Mathieulh has revealed another juicey piece of info on his twitter. He has revealed information on patching the 3.41 payload. More specifically, he provides information on a lv2 patch that effectively allows all game updates/patches to work. We reported previously on a few payloads that increased this sort of stability with game updates. However, Mathieulh again has found flaw in how the payloads were patched. He explains that these other payloads missed a check, a check which he reveals below.
Please note he will not be adding this to the official psgroove payload as he does not support piracy.
Some game updates use lv2open to check the disc’s param.sfo to make sure the right disc is in the drive and the check fails because psjailbreak patches only patch the vsh open, as such a lot of patches will ask to “insert” the disc if you are playing from a backup, I don’t care much about backups myself but for the sake of it and because some people may actually do a legit use of them, here is the patch : in 3.41 lv2 at offset 0x5745C change to li %r31, 0
Before you ask, because this is mostly backups related I wont be implementing this on the psgroove payload. If others want to implement this patch, that will be their call.
Source: fixea el problema de update los juegos... Quien lo compila??