Pues yo la que he comprado ha sido kayle, que esta tirada, y ya le han metido el buff (Sin avisarlo, pero ahi esta)
Para los que no sepan su buff aqui va:
Holy Fervor now converts 20% of Kayle's Attack Damage to Ability Power, and 10% of Ability Power to Attack Damage, down from 30% and 15% respectively.
Mana cost reduced from 80/85/90/95/100 to 70/75/80/85/90
Damage increased from 60/110/160/210/260 (+0.8 *AP) to 80/130/180/230/280 (+1.0 *AP).
Slow increased from 25% to 35% (still 4 sec duration) at all levels
Divine Blessing:
Mana cost increased from 60/65/70/75/80 to 75/90/105/120/135
Healing amount rebalanced from 65/100/135/170/205 (+0.5 *AP) to 60/115/170/225/280 (+0.25 *AP)
Movement speed buff increased from 12% to 18/21/24/27/30%, duration remains at 4 seconds
Cooldown increased from 10 to 12 seconds
Righteous Fury:
Mana cost reduced from 65 to 50 at all levels
Bonus magic splash damage increased from 4/10/16/22/28 (+0.3 *AP) to 10/20/30/40/50 (+0.3 *AP).
Cooldown reduced from 22/21/20/19/18 to 17 at all levels.
Ahora tiene un early bastante mas interesante.
Y a la pobre vayne, de momento voy a dejarla aparcadita en casa.