Mas impresiones desde WENB:
PES is back!
Played 7 games now (won 6, drawn 1). Had to tear myself away for a quick bathroom/drinks break! Gameplay is so different from 2010, it's really night and day. Like all the podcasts and impressions we've been getting so far, there is a big emphasis on 'relearning' the way to play.
Defending feels much more tactical and measured than the last few PES's. All about timing, covering the space and knowing when to put your boot in

The passing system feels very responsive, all manner of dinks, long-balls and through balls can be acheived it seems. At one point I played a through ball from right to left, only to have Huylens (legend) to do the little jump over the ball we've seen in all the trailers!

it was so damn cool! Also, if you boot the ball out of play or down field to their goalie, the balls curves and bends! Lovely little touch.
Only a few games in, already you can see much much more animations. Some real nice touches on the way players fall to the ground after a foul, encouragement through clapping and 'geeing up' from a teammate after a freekick/long shot that just misses...

yes! The referee has a pen! When taking a player's name for a booking, he whips it out from his breast pocket and jots it down = very classy!
Goalkeepers instantly feel more solid. Staying on their feet longer, pulling off more instinctive saves and catching high lobbed shots. In fact, I've yet to concede in 7 games! One game, I tried a cheeky lob only for their goalkeeper to peddle back quickly, just in time to jump and push it over the bar.
The broadcast-esque camera at kick-off does feel very nice. Adding depth to the ground and recreating what we see on our TV's week in-week out. Another nice new touch is showing how many shots/fouls each team has had underneath the scoreboard at certain intervals during a game. Only a minor detail, but adds a lot. As for sound, no commentary unfortunately. But the actual atmosphere within the stadium seems good so far. Lot of boo's when you belt the ball down field/out of play. Also, when coming close with a shot you can hear certain fans shout out comments such as 'Nice try' or 'Just missed'.
As for the mode of MLO, it seems very accessible, with a lot of depth attached in the way of transfers/checking rankings/club history options. At the moment, you start with £500,000 (or euro/dollar equiv) and pay around £42,000 to play a game. Winning double if you are the victor, breaking even for a draw and losing your initial investment for a defeat. Not made any signings myself, but just played a guy that had Babel and Wjniludum (sp?)! I beat him 2-0 :lol:
In terms of lag and responsiveness...whisper it quietly...not one problem during 7 games so far. Very encouraging signs so far. Back to the game! If anyone else is on, I'm LOCKE_316.