Lo mismo que ya se dijo, pero con nuevos detalles y más ampliado (es de un podcast)(en negrita lo más destacable)
New Camera AngleFirst off they say the new camera angle is quite
similar to the one in pes2011, at a low angle, from a perspective and makes the pitch seem bigger. it follows the action (so for example if ur down on one wing, the opposite one wouldnt be visible).The camera is default but can be adjusted or sth like that (like with the other camera settings of height zoom etc). He feels this adds a bit more 'punch' to the game.
MenuNew menu which
is simpler, slicker, more ergonomic. Says its a refreshing addition as he felt the previous fifas menus were 'heavy'(sluggish). But he says though its faster, its not necessarily easier to navigate - as in to find stuff.
Speaks of
real time calculation of contact points on the body.
limited amount of contact zones as in no clumsy or silly falling over when making contact esp off the ball. Like running into your player and knocking yourselves out.
New A.i Vision rangeThe new A.I thingy with vision range. So picture yourself on the pitch, when you have a player in your sight, its a lot easier to pick out an accurate pass, but when you hear a player call out from behind you, u cant see him so u cant tell exactly where he is hence your pass will have more error. So while this doesnt mean you cant do back passes or blind/long range passes, theyll have more error. This is to avoid people getting out of complex situations with passing the ball without 'looking'. Obviously when you're playing as a gamer, you can see 'more' players and choose the player in the best position. But now you have to think about best position in relation to the player. He hopes this 'over-simulation' does not take out the fun.
They feel a.i was to scripted an now theyve modified it such that it plays to your player's strong points. If in BAP for example, as a tall player, your team mates will try to cross more and send high balls and if you're a short quick player, they'll try more through passes.
Automatic pressing is out-they way its described is very
similar the one is pes2011 - pressing x apparently brings you closer to the attacker but you have to press it again to tackle so player only goes in the instant u press x. mistiming gives fouls away.
New way of sheilding ball apparently - in fifa11, strong players had too much of an advantage as they shoved aside weaker players but you dont always need to be strong to be able to 'protect' the ball. He gave a real life example of Messi being intelligent enough to put himself round the ball and adjust his body to keep it.
Left stick dribblingReally good idea as people dribble more with left stick and hardly tend to use right one. Says he didnt test it but from what he heard people who tried it out said it was well integrated and useful when using highly skilled players.
Attack/ defense equilibrum says theyve been logically balanced lol
New match presentations THeyve changed cutscenes. way you
pick kits is different (as in menu style i guess). Says it is
PES-inspired.InjuriesWill force people to rotate players as tired players can get off the ball injuries such as pulling a muscle. Oversprinting as well, like when u sprint and the bar reaches red, and u keep sprinting and sprinting etc. He says an option of having ur players warm up before being subbed on was suggested as getting on without warming up can lead to ur player pulling his hamstring quicker.this was only something that was mentioned and doesnt know if theyve actually implemented it. Would be a nice touch though.
Says injuries can happen to different body parts like shoulder. (said sth about If you take a hand to your face player could fall and hold it. I think again this was more of a suggestion as he hasnt actually seen this but would definitely add realism.
3 new stadiumsTouchline added.More life will be added to it. (hopefully in terms of the
subs warming up and the
coaches walking about/ reacting to the match,)
lighting system is really good. Makes
game look more beautiful. He and
several journalists were impressed by it.
Si se cumple, ESPECTACULAR TODO, lo de las lesiones, contacto físico, nueva iluminación, vida en la línea de banda...
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