Han dicho que habra 2 videos esta semana. Y que el primero les dijeron que lo subiriian hoy pero que eso ya depende de las webs a las que se les ha mandado el video
Y que el primer video (seguramente saldra mañana) es completamente ingame pero desde una camara de espectador
Mejor os lo dejo aqui
he video will be up whenever the press site decides to post it. I've been told by our PR folks it should be today. If it's not today, it'll definitely be tomorrow. But you know I have no control over what IGN, Gamespot, 1UP, or Teamxbox posts, right?
Also, a note about the video you may see today -- the video will be of pure gameplay, but using a spectator cam. Which means you won't see motion blur or depth-of-field, but it's running at 60fps (yes, replays are at 30fps confirmed -- but c'mon, you knew that). Smile [:)]
The other video we gave out should go up by Wed. on another site, but hopefully sooner. Also on Wed., I am going into the studio to record more footage, this time capturing pure replays, which will have plenty of post-proc effects like motion blur, depth-of-field, etc. I hope to release these videos ASAP after all the web exclusives are expired.