El nuevo killer es:
TrampillaLa puede cerrar, si haces un generador vuelve a abrirse pero puede volver a cerrarla

y pensaban quiza en poner un boost a la reparacion de generadores tal vez... hay que verlo.
---- Directo 99
Stefan - "Once the hatch is now opened, we have the ability to close it. The idea is that if the Killer finds the hatch first they can close it. If the Survivor finds it first, they can get in the hatch. If they get there at the same time, the Killer can close the hatch."
Not_Queen - "But what do I do? If I'm stuck and the hatch is closed..."
Stefan - "If there are generators remaining, you can try to complete a generator and it will reopen the hatch, giving you a moment of respite. This may not be enough."
Not_Queen - "So if you complete one generator, and the Killer's right next to the hatch and just closes it [again], you have to finish up all the generators?"
Stefan - "Exactly. There are certain ideas that are floating around... Maybe you get a ridiculous speed boost to completing generators? Which is why the hatch gameplay probably won't come out in June, and would come out at a later time, but it would be in the PTB coming up to get more feedback from you guys to know if this is still frustrating at this point at the end of the game. We wanna know if you guys would be down to try to escape. And if it's too overwhelming, we'd love to know before we do something like this."