(0901:FFFFFFE0) - Servers are completely down
(090B:00000001) - Servers are Idle, but not available to you
(0903:FFFFFF60) - Theres a network error on your end, such as an unopened port
(090B:00000002) - Network error on your end, try cycling your router
(0692:00000003) - Server overload, keep trying to login and you can get passed it
(2007:FFFFFF9D) - Connection Error, tends to happen when you try getting passed character creation, caused from server overload
(0911:00000003) - Either Server busy or something on the users side
(0911:FFFFFFE0) - Something to do with you being on the wrong server possibly?
(0846:000000004) - Your game ID is locked due to more than 3 login attempts
(090F:FFFFFF60) - Your connection doesn't meet the requirements to create a game
Todos aquellos que nos hemos bajado la Beta japonesa, estamos jodidos