Hay cosas interesantes, además de los fixes, la nueva zona, las mejoras gráficas y la nueva clase:
Metamagic: Metamagic is the Sorcerer's signature feature which allows you to adapt your spells in the heat of combat. With it, you can increase a spell's range, duration, or hit two enemies simultaneously, among other powerful variations on your spells - making you a powerful and unpredictable presence in battle.
new weapon actions, giving ranged and melee weapons up to three lethal signature moves - now non-magic wielders have more options at their disposal in combat as long as they are proficient with the weapon.
Heartstopper: Smash an enemy's chest to damage and possibly reduce their actions by one.
Weakening Strike: Target an enemy's hands with a non-lethal attack to give disadvantage on its Attack Rolls.
Crippling Strike: Swing at an enemy's legs to prevent them from moving.
Pommel Strike: Make a non-lethal attack against an enemy to possibly Daze them.
Piercing Strike: Stab an enemy to damage them that possibly left a Gaping Wounds.
Backbreaker: Put extra force behind your strike to possibly knock your enemy Prone.
Flourish: Feint an attack to possibly throw your enemy Off Balance.
Concussive Smash: Hit an enemy with all your might to deal damage and possibly Daze them.
Brace: Spend your movement speed to reroll your damage dice.
Prepare: Spend your movement speed to get an extra damage.
Piercing Shot: Shoot an enemy to damage them that possibly left a Gaping Wounds.
Mobile Shot: Make a Ranged Attack after you dash or disengage.
Y opciones de fuente al fin.
No me molesta que vayan a paso de tortuga, pero no me convence como han planteado el EA. Al final parece un juego por fascículos. Y quieren vender más EAs, así que no van a parar. Por mi parte el primer parche que no me va a hacer instalar el juego. Y espero no instalarlo hasta que salga.