish enemies at once and they respawn quickly so you don't notice it that bad.
All in all, its a great successor but the limited difficulties and short campaign are a let down but there are quite a few redeeming factors that make this an enjoyable play. There is still the B-movie quality here so at least they kept that. As a big fan of 2017(put 200+ hours into it) I will be playing this for a long time.
Also, split screen co op and online co op up to 2 other people I believe. And survival mode has up to 6 people. If you get it on PS3 add me -
He marcado en negrita lo que más me repatea, teniendo en cuenta que GDF 2 de PS2 es el juego al que más horas he dedicado en las dos últimas generaciones. No lo entiendo: si los anteriores EDF consistían en un puñado de escenarios y un montón de misiones en las que variaban los enemigos de cada pantalla y poco más, ¿qué les costaba hacer lo mismo? Es que no me entra en la cabeza.