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Jdioxjp escribió:Algunos leen made in china y le entran los sudores y luego van su Iphone(made in china), vacilando...triste.
Ketk escribió:La dingo tampoco tiene un gran acabado y mirala el pedazo de scene que tiene y hay algunas que duran más de tres meses
Jdioxjp escribió:Evidentemente, se que en china se frabrican en muy distintas calidades, eso esta claro. pero tampoco es una basura de plastico, no esta mal lo que ofrece a ese precio. en el momento en que se pueda modificar agregar roms y emuladores, ya vereis como cambian las opiniones....
P.D. ya os habeis olvidado de las tres luces rojas!!
NewDump escribió:Realmente es una Dingo con salida a TV?, xD paranoia mia mental
Ketk escribió:pickboy82 escribió:El problema ya no es sólo que logren hacer funcionar otros emuladores, es la más que presumible tasa de fallos (en hard, en construcción, componentes de dudosa calidad, etc...) que dará la maquina con el paso del tiempo... y me da que no pasará mucho tiempo para que muchas de ellas funcionen mal o dejen de hacerlo.
No entiendo.. yo sólo he leído la baja calidad de los componentes de construcción.. y estoy de acuerdo con ello...
Que se rompe la carcasa.. se hace otra...
Que se rompe el mando.. se hace otro (si la placa está bien te puedes hacer tú los microinterruptores.. yo lo hice con la mastersystem).
Que se rompe el ventilador.. se lo pone otro...
La placa y las soldaduras las veo iguales que otras consolas...
bobst escribió:Que cachondo tu que sabes soldarSupongo que mas tarde mas temprano o se liberara o sacaran una dingo de sobremesa o algo parecido con Linux ...
Tiex escribió:Supongo que muchos de vosotros no tendréis problema con el adaptado de corriente que trae la consola, pero yo si, mas que nada porque no se que adaptador tengo que comprar. Podéis informarme de cual es el que necesito y donde comprarlo, muchas gracias
Me ha llegado hoy mismo y estoy deseoso de probarla
Ketk escribió:bobst escribió:Que cachondo tu que sabes soldarSupongo que mas tarde mas temprano o se liberara o sacaran una dingo de sobremesa o algo parecido con Linux ...
Yo tampoco sé soldarY de todo lo que he puesto no hay que soldar nada
Tiex escribió:Supongo que muchos de vosotros no tendréis problema con el adaptado de corriente que trae la consola, pero yo si, mas que nada porque no se que adaptador tengo que comprar. Podéis informarme de cual es el que necesito y donde comprarlo, muchas gracias
Me ha llegado hoy mismo y estoy deseoso de probarla
Creo que era de 6 V y 1,2 A .. pero tengo que mirarlo.. ahora estoy en el curroSi alguien puede que se lo diga.. si no.. lo miro esta noche en casa
Tiex escribió:Pero no hay una especie de clavija para adaptar el que ya viene a los enchufes de españa?
Muchas gracias por la ayuda y por la rapidez de respuesta
Ketk escribió:Tiex escribió:Pero no hay una especie de clavija para adaptar el que ya viene a los enchufes de españa?
Muchas gracias por la ayuda y por la rapidez de respuesta
Pensaba que estabas diciendo que no te había llegado con el enchufe![]()
El adaptador de enchufe lo puedes comprar en cualquier chino..
Cryog escribió:Street Fighter Zero vino incluido en mi consola.Como se muestra en el video el archivo se encuentra debajo del SF2TJ.ZIP (Street Fighter 2 Turbo Japan).
pickboy82 escribió:Ya sería el colmo, que algunas tengan menos juegos, o diferentes, a otras.
Ketk escribió:Comprueba que el enchufe no esté roto..
Al encenderla se encienden los botones de on y de reset.. ya que estos son táctiles y se usan pasando el dedo por encima.. si no se encienden puede ser muy probable que no le llegue alimentación..
123-xion escribió:Ya la tengo pero no e podido ponerla,no tenia adaptador y hasta el viernes nada,por cierto lo del boton superior lo hacen aposta o es q todos lo recivimos asi,estaba fuera,cuando llegue abrire el mando y lo arreglare,por cierto la consola parece un llavero
retroalbert escribió:En DX he entrado y están de reformas en el servidor. ¿Puede ser que sea porque por fin vayan a poner a la venta mandos y juegos para nuestra negrita?
Yo con los mandos me conformaría, para poder jugar con los amigos.
Taker__ escribió:Buenos dias.
Desde el dia 27 de febrero mi pedido de gamebox esta en waiting for supplier.Ya se que tardan un mogollon esta gente,pero me parece raro que este tanto tiempo esperando al proveedor.Alguno esperando como yo?
Ketk escribió:Taker__ escribió:Buenos dias.
Desde el dia 27 de febrero mi pedido de gamebox esta en waiting for supplier.Ya se que tardan un mogollon esta gente,pero me parece raro que este tanto tiempo esperando al proveedor.Alguno esperando como yo?
Abre un ticket a los de DX a ver qué te dicen...
Jdioxjp escribió:yo estoy contento con el cacharro. aunque se echa de menos un mando extra para unos vicios ha dobles.
This might offer some hope on how to add some extra games to gamebox – apparently, you have to find the correct ROMS, stick them on the SD card, and off you go: http://www.dealextreme.com/forums/Forum ... did.848823
Hello I just thought i would let you people know that once i figured this thing out it was cool and is still cool, here is the game list i promised. Sorry i have been busy lately would have done it sooner but im setting up a shop at moment. hope this game list helps you all! by the way some remarks i made could have been seen as a little racist but i can assure you it was poorly chosen words im not a racist so i apologise to anyone i may have offended sincerely
1941 Counter Attack (World) 1941 - Strikes Back (International Version)
Captain Commando (World 911014) Commando Long (International Version 911014)
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (World 930201) Dinosaur Century (International Version 930201)
Capcom World 2 (Japan 920611) Jia Fukang World 2 (Japanese version 920611)
Carrier Air Wing (World 901012) Wings fly empty (International Version 901012)
Dynasty Wars (US set 1) devour World (U.S. version 1)
Final Fight (World) Street Fighter (International Version)
Forgotten Worlds (World) The Lost World (International Version)
Ghouls'n Ghosts (World) Large Ghouls and Ghosts (International Version)
Knights of the Round (World 911127) Knights of the Round Table (International Version 911127)
Magic Sword - Heroic Fantasy (World 900725) Magic Sword - the illusion of the brave
Mega Man - The Power Battle (CPS1, Asia 951006) Mega Man - Battle Power (CPS1,
Mega Twins (World 900619) Dual Liner (International Version 900619)
Mercs (World 900302) The Wolf of Battlefield 2 (International Version 900302)
Nemo (World 901130) fantasy adventure (International Version 901130)
Pang! 3 (Euro 950601) Magic Bubble 3 (European version 950601)
Pnickies (Japan 940608) Magic Box (Japan Version 940608)
Quiz and Dragons (US 920701) Dragon Puzzle (U.S. Version 920701)
Quiz Tonosama no Yabou 2 Zenkoku-ban (Japan 950123) Q & A temple like the National Wild Hope 2 Saturday Night Slam Masters (World 930713) Wrestling King (International Version 930713)
Muscle Bomber Duo - Ultimate Team Battle (World 931206) Wrestling King - Thermal Warrior (State Street Fighter II - The World Warrior (World 910522) Street Fighter II '- the world fighting Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (World 920313) Street Fighter II '- Four Street Fighter Zero - CPS Changer (Japan 951020) Street Fighter ZERO - CPS conversion Strider (US set 1) attack Dragon (U.S. version version 1)
The King of Dragons (World 910711) Dragon King (International Version 910711)
The Punisher (World 930422) The Punisher (International Version 930422)
Three Wonders (World 910520) three miracles (International Version 910520)
U. N. Squadron (US) Theater 88 (U.S. version)
Varth - Operation Thunderstorm (World 920714) Wei Tiger fighters - thunderstorm action (State Warriors of Fate (World 921002) Destiny Warriors (International Version 921002)
Willow (US) Willow Tour (U.S. version)
1944: The Loop Master (US 000620) 1944: Somersault Master (U.S. version 000620)
19XX: The War Against Destiny (US 951207) 19XX: the fate of any battle (U.S. Edition
Alien vs. Predator (Euro 940520) Shaped of the Predator (the European version 940520)
Armored Warriors (Euro 941024) Armored Warriors (Euro version 941024)
Battle Circuit (Euro 970319) Combat loop (European Version 970319)
Capcom Sports Club (Euro 971017) Jia Fukang Sports Club (Euro Edition
Choko (Japan 010820) Yangtze River (Japanese version 010820)
Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness (Euro 950424) Armored War: Full Metal Panic (
Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (Euro 940705) Demon Warrior: Midnight Warrior (EU Dimahoo (Euro 000121) Super Magic big battle (European Version 000121)
Dungeons and Dragons: Tower of Doom (Euro 940412) Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Destruction (
Dungeons and Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Euro 960619) Dungeons & Dragons: Dark secret video (
Eco Fighters (World 931203) to reverse the fighter (International Version 931203)
Giga Wing (US 990222) Gigabit Wings (U.S. version 990222)
Jyangokushi: Haoh no Saihai (Japan 990527) Sparrow Guozhi: King of the mining license (at Hyper Street Fighter II (US 040202) Ultimate Street Fighter II (U.S. version 040202)
Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting (US 000412) Mars Matrix: the ultimate three-dimensional shooting
Marvel Super Heroes (Euro 951024) Marvel Super (European Edition 951,024
Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 970625) Super Street Fighter comic book hero
Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123)
Jia Fukang super hero comics:
Island Edition 980,123)
Mega Man: The Power Battle (CPS2, USA 951006) Mega Man 2: The powerful warrior
Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters (US 960708) Mega Man 2: The powerful warrior
Mighty! Pang (Euro 001010) Super Magic Bubble (European Version 001010)
Night Warriors: Darkstalkers Revenge (Euro 950316) Vampire Hunter: Revenge of the devil
Progear (USA 010117) reversed the Lan (U.S. version 010117)
Puzz Loop 2 (Euro 010302) intelligence cycle 2 (European version 010302)
Quiz Nanairo Dreams: Nijiirochou no Kiseki (Japan 960826) Colorful Dreams: the miracle of rainbow color-cho (
Ring of Destruction: Slammasters II (Euro 940902) Super Wrestling King II: serial Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (Euro 950727) Street Fighter Alpha: Warrior's Dream
Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Euro 960229) Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Euro Version 960229)
Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (Asia 960826) Street Fighter ZERO 2 Alpha (Asia, Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Euro 980904) Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Euro Version 980904)
Super Gem Fighter: Mini Mix (US 970904) Pocket Fighter (U.S. version 970904)
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (US 960620) Super Warrior II accelerated version of the box
Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (World 930911)
Super Street Fighter II: The new version 930911)
Super Street Fighter II: The Tournament Battle (World 931119) Super Street Fighter II: Championship Super Street Fighter II Turbo (World 940223) Super Street Fighter II accelerated version
Vampire Hunter 2: Darkstalkers Revenge (Japan 970929) Devil May Cry 2: Dark Messiah
Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Euro 970519) Demon Warrior 2: vampire royalty (
Vampire Savior 2: The Lord of Vampire (Japan 970913) Demon Warrior 2: vampire royalty (
X-Men: Children of the Atom (Euro 950105) Super-Men: The magnetic atoms person (
X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 961004) Super Men of the Street Fighter (Euro NEOGEOEN CH
2020 Super Baseball 2020 Super Baseball
FireWire Wrestling 3 Count Bout
Aero Fighters 2 Four fighter 2
Aero Fighters 3 Four fighter 3
Aggressors of Dark Kombat happy march
Alpha Mission II Alpha Mission 2
Andro Dunos hit the Brave
Art of Fighting Fist of the dragon
Art of Fighting 2 dragon Fist 2
Art of Fighting 3: The Path of the Warrior Dragon and Tiger Fist 3: Warrior's Way Bakatonosama Mahjong Manyuki Highness sparrow roaming mind fool
Bang Bead bumper balls
Baseball Stars Professional Baseball Stars Professional
Baseball Stars 2 Baseball Stars II
Battle Flip Shot battle shield
Blazing Star Shining Star
Blue's Journey Blue Tour
Breakers violent person
Breakers Revenge Revenge of the bursting of people
Burning Fight Blood Fighter
Chibi Marukochan Deluxe Quiz Questions small ball
Captain Tomaday tomato Superman
Crossed Swords Sword of the Holy Cross
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (hack) Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 (amended)
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 Super Plus (hack) Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 2003 Super Combat Cyber-Lip edge enhancement
Diggerman Mr. dig
Double Dragon Double Dragon
Eight Man Eight Superman
Fatal Fury: King of Fighters Fatal Fury: King of Fighters Conference
Fatal Fury 2 Fatal Fury FF2
Fatal Fury Special Fatal Fury Special Edition
Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory Fatal Fury FF3: Final Fight Fever frenzy leading to fighting
Football Crazy Football Frenzy
Ganryu Wu Zang Yan flow record
Garou: Mark of the Wolves Fatal Fury Mark Wolf
Ghost Pilots devil pilots
Ghostlop shrewdness bowler
Goal! Goal! Goal! Shot! Shot! Shot!
Gururin Heavenly
Ironclad warship armor
Jyanshin Densetsu: Quest of Jongmaster legendary bird of God
Kabuki Klash: Far East of Eden days outside the Magic Land, true mass: East of Eden Karnov's Revenge Gladiator history
King of Gladiator (hack) The King of Fighters (modified)
King of the Monsters 2 King of Warcraft
King of the Monsters 2: The Next Thing King of Warcraft 2: The Next Target
Kizuna Encounter: Super Tag Battle Storm Apocalypse: super-team battle
Lansquenet 2004 (hack) mercenary 2004 (amended)
The ultimate means of Last Resort
League Bowling League Bowling
Legend of Success Joe Little Champion
Magical Drop 2 Magical Bubble 2
Magical Drop 3 3 Magic Bubble
Magician Lord Genma Wars
Mahjong Kyoretsuden mad Sparrow Biography
Matrimelee marriage fight
Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001 Metal Slug One: Super Tank -
Metal Slug 2: Super Vehicle-001/II Metal Slug 2: Super Tank
Metal Slug X: Super Vehicle-001 Metal Slug X: Super Tank -
Metal Slug 3 Metal Slug 3
Metal Slug 4 Metal Slug 4
Metal Slug 4 Plus (hack) Metal Slug 4 Plus (modified)
Metal Slug 5 (dedicated PCB) Metal Slug 5 (dedicated PCB)
Metal Slug 5 Metal Slug 5
Metal Slug 5 Plus (hack) Metal Slug 5 Plus (modified)
Metal Slug 6 (hack) Metal Slug 6 (modified)
Minasan no Okagesama desu! Mahjong Monopoly
Money Puzzle Exchanger Money Tournament
Mutation Nation extraterrestrial Flying Dragon
NAM-1975 Vietnam War 1975
Neo Bomberman Bomb Queen version of man-machine
Neo Drift Out: New Technology Rally Machine Wong Edition: New Technology
Neo Mr. Do! Toot! Mr.
Neo No Panepon NEO intellectual box
Neo Pong 1.1 NEO Pinball 1.1
Nightmare in the Dark midnight nightmare
Ninja Combat Ninja Wars
Ninja Commando Ninja instruction
Ninja Master's: haoh-ninpo-cho King tolerance Fateh
Operation Ragnagard Phoenix Fist of God
Over Top cross peak
Bomberman Panic Bomber box
Pleasure Goal Soccer
Pochi and Nyaa Wavelet and Naya
Pop 'n Bounce animal box
Super Volleyball Power Spikes 2 2
Prehistoric Isle 2 original Island 2
Pulstar Forbidden Planet Biography
Puzzle Bobble Puzzle Bobble
Puzzle Bobble 2 Puzzle Bobble 2
Puzzle de Pon puzzle bubble
Puzzle de Pon R Puzzle Bubble R
Puzzled PUZZLED box
Quiz King of Fighters King of Fighters Q & A
Quiz Daisousa Sen: The Last Count Down Hunting Line Q & A: final countdown Quiz Meintantei Neo Geo: Quiz Daisousa Sen Part 2 Q & A Hunting Line 2: Q & A Dragon Rage of the Dragons fans roar
Robo Army Armor magic
Real Bout Fatal Fury Fatal Fury RB
Real Bout Fatal Fury Special Fatal Fury Special Edition RB
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers Fatal Fury RB2: New arrivals
Samurai Shodown Samurai
Samurai Shodown II Samurai Shodown II
Samurai Shodown III Samurai Shodown III
Samurai Shodown IV: Amakusa's Revenge Samurai Shodown IV: Amakusa come
Samurai Shodown V Samurai Shodown V
Samurai Shodown V Special Samurai Shodown V Special Edition
Savage Reign Storm Apocalypse
Sengoku Warring States Heritage
Sengoku 2 Inheritance of the Warring States Period 2
Inheritance 3 Sengoku 3 Warring States
Shock Troopers cavalry assault
Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad Assault Cavalry: Second unit
SNK Vs. CAPCOM Plus (hack 1) SNK Vs. CAPCOM Plus (
SNK Vs. CAPCOM Plus (hack 2) SNK Vs. CAPCOM Plus (
SNK Vs. CAPCOM Super Plus (hack) SNK Vs. CAPCOM Super
Robot Soccer Soccer Brawl
Spin Master Johnny Adventure
Stakes Winner Game Mada Heng
Stakes Winner 2 game Mada Heng 2
Strikers 1945 Plus Strikers 1945 Enhanced
Street Hoop Street Basketball
Super Dodge Ball Bucket Ball State fu legend blood
Super Sidekicks have to point the king
Syougi No Tatsujin: Master of Syougi the chess master
Tecmo World Soccer '96 96 Tecmo Cup Soccer International Edition
The King of Fighters '94 King of Fighters '94
The King of Fighters '95 King of Fighters '95
The King of Fighters '96 King of Fighters '96
The King of Fighters '97 King of Fighters '97
The King of Fighters '97 Plus (hack) The King of Fighters '97 Plus (Amendment The King of Fighters '98: The Slugfest King of Fighters '98: Dream duel The King of Fighters '99: Millennium Battle The King of Fighters '99 : Millennium Battle
The King of Fighters 2000 King of Fighters 2000
The King of Fighters 2001 King of Fighters 2001
The King of Fighters 2002 King of Fighters 2002
The King of Fighters 2002 Plus (hack 1) The King of Fighters 2002 Plus (The King of Fighters 2003 Revised King of Fighters 2003
The King of Fighters 2003 King of Fighters 2003
The King of Fighters 2004 EX Hero (hack) The King of Fighters 2004 EX Hero
The King of Fighters 2004 EX Ultra Plus (hack) The King of Fighters 2004 EX Ultimate The King of Fighters Special Edition 2004 (hack) The King of Fighters Special Edition 2004 (Amendment of The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary (hack) The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary (
The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary Extra Plus (hack) The King of Fighters 10th anniversary of the amount of The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (hack) The King of Fighters 10th Anniversary
The Irritating Maze current rush Stick Ultimate
The Last Blade on Huajian Shi
The Last Blade 2 月 Huajian Shi 2
The Super Spy spy dragon
Top Hunter: Roddy & Cathy Top Hunter: Roddy and Cathy
Top Player's Golf Top Golf
Thrash Rally speed hero
Twinkle Star Sprites fantasy goblin
View Point B Plan
Voltage Fighter: Gowcaizer Superman Steel Imperial Academy
Waku Waku 7 hot hot seven
Wind Jammers Super Spinner
World Heroes World Heroes
World Heroes 2 World Heroes 2
World Heroes 2 Jet World Heroes 2 Jet Edition
World Heroes Perfect World Heroes Perfect Edition
Zed Blade combat name end
Zintrick Zintrick
Zupapa! Stars big battle
Jockey Grandprix horse races
V Liner gambling machines
Galaxy Fight: Universal Warriors Galaxy Fighter: Warrior universe
Neo-Geo Cup '98: The Road to the Victory 98 the king of Cup: Road to victory
Neo Turf Masters Golf Contest
Riding Hero Hero wind
Super Sidekicks 2: The World Championship was the king 2 points: World Champion
Super Sidekicks 3: The Next Glory was the king 3 point: the next glory Super Sidekicks 4: The Ultimate 11 may point the king 4: The Final Eleven
1. The game's format, and their corresponding hosts before
A: The details, see "GAMEBOX GAMELIST table arcade games in English"
2. Those multimedia player, video and music, how to operate
Support the mainstreaming of video (480P-720P): RM, RMVB, AVI, MKV, WMV, VOB, MOV, FLV, ASF,
Support for mainstream audio formats: MP3, WMA, OGG, APE, FLAC
Operational processes
Loaded with the contents of the TF card is inserted to the host, in the main interface, select "VIDEO" to play.
3. Games for download, how to operate
A: In order to keep the game speed and compatibility, the host temporarily open at this stage read and write permissions (both of inner game is not
Replaceable and delete) other special games, card games combined sold separately (for example, CPS3, mame, etc.). But tf card
Load any movie, music, GAMEGBA game.
4. Handle the keys
A: Handle default setting is "SELECT + START L1 + L2 button + joystick directions Cross A + B + C + D" where
SELECT coin button, A button for attack or to confirm, B button to jump or exit, C, D for special function keys, more than