After its delay a while back, things have been quiet with regards to Home. However Home is progressing well, with the latest update of the beta (build 0.7.7) just being released.
The following details on 0.7.7 have been posted over at the PS3 forums:
* There’s a new building in the world, although it’s currently one that can be entered
* You are finally able to enter your Home Space’s patio
* You can now use your own pictures in your Home Space
* A game launching option has been added, though it is not functioning completely at the present time
* The cinema’s movie theatres have transferred from the second floor to the first floor
* America, Japan, and Europe each have their own server now
Head over to the PS3 forums for the latest news on home.
Fuente: Three Speech
Básicamente una actualización de la beta del Home.