Hoy analisis a las 15:00, dejo unas pequeñas imresiones sacadas de ERA sin spoilers, eso si, en Ingles.
Resumen rapido, el que adore el primero, adorara este. Todas las fortalezas de aquel estan aqui, en lo tecnico siendo mejor que el primero tiene desajustes (el framerate) y en ciertos aspectos como el gunplay ha mejorado al primero.
Personajes, musica e historia maravillosa.
Lo dejo:
"I've talked with a couple who are reviewing it and a couple who are playing it who got it early (all who thankfully didn't spoil me on stuff, I just am curious as excited).
It probably will score similarly to the first game with one crevice. So the biggest problem of this game by far is the tech issues, it's definitely going to have to drag the game down. The frame rate is all over the place, some sections run a fluid 60fps, some fluctuate rapidly and the streets of Le Carre often are in the 15 FPS zone. Even people that like the game will probably take notice and will detract a bit for this as it sometimes gets in the way of enjoyment. I know many who enjoy the game can look past that, but especially when reviewing there is no ignoring how badly performing this game is.
Outside of that, I've heard from pretty much everyone the characters are endearing, the story is great and a near perfect continuation of the first game, and there is areas the game improves itself in, some in bigger ways and some in smaller. A few examples I've heard:
-The combat is a BIT better, it's still pretty standard but the actual levels are designed a bit better, there's a bit more mechanically going on (in a good way), there's no really annoying enemies like the crawlers in the first game. Nothing to write home about, but servicable and a slight improvement.
-Music is amazing, I've heard from nearly everyone it has a soundtrack that's possibly even better than the original.
-The mini-games are more involved and fun this time.
-Most mechanics people wanted to return (shaving, stinky outfit fun, people in Le Carre having their daily routines you can follow etc) are back.
-The game cut down on some of its bullshittier elements, like the really long QTE sequences (actually sounds like they cut down a LOT on QTEs in general).
-The map is thankfully much improved from DP1.
There's some areas some may see as positive or negative though:
-The town you explore is a lot smaller than Greenvale. That does mean it's more condensed as well, but this may be a pro or con depending on who you're asking.
-Skateboarding I've heard mixed things about, it's kinda' hilarious but the physics for it are very wonky.
-I've heard some back-and-forth things on the side-quests. that element I know less about.
I have heard the game length is comparable to the first, main story is a bit shorter (but not by much, and a big reason it's shorter may simply be because the time you spend in the town is shorter because it's more condensed), and there's a lot of extra content that can easily add a lot more to play time.
It sounds like people who like Deadly Premonition will like the sequel, maybe even love it, and there is improvements... Buuuuuut it's very much Deadly Premonition, the tech problems definitely will affect the score, and even though there's improvements, there's not a whole lot in earnest, so how a very similar game will be received a decade later? We'll find out I guess.