Según he leído han encontrado un bug muy importante para los que jueguen con un Demon Hunter (la letra en negrita son las respuestas del moderador del foro de errores técnicos de blizzard):
When playing a Demon Hunter, giving a shield to your Templar before you kill Jondar and hire him can disconnect you from
so how do you avoid this?
It's a very specific issue. You'd need to a) create a Demon Hunter, B) loot a shield, and then c) trade it to your templar before killing Jondar and hiring him. If you avoid just one of those requirements, you should be able to avoid this particular disconnect.
That is not true though. Yes - I had a DH, Yes - I looted a shield, Yes - I gave it to the templar BUT AFTER killing Jondar and after hiring him (had the dialogue box with the Yes/No option). It was actually a few minutes after Jondar died, as I remember giving my Templar a blue Axe and later on trying to give him a shield.
I'll pass this information along to Quality Assurance. Thanks for the additional details!
How did could this have possibly slipped past quality control?
The will of the templar is stronger!
Dont trade your equipped shield with the templar, the game boots you out and you cant log back until blizzard notices and fixes this issue"
Fuente: mucha gente quejandose porque el bug lo que hace es bloquear la cuenta y al intentar entrar da error 3006 todo el rato y es imposible conectarse. Así que los que tengáis un DH como yo ir con cuidado por ahora!