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FanDeNintendo escribió:La verdad es que con el Meteor de Asran y Kira en el Alpha 3 te podías hacer el juego entero. Metían unas leches de impresión. Menos mal que les han bajado un poco los humos ahora en el Z
Cuando están todos en el DOME se revelan eventos que ocurrirán en un futuro, y según parece Amuro y Char ven lo que ocurre en CCA. Así como Koji y Ryoma ven a sus respectivos robots pero no logran reconocerlos ya que parecen diferentes (Kaiser y Shin Getter).
Pero aún así Asakim se refiere a Ryoma como el Elegido por la Energía Getter. Es más, el propio Ryoma dice que no está solo, que su otro yo está "en camino".
Una vez consigues el Spec 3 te das cuenta que tiene dos tristes ataques, aunque vaya pedazo ataques xDDD
FanDeNintendo escribió:Por otra parte, estoy seguro que en el Z2 meterán al Doctor Hell y a toda la zarria de Great Mazinger más el Ankoku Dai Shogun porque la verdad es que se extrañan en esta entrega... Aunque claro, también es cierto que será un universo alternativo si se llega a producir ese encuentro.Yo no descartaría que en vez del Shin Getter fuera el New Getter o algo así, cuidadín que todo es posible xDDD
Cranky_kong escribió:Ya, pero cada vez sacan menos juegos de PS2 y más baratos. Es decir, buscan abaratar costes, y sacar un Ogs con la cantidad de textos escritos ( y no digamos los hablados ) para traducir no sería muy económico. De todos modos, esperesmos que salga al final, sería toda una sorpresa.
Sega escribió:vengo del salon del manga, a actuado jam project y han cantado del SRW
y de mechas tambien han cantado
Confirmed with method
- Enil's Jenice Kai
Bought from the Bazaar, available once Enil has joined.
- Asshimar
Bought from the Bazaar, after stage 33.
- Gundam MkII Titans Color
On scenario 3 Setsuko's route, do not destroy Emma. Amuro will sortie in this instead of the Rick Dias in scenario 18.
Bought from the Bazaar as parts. When Kouji joins your team in the Double Spacer, make sure he gets damaged before scenario 13. On scenario 13's intermission, visit the Bazaar to buy a Chogokin Z fragment. On scenario 15's intermission, visit the Bazaar again to buy an Inertia Check Manual. You'll get the TFO immediately after the cutscene.
If you fail these requirements you get the TFO after stage 24.
- Rush Rod
Bought from the Bazaar as parts. On the Gallia route stage 18, Sara, Gain, Gainer, Adeat, Gauli and Bello must have 100+ kills between them by the end of the stage to find “Scrap Overman” in the Bazaar.
On stage 22 you’ll find an Overcoat, buy this and you should receive the unit.
- Xabungle Unit 2
In stage 35, destroy Timps Brakary, buy an item from the bazaar at the end of the stage. After stage 45 buy another item from the bazaar to receive the unit. Xabungle unit two shares upgrades with Xabungle unit one.
- Aquarion Alpha/Omega/Delta
In stage 51 (Normal/Zaft route) or 48 (Zeuth route), destroy Aquarion Omega and Delta before destroying Aquarion Alpha or Moroha. Buy an item from the bazaar after this stage.
This may be an automatic unit at stage 53.
- Dijeh
On Setsukos route, Kamille, Quattro, Amuro, Bright, Emma, Reccoa, Apolly, Robert and Katz must have an average level of 25+ AND Amuro and Katz must have 50+ kills total. You will receive the unit on stage 26.
Confirmed, method unknown/unconfirmed
- Igel (Coren Nander's ostrich unit)
Bought from the Bazaar.
Andy's Gaia Gundam
Confirmed with method
- Atena (from Orguss)
In stage 41, use Kei, then Orson to convince her and she'll join on the spot, if you do not convince her she will join after the stage is over.
- Tekkouki (from Getter)
In scenario 24, use Ryoma to attack him. In scenario 25, destroy him with Getter Robo during their duel.
- Enil El
Not actually a secret this time, however her convince command is a part of obtaining the G-bits secret.
- Rubina
On stage 44, either Rubina escapes OR Aphrodia is destroyed OR Negross are destroyed. She will join at the end of this stage.
- Yassaba
On Rands route, if you obtained Rush Rod he will show up on stage 47.
- Rey and Talia (and Legend and the Minerva)
On the Zeuth route, stage 56, Kira and Shin fight Rey, Shin then convinces and destroys Rey.
- Yzak
Stage 43, Kira should destroy Yzak. If you are on the normal (ZAFT) route, stage 48 Athrun should convince Yzak and again on Stage 56. If you are on the Zeuth route Athrun should convince Yzak on stage 56.
- Stellar Loussier
On Setsuko route you should use the following point guide; by the time she is destroyed on scenario 36 you must have 8+ points or 7+ points and 28 SR points.
3: Destroy Stella +1
15: Shin battles Stella +1
Stella, Auel, Sting are destroyed +1 (all 3 must be destroyed for the +1)
26: Shin battles Stella +1
29: Shin destroys Stella +1
30: Shin destroys Stella +1
When Four is destroyed Stella is still alive +1
36: Shin destroys Stella +1
When Stella is destroyed Four is still alive +3
When Four is destroyed Stella is still alive, and Four's flag is off +2
She will join on stage 51 (Zeuth) or 56 (ZAFT).
- Four Murasame
Also Setsuko exclusive, by the time she is destroyed on stage 36 you require 5+ points OR 4+ points and 28+ SR Points.
26: Kamille battles Four +1
Four is destroyed +1
29: Kamille destroys Four +1
30: Kamille destroys Four +1
36: Kamille destroys Four +1
When Four is destroyed Stella is still alive +3
When Stella is destroyed Four is still alive, and Stella's flag is off. +2
She will join on stage 38 after the initial fight between ZAFT and Zeuth.
- Charles & Rey (And their Spearheads)
On Rands “Search for Renton” route, in scenario 33 and 34 Rey and Charles must destroy 10+ units. On Scenario 35, Holland must fight both Ray and Charles, then Renton must Convince then destroy both of them. They will join on the final stage.
Unconfirmed: Some reports say you can obtain them earlier.
- Sarah
On Setsuko route, stage 34 (Gibraltar), Katz should fight Sarah. On stage 35 Kamille or Katz should destroy Sarah and on stage 37 Kamille or Katz should fight Sarah. On Stage 56 Kamille should convince her and then she should be destroyed. Obtaining her is linked to obtaining Reccoa below.
- Reccoa Rond
In Scenario 49 (ZAFT) or 51 (Zeuth) one of Quattro, Kamille, Fa or Emma must fight Reccoa, then either Kamille or Fa must convince Emma while both are still alive. In Mission 56 Kamille should convince Reccoa.
If all conditions for her and Sarah are met AND she is alive when Scirocco is destroyed she will join you after this stage.
- Haman Kahn
On Zeuth route she will join after stage 51 is over.
- Xine
On stage 59 attack her with Rand or Setsuko, if you have 15+ ending points or 7+ and 40+ SR points you can convince her and she will join after the stage.
Ending points are listed in the Misc section below.
- Asakim
On Rands route, if you have obtained Xine and have Rand destroy Asakim in the first half of the stage he will join in the second half.
- Tifa Adil
Get 4+ points from this list, or 2+ and 40+ SR points.
Rand 7: Shagia or Olba is destroyed +1
Enil is destroyed +1
14: Garrod Convinces Enil +1
Enil is not destroyed. +1
27: Destroy Patouria with Jamil or Garrod +1
She will join as a subpilot for Garrod on stage 50 (ZAFT) or 52 (Zeuth).
- Coren Nander
Joins automaticaly.
Confirmed, method unknown/unconfirmed
- Anemone
Confirmed with method
- Gundam mk II's Flying Armor Totsugeki
On scenario 8 Setsuko's route, shoot down Lila using Kamiyu and an event will trigger. That event will trigger at the end of the scenario anyway if you didn't shoot her down. On Rand's route it will be available from the start.
- Great Booster
On scenario 24, move Boss to the exact point where Great Mazinger crashed (from the NE corner, 10 blocks south and 10 blocks west). On Setsuko's route scenario 36, purchase the Koushiryoku Lab Report from the bazaar. This weapon is automatically obtained scenario 41.
- GX/DX's G-Bits
EITHER: Have 4+ points towards Tifa by the end of stage 27 and buy the Black Box F from the bazaar after stage 27 OR have 50+ SR points after stage 50 (ZAFT) or 52 (Zeuth). Visit the bazaar after this stage with either condition fulfilled to buy the G-bits.
- Baldios' Baldiroizer
Deploy Baldios in stage 44. If you did not do this destroy Spiritgattler on stage 54.
- Big-O's Plasma Gimmick/O-Thunder
Rand search for Renton route, stage 34, Roger should fight Beck.
Rand stay route, received on stage 35.
Setsuko route, received on stage 40.
- Big-O's Final Stage
ZAFT 53: Big O is deployed and Big Duo Inferno is destroyed.
Otherwise this is obtained on stage 58.
- Waverider Crash and Hyper Beam Saber
Any of: ZAFT route stage 49, Kamille in Zeta destroys Yazan.
Zeuth stage 51, Kamille destroys Yazan.
Zeuth stage 56, Yazan is destroyed.
- Final Dynamic Special
ZAFT route, stage 53, deploy Getter, Mazinger Z, Great and Grendizer, kill Burai and the Vega Emperor.
Zeuth route, stage 49, deploy the above units and destroy Burai.
Confirmed, method unknown/unconfirmed
- Hyaku Shiki's Mega Bazooka Launcher
By the end of scenario 15 Quattro needs an unknown number of kills (fill me in here?). On scenario 15's intermission, visit the Bazaar to buy an Energy Pack. On scenario 19's intermission, visit the Bazaar again to buy a Mega Condenser. If you don't do these steps this weapon is automatically obtained scenario 34.
Confirmed with method
- Sceanario 14 Doubled Parts Trick
Before you start scenario 14, equip the best parts you have on Setsuko/Rand. Once they appear as enemies and you kill them, they will drop copies of the parts you equipped them with earlier, giving you extra copies of those parts later.
- Game Over Farming
Game over-ing works for pilot kills, EXP, PP and money.
- Heros mark
Rand route, stage 8, Apollo and Jiron should both kill at least one enemy, then buy an item from the bazaar.
Stage 23, Apollo and Jiron should kill at least one enemy each, then buy an item from the bazaar.
Stage 28, buy an item from the bazaar, you will receive this item after stage 39.
- Soul of Steel
On Rands route, stage 7, Destroy one of the Frost brothers, buy an item from the bazaar.
Stage 19, Gallia route, buy an item from the bazaar after the stage.
Stage 47, you guessed it, another item from the bazaar.
You will receive the item on stage 52 (Zeuth) or 49 (ZAFT)
- Haro
On Rands Gallia route, stage 16 and 20 buy items from the bazaar, then again on Rands Renton route stage 35. You will receive it on stage 50 (Zeuth) or 52 (ZAFT).
- Shadow Angel Feather
On Rand stage 26 Kei and Shaiya destroy 8+ units between them, then buy an item from the bazaar. Buy more items from the bazaar after stages 29 and 36, you will receive the item after stage 41.
- Big O bad ending
On stage 58, select the first answer to the question (accept the momory wipe).
- Ex Hard Mode
Finish the game and load your clear save, you will be able to select EX Hard mode. Ex Hard mode offers upgraded enemy mechs and prevents you upgrading your mechs and pilots.
- Making Aki Survive
Rand must obtain 32+ SR points and 4+ of the following points by stage 42 to make it happen, Setsuko needs 7+ of her points by stage 42.
7: Kappei gets 5+ kills before Zambot 3 forms +1
8: Kill Butcher +5
28: Destroy all Mechaboosts before Zeravire spawns +1
Patrol 33: +3
40: Kill Butcher +1
15: Kappei battles Butcher +1
Kill Butcher +1
Gallia 18: Kappei kills 2 units before reinforcements arrive +1
40: Kill Butcher +2
- Baldios Ending/Game over
Advance warning, this is about 15 seconds long. Get a Game Over by any means on stage 44.
- ZAFT and Zeuth Route choice, or how to stop the Minerva and co. running away.
This is automatic on a repeat game.
By stage 47 obtain 10+ points and 36+ SR points and you will be offered the choice for the Minerva to return home (Normal/ZAFT route) or remain with you (Zeuth route). This affects a lot of stages and secrets for the rest of the game.
If you have 9+ points OR 7+ points and 36 SR points by 47 Shinn will stay with you.
Setsuko 2: when u are prompted 2 choices,choose "get back the gundam" +1
Setsuko 8: Alex(Athrun) kills Sato +1
Pacific 16: Kira dies +1
Setsuko 29: Destroy Kira +1, Destroy Archangel +1
Setsuko 30: Destroy Kira +1, Destroy Archangel +1
Rand 29: when yzak is defeated,all other zaft platoons(excluding yzak's platoon) remain +2
When yzak is defeated,at least 3 zaft platoons(excluding yzak's platoon) remain +1
Rand 30: Archangel, Kira, Waltfeldt, Enil all don't destroy anything +1
Setsuko Gibraltar 35: +1
Setsuko 36: Clear conditions for recruiting Stella +1
Rand 36: Destroy Gundam destroyed by Shinn +2
Kira destroys Destroy Gundam -1(minus 1, not +1)
Shinn battles Stella +1
Setusko 38: defeat kira with shinn +2
Defeat kira but shinn has not fought kira +1
Rand 38: Kira dies -1, Shinn dies +1
Setsuko 39: If you have 6+ points, Athrun has a different event when appearing.
42: if you have 9+ points some differences in conversation
43: Shinn destroys Athrun -1
Clear the stage by waiting past the 4th player phase +1
- Ending Points
More of these = better, if you get enough, I believe you get a better ending as well as the opportunity to recruit Xine (and Asakim if playing as Rand).
There are a few unconfirmed, and the choice in stage 59 probably affects this, but enough is confirmed to make this list useful.
41: Olson convinces Athena +1
チラム軍登場までにエマーン艦以外の敵機を撃墜していない +1
I think it means when Chiram arrive some Emaan platoons still survive other than the Emaan battleship
If you destroyed every other Emaan platoon before Chiram arrive -1
42: Aki survives +1
43 1st half: Finish by 4th player phase +1
: Rey kills Athrun -1
44: Rubina survives, Aphrodia dies, Negross dies before Gravion appears +1
Finish within 2 turns of Sol Gravion appearing +1
Aquarion kills Futaba +1
45: Holland or Jiron reaches the destination +1
Not one of the Titans reinforcements die +1
46: Kill 12+ platoons within 4 turns +1
Rand 47: Rand fights Asakim +1
Setsuko 47: in 4 turns kill Denzel and Toby +1
Zaft Route:
48: Destroy every enemy platoon -1
49: Quattro, Kamille, Fa or Emma battle Reccoa, and survive +1
50: Destroy both Shagia and Olba at the same time +1
51: Destroy Moroha +1
Destroy Glenn (Aquarion alpha) -1
53: Reduce the Godsigma Professor to below 2000 hp +1
56: Lacus convinces Lunamaria while Shinn survives +1
Lunamaria is destroyed -1
57: Destroy both 音翅(Otoha)、頭翅(Toma) +1
Zeuth route:
48: Destroy Big Duo +1
49: Beck still survives when you destroy Big Duo +1
50: Destroy Moroha +1
Destroy Gwen(Aquarion alpha) -1
詩翅(Sirius) still survives when scenario ends -1
51: Quattro, Kamille, Fa or Emma battle Reccoa, and survive +1
52: Destroy both Shagia and Olba at the same time +1
Lower Ghingnham to below 50% +1
57: Destroy both 音翅(Otoha)、頭翅(Toma) +1
55: Destroy Shagia +1, Destory Olba +1, Destroy Ghingnham +1
58: Choose to live in paradigm city -15
Confirmed, method unknown/unconfirmed
- Special Mode
Either Beat Ex-Hard mode with either character OR beat both routes on any difficulty.
- Another bad end
Both units remain
Gundam MkII -> Zeta Gundam (Setsuko 33 Gibraltar)
Impulse Gundam -> Destiny Gundam (43)
Blaze Zaku Phantom -> Legend Gundam (43)
Gundam X -> Gundam DX (Rand 27)
Gundam DX & G-Falcon (Rand Renton 33). These always share upgrades.
Sara's Panther -> Jimba (Zaft 52)
Xabungle -> Xabungle 2 (Rand 45)
Original machine leaves
Zambo Ace - Zambot 3 (Setsuko 7)
Kuurai Ou - Godsigma (13)
Grankaiser - God Gravion (Setsuko 28)
God Gravion - Sol Gravion (44)
Balgora - Balgora Kai
Balgora Kai - Balgora Glory (32)
Gachiko - Emperenza (22)
Nirvash - Nirvash spec2 (Rand 39)
Nirvash spec2 - Nirvash spec3 (60)
Terminus909 - Terminus303 (48)
Saviour Gundam - Infinite Justice Gundam
Freedom Gundam - Strike Freedom Gundam
Bronco II - Orguss (15)
The cost of upgrading Bronco II and Gachiko's weapons is cheaper than Orguss and Emperenza
Does not carryover even if you think it makes sense
Rick Dias (Char's) -/- Hyaku Shiki
Methuss (Reccoa) -/- Methuss (Fa)
Re-GZ -/- Nu Gundam
God Gravion -/- God Sigma Gravion
Balgora 2&3 -/- Balgora Kai
You get back the money spent on Balgora 2&3 in 21 (i think)
You get back the money spent on Reccoa's Methuss
NKZero escribió:Pues si la verdadestaría bien que fuera para ps3, aunque puede que saquen alguno antes en Wii, creo que ps3 y Wii son las únicas consolas en el mercado sin SRW (sin incluir retrocompatibilidades
PD: Mi apuesta para el próximo SRW sigue siendo uno portatil, quizás para DS que solo tiene 1.
Saludos a todos y Ferliz Navidad