cHuSta escribió:@bereng13 Tienes toda la razon y que esta mal optimizado es una realidad xD Pero es lo que hay, en pc nos toman el pelo... Yo lo he comprado pero vamos, mi negativo en steam se lo va a llevar si o si. Por menos se crucificó a batman xD
cHuSta escribió:@ionesteraX Tio que con la 1080 estoy jugando a todo a 4k 60fps sobrada y este no llega a 60fps a 1080p... no jodas xD Es un fiasco, vale bajas a high los graficos y va a 80fps de mierda a 1080p... No hay por donde cojerlo, eso si, seguramente lo mejoren con parches y demas porque le van a caer guantazos por todos lados.
ionesteraX escribió:cHuSta escribió:@bereng13 Tienes toda la razon y que esta mal optimizado es una realidad xD Pero es lo que hay, en pc nos toman el pelo... Yo lo he comprado pero vamos, mi negativo en steam se lo va a llevar si o si. Por menos se crucificó a batman xD
Por menos el Batman?Pero si hasta quitaron efectos de lluvia y demas en PC para que luciera mejor en consola xDDD
En este Deus Ex MD tienes mejores efectos en PC, ademas de darte mil opciones de configuración para dejarlo a tu gusto.
Optimizar un juego es darte mil opciones para que te funcione bien tengas el equipo que tengas y no que te funcione a 120fps en 4k con msaax8 como pensais vosotros![]()
Esperar a que salga el juego y despues de configurarlo ya podreis criticar si no va bien, pero ya hemos pasado de criticar los juegos por mal rendimiento cuando salen a criticarlos hasta antes de salir y verlos, es un deporte nacional ya, sera olimpico en Tokio 2020, obviamente nos llevaremos el oro
RaD3R escribió:ionesteraX escribió:cHuSta escribió:@bereng13 Tienes toda la razon y que esta mal optimizado es una realidad xD Pero es lo que hay, en pc nos toman el pelo... Yo lo he comprado pero vamos, mi negativo en steam se lo va a llevar si o si. Por menos se crucificó a batman xD
Por menos el Batman?Pero si hasta quitaron efectos de lluvia y demas en PC para que luciera mejor en consola xDDD
En este Deus Ex MD tienes mejores efectos en PC, ademas de darte mil opciones de configuración para dejarlo a tu gusto.
Optimizar un juego es darte mil opciones para que te funcione bien tengas el equipo que tengas y no que te funcione a 120fps en 4k con msaax8 como pensais vosotros![]()
Esperar a que salga el juego y despues de configurarlo ya podreis criticar si no va bien, pero ya hemos pasado de criticar los juegos por mal rendimiento cuando salen a criticarlos hasta antes de salir y verlos, es un deporte nacional ya, sera olimpico en Tokio 2020, obviamente nos llevaremos el oro
Al hilo de lo que dices, estoy viendo que los análisis de rendimiento en PC son más simplistas que un cuadro en blanco. Ya no sólo por utilizar la media en sus gráficas de fps (cuando el jugador de PC quiere estabilidad de frames más que velocidad), además se limitan a poner ultra, high, normal, blabla... que son las opciones generalistas de todos los juegos. Poner high te baja muchas cosas que pueden lacrar la calidad visual y no el rendimiento, y viceversa.
Espero que cuando salga este Deus Ex haya análisis donde especifiquen sólo filtros, sombras, distancia, etc... y den una buena guía de optimización. Por ejemplo, sin AA y sombras en high aguantará 60fps rocosos en una 970, 980, etc...? Eso me gustaría ver a mi.
cHuSta escribió:@pupegbl No se sabe, pero en teoria calidad high quita esos efectos y aa, pero ni idea, veremos... Lo que es seguro es que cmo mucho va a 100fps en low y es insuficiente para ponerlo a 4k 60fps. Tambien es verdad que a 30fps se puede jugar a este juego pero pff...
alxinako escribió:Madre mia yo creia que con las 1080 regalaban una guía para configurar bien los juegos, pero se ve que no.
Tener una 1080, o dos, no es sinonimo de ponerlo todo a 4k y 60 fps y que funcione "rocoso", otra palabrita que se las trae.
Lo fácil que es esperar un rato o algo más y hablar con conocimiento.
RaD3R escribió:alxinako escribió:Madre mia yo creia que con las 1080 regalaban una guía para configurar bien los juegos, pero se ve que no.
Tener una 1080, o dos, no es sinonimo de ponerlo todo a 4k y 60 fps y que funcione "rocoso", otra palabrita que se las trae.
Lo fácil que es esperar un rato o algo más y hablar con conocimiento.
No se a que viene lo de "palabrita que se las trae". Lo que "se las puede traer" es que hablemos de un juego sin haber salido, ok. Pero decir que quieres fps rocosos es lo más absolutamente normal y natural del mundo. Pides estabilidad, sin caídas. Dile a un jugador de overwatch que puede tener bajadas a 50fps, a ver si lo de rocoso te parece entonces una "palabrita que se las trae".
bereng13 escribió:Yo solo espero que cuando salga watch dog 2, salgais todos a defenderlo de la misma forma, que si son filtros que no sirven para nada o que si no se nota diferencia de ultra a high. Cuando estoy practicamente seguro que a pesar de ser sandbox va a tener mejores graficos que este deus ex.
ionesteraX escribió:cHuSta escribió:@ionesteraX Tio que con la 1080 estoy jugando a todo a 4k 60fps sobrada y este no llega a 60fps a 1080p... no jodas xD Es un fiasco, vale bajas a high los graficos y va a 80fps de mierda a 1080p... No hay por donde cojerlo, eso si, seguramente lo mejoren con parches y demas porque le van a caer guantazos por todos lados.
Con la 1080 no juegas a nada relativamente nuevo a 4k 60fps y msaax8... a nada, haz la prueba y lo veras.
bereng13 escribió:Yo solo espero que cuando salga watch dog 2, salgais todos a defenderlo de la misma forma, que si son filtros que no sirven para nada o que si no se nota diferencia de ultra a high. Cuando estoy practicamente seguro que a pesar de ser sandbox va a tener mejores graficos que este deus ex.
pupegbl escribió:bereng13 escribió:Yo solo espero que cuando salga watch dog 2, salgais todos a defenderlo de la misma forma, que si son filtros que no sirven para nada o que si no se nota diferencia de ultra a high. Cuando estoy practicamente seguro que a pesar de ser sandbox va a tener mejores graficos que este deus ex.
Yo sólo espero que te dejes de comparativas absurdas por estos hilos. Esto no es una competición de "el juego que me gusta es mejor que el tuyo" Porque ni sabes lo que es un sandbox. Es más, has dicho "el juego que no ha salido, y supongo que me gustará un muchito, va a ser mejor que este Deus Ex". En fin...
viciator1988 escribió:Pero, una pregunta: ¿Cómo sabe la gente si le va en su pc o no, si aún no ha sido activado el juego? Al menos a mi, me está haciendo la precarga en Steam, pero de jugar, aún no.
yonat escribió:@Senegio yo a pesar de que tengo tambien ambas consolas, sólo entro o bien para algo en específico o bien como dice el compañero @cHuSta para echarte unas risas de vez en cuando. Es brutal el contraste de un foro a otro
A todo esto, no se desbloqueaba a las 19:00? es que he visto antes las 18:00 y como que me subo por las paredes
kepsa escribió:cHuSta escribió:Creo que ya se ha desbloqueao...
Yo creo que no...
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Performance Tuning Guide
With Deus Ex: Mankind Divided our goal has been to provide you with a very scalable experience with a major gap between minimum requirements, recommended requirements, and optional features that you can turn on if you have really powerful hardware.
Tuning it best for your hardware can involve tuning a lot of settings though, and we would like to help you ensure the best performance on your system.
First of all, please keep in mind our targets with minimum and recommended specs. At minimum spec, which is a HD 7870 2GB or GTX 660 2GB, paired with an Core i3-2100, we aim to give you an average of 30 fps, at 1280*720 resolution, but this is at the low quality preset. At recommended spec, which is a RX 480 4GB or GTX 970 4GB, paired with an i7-3770K, our target is to offer you 60fps average at 1080p, but at the High quality preset.
We also offer a Very High and Ultra preset aimed at users well above recommended spec or those who wish to trade framerate for image quality. When above recommended spec, even if you cannot use the Very High preset entirely, please experiment with individual settings at a higher quality, and see what settings work best for you!
The first Options screen to check should always be the Display options.
Resolution: Higher resolutions can cost a lot of GPU power, and performance will often scale proportionally to the resolution. Especially close to minimum spec it may be worth it to run at a lower resolution while maintaining a higher graphics quality level.
Another option available in the Display menu is the MSAA setting. We offer three very high-end AA modes, MSAA 2x, MSAA 4x and MSAA 8x. Note that using these can have a very severe performance impact, so only use these when you have plenty of hardware power available relative to the resolution you are running at (for example with SLI). Note that we also offer the affordable AA method TAA which is located in the Graphics options.
Both of the options in the display menu only impact the GPU performance, not the CPU performance. If you are CPU bottlenecked reducing any of the settings here will not help you.
The graphics menu has the largest number of options, and the performance of each individual one is limited, but all turned up together can severely impact frame rate when the hardware is not up to the task.
There are simply suggestions for different quality levels, feel free to use them, but for the best experience tuned to your personal preference, please tune the other options below and have this be Custom.
Texture Quality
This alters the resolution of textures used in the game. This primarily impacts GPU memory pressure. If this is set too high the game may start stuttering and slowing down. It does not impact performance on the GPU or the CPU much otherwise. We recommend it at High for 4GB cards. You have to restart the game to apply changes to Texture Quality.
Texture Filtering
This is an all-time PC gaming classic. Turn it up for sharper textures at an angle. We feel that the moderate amount of 4x gives very good results. Altering only impacts GPU performance.
Shadow Quality
This setting impacts the resolution of shadows rendered throughout the game. At high settings shadows become crisp and lose pixelated artifacts. At lower settings they are chunkier. Altering only impacts GPU performance. Very high can be relatively expensive for the GPU.
Contact Hardening Shadows
Turning this on creates more realistic shadows as they move away from their source. This only impacts GPU performance.
Temporal Anti-Aliasing
Toggling this on will reduce aliasing to create a smoother image. This only impacts GPU performance.
Motion Blur
Fast camera and object motion will appear smoother. This only impacts GPU performance.
Depth of Field
Depth of Field can blur areas on screen that are out of focus, typically when far away. This only impacts GPU performance.
When turned on bright spots on the screen will bleed out, adding to the illusion of bright light. This only impacts GPU performance.
Volumetric Lighting
Turning this on adds volumetric lighting to some fog and smoke effects. This only impacts GPU performance.
Setting it to Ultra increases detail but has a significant impact on GPU performance!
Subsurface Scattering
Improves lighting effects on the skin of characters in the game. This only impacts GPU performance.
Cloth Physics
Disabling this reduces the quality of cloth simulation. This only impacts CPU performance.
Ambient Occlusion
This toggles on and between different ambient occlusion algorithms. This only impacts GPU performance.
Turning this option on smooths selected meshes throughout the game by tessellating them. This option impacts GPU performance, and to a lesser extent CPU performance.
Parallax Occlusion Mapping
Adds additional depth and detail to select surfaces, such as brick walls and cobblestone streets. This only impacts GPU performance.
Screenspace Reflections
When this option is turned on dynamic reflections are calculated based on other items visible on the screen. Turning it up to Ultra gives you more detail in the reflections. This only impacts GPU performance.
Sharpen & Chromatic Aberration
Camera effects that can be toggled on or off. This has a minimal impact on GPU performance.
Level of Detail
This influences the detail level of rendered meshes, and the distance at which they disappear entirely. Lower settings can significantly help CPU performance due to it having to process fewer objects. GPU performance is also impacted.
Gaiden escribió:Nixxes acaba de públicar una guia para la configuración gráfica, la dejo en spoiler:Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Performance Tuning Guide
With Deus Ex: Mankind Divided our goal has been to provide you with a very scalable experience with a major gap between minimum requirements, recommended requirements, and optional features that you can turn on if you have really powerful hardware.
Tuning it best for your hardware can involve tuning a lot of settings though, and we would like to help you ensure the best performance on your system.
First of all, please keep in mind our targets with minimum and recommended specs. At minimum spec, which is a HD 7870 2GB or GTX 660 2GB, paired with an Core i3-2100, we aim to give you an average of 30 fps, at 1280*720 resolution, but this is at the low quality preset. At recommended spec, which is a RX 480 4GB or GTX 970 4GB, paired with an i7-3770K, our target is to offer you 60fps average at 1080p, but at the High quality preset.
We also offer a Very High and Ultra preset aimed at users well above recommended spec or those who wish to trade framerate for image quality. When above recommended spec, even if you cannot use the Very High preset entirely, please experiment with individual settings at a higher quality, and see what settings work best for you!
The first Options screen to check should always be the Display options.
Resolution: Higher resolutions can cost a lot of GPU power, and performance will often scale proportionally to the resolution. Especially close to minimum spec it may be worth it to run at a lower resolution while maintaining a higher graphics quality level.
Another option available in the Display menu is the MSAA setting. We offer three very high-end AA modes, MSAA 2x, MSAA 4x and MSAA 8x. Note that using these can have a very severe performance impact, so only use these when you have plenty of hardware power available relative to the resolution you are running at (for example with SLI). Note that we also offer the affordable AA method TAA which is located in the Graphics options.
Both of the options in the display menu only impact the GPU performance, not the CPU performance. If you are CPU bottlenecked reducing any of the settings here will not help you.
The graphics menu has the largest number of options, and the performance of each individual one is limited, but all turned up together can severely impact frame rate when the hardware is not up to the task.
There are simply suggestions for different quality levels, feel free to use them, but for the best experience tuned to your personal preference, please tune the other options below and have this be Custom.
Texture Quality
This alters the resolution of textures used in the game. This primarily impacts GPU memory pressure. If this is set too high the game may start stuttering and slowing down. It does not impact performance on the GPU or the CPU much otherwise. We recommend it at High for 4GB cards. You have to restart the game to apply changes to Texture Quality.
Texture Filtering
This is an all-time PC gaming classic. Turn it up for sharper textures at an angle. We feel that the moderate amount of 4x gives very good results. Altering only impacts GPU performance.
Shadow Quality
This setting impacts the resolution of shadows rendered throughout the game. At high settings shadows become crisp and lose pixelated artifacts. At lower settings they are chunkier. Altering only impacts GPU performance. Very high can be relatively expensive for the GPU.
Contact Hardening Shadows
Turning this on creates more realistic shadows as they move away from their source. This only impacts GPU performance.
Temporal Anti-Aliasing
Toggling this on will reduce aliasing to create a smoother image. This only impacts GPU performance.
Motion Blur
Fast camera and object motion will appear smoother. This only impacts GPU performance.
Depth of Field
Depth of Field can blur areas on screen that are out of focus, typically when far away. This only impacts GPU performance.
When turned on bright spots on the screen will bleed out, adding to the illusion of bright light. This only impacts GPU performance.
Volumetric Lighting
Turning this on adds volumetric lighting to some fog and smoke effects. This only impacts GPU performance.
Setting it to Ultra increases detail but has a significant impact on GPU performance!
Subsurface Scattering
Improves lighting effects on the skin of characters in the game. This only impacts GPU performance.
Cloth Physics
Disabling this reduces the quality of cloth simulation. This only impacts CPU performance.
Ambient Occlusion
This toggles on and between different ambient occlusion algorithms. This only impacts GPU performance.
Turning this option on smooths selected meshes throughout the game by tessellating them. This option impacts GPU performance, and to a lesser extent CPU performance.
Parallax Occlusion Mapping
Adds additional depth and detail to select surfaces, such as brick walls and cobblestone streets. This only impacts GPU performance.
Screenspace Reflections
When this option is turned on dynamic reflections are calculated based on other items visible on the screen. Turning it up to Ultra gives you more detail in the reflections. This only impacts GPU performance.
Sharpen & Chromatic Aberration
Camera effects that can be toggled on or off. This has a minimal impact on GPU performance.
Level of Detail
This influences the detail level of rendered meshes, and the distance at which they disappear entirely. Lower settings can significantly help CPU performance due to it having to process fewer objects. GPU performance is also impacted.
Gaiden escribió:Nixxes acaba de públicar una guia para la configuración gráfica, la dejo en spoiler:Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Performance Tuning Guide
With Deus Ex: Mankind Divided our goal has been to provide you with a very scalable experience with a major gap between minimum requirements, recommended requirements, and optional features that you can turn on if you have really powerful hardware.
Tuning it best for your hardware can involve tuning a lot of settings though, and we would like to help you ensure the best performance on your system.
First of all, please keep in mind our targets with minimum and recommended specs. At minimum spec, which is a HD 7870 2GB or GTX 660 2GB, paired with an Core i3-2100, we aim to give you an average of 30 fps, at 1280*720 resolution, but this is at the low quality preset. At recommended spec, which is a RX 480 4GB or GTX 970 4GB, paired with an i7-3770K, our target is to offer you 60fps average at 1080p, but at the High quality preset.
We also offer a Very High and Ultra preset aimed at users well above recommended spec or those who wish to trade framerate for image quality. When above recommended spec, even if you cannot use the Very High preset entirely, please experiment with individual settings at a higher quality, and see what settings work best for you!
The first Options screen to check should always be the Display options.
Resolution: Higher resolutions can cost a lot of GPU power, and performance will often scale proportionally to the resolution. Especially close to minimum spec it may be worth it to run at a lower resolution while maintaining a higher graphics quality level.
Another option available in the Display menu is the MSAA setting. We offer three very high-end AA modes, MSAA 2x, MSAA 4x and MSAA 8x. Note that using these can have a very severe performance impact, so only use these when you have plenty of hardware power available relative to the resolution you are running at (for example with SLI). Note that we also offer the affordable AA method TAA which is located in the Graphics options.
Both of the options in the display menu only impact the GPU performance, not the CPU performance. If you are CPU bottlenecked reducing any of the settings here will not help you.
The graphics menu has the largest number of options, and the performance of each individual one is limited, but all turned up together can severely impact frame rate when the hardware is not up to the task.
There are simply suggestions for different quality levels, feel free to use them, but for the best experience tuned to your personal preference, please tune the other options below and have this be Custom.
Texture Quality
This alters the resolution of textures used in the game. This primarily impacts GPU memory pressure. If this is set too high the game may start stuttering and slowing down. It does not impact performance on the GPU or the CPU much otherwise. We recommend it at High for 4GB cards. You have to restart the game to apply changes to Texture Quality.
Texture Filtering
This is an all-time PC gaming classic. Turn it up for sharper textures at an angle. We feel that the moderate amount of 4x gives very good results. Altering only impacts GPU performance.
Shadow Quality
This setting impacts the resolution of shadows rendered throughout the game. At high settings shadows become crisp and lose pixelated artifacts. At lower settings they are chunkier. Altering only impacts GPU performance. Very high can be relatively expensive for the GPU.
Contact Hardening Shadows
Turning this on creates more realistic shadows as they move away from their source. This only impacts GPU performance.
Temporal Anti-Aliasing
Toggling this on will reduce aliasing to create a smoother image. This only impacts GPU performance.
Motion Blur
Fast camera and object motion will appear smoother. This only impacts GPU performance.
Depth of Field
Depth of Field can blur areas on screen that are out of focus, typically when far away. This only impacts GPU performance.
When turned on bright spots on the screen will bleed out, adding to the illusion of bright light. This only impacts GPU performance.
Volumetric Lighting
Turning this on adds volumetric lighting to some fog and smoke effects. This only impacts GPU performance.
Setting it to Ultra increases detail but has a significant impact on GPU performance!
Subsurface Scattering
Improves lighting effects on the skin of characters in the game. This only impacts GPU performance.
Cloth Physics
Disabling this reduces the quality of cloth simulation. This only impacts CPU performance.
Ambient Occlusion
This toggles on and between different ambient occlusion algorithms. This only impacts GPU performance.
Turning this option on smooths selected meshes throughout the game by tessellating them. This option impacts GPU performance, and to a lesser extent CPU performance.
Parallax Occlusion Mapping
Adds additional depth and detail to select surfaces, such as brick walls and cobblestone streets. This only impacts GPU performance.
Screenspace Reflections
When this option is turned on dynamic reflections are calculated based on other items visible on the screen. Turning it up to Ultra gives you more detail in the reflections. This only impacts GPU performance.
Sharpen & Chromatic Aberration
Camera effects that can be toggled on or off. This has a minimal impact on GPU performance.
Level of Detail
This influences the detail level of rendered meshes, and the distance at which they disappear entirely. Lower settings can significantly help CPU performance due to it having to process fewer objects. GPU performance is also impacted.
FranShepard escribió:La guía está bastante bien, igualmente tenéis la posibilidad de ver las opciones gráficas en Nvidia GeForce Experience desde hoy![]()
Por cierto, yo llevo con el juego una semana y media (por tema de análisis para un medio) y el equipo que he utilizado para la review en PC ha sido un i7-4790K, 16GB, Nvidia GTX 980 y el juego instalado en un SSD.
Decir que las opciones Ultra las descartéis si queréis 60fps como una roca con ese equipo o una 970 por ejemplo, en especial las Texturas, parámetro que recomiendo dejar en Muy Alto o Ultra para los que tengáis 4GB de VRAM. El resto de configuración, pues bueno, si os sirve de ayuda he descartado cualquier opción en Ultra, dejándola tan solo en Sí o Muy Alta. Con eso he conseguido 1080p60fps muy muy sólidos. Pertardeaba alguna que otra vez en Praga, bajadas a 50 o 55, pero nada grave. Dejar las texturas en Alto solucionó el problema. Pasad por alto también la opción de DX12, mejor por ahora DX11.
Así que lo dicho, en general buen rendimiento. No os rayéis por poner opciones en Ultra, ya os digo yo de primera mano que he realizado capturas entre calidad Alta, Muy Alta y Ultra y la diferencia es inapreciable![]()
Disfrutadlo , es un juegazo !