Valoración media en Gamerankings después de 12 reviews:
76%Distribuidas de la siguiente forma:
A partir de las notas siguientes:
Gameplayer-------------8.5 out of 10---------85.0%
Game Revolution------------B+ ---------------85.0%
1UP -----------------------B+ ---------------85.0%
GameZone---------------8.3 out of 10 --------83.0%
GameSpy ---------------4 out of 5------------80.0%
GameDaily---------------8 out of 10---------- 80.0%
Hooked Gamers----------8 out of 10-----------80.0%
IGN---------------------7.9 out of 10---------79.0%
Gamer 2.0---------------7.7 out of 10---------77.0%
Game Informer -----------7.25 out of 10-------72.5%
Playstation Official Magazine UK ---7 out of 10--70.0%
VideoGamer--------------6 out of 10-----------60.0%
GameSpot---------------5 out of 10-----------50.0%
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