zulykat escribió:¿Que configuración has puesto? Se me queda la pantalla en negro :S
Ups, perdona, se me olvidó decir que hay que parchear la ISO para que funcione con el Dolphin, la configuración del emulador es lo de menos. No voy a poner enlaces por si acaso, pero te dejo el sencillo método que hay que realizar para parchearla:
it's really very simple to do that, once you've done with the iso, all you have to do is download the two softwares(GenericWiiPatcher and WIIScrubber)
-first, execute wiiscrubber then " load iso ", " partition:2 - DATA ", right click on "main.dol...etc" and you make a save of this file, put it in the same directory as your game iso and close the soft
-secondly, execute GenericWiiPatcher, click on "open" and open the save(main.dol) you've just created then click on "search", a line on top of the soft will appear, click on "remove 002" and save by clicking on "save"
-finally, once again, execute WIIScrubber, do all the same thing than the first step but now, when you click on "main.dol" you select "load" and open the main.dol that you modified previously, but be careful, this operation can take few seconds or minutes.
Luego te posteas unas afotos.