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que al no tener a Tifa no puedes usar el G-bit, dado que sólo los newtypes pueden? Se supone que Yamil sí que podría hacerlo.
</p>This is intended to be an advice/strategy guide for the game in general, that can be used in conjunction with my upcoming walkthrough for Rand's route. Here, I'll list some observations, battle tactics, and advice in regards to gameplay in general, equipping your mechs and what skills are most ideal for most characters. You don't HAVE to follow this advice to enjoy the game, but in my personal experience, it gives the most effective results for me. Your experience and gameplay techniques may vary, of course, and I am open to suggestions, corrections, opinions, and whatnot.
If there's anything listed here that someone may find to be incorrect, or maybe your game experience says otherwise, please don't hesitate to say so, and I will correct the posts as necessary. I will also add to these posts as new info is made available.
<!--coloro:#FFFF00--><!--/coloro-->Just please wait for me to finish posting everything, as these are a lot of pages I've typed up.<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
Also, can I request a sticky for this guide?
Here, I will list general tactics, as well as short guides, tactics and advice to getting the most out of each series' units featured in SRWZ. To make things easier, I've used the Kanji and Kana for parts, skills, seishin, and mech abilities I've mentioned so as to find them easier in the game. These are based on the info gathered from the SRWZ Wiki. Please also note that these don't necessarily belong in the Great Booty of Information, as these mainly constitute a guide and my personal opinions rather than general game data.
<!--coloro:#FF0000--><!--/coloro-->WARNING: This is important, as there are SPOILERS everywhere in this guide. If you don't want to be spoiled silly because I've mentioned events, characters, or gameplay elements that you want to save as a suprise, DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER. You've been warned.</p>
<p><em><strong>SRWZ GENERAL TACTICS<!--fontc--><!--/fontc--><!--colorc--><!--/colorc--><!--sizec--><!--/sizec--></strong></em>
<!--coloro:#FFFF00--><!--/coloro-->General Observations:<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
- Watching the opening demos of the game does NOT list the series’ respective BGMs in the Music Selection like in previous games, but watching the endsave dialogue sequences will, if they are played there.
- Repair units and Resupply units can repair/resupply themselves/their own squads.
- Overman units are comparable to Brain Powerds or Evangelions in the Alpha series when it comes to barrier defense. All Overman units have Photon Mat barriers that spread over the entire squad in Center Formation and can bolster all the squad units’ defenses tremendously. Consider having an Overman unit in squads with Supers that don’t have barriers, shields, or any kind of special defense (i.e. Zanbot-3, Getter Dragon, Gravion)
- For units that rely on evasiveness as their primary means of defense, always, ALWAYS have these units within a decent aura of Leadership (from most motherships or some specific leader characters). This is especially true for Orguss units, Mobile Suits, and LFOs.
- As a mater of priority, it’s recommended that all your best aces learn the Support Attack (援護攻撃) skill as early as possible. Since many of your pilots won’t learn the Hot Blood (熱血) or Soul (魂) seishin until the later half of the game, this will be your primary method of dealing massive damage fast. Though for some units with very short ranges (i.e. Getter Dragon, God Sigma), this may not be very practical. Also note that ALL attacks and TRI attacks cannot support attack or be support attacked. Note that the above rule also applies to the Attack Again (再攻撃) pilot skill, since the pilot is essentially supporting himself.
- Avoid getting surrounded at all costs! This can be fatal for many Real robots (especially Orguss units) since enemy squads get a dramatic increase in accuracy when they surround your units, especially if they’re also in Center Formation.
- Even in normal mode, I’ve found that approximately 90% of the time, many enemies will go out of their way to attack repair and resupply units, even if there are plenty of other units of yours to choose from as targets, so long as they’re in range. More often than not, they tend to prey on the weak and those with low HP. So if you have any support units that end their turn repairing or resupplying, beware. Ganleon seems to be the only repair/resupply unit that enemies avoid attacking in this situation if they can help it, for obvious reasons ^_^</p>
- PP can go higher than 10000. Max value for each pilot stat is 400.
- While many Supers and large units may have trouble hitting smaller ones, this is easily remedied by upgrading the accuracy stat of the unit and/or equipping VR Mets (VRメット), Sensory Helmets (感応ヘルメット), and Linear Seats (リニアシート). Don’t bother giving pilots the Ignore Size Penalty (サイズ差無視) skill if they have trouble hitting smaller units. Instead, give this skill to pilots of mecha that are S size, since generally speaking damage-wise, they’re pretty much at the bottom of the food chain.
- Unit full upgrade bonuses are the same for each unit, unlike some previous SRW games. When you upgrade a unit’s stats to 100%, you get one additional choice full upgrade bonus at no extra cost. The choices are as follows:
Bonus 10% HP
Bonus 10% EN
Bonus 10% Mobility
Bonus 10% Accuracy
Bonus 10% Armor
Bonus 10% Weapon Critical rate
Bonus +1 to unit movement
Bonus +1 to all unit weapon range (excluding MAP weapons and range 1 weapons)
Upgrades one of the unit and unit’s weaponry terrain rank to S (Air, Land, Water, Space)
Adds a Jamming function to unit
Unit’s barrier EN cost is reduced to zero
This bonus upgrade need not be claimed right away. You can always decide later once you return to the unit’s upgrade menu.
<!--coloro:#FFFF00--><!--/coloro-->Leveling Up:<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
- If a unit has more than one pilot, and that pilot levels up, chances are the sub pilots have leveled up as well, but unlike the main pilot’s stat growth during the level up screen, the others aren’t shown. So best check them when it happens – you never know when they’ve learned a new skill or seishin.
<strong><!--coloro:#FFFF00--><!--/coloro-->TRI Battle System:<!--colorc--><!--/colorc--></strong>
- Many enemy squads tend to take Wide Formation, and in doing so even if they are normally easily shot down, enemy support units will take less damage (by 50%) than normal. So don’t be surprised if enemy squad leaders get shot down first before their teammates when you hit them with an ALL attack. Sometimes in this case, a TRI attack works a little better, but most of the time, it may be more efficient to take down each unit one at a time rather than all at once. Conversely, you can try another ALL or TRI attack after the enemy squad leader is down.
- The best time to use an ALL attack effectively is on enemies that are in a Center or TRI Formation.
- When anticipating an enemy attack (like if you’re waiting for enemies to come to you) or enemy retaliation, consider keeping these formations this way as a means of defense :
Tri Formation – When your support units are dodgy Reals, this will help them evade better, as it gives them a 20% bonus to evasion and defense. Also sets up a retaliatory TRI attack if it’s the Enemy Phase.
Center Formation – When one of your squadmates has a barrier that can effectively protect the whole squad. This is especially true if the unit in question is an Overman, as all Overman units have good Photon Mat Barriers. DO NOT use this formation if you think you’ll be facing a strong ALL attack and you DON’T have a barrier. You will take more overall damage if you do so. Though the leader may have a better chace of avoiding high damage, since he gets a 20% defense bonus in this formation.
Conversely, this is a good formation to have if you want to do some more damage to an enemy (especially in cases where a few more thousand points of damage make the difference between a dead target and a live one), and also adds a bonus 20% accuracy modifier to the leader.
Wide Formation – Applies if your squadmates have decent defense and you know they’re gonna get hit. This will reduce their overall damage by 50%. Just make sure the leader can defend himself properly or at least dodge well, as you’ll have no Support Defense in this formation.
This is also a good formation to assume if you don’t have a decent ALL attack (or want to conserve EN ammo or a TRI attack) and you figure your squadmates’ PLA weapons can destroy all the other units in the enemy squad. Best used on a weakened enemy squad.
- You can selectively target any member of an enemy squad, so long as they're not in TRI Formation. You can choose to pick off the weaker enemies this way if you so choose.
Otherwise, it’s the leader or all at once. So to effectively take out the enemy leader’s supports in this case, you’ll have to make extensive use of ALL attacks, or a good MAP attack if you can set it up. Alternatively, you can always use the Direct Attack (直撃) seishin to bypass all support defenses and barriers if a squadmate has it, so that you can attack the leader directly.
- Having the appropriate formation versus an enemy formation adds a 10% bonus to damage dealt. The formula works like Rock-Paper-Scissors in his manner:
Center Formation > Wide Formation > TRI Formation > Center Formation</p>
<p><em>ERIES SPECIFIC TACTICS/ADVICE<!--fontc--><!--/fontc--><!--sizec--><!--/sizec--></em><!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
<!--coloro:#FF8C00--><!--/coloro-->Mazinger Z<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
- The classic frontline tanker, Mazinger Z coupled with Kouji’s high melee stat and Mazin Power, makes Mazinger a formidable foe by himself, but ultimately if you want him to be a major boss killer, you’ll likely be making use of his combos with Great Mazinger, Grendizer and Getter Dragon. This is pretty much the same case with the other Dynamics previously mentioned.
- While his Daisharin Rocket Punch can’t be used post-move, it’s got decent range and is plenty powerful with a high critical rate. His Rust Hurricane is pretty weak and is best used to finish off extremely weak/dying enemy squads. His Drill Missile Tri attack does decent damage, but ultimately, if you want a good ALL attack out of him, you’ll have to combo with Great Mazinger for their Double Burning Fire.
- Consider keeping a solid Mazinger team of Mazinger Z, Diana Ace, and Bossborot. That way Kouji’s got both EN & HP regen on his side, plus a possible Love bonus from Sayaka to boot.
<!--coloro:#FF8C00--><!--/coloro-->Great Mazinger<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
- You can use him pretty much the same way as Mazinger Z, except that his Thunder Break ALL attack does good damage. Interestingly, his Great Booster does more damage overall than the Double Burning Fire combo with Mazinger Z, but since it’s a one-shot weapon, it’s best reserved for bosses.
- Following the series formula, you should keep Great and Venus Ace together, and supplement the squad with an additional Ressupply unit. Either that, or give Great a Solar Panel (ソーラーパネル).
<!--coloro:#FF8C00--><!--/coloro-->Getter Robo G<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
- Though not as effective a tanker as the Mazingers, Getter an be used effectively as a grunt killer so long as you keep attacks focused on one target at a time. Though Dragon and Rygar’s Getter Change ALL attacks deal good damage, they’re strictly one-shot deals. Bleh. And though Poseidon’s Getter Cyclone is an ALL attack, it’s a B in the air and in space, and doesn’t deal good overall damage. He may not have Mazin Power or Dizer Full Power, but his weapons have higher stats to make up for it, especially the Shine Spark. Ultimately, just as with the rest of the Dynamics, his best move is the Final Dynamic Special.
- This time around, the Lady Command can only RESUPPLY, not REPAIR. It’s easy to make this mistake if you’re used to it’s old function in the SRW Alpha series. But at least keeping Michiru around Getter will ensure regular EN regen for it, as it chugs energy quite a bit.
- If you manage to get Tekkouki later on, then by all means team him with Getter & the Lady Command for a solid Getter squad. Equipping him with a Barrier Field (バリア・フィールド) will help bolster the team’s defenses considerably in Center Formation.
- As effective a tank as any of the Mazingers, Grendizer is great for annihalating squads with a TRI attack that’s EN-based (as opposed to the usual ammo-based TRI attacks), and Space Thunder’s powerful ALL attack. If his Spazers are in the squad or nearby, he has even more ALL-type options to choose from. The only downside is that he really chugs EN fast if he’s used this way, so supplementing a Solar Panel (ソーラーパネル) on Grendy as well as having the Marine Spazer in the same squad will help tremendously. Best upgrade the Spazers’ EN as well if you intend to make extensive use of their combos with Grendizer.
- Again, following the series-specific formula of squad formation, placing Grendizer, Marine Spazer, and Drill Spazer in the same squad ensures regular HP & EN Regen for Grendizer, as well as ready access to two combo attacks, and possible Love bonus between Duke and Hikaru. Another solid team.
- Forget the Double Spazer later on, as it has no support features whatsoever. The TFO is a better choice by far, if you get it, since it can both repair and resupply. It doesn’t dodge as well as it does in SRWMX though, so you may have to upgrade it’s Mobility a bit.</p>
- Baldios is a pretty balanced unit as far as the other Supers go, he’s an A in all terrain, has a decent mix of various ranged attacks, and has a powerful ALL type early on. If you upgrade his armor enough, and maybe equip a Barrier Field (バリア・フィールド) on him, he can be a good frontline tanker. And when Baldios’ Subspace Thrust kicks in (at 130 morale), he gets a 25% chance at the Bunshin ability which allows for guaranteed dodging.
- Since Baldios’ Thunder Flash will be his primary finisher and best ALL attack for most of the earlier part of the game, consider giving Marin Focused Attack (集束攻撃), which will significantly boost the overall power of this attack versus enemy squads. EN Save is another good choice, as Baldios tends to be EN-expensive. Giving Baldios a Hi-Spec Radar (高性能レーダー) can help with his slightly less-than favorable range, since his post-move attacks have very short ranges and his other attacks require he fire from a standing position.
<!--coloro:#FF8C00--><!--/coloro-->God Sigma<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
- A pretty solid frontliner, God Sigma gets up-close and personal on the battlefield. With good armor and a shield and sword to boot, added to Toushiya’s +40% Blocking chance squad leader ability, he’s covered defense-wise, so he can be an effective tanker. Though in the long run, he may not be as powerful as the rest of his Super brethren without significant upgrading. A definite grunt killer, though.
- The Sigma Breast Musou Ken attack he gets later on can reduce enemy armor by 200 points. A great way to soften up bosses when used in conjuction with the Analyze (分析) seishin.
- It’s imperative that whatever squad God Sigma is in have at least one support pilot with Accelerate (加速) or Boost (迅速), as none of his pilots have it, and this guy needs to get as close as possible to enemies in order to use his best moves. Consider equipping him with a Hi-Spec Radar (高性能レーダー) to help his range problem. And give Toushiya the Focused Attack skill (集束攻撃) if you intend to make lots of use of the God String ALL attack.
- At first, making use of just Gran Kaiser may be daunting, but bear with it, as his 3-turn God Gravion limit will eventually be removed. And he makes up for it with strong attacks later on and a seishin pool of 6 pilots. In the meantime, consider keeping Gran Kaiser on the ground (as he’s only a B rank in the air), unless you really need to get airborne. Consider upgrading his Mobility stat a little as well as his armor, so that he can dodge most enemy fire (so long as he’s within a decent leadership aura) while he’s not merged with the other Gran Knights.
- Don’t worry about Touga getting more attention as compared to the other Gran Knights. They all share the same Levels and EXP, so no one will be left behind.
- Consider equipping God Gravion and later on, Sol Gravion with a Hi-Spec Radar (高性能レーダー) or Linear Seat (リニアシート). He will be an effective sniper against many grunts, and it helps boost the range of his ultimate combo with God Sigma Gravion later, since it can’t be used post-move.
- God Sigma Gravion later on is pretty much the same as God Gravion, only a little more powerful, mostly due to Sandman’s stats, the added Graviton Lancer ultimate, and Sandman’s Soul (魂) seishin. Use him the same way you did with God Gravion.
- Fey with her Gran Trooper unit is a great support sniper, with decent mobility (and Fey’s added +10% dodge leadership skill) and higher than average armor. It may look frail, but it’s actually tougher than it might first seem, mostly due to Fey’s high defense stat, so don’t be afraid to stick her in the frontlines if needed. Upgrade her armor, Mobility and weaponry a little – you’ll find out soon enough it’s worth it. She’s best used giving cover fire and picking off far away enemies. Since most of it’s attacks require a standing position, and it’s best attack is an ALL type, consider giving Fey Hit & Away (ヒット&アウェイ), Focused Attack (集束攻撃), and EN Save (Eセーブ) skills. Equipping the Gran Trooper with a Hi-Spec Radar (高性能レーダー) or Linear Seat (リニアシート) to boost it’s range isn’t a bad idea, either. And equipping it with a Barrier Field (バリア・フィールド) will help greatly with it’s defense.
<!--coloro:#FF8C00--><!--/coloro-->The Big O<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
- Oh wow, you wanna talk tanker, this guy redefines the word. Big O has a nice balance of melee and shooting moves, though his melee is best suited for ground use. Expect to use his Chrome Buster and O Thunder most often on airborne enemies. Against ground targets, he’s a frikkin’ MONSTER. The classic tactic of throwing an armored unit into a bunch of enemies to soak damage while softening them up works with Big O, but once he gets his Plasma Gimmick MAP weapon, he has the added option of finishing them off himself once you get to Player Phase. Roger may not have the Iron Wall (鉄壁) seishin, but most often, you won’t find that you need it with Big O.
- Roger doesn’t have the Blocking (ブロッキング) skill by default, so it would be wise to give him that, as Big O has shields, and it will significantly help his already great defense. With the shield guard, even major bosses won’t do more than 2000 or so damage to him later on, with only a little upgrading to his armor.
- Dependng on how you want to make use of Big O, you may want to consider keeping Roger’s attack stats balanced for both melee and shooting. Eventually though, his final ultimate attack (Big O Final Stage) is ranged.
- Giving Big O a Hi-Spec Radar (高性能レーダー) or Linear Seat (リニアシート) is another good choice, as he can be a pretty effective sniper. This is especially good since his powerful melee attacks are only a B in the air.
- If Big O isn’t in a squad with a pilot with Accelerate (加速) or Boost (迅速), you may need to eqiup a Mega Booster on him. When Dorothy joins as a sub pilot, she’ll have Accelerate, though. Conversely, you might want to consider giving Roger the Hit and Away skill (ヒット&アウェイ) so he doesn’t lag behind the rest when firing Big O’s ranged attacks.
- While Roger’s Negotiator (ネゴシエーター) skill may seem handy in battle, since you take away 2 points of the enemy’s morale every time you attack them, in reality most enemies GAIN 1 point of morale after being hit, so you only actually take away 1 point. Besides, most enemies won’t last very long against Big O, so taking away their morale is kind of moot. It is a handy skill to have after a battle ends and you have destroyed units so that you aren’t burdened with repair fees, though.</p>
- Another close-quarters melee fighter with a shield and sword. Treat him with the same consideration as God Sigma, but since Banjou eventually gets the Soul seishin (the only other Super Robot pilot to do so other than Sandman), his Space Combination attack with Zanbot-3 is especially devastating. As a 2L size mech, Daitarn is pretty much at the top of the food chain compared to most enemies, and as such, totally rapes grunt units. His armor may not be as strong as a Mazinger, but his high HP level makes up for it and sets him in place as another effective tanker.
- In a pinch, transforming to Daifighter mode will activate it’s Lifter Ability (リフター機能), and allow the whole squad to fly and give it a rank A in the air. Best used if you want the whole squad or another squad unit other than Daitarn to attack air targets effectively or if you need to get around in a hurry, or bypass land-based obstacles.
- It’s kind of hard not to think of this guy as Daitarn Jr. In the long run, he won’t be doing much damage to many bosses without his combo with Daitarn, but he can be a decent frontliner. It might be best to supplement his squad with another good Super or a decent Real. It’s sad to think that many Real aces eventually deal more damage than him, though. He performs like a typical Super would early on, but gets overshadowed later by everyone else’s upgrades.
- With enough armor upgrades (and eqiups) and maybe if you have Kappei learn the Guard skill (ガード), Zanbot-3 can make a decent tanker.
- His best ALL attack is his Ion Cannon combo with King Beal, so more often than not it may not be ideal to deploy Zanbot-3 without either King Beal or Daitarn-3 around. As part of a squad, Zanbot-3 is great, but on his own as a squad leader, he may not be able to keep up with the rest of his Super brethren.
- King Beal is ideal not only as a mothership for the usual reasons, but all friendly adjacent units to it gain a 40% attack bonus against Gaizock (Zanbot-3 enemies) units. Something to consider, especially if you’re up against Butcher the Killer himself.
- Now here we have the swiss army knife unit of the game! Aquarion is so broken it’s not funny. With decent upgrades, this guy can be a BEAST. He has all sorts of weapons for just about every situation. And the 1-14 range of the Mugen Punch effectively makes Apollo one of, if not, the best sniper of the game! Coupled with the Element System, which synchronizes all the best pilots’ stats together, even if you leave some unused Aquarion pilots behind in terms of levels, they can still fight effectively late game and catch up with the rest!
- Giving all the Aquarion pilots the EN Save skill (Eセーブ) is a MUST, as both Aquarion units are EN-heavy users. Consider also equipping them with Solar Panels (ソーラーパネル) and maybe even having a resupply unit in their squads.
- The Mass Production Military Aquarion, also known as Aquarion Alpha/Omega/Delta is a pretty good support Super unit, though most of it’s weaponry is ranged. It also come with various ultimates, depending on the pilot roster – with the exception of the combination of Reika, Sirius, and Sylvia. With this setup, only Reika’s ultimate remains - Sirius and Sylvia don’t have any, so this set (Set E) is not recommended. It’s PSG cannon in particular eats massive amounts of EN, so it’s best used sparingly. It’s far more practical to save the EN usage for the ultimates unless you really need a long range attack or damage whole squads at once.
- The Aquarion pilot swap system affects both Aquarion units later in the game though technically you’re only swapping out pilots for the main Aquarion unit. Swapping out pilots in the following manner for the main Solar Aquarion unit (once Sirius rejoins and Rena becomes a usable pilot) will affect Aquarion Alpha’s pilot lineup thus:
(Set A) Solar Aquarion – Apollo, Sirius, Sylvia -> Aquarion Alpha – Reika, Pierre, Rena
(Set B) Solar Aquarion – Apollo, Pierre, Sylvia -> Aquarion Alpha – Reika, Jun, Tsugumi
(Set C) Solar Aquarion – Apollo, Sirius, Reika -> Aquarion Alpha – Pierre, Jun, Tsugumi
(Set D) Solar Aquarion – Apollo, Pierre, Reika -> Aquarion Alpha – Sirius, Jun, Tsugumi
(Set E) Solar Aquarion – Apollo, Jun, Tsugumi -> Aquarion Alpha – Reika, Sirius, Sylvia
- One effective use of the Element System is to spend each pilot’s PP upgrading specific pilot stats as high as possible, so that once the Element System synchronizes everyone, they’ll all be fighting with extremely high overall stats!
- In light of the above tactic, it can be a good idea to eventually give Apollo the Attack Again (再攻撃) skill, since even upping someone else’s pilot skill stat will eventually reflect on him (which leaves Apollo free to upgrade his own stats, like melee, for instance), and it’s possible to make his piloting skill so high he can even use Attack Again on bosses!
- Rena is the only Aquarion pilot that has SP Regen (SP回復), so you might consider her later on if you need her support seishin. Sadly, there is no set that includes Rena in Solar Aquarion, but her ultimate attack – the Vampire’s Silver Cross, is available at least in Aquarion Alpha. When Rena is a sub pilot in Aquarion Alpha, Reika’s ultimate, the Bad Luck Fist turns into a 1-7 non post-move attack instead of a 1-3 post-move one, due to Rena’s added teleportation ability.
- The most powerful combination of pilots for Solar Aquarion that unlocks it’s most devastating ultimates is of course, Apollo, Sirius and Sylvia. There is no practical purpose in swapping out pilots late game unless you want a challenge and are having fun with the various ultimates.</p>
<p>Z Gundam<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
- The Gundam mk II early on is pretty effective, and if you can get the Titan’s version as well, will prove very advantageous, especially if you give it to Amuro. In the hands of Camille or Quattro, the mk II can be a good frontliner against ground or space targets. Against airborne units though, it lacks power as most of it’s attacks are a B in the air (save for the vulcans, saber, and Flying Armor Attack). When you receive the G-Defenser upgrade, beware as it will make the mk II a B on the ground, and greatly reduce it’s evasiveness. In this case, best equip it with an Anti-Dust Module (防塵装置) if you intend to stick it in a grounded squad.
- The Zeta Gundam is the classic sniper. In Camille’s hands, it’s a dodgy, powerful frontliner that can provide good cover fire, and once it gets it’s Biosensor/Hyper Beam Saber/Waverider Crash upgrade, it’s a deadly boss killer. The higher Camille’s Newtype rank, the longer the range of the Hyper Beam Saber and Waverider Crash. Best keep him in a squad with a resupply unit or equip him with a Solar Panel (ソーラーパネル). EN Save (Eセーブ) for Camille is a must, as well. Consider keeping Fa in the same squad with him for a possible Love bonus. This unit is also a good candidate for a Haro (ハロ) equip.
- The Hyaku Shiki will be Quattro’s bread-and-butter throughout the whole game unless you can stick him in a better mobile suit. As it is, it’s pretty effective early in the game, but unless you can get it’s Mega Bazooka Launcher later on, it’ll be easily overtaken by the other MS in late game. And even then, it’s best used sparingly, as even if Quattro has the EN Save (Eセーブ) skill, the EN cost for firing it is 72 EN! It may be best to keep it as a backup sniper unit in a squad with another EN-heavy mech and a resupply unit, then swap between the two every other turn.
- The Argama is a solid choice for a mothership as it has good defense, decent range, and of course, the immortal Captain Bright at the helm. Since it’s main attacks use ammo, having Bright learn B Save (Bセーブ) is a good idea, as it will give the Argama 12 shots with it’s ALL attack. Having Bright learn Focused Attack (集束攻撃) is also another good choice. And upgrade it’s EN a little if you intend to make good use of it’s MAP weapon. Any other equips on it are up to you, depending on how you intend to use it – any armors, barriers, Hi-Spec Radar (高性能レーダー), Linear Seat (リニアシート), are all good equipment to use.
<!--coloro:#FF8C00--><!--/coloro-->Gundam Char’s Counterattack<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
- In Amuro’s case, the ReGZ can be a good unit to use just before he gets the Nu Gundam, but the key is to keep it in an airborne squad, as it’s a B on the ground, unless you equip it with an Anti-Dust Module (防塵装置), as unlike it’s previous SRW incarnations, you can’t separate the ReGZ from it’s Back Weapon System. In the hands of a talented ace, it’s a good combined hit-and-run unit and a sniper, but ultimately to do massive damage, you’ll have to rely on it’s 3-shot BWS Attack. Late game, it’s a decent support gunner. If you get the opportunity to buy a second ReGZ in the Bazaar, it may be worth it to replace one of the old Rick Dias units later in the game.
- The Nu Gundam will be Amuro’s ultimate upgrade unit later in the game. The Psychoframe ability coupled with Amuro’s stats, Newtype abilities and natural Attack Again (再攻撃) skill make this a formidable mobile suit, that eats grunts for breakfast, though for it to be an effective non-MS boss killer, you may have to upgrade it’s weaponry quite a bit, but it’ll be worth it. It’s I-Field Delta barrier will find lots of use in Center Formation when guarding Amuro’s supports, but Amuro himself may hardly be hit due to his high evasion. By all means have Amuro learn Focused Attack (集束攻撃) to make the Fin Funnels especially deadly against enemy squads. Another good candidate for a Haro (ハロ) equip.
<!--coloro:#FF8C00--><!--/coloro-->Gundam X<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
- The initial Gundam X Divider is a good hit-and-run unit early on, but ultimately you won’t be able to do much damage late-game without the use of the Sattelite Cannon, which offers mucho damage, though it should be used as your last resort ultimate, since many scenarios tend to end shortly after it finally charges (especially if you’re running after SR Points), which means you’ll basically only get the opportunity to fire it ONCE per scenario. Annoyingly, there are plenty of scenarios in the game with a full moon out BEFORE you get to use the Sat Cannon. And in Hard mode, there are fewer scenarios that have a moon out at all, so you may not be making use of this superweapon as much as you’d lke. If you intend to make extensive use of the Divider (and ultimately, the Beam cannons of the DX later on), you’d best have Garrod learn the Focused Attack (集束攻撃) skill.
- The Gundam Double X has the same capabilities and suffers from the same hangups as the X does, though in place of the Divider, you have the G-Falcon to use as a crutch when the moon isn’t out. In the long run however, you probably won’t make much use of the DX on non-full moon scenarios. If Enil joins up with the Esperanza unit, keep her in the same Squad as Garrod so he can fire the G-Falcon’s Beam Cannons more often due to it’s EN Regen.
- The Gundam Airmaster Burst, Gundam Leopard Destroy, and Lancerow’s Clouder units make for great support gunners, but not much else in late game other than to round off squads. Against grunts though, they can hold their own.The Leopard Destroy in particular can make an effective sniper if you can spare the cash & parts to upgrade it enough.
- While the Freeden deals pathetic damage compared to other motherships, it can both repair and resupply, and will last longer than most repair/resupply units on the field even if it becomes the enemy target. Bolstering it’s armor and equipping a Barrier Field (バリア・フィールド) will help it immensely - though in a pinch, Shingo has the Iron Wall (鉄壁) seishin for defense. Equip it with a Mega Booster (メガブースター) as well so it can reach squads that need support easier. Also, after Jamil becomes the Gundam X’s pilot, Sara gains the Leadership ability, which will help other units in battle, though her leadership skills are not quite as strong as the other ship captains. Having Sara learn the Mechanic (修理技能) and Refueler (補給技能) skills will also help the Freeden serve you well in battle. If deployed along with the Glomer, you’ll have yet another good support unit to aid you. This ship is not available for space battle scenarios.</p>
<p>Turn A Gundam<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
- Early on, this unit is hardly better than average, but it upgrades little by little as the game progresses. Rolan himself isn’t very impressive at first either, so you’ll have to work on him a bit to get him up to snuff with the other Gundam aces. He does have SP Regen to help out though, and he learns Soul (魂) later on, so he can be deadly if given enough time and attention. If you don’t care for Rolan ealier in the game, Amuro can make better use of this unit better than his dinky little Rick Dias till he gets the ReGZ or Nu Gundam, but it’s better suited for Rolan once it gets the Moonlight Butterfly Attack – one of the deadliest MAP weapons in the game. Not only does it deal great damage in a massive chunk of range, it also has the added effect of reducing enemy armor by 200 points. Most enemies that survive this MAP attack will be quite weak and easy pickings for the rest of your units. Compounding this attack with the Analyze (分析) seishin on a boss will severely weaken it’s defenses. For ALL attacks, the Turn A gets the Beam Drive Unit later on, so if you want Rolan to be a squad killer, best have him learn Focused Attack (集束攻撃) and EN Save (Eセーブ). You may also want to have Sochie or Meichie’s Kapool in the same squad for their EN Regen capabilities.
- The Sumo units, especially Harry Ord’s, are great frontliners and excellent support gunners. Having Harry’s Sumo with Rolan’s Turn A and Po’s Sumo (or whatever mech Coran uses) makes for a good attack squad. Alternating between them in various truns then letting loose the Moonlight Butterfly when Rolan’s morale is high enough when you need it (or if you want to conserve Turn A’s energy) is a good strategy.
- You eventually get the Soreiyu mothership much later in the game, but it’s not very powerful. So the primary purpose for deploying it by choice is to make use of Diana’s Leadership aura and her great support seishin, which is coupled with her SP Regen skill as well.
<!--coloro:#FF8C00--><!--/coloro-->Gundam SEED Destiny<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
- The MS in this series that you start with (Impulse, Blaze Zaku Phantom, Gunner Zaku Warrior) and pilots are pretty much at par with the other MS series in the game. Though early on the Impulse has an edge when it comes to versatility and endurance, since it has 3 different modules to suit most situations and it gets a free HP & EN replenishment when you swap modules mid-battle (though you may only use each module once per map). Unfortunately, you only have the ability to switch Impulse's modules when Minerva is on the map. If you lose Talia later on, you lose this ability.
- Depending on whether or not you may be able to fulfill the conditions to save Rey and Talia, it may not be worth it to level them up and/or upgrade their respective units. The Minerva is basically just an Archangel Jr., so it won’t be so useful late game, especially if you lose it due to the storyline.
- Rey eventually gets the Gundam Legend, Shinn gets Gundam Destiny, and it’s pointless to give Lunamaria anything other than the Impulse. Annoyingly, no other Universal Century character can pilot the SEED Zakus, so they may be not worth upgrading in the long run. Destiny is a pretty good unit, but since it can’t combo with Eternal like Justice & Freedom can, it’s not going to deal as much damage when it comes down to major bosses. It’s an effective grunt killer, though.
- Like their previous incarnations in SRW, Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice are pretty good Gundams on their own, but their true power lies coupled with the Eternal mothership. Lacus’ stats are improved this time around, and along with the combined seishin pool of Bartfeld and Meylin, it’s more useful than it’s prevous SRW incarnation, especially since it provides Justice & Freedom with their respective METEOR packs, now appearing as combos with Eternal. For this reason, it’s recommended you upgrade Eternal’s EN to the max, since you’re going to want to use METEOR often, especially in late game. Giving Eternal a Solar Panel (ソーラーパネル) is also recommended. Since Justice specializes in melee, and Freedom specializes in shooting, their specialized METEOR ultimates are the METEOR Beam Saber and METEOR Full Burst attacks, respectively. While they can use either attack, you get different animations and battle quotes depending on which Gundam uses which attack, and whether or not the attack is fatal to the enemy. Sadly, Justice and Freedom don’t have combo attacks with each other like they did in previous SRWs. Also note that unlike other ship captains, Lacus has no Leadership aura, so the worth of the Eternal is debatable unless Justice and Freedom are deployed.
- Orguss units I & II are probably the best hit-and-run Real-type attackers in the game. Definitely upgrading their mobility is a must as they have tissue paper for armor and Kei and Orson’s defenses are laughable. As these units are at the bottom of the food chain damage-wise, giving Kei and Orson the Ignore Size Penalty (サイズ差無視) skill is another priority. Having a squad with Kei, Orson, and Athena makes for a powerful squad, with sufficient upgrades, though having Orguss in the same squad as the two Moraba units will work fine too, and make for strong TRI attacks. Since Orguss units mostly make use of ammo, giving Kei, Orson and Athena B Save (Bセーブ) skills is a good choice.
- Since many enemies tend to attack Orguss, don’t be surprised to find that most of Kei’s kills may occur during his counterattacks in Enemy Phase. In fact, many players may end up having Kei as their top ace if they deploy him often.
- The Orguss Combination will be Kei and Orson’s primary means of dealing massive damage later on, and it eats quite a bit of energy, so if you intend to use it often, you’d better upgrade both Orguss units’ EN stat.
- While the Glomer may not deal decent damage as compared to other motherships, it can both repair and resupply, and will last longer than most repair/resupply units on the field even if it becomes the enemy target. Bolstering it’s armor and equipping a Barrier Field (バリア・フィールド) will help it immensely - though in a pinch, Mimsy has the Iron Wall (鉄壁) seishin for defense. Equip it with a Mega Booster (メガブースター) as well so it can reach squads that need support easier. Also, Shaia has the Leadership ability, which will help the other Orguss units especially in battle. Having Shaia learn the Mechanic (修理技能) and Refueler (補給技能) skills will also help the Glomer serve you well in battle. This is arguably the best support unit of the game, comparable with the Freeden.</p>
- Both Xabungle and Walker-Galliar are excellent land-based assault units that can double as snipers in a pinch. I recommend a balance between their main aces’ (Jiron & Lagu) melee and shooting skills, as these units excell in both quite well. Like Big O, they do well against land targets, but only their ranged weaponry work well against airborne enemies, so best save the melee attacks for land-based or weakened airborne foes or give them Minovsky Crafts (ミノフスキークラフト) to allow them to fly and make them an S rank in the air. The only exception to this is the Walker-Galliar’s ICBM Toss, which is a melee-based attack that ignores pretty much everything and just deals massive damage overall. Depending on how often you make use of their ALL attacks as opposed to their Full Power attacks, you may want to give Jiron or Lagu either EN Save (Eセーブ) or B Save (Bセーブ).
- You also get 2 Trand11 units, which are good as resuppliers and for their EN Regen abilities, but they can be pretty frail, especially in late game, so upgrading them a little bit or at least equipping them well is vital if you intend to use them as part of squad support.
- You can buy a Brackery later in the Bazaar, and it makes for a good support gunner, but lacks the power of either Xabungle or Walker-Galliar, so it may not make as good a frontliner as the other two without sufficient upgrading. Since it’s attacks are all ammo-based whoever will be piloting this should have B Save as a skill if you intend to make lots of use of it.
- There will be times where you will not be able to use the Iron Gear mothership – specifically the space scenarios, since it can’t be deployed in space. In these situations, Elchi and Fatman will be available as Walker Machine pilots, so if you want to, you can assign them to any spare Walker Machines you may have. I recommend the Brackery, so that Elchi can at least make use of the attack skills she’s used as a ship captain. Also note that all the Iron Gear’s attacks aren’t all that strong against anything other than land-based targets, so unless you give it a Minovsky Craft (ミノフスキークラフト), or A and S Adapters (A-アダブター, S-アダブター), it won’t be much help against airborne enemies.
- Don’t forget that Xabungle, Walker-Galliar, Dran, and the Brackery can all accommodate a sub pilot, so choose an appropriate pilot who’s seishin you find useful to act as support in each unit, rather than keeping them benched in reserve.
- Note that all Walker Machines are only a rank B in space, so their performance will drop considerably unless you equip them with Thruster Modules (スラスターモジュール), or A and S Adapters (A-アダブター, S-アダブター) will work just as well.
<!--coloro:#FF8C00--><!--/coloro-->Overman King Gainer<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
- Like the Turn A, King Gainer is a work in progress. Early on, he may not be very powerful. In fact, Gainer can be downright pathetic when compared to Gain and his Gatchiko. But with enough upgrading and later in the game when he gets better weapons and ability unlocks like the Overskill Attack and Overfreeze Bullet, King Gainer can be a formidable foe. Early in the game, to make use of his ultimate ALL Overskill Attack requires that Gainer get his morale up ASAP, so equipping King Gainer with a Buriki’s Goldfish (ブリキの金魚) or a FAITH badge (FAITHの証) if you have them, is imperative. Either that, or have Gainer learn some morale-enhanching pilot skill. Other good skills for Gainer to learn are Ignore Size Penalty (サイズ差無視), since King Gainer’s an S size and only the Overskill Attack and Overheat ignore sizes, and EN Save (Eセーブ) as King Gainer is EN-heavy.
- Another worthwhile skill you can have Gainer learn is Attack Again (再攻撃) – consider this due to the fact that once he learns the Game Champ (ゲームチャンプ) skill, it boosts his Piloting stat 30 points higher when his morale hits 130, which puts it higher than just about every enemy in the game! I recommend you replace his Blocking (ブロッキング) skill with Attack Again since once King Gainer’s Overskill kicks in, he’ll be nigh unhittable and won’t need to block at all. Now you’ll be able to slam the enemy with two Overheats in a row!
- While the Gatchiko may look pathetic, it’s worth upgrading considerably as it’s upgrades transfer over to Gain’s Overman Emperanza later on, which is one of the best snipers in the game. Gain himself is pretty amazing, with natural Hit and Away (ヒット&アウェイ) and Lvl. 4 Support Attack (援護攻撃) skills. Have him learn B Save (Bセーブ) and Emperanza gets 18 shots for it’s PLA rifle, 6 shots for it’s TRI attack, and 7 shots for it’s Black Southern Cross! And Emperanza moves fast too, once it’s Overskill kicks in, with added auto-Accelerate seishin casted and a +200 strength bonus to it’s Photon Mat Barrier, it make a great support unit for any squad. Have Gain learn Focused Attack (集束攻撃), and watch this guy plow through enemy squads once he gets the Black Hole attack!
- The Panzer Silhouette Machines are good for HP Regen support and impromptu repair work but they won’t survive for long in late game unless you at least bolster or upgrade their mobility and armor a little. Equipping them with barriers can’t hurt either. Don’t even bother with the Dobecks unless you don’t have any other units to spare.
- The other remaining Overman units (Jimba, Mexbrute, Golem) make for good support units in squads, and doubly so when you consider their Photon Mat barriers, that can cover the whole squad in Center Formation. Jimba in particular can also repair, so it grants an additional HP regen to the squad as well. Jimba is available after the Overdevil event, while Mexbrute and Golem can be purchased at the Bazaar eventually.
- The Dominator is an awesome frontline Overman unit and a great support attacker. Because of Cynthia’s Attack Again (再攻撃) skill coupled with her Gamer (ゲーマー) skill that grants a +10 point bonus to her Piloting stat, she can double-attack many grunts and more often than not, finish them off outright with a double-dose of Dominator’s Overskill attack! And like King Gainer, while Dominator’s a hard target to hit (with it’s added Bunshin Overskill), it’s going to be relatively weak against larger targets unless Cynthia learns Ignore Size Penalty (サイズ差無視). Give her EN Save (Eセーブ) too, so she can use the Overskill attack more often.
- Be warned, all Overman units are only a B in space, so unless you have plenty of Thruster Modules (スラスターモジュール) to spare for them, they get a MASSIVE drop in performance in Space scenarios. Alternatively, you can also equip them with A and S Adapters (A-アダブター, S-アダブター), and they will work just as well.
<!--coloro:#FF8C00--><!--/coloro-->Eureka Seven<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
- Generally speaking, the LFOs are great assault hit-and-run attackers, and Holland’s Terminus 909 makes for an excellent sniper. Teaming the three Terminus units together makes for a strong squad with very damaging TRI attacks, so it’s worth upgrading the 606 and 808 even a little bit. Also, all upgrades to Holland’s 909 carry over to his 303 unit, so it’s worth it for the long run, and can be just as deadly as the Nirvash.
- The Nirvash may not be very powerful early on, but it proves effective later down the line as it gains new attacks and abilities when Renton joins Eureka in the cockpit. Once it gains it’s assualt ALL attack and the devastating MAP attack Seven Swell, it becomes a force to be reckoned with. The only problem is that later, you’ll lose Eureka due to the storyline and be forced to use the less talented Renton (for the moment), so don’t be too shocked to find out that the Nirvash takes a drop in performance, especially since it’s strongest attack early on requires a high Ref Technique (リフテクニック) that Renton may not have yet. Renton is worth training though, so keep with it, as Eureka will eventually be relegated to sub pilot for the rest of the game. She keeps a good seishin set, however, along with SP Regen, so it’s all good. Definitely give Renton and Eureka both Focused Attack (集束攻撃) for the Nirvash’s ALL attack, and Renton should get Predict (見切リ) to make up for his performance, as his stats that aren’t as good as Eureka’s. EN Save (Eセーブ) is also a good choice. This mech is also a good candidate for a Haro (ハロ).
- The Gekko Go is a pretty nimble mothership, as it’s probably the only one tha has Buunshin by default, due to Talho’s Ref Technique skill. Still, it could benefit from barriers or armors later on. And it uses very little EN and has plenty of ammo for attacks, so it’s quite cost-efficient in battle. It also has a handy MAP attack for the right occasions. The only real problem with it is Talho’s lack of Leadership (that skill goes to Holland, as leader of Gekkostate), so this mothership may not be very deployable in the later scenarios except as a matter of personal choice. It comes with 4 pilots total though, after Moondoggie joins the crew. Since it has no post-move weaponry, giving Talho Hit and Away (ヒット&アウェイ) is ideal, as well as Guard (ガード) to bolster it’s defenses.
<!--coloro:#FF8C00--><!--/coloro-->Banpresto Originals<!--colorc--><!--/colorc-->
- Talk about unique. The Ganleon is pretty much the first heavy-hitter Super unit that can actually REPAIR and (after it’s limiter is unlocked) RESUPPLY. This is the one support unit that can actually kick ass, and unless there isn’t anything beter for Rand to do on the batlefield for the moment, he can support the rest of his teammates. Since you’re gonna have this bad boy all the way to the end of the game, upgrade it as you will, and upgrade it generously. Definitely a boss killer, especially after it’s two ultimates are unlocked. Giving him a Linear Seat (リニアシート) and a Mega Booster (メガブースター) to extend his melee range (and especially his ALL and TRI attacks) is good, but the only way to use his ultimate is to get right in the enemy’s face.
- Definitely have Rand learn Guard (ガード) and EN Save (Eセーブ), and whatever else is up to your prefered style of play. His morale buildup is not a problem, as most often by turn 3 of a heated battle scenario, his morale may have maxed already. Perhaps giving him Break Morale Limit (気力限界突破) to push his morale up to 170 will be ideal if you want to pump up his attack power even further. Rand can be even more effective if you used Terada’s birthday trick at the beginning of the game (11/11, blood type B) as he gets Inspire (感応) and Invincible (不屈) at a mere 10 SP cost. Having him learn Mechanic (修理技能) and Refueler (補給技能) is also a good option if you want him to make full good use of Ganleon’s suport abilities.
- Chaos Leo joins you for a couple of scenarios in the game, but leaves permanently as a result of the storyline. No worries though, as any upgrades you spend on it will be refunded, though you may not want Levin to bag too many kills you could be giving to other pilots. Best keep Chaos Leo as a support attacker in a squad if you must deploy him, as he is a fairly good unit.
NKZero escribió:Dejando el offtopic de lado, sabes si llegan a unirse los dos protagonistas o solamente se cruzan alguna que otra vez?
Se supone que Asakim simplemente es inmortal, y necesita el poder oculto de Setsuko para poder morir y descansar en paz, por eso también utiliza a Rand y lo utiliza al principio del juego. Además, el objetivo de Asakim es morir, ya que eso es lo que quiere, por eso cuando ataca a alguien con su ataque más bestia se pueden ver las imágenes esas extrañas que parecen ser su historia pasada porque a la vez que se muestran el grita algo como "Mis pecados, mis errores, y todo mi sufrimiento...".
Supongo que será un personaje a tener en cuenta en próximas entregas ya que se supone que no tiene relación con el OGverse, aunque mucha gente dice que es Masaki en el futuro y otros muchos dicen que la saga Z será la que reuna a todos los universos de la saga SRW.
Ya existía una relación entre la saga Alpha y el MX cuando aparece Kaworu en el Alpha 3 y le dice a Shinji algo que sólo se pude ver en el MX, ahora no me acuerdo qué.
Cranky_kong escribió:Por cierto Fan, ¿tú tienes ya el opening de Getter robo? Es que estoy un poco cansado del canción que trae al principio, y eso que llevo 3 fases con él.
Otra cosa, había visto que algunos ataques varían un poco si lo haces en "diagonal" ...¡¡¡pero es que hay algunos que cambian totalmente!! NO es como los puños de Gran Mazinger que rebotan en el suelo, es que ataque con el Borotto Punch a uno que estaba en el cielo ...¡¡ y el Boss Borotto se puso un globo para empezar a bolar!! El ataque quitaba una mierda, pero sólo por eso valía la pena verlo. ¿Hay algún caso más así?
Otra cosa, ¿cómo sigues la historia? ¿Sabes japo o la lees de SRWG?
FanDeNintendo escribió:NKZero escribió:Dejando el offtopic de lado, sabes si llegan a unirse los dos protagonistas o solamente se cruzan alguna que otra vez?
Los dos protagonistas (Rand y Setsuko) nunca se llegan a unir en ninguna de las dos rutas por ahora, eso sí, hay varios stages en los que coinciden y hablan.
Por otra parte, lo que es la línea argumental está más enfocada de lado de Setsuko. Algunos spoilers sobre la historia:Se supone que Asakim simplemente es inmortal, y necesita el poder oculto de Setsuko para poder morir y descansar en paz, por eso también utiliza a Rand y lo utiliza al principio del juego. Además, el objetivo de Asakim es morir, ya que eso es lo que quiere, por eso cuando ataca a alguien con su ataque más bestia se pueden ver las imágenes esas extrañas que parecen ser su historia pasada porque a la vez que se muestran el grita algo como "Mis pecados, mis errores, y todo mi sufrimiento...".
Supongo que será un personaje a tener en cuenta en próximas entregas ya que se supone que no tiene relación con el OGverse, aunque mucha gente dice que es Masaki en el futuro y otros muchos dicen que la saga Z será la que reuna a todos los universos de la saga SRW.
Ya existía una relación entre la saga Alpha y el MX cuando aparece Kaworu en el Alpha 3 y le dice a Shinji algo que sólo se pude ver en el MX, ahora no me acuerdo qué.
Astral escribió:Buaa, gracias fan, no tenia ni idea de cuales eran los objetivos de Asakim,ah y me parce que tenias razon, creo que a Asakim y a Masaki los dobla el mismo, pero eso de que sean la misma persona nop me cuadra
FanDeNintendo escribió:Y sí, una de las mayores mejoras de este SRW es la posiblidad de ver diferentes animaciones gracias a que ahora se diferencian los ataques de tierra-aire, aire-tierra. A mi me mola el puño por defecto de Big-O, que si el enemigo está en el aire lo que hace es sacar uin gancho y acercarlo por las malas. Si está en el sulo va andando hasta él xDDDD
vi un ataque del uno de los protas de Alpha 3 y salía él, y el tío pilotaba un Astranagun
¿Por qué el ataque más fuerte de la tía final lo hace el Astranagun que sale de dentro del robot? ¿Es algo importante en la historia?
NKZero escribió:Jajaja, si, trabajo de programador.
en Alpha ingram desaparece y es chico le hace de vasija, que junto con su robot fusionado con Astranagant hacen ese ataque
Astral escribió:respecto a lo de Ingram y el R-gun rivale es porque se supone que ese ingram y el ingram de Astranagant son de diferentes tiempos, y que probablemente el ingram cro a rivale porque no tenia material suficiente para crear el Astranagant.
Cranky_kong escribió:Astral escribió:respecto a lo de Ingram y el R-gun rivale es porque se supone que ese ingram y el ingram de Astranagant son de diferentes tiempos, y que probablemente el ingram cro a rivale porque no tenia material suficiente para crear el Astranagant.
Umm, la verdad es que me parece que si hubieran querido, usando al Astranagun aunque cambién alguna cosilla de la historia ( tampoco creo que hubiera sido mucho, porque es más o menos la historia del primer Alpha) Me da rabia porque me encantaba el robot ><.
ah! Y gracias por la info
Cranky_kong escribió:La verdad es que el tema del doble turno es algo que se ha perdido, pero tampoco me importa, que entonces se hacía muy difícil predecir lo que sucederá en cada turno del enemigo.
FanDeNintendo escribió:Cranky_kong escribió:La verdad es que el tema del doble turno es algo que se ha perdido, pero tampoco me importa, que entonces se hacía muy difícil predecir lo que sucederá en cada turno del enemigo.
Si estás jugando al Z espérate un poco a que aparezcan los malos de Aquarion