Profion escribió:Zatch escribió:ZeusII escribió:hablando de fullscreen, a vosotros tambien se os cierra dando un error si haceis alt+tab?

si, es mas, en FFXI ocurre exactamente igual por eso espero que salga una version de windower para ffxiv
Pedid y sera concedido1) What it does
- It enables you to play FFXIV in full screen (no Windows borders) just like any other game nowadays.
- You can use Alt-Tab in the full screen mode without FFXIV crashing due to the DirectX error message
- No more crashes due to UAC, Ctrl+Alt+Del or anything else that lets you lose the DirectX device (exception: driver crash)
- FFXIV runs a bit faster (about 5%, need feedback) than in the build in window mode
- new in 0.2: Hardware mouse
2) What still needs to be done
- Finish plugin interface
- Write a proper launcher
3) Requirements
- An up to date version FFXIV
- Windows Vista or Windows 7 - the way it is working it can never work on pre DirectX 10 systems
4) What I need from you
- Feedback (feature requests, errors, bugs & co)
- If you encounter an error/bug describe when and under what circumstances it happened. Post the error code you receive, if possible.
5) How to use
- In FFXIV settings activate window mode.
- In FFXIV settings set window size to desktop resolution (this step is optional)
- Start launcher, set the path to your ffxivboot.exe (C:-\Program Files\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Version/ ffxivboot.exe) and press launch.