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Tommy Vercetti escribió:Texto: Ingles, Frances, Italiano, Aleman, Español, Dansk(no se), Portugues, Holandes, Suomi, Norsk, Svenska.
Subtitulos: Ingles, Frances, Italiano, Aleman, Español, Dansk(no se), Portugues, Holandes, Suomi, Norsk, Svenska.
Doblado: Ingles, Frances, Italiano, Aleman, Español, Portugues, Holandes.
A pesar de la putada, que no os quepa duda de que este es un must have para los amantes del genero![]()
Estoy subiendo un video de toda la demo jugada en un rato lo posteo![]()
Este juego es un pepinazo gráficoChester escribió:![]()
Me encanta el efecto mojado de la ropa. La espera se va a hacer eterna...![]()
256k escribió:Se refiere a la demo, una preguntilla.. no se la podriais pasar para los EUR?, esk eso de "Insert game disc" es muyyyy raro..
Chester escribió:![]()
Me encanta el efecto mojado de la ropa. La espera se va a hacer eterna...![]()
DarkG escribió:gracias Paul............... ahora no queda mas remedio que aguantar el chaparron jeje
cambiando un poco el tema, parece que la gente que ha podido jugar si le esta gustando. Incluso alguno ya se ha enamorado de Elena![]()
Tommy Vercetti escribió:Aqui el video donde me he pasado toda la demo.
Aviso contiene spoilers(solo los primeros 2 minutos).
Inthenight escribió:Joder acabo de llegar y que bajón.. pa encima viendo imagenes como estas... en fin toca esperar... Assasins hazme aguantar!!!!
Que cosas....
Lets be rational pal owners.
I know many of you're pissed off, but it seems half of you fail to see throught the free complains you created.
1-An AMERICAN GAME getting released in America before being released in Europe.
considering EU versions of games needs more time of development for localization. I mean, only a small part of Europe uses English as first language, the diversity of languages requires more time than American versions which only uses English (and maybe, maybe Spanish in some very rare cases).
Also the European version is TAKING LONGER than the American version because it must pass by the hand of the local european PUBLISHER after being complete.
The same happens with almost all Japanese games, except some very rare exceptions (like Ninja Gaiden Sigma and Dead Rising). And you don't see us cursing nor blaming japs for releasing their games first there.
Sure we could argue Naughty Dog could have waited and lineup the release dates for all regions ,but of course that would make the waiting longer FOR EVERYONE.
Uncharted is awesome but its very FAR from being a hype monster like Halo 3 or MGS4, in those cases is more called for to lineup the release dates so the Worldwide hype explodes together.
2-PSN's Region zones exists for a reason
To deliver and sell determinate content in certain regions.
And to separate resources so the bandwidth of the PSN servers (and each developer own server) doesn't get too overcrowded and therefore lagged.
Servers (especially for high-bandwidth use, like GAME SERVERS) runs faster when their physical localization (aka the real world) are in the same continent where they're used.
3-Why did Sony not made a one and only GLOBAL PSN?
Because such thing would mean:
-More time for each developer to test and make compatible and multilanguage EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DOWNLOAD. And more = more costs.
-LAG due the distance of connections.
-Overcrowded servers full of people with different ping and talking different languages: CHAOS AND LAG.
-Problems with some third parties which have the licence to sell some games in certain countries/regions only. (Go watch JP psn PSX and PSP dll games).
Sony DIDN'T MAKE IT REGION-LOCKED but that doesn't mean people have access "Officially" to foreign servers.
When you use a Playstation Network from other continent than yours you're Pretending to be from a country of that continent so all responsibility is YOURS.
Also you must perform certain tweaks in the config in order to create yourself a foreign account so the masses of "Average gamers" aren't aware of it and then they don't cause problems.
4-Why didn't Naughty Dog released a EU version demo of Uncharted yet?
-Because the NA version is almost ready to launch. The EU version is a little more far from completion. It will take a couple weeks until ND and the Local European Publisher localize a demo.
-Because of something FAR MORE IMPORTANT for the developer: TIMING
The purpose of DEMOS is to promotionate and create hype about incoming games.
Uncharted is gonna release a few weeks LATER in Europe so there isn't much point of releasing the demo there right now but most likely when there is only one or two weeks before the release day so the hype lives up the launch of the game.
This happens with most games and its a natural business move.
The exception for the rule are some games which the developer invests into pushing and keep hyping with alot of anticipation, like Halo 3, Gran Turismo 5, MGS4 ,etc.
5- Who's to blame for Uncharted not working on your pal PS3?
-You're using a foreign network branch which has people working to create content for NTSC PS3 consoles.
-You're using a FREE SERVICE both Sony and Third parties SPEND MONEY to keep up.
-Yet you claim Naughty Dog and Sony are screwing you when you're downloading content you're NOT SUPPOSED TO and misusing servers and money both Sony and Naughty Dog invested in the North American PS3 userbase.
You're screwing them and yet you have the face to complain and demand a SPECIAL TREAT about a download you're not supposed to get, yet.
Now STFU and wait two fucking weeks. Tl,dr etc.
paulcarrack escribió:
Ahora es cuando hay que estar más al lado del que nos ha estado dedicando tiempo de su vida a responder con horas y horas de sueño sacrificado nuestra inquietudes, así que hay que estar con Dark_G.
DarkG escribió:
jejej despues de las 2 de la madrugada me he pasado dias aqui contestando algunos mensajes......... pero bueno, ya estan en el tema e igual lo arregland pronto la demo
que sepais que ya estan en ello.
asi que visitad el blog dedicado al juego para updates
DarkG escribió:
jejej despues de las 2 de la madrugada me he pasado dias aqui contestando algunos mensajes......... pero bueno, ya estan en el tema e igual lo arregland pronto la demo
que sepais que ya estan en ello.
asi que visitad el blog dedicado al juego para updates
Tommy Vercetti escribió:Aqui el video donde me he pasado toda la demo.
Aviso contiene spoilers(solo los primeros 2 minutos).
Hi, since I’m new to the blog I wanted to first introduce myself. I am the line producer on Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune and I work with Naughty Dog on a day-to-day basis and have been working with the team since Crash Team Racing.
We are pleased to see that there is so much interest out there in the Uncharted demo, and wanted to provide a quick update.
As many of you in Europe and Japan may have already learned, today’s demo is currently only available on the North American PlayStation Store, and will only work on PS3 units in that territory. This is the case with all demos, as they are targeted per region. As you may already know, North America is the first region to launch Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune (Monday, November 19th), and we wanted to be sure that we gave our North American PS3 players the opportunity to try out the demo prior to launch. Other territories are currently putting the finishing touches on the localization aspects of the Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune demo, and will release it in their respective PlayStation Stores in due course.
Unfortunately when attempting to download the demo, our friends in PAL regions or Japan may have encountered a bug in which you are asked to insert a disc. Please ignore this prompt and accept our apologies.
Thanks again for your interest in the game, we hope that those of you who do get a chance to play it get a taste for what we hope will become an action-adventure classic on the PS3.
fidillo escribió:
Tu video esta mal
Si lo abrmo con el Divix me sale que el video son 20:30 minutos, pero solo se ven 6 segundos y se acaba el video.
Si lo abro con Media Player Classic dice que solo tiene 6 segundos de duracion y luego se cierra.
Lo mismo para el resto de reproductores.
Que raro, yo lo he abierto con el ultimo k lite coedc pack 3.5.3fidillo escribió:
Tu video esta mal
Si lo abrmo con el Divix me sale que el video son 20:30 minutos, pero solo se ven 6 segundos y se acaba el video.
Si lo abro con Media Player Classic dice que solo tiene 6 segundos de duracion y luego se cierra.
Lo mismo para el resto de reproductores.
Mx24 escribió:cual es la direccion del famoso blog oficial del juego????
Hoppy escribió:Osea quedamos en que es un fallo y lo estan arreglando Darkg?
El tio que ha escrito la noticia en el blog de playstation tiene un Daxter de Avatar de nueva generacionQue cabrones, ya estan en ello entonces.
fidillo escribió:
Esta semana ha sido increíble para PS3, no se ha presentando ni un solo juego malo. Pain es un juego tan idiota que está destinado a gustarnos. Lo nuevo de Naughty Dog es impresionante, es algo así como lo que Tomb Raider nunca consiguió ser (aclaración: por entonces todavía no había salido el increíble Tomb Raider Aniversario, ese sí fue un Tomb Raider cojonudo). Me trago mis palabras negativas sobre los primeros scans. Lo vi como un juego sin vida en el que no puedes interactuar con nada, como el típico juego 3d demasiado sintético en el que note crees lo que estás viendo porque no hay adonde ir, sólo un simple pasillo con arbustos a cada lado, como los espacios abiertos de Metroid Prime, que son prácticamente habitaciones sin techo.
Pero ahora que hemos podido ver lo que ofrece, me he quedado de piedra. Es como un Jak con personajes reales y unas animaciones soberbias. Sin tecnología no podríamos ver ni jugar juegos como éste. Llevaba mucho tiempo sin ver unas 3d tan fantásticas y con tantas posibilidades, y un personaje tan bien animado, capaz de correr, saltar de un lado a otro, colgarse de un saliente y trepar por un muro, pasando con absoluta fluidez de una acción a otra, justo lo que un plataformas necesita (aclaración: en aquel momento hablaba sobre plataformas pero sé que Uncharted tiene mucha acción) y lo que todos los grandes tienen, buenas y precisas animaciones. Una vez más, la tecnología no sólo está de parte de la jugabilidad, la potencia totalmente. No necesito probarlo para saber que estamos ante un posible gran éxito.
marvicdigital escribió:Vamos a ver el primer enlace de el demo terminaba en un numero 85 y ahora que he vuelto a mirar con el proxy termina en 84, ee todas formas el que quiera volverlo a bajar aca les dejo el link directo a lo mejor si era un bug este ya este resuelto.. eso si va super lento, yo cancelé la anterior y ahora me toca esperar 9 horas..bueno mientras duermo y amanece viernes![]()
Zeta69 escribió:Bueno Santi me acabo de terminar la demo y cojonudo tio, pedazo de juegoEnhorabuena hombre, las horas extras no han sido en vano
Ahora a recoger la siembra
Thanks for the update, Sam - it’s good to have feedback like this. Unfortunately I’m sure you can also see the viewpoint of the disappointed customers in other regions. Your competition have clearly demonstrated that it’s perfectly possible to have worldwide releases of demos and downloadable games, but Sony still manages to treat its European customers - probably its strongest fanbase - as some sort of third world gaming ghetto. Having access to the demos and trailers on the US store has helped mitigate that effect for those who are sufficiently interested - the hardcore userbase who are likely to be the biggest investors in your company’s products, the early adopters who drive general uptake of those products, and the least likely to be concerned by any problems with regional variations in games - as “p1ssed off” points out, we’re the sort of people who’ll happily download demos in Japanese and not get upset when it’s not clear what to do.
I’d hope that this isn’t part of a trend towards deliberate region coding of demos, because that would be taking a step even further back from the competition. I’d also hope that Sony working at an *international* level (sorry, Solace, this isn’t purely an issue for individual regional branches) could make real efforts to match XBox Live’s ability to handle global releases seamlessly. It’s most frustrating because we *know* it’s possible, and that it isn’t happening because of organisational shortfalls within Sony, or the flawed assumption that it isn’t something that people want - aside from the few with the selfish “I’m alright, so stuff everyone else” attitude we’ve seen a lot of around here recently, of course.
We hear you loud and clear. Wanted to chime in here and let you know that we have shared your frustration with the Naughty Dog team and we are going to see what we can do. I will be back tomorrow with an update, but in the meantime I hope you can be patient and bear with us. As you have learned through communicating with Evan and Amy on the blog, Naughty Dog is a studio that listens to gamers, so I hope to have good news for you soon.
Tommy Vercetti escribió:Aqui el video donde me he pasado toda la demo.
Aviso contiene spoilers(solo los primeros 2 minutos).
sonic5202 escribió:yo pienso q ese fallo de esa demo q activa el lector peude dar mucho que ablar en las zona de scene de ps3.
szibo escribió:
Lamento que hallan puesto ese bloqueo tan incomprensible y odioso, pero escuchen a Dark_G que cuando salga se van a olvidar porque este juego merece la espera.
PD. El juego me corre a 720 y no en 1080 como lo mencionaron anteriormente.
I woke up this morning expecting to download the demo, but I'm glad that Sony region locked it. It's important that you protect your customer from cultural differences and languages that you might not understand. Imagine if you downloaded a demo that was only available in French. You would think that your PS3 was broken and you might take it back to the store and trade it in for another system. I for one applaud this decision. I'll happily keep waiting until Uncharted hits the Japanese PSN four months from now!
DarkG escribió:
me alegra verte por aqui......... genial que te haya gustado.
DarkG escribió:
gracias por los comentarios......... el juego va a 720p y 1080i
Hi guys and gals,
We hear you loud and clear. Wanted to chime in here and let you know that we have shared your frustration with the Naughty Dog team and we are going to see what we can do. I will be back tomorrow with an update, but in the meantime I hope you can be patient and bear with us. As you have learned through communicating with Evan and Amy on the blog, Naughty Dog is a studio that listens to gamers, so I hope to have good news for you soon.