Supongo que será por que la compra la hice desde un correo distinto del que me registré, me pidieron un correo con el numero de orden del otro correo, se lo mande pero no he recibido nada
Joder pues a ver si se dan prisa que en cobrarme si que no tardaron
Me mandaron esto: We thank you for your order.
Since you have used two different email addresses, we need you to confirm that they both belong to you.
Please send us an email containing your order number from this email address: *******
You may want to change the email address you entered in your profile at our shop and let us know afterwards.
(The address entered in your profile should match the one you use with Paypal / Moneybookers).
If you change your e-mail address in our shop with Paypal / Moneybookers e-mail you will not be asked for it again in the future.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Please retain all history if you reply to this mail.
Ahora me pedian la IP desde la que compre el juego y es la de mi otra casa
Vaya follon joder, a ver si se enteran