Dolce escribió:jonatan_004 escribió:sergio_mikkos escribió:"Thank you everyone who participated and gave feedback on the PTB!
We are excited to announce that our target date for the 2.0.0 release on PC is June 12th. Due to the certification process, PS4 and XBOX players will get the update in the upcoming weeks. We will keep you informed." ... 1742718976Próximo martes, parche y fin de PTB.
Cabe mencionar que han ido actualizando y retocando la PTB varias veces, con numerosos cambios. Y la trampilla parece ser que seguirá como ha estado siempre, que esto en la PTB ha sido una prueba nada más.
A mí sí que me gustaría que lo cambiaran...
lo de que los cambios a la trampilla no los van a meter donde lo has leido? a mi el cambio a la trampilla no me parecía mal que la cierre el killer pero eso de que al hacer 1 motor se habrá y la pueda volver a cerrar no me parecía bien, lo suyo sería que la cerrase por 1 minuto y medio y así el killer puede decidir buscarle y ir a por el, o campear trampilla y esperar a que haga motor, y el survivor elegir que quiere hacer, pero esque así como survivor sale a cuenta ir al killer y que te envie al gancho
el cambio de la trampilla espero que se haga si o si, es un cambio positivo, si el asesino ha llegado a ese punto es porque lo ha hecho bien o los supervivientes mal, como lo quieras ver, y aun asi, el asesino debe encontrar la trampilla antes que el superviviente, de lo contrario el superviviente se largara
Según el comunicado, de momento solo es para propósitos de testeo.

Dev Message
Our first tests on the PTB with the hatch close mechanic have proved quite promising. We received a lot of varying feedback on the mechanic, and we believe the overall feeling is that the hatch close mechanic in itself solves the hatch standoff, but also comes with it's own set of frustration and issues. One of those issues in particular is a survivor who would be left in the match to complete at minimum 3 generators, in a one survivor versus one killer scenario, we feel like completing generators may be detracting from the main component of the game, the chase.
For the next iteration, when the killer chooses to close the hatch, we will complete all remaining generators, powering the exit gates. All end game perks will activate (ie: No One Escapes Death, Remember Me, Adrenaline, etc). The exit gates will NOT open automatically, and will still need to be interacted with by the survivor for 20 seconds in order to open the gate.
This is not the final version of the hatch close/ end game mechanic. This mechanic needs to work well with emblems, granting the proper gatekeeper score to killers, adding a scoring event for closing the hatch, in addition to new hatch close text to indicate that the killer is triggering the end game + a series of other changes.
This is a test to see if players enjoy this game play and to see what we can do to continue to improve the experience for everyone.
The Hatch Close interaction is meant for testing and gathering feedback for the duration of the PTB and will be removed for the 2.0.0 update ... patchnotes