En GameVideos hay otro
video, este de 2 minutos titulado "Classes". Lo estoy bajando a 720p.
Y otra
preview de 1up. Por lo que dicen le tienen más ganas que los de IGN

EDITO: Lo más destacable de la preview de IGN, muy interesante:
As long as we didn't push a button to skip a cutscene, we didn't see a single loading screen after the initial start up. None. Not even a "now loading" text prompt while the game pauses could be found. It all streams in from the background without any break in the action.
The viewing angle is controlled by the game, though you can zoom in or out with the d-pad.
If you look at Too Human as an action game, you'll probably find that it doesn't meet your expectations. But if you look at it as an immersive dungeon crawler, then the issues will probably be less noticeable. Let's be clear, there are still a few issues with the gameplay. They just become more or less prominent based on your perspective.
And that is the issue with Too Human at this stage in development. The gameplay doesn't always feel smooth. The initial impressions can be tossed as premature because the game does take a good half of an hour to get used to. Once you get into the swing of things and understand how the controls work, things begin to click…most of the time. The idea of mapping the combat to the right analog stick works when there are a large number of enemies on screen. Press the stick in the direction you want to attack and watch the mayhem. Sliding to the next enemy, vaulting back and forth between few members in a crowd, or simply holding down the stick in one direction to combo a foe to death all works when there are a lot of enemies on screen. In fact, it's rather exhilarating. When there are only a few and more precise control is needed, it feels a bit clunky.
But then, the game is essentially an extension of Diablo which makes a major critique of the combat rather superfluous. Massive numbers of enemies are tossed at you at once and the hook to keep playing through the game multiple times is to level up your character (all the way to 50 on the first leg of the trilogy alone) and find sweet loot. The basic "push a button and get a reward" game psychology is here in full force. Just within the first hour of the game we came across a huge variety of upgrades. Six separate armor pieces, each of which changes your appearance when swapped, and numerous melee and gun classes are up for grabs. And the swords do feel different than the hammers and staves. Not everything can be equipped -- some require certain levels, skills or classes to be used -- but there is no shortage of loot to be found and toyed with.
The RPG mechanics go deeper than leveling up and managing equipment. A stats screen keeps track of your playtime, defensive and offensive statistics, as well as providing numbers for all of the standard RPG categories. It also showed a token list for each of the four worlds (Hel, Hall of Heroes, Ice Forest, and World Serpent) which we assume would be special hidden bonuses.
It won't be possible to unlock every skill, we're told, requiring each player to choose which branches to invest in. You'll also have to choose whether to align yourself with humans or machines; one providing more attack moves while the other gives you access to extra weapons and weapon functions including a massive cannon. The runes, meanwhile, provide little side quests of sorts and reward you with small stat or skill bonuses upon completion. Each requires a small task to be complete in the game, such as to kill 25 enemies with explosives, but they must be equipped to activate the quest.
If there's one thing that our time with Too Human gave us, it was a desire to see more of the game. The RPG mechanics are solid, even if the combat isn't quite all there yet. Everything is still in the works, which makes this game so intriguing. We can give the combat a pass for now as it isn't quite finished and may evolve drastically as the game progresses to become more in-depth. We saw only an hour of the game and reached level seven with just a few skills and a fraction of the story revealed to us. And it still was a bit overwhelming. The later level content sounds great, especially since the game is designed to be played through multiple times with friends as the enemy placement and loot drops change each time. Don't count Too Human out yet. You might be sorry you did.
No está nada mal. Por cierto, recuerdo que habrá cooperativo a 4 jugadores, otro aliciente más.