[HO] Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

Daicon escribió:estoy al final de capitulo 2, necesito ayudas con unas langostas

despues de matar al tio este que mejora a los demonios, empiezan a salir langostas por todas lados, y no tengo manera a matarlas...

alguna ayudA?

Bolas de fuego con la metamagia de conjuro selectivo o bola de fuego de explosión controlada, la que prefieras, mano de santo.

Voy por el capítulo 4 y me está encantando este capítulo, no me lo esperaba.

Iba un poco acojonado porque había leido que en el 4º y 5º el juego metía un buen pico de dificultad pero la verdad que no he notado nada trágico.

PD: Tochísimo el conjuro Siroco, te gana combates él solo.
Cyric escribió:
Daicon escribió:estoy al final de capitulo 2, necesito ayudas con unas langostas

despues de matar al tio este que mejora a los demonios, empiezan a salir langostas por todas lados, y no tengo manera a matarlas...

alguna ayudA?

Bolas de fuego con la metamagia de conjuro selectivo o bola de fuego de explosión controlada, la que prefieras, mano de santo.

Voy por el capítulo 4 y me está encantando este capítulo, no me lo esperaba.

Iba un poco acojonado porque había leido que en el 4º y 5º el juego metía un buen pico de dificultad pero la verdad que no he notado nada trágico.

PD: Tochísimo el conjuro Siroco, te gana combates él solo.

Pero que cojones, he matado a las plagas esas y....
sale de nuevo el XANG eso de los cojones, ya con dos tios muertos(gris) consigo matarlo, pero para mas inri, otra vez vuelvo a salir, ahora convertido otra vez en "normal" y sale con todo de nuevo.

que puta mierda es esa?
Yo también tuve que matarlo 2 veces. Lo normal es matarlo una pero si le dices determinadas cosas se levanta y lucha hasta la muerte. Hay un logro asociado.


A mi también me pilló un poco por sorpresa [+risas]
Bastante paseíllo todo el inicio del Acto 2, no? Una chetada el tema de los puntos Míticos, estoy deseando pillar el segundo porque mamma mía la que voy a liar.

El tema de la cruzada muchísimo menos invasivo que el reino del primero a mi parecer, además que los días no pasan cuando los manejas, simplemente agotas el movimiento, haces tus batallitas y ya, haces tus aventuras con el grupo y cuando pasa el día pues los vuelves a mover si te da la gana, por el momento bien.

Al final llevo a mi PJ, Seelah, Sosiel, Woljif, Nenio y Lann. Super bien el grupete... entre Sosiel, Seelah y mi PJ que tienen curaciones voy sobrado. Nenio la estoy enfocando a apoyo con algo de daño, las de veces que me ha sacado de un apuro con los fosos es increíble XD Luego tiene acelerar que va genial para combates mas difíciles. Mi PJ (Rabioso de Sangre con furia ilimitada jojo) y Lann son auténticas picadoras. Woljif lo tengo como un poco de todo: apoya, buffea y quita enemigos débiles alejados.
Pregunta muuuy vergonzante para alguien que jugó cientos de horas entre los 2 Paths:
¿Hay alguna magia o algo que prevenga las aflicciones de estado que reducen la fuerza, destreza, etc. ?
@El Danés Depende. El drenaje/daño de atributos no tiene ninguna protección de manera directa.

Sin embargo, a veces, dependiendo de donde venga si puedes. Bastantes veces este daño viene de algún veneno, por tanto cualquier protección contra el veneno va a prevenir el daño. Otras veces proviene del drenaje de algún no muerto y en ese caso death ward te protegerá.

Pero "en general" no tiene protección. Así que si no puedes protegerte indirectamente (como en los casos de arriba), no tiene protección posible. Dicho esto, si que hay muchos hechizos que curan este daño, así que no debería ser un problema recuperarte tras el combate o incluso en medio del combate (el hechizo de clerigo de level 6, que cura toda la vida y todos el daño a atributos es particularmente útil para esto).
@Elixxx Ah, muchas gracias.
En este caso estaba teniendo problemas con los no muertos, así que tu ayuda me es muy valiosa.
Ya veo por donde tirar.
Como se consiguen las monturas?
Llevo 30 horas y no las he olido
Daicon escribió:Como se consiguen las monturas?
Llevo 30 horas y no las he olido

Yo tengo un tricerátops que invoco con una figurilla que encontré por ahí. No he visto ninguna más (aunque con el jaleo que tengo en el inventario lo mismo tengo alguna otra y no me he enterado).
Pero tienes que tener un personaje que pueda usar monturas, no?

El paladín a nivel 5 o 6 no se, puede elegir un caballo. El adalid tiene un compañero animal que también lo puede usar de montura... para el resto de personajes pues a no ser que haya un objeto especial no se puede tener montura.

Si me equivoco que alguien corrija.
Jesugandalf escribió:
Daicon escribió:Como se consiguen las monturas?
Llevo 30 horas y no las he olido

Yo tengo un tricerátops que invoco con una figurilla que encontré por ahí. No he visto ninguna más (aunque con el jaleo que tengo en el inventario lo mismo tengo alguna otra y no me he enterado).

ostias que lo tenia en el inventario tambien.
joder, es que menudo caos de inventario.

pero por cierto, no se montarlo. ¿Como se hace?
me aparece la dote "ensillar", pero selecciono al triceraptor, y nada, no hace nada.
Corren rumores de que @kjavi y su party escaparon de Golarion luego de algún dungeon demasiado truculento xD
¡La cruzada ha muerto! ¡Viva la cruzada!
A mi se me empiexa a hacer bola.

54 horas, y acabo de empezar el capitulo 3....
¿Cuanto le queda a esto?

Me esta gustando mucho, peeero, despues de 54 horazas, empieza a ver cosas repetidas ya....

nu se... le doy un paron de unas semanas?

cuanto me queda?
Si se te hace bola pasa a otra cosa, sin culpas.
Pero sabes que si lo dejas ahí se queda, nunca lo terminarás xD
Cyric escribió:@seaculorum

Yo empecé en normal, pero al ver que algunos logros no saltaban si no jugabas en core o superior, pues me lo subí a ver que tal tiraba y bien, cuesta a veces pero vamos se hace.

Si, lo de la suerte con los dados es así, con Camellia de tank ahora mismo en nivel 6, la mayoría de enemigos tienen que sacar 20 natural para golpearla pero aún asi lo sacan bastante más a menudo de lo que me gustaría.

Todos no, claro, me encontré en una cueva un dientes de sable zombie que tuve que que mirar el log a ver porque me pegaba tanto, y descubrí que el bicho iba con +24 al ataque... lo normal a estos niveles [+risas]

Te recupero el post porque acabo de hacerme la cueva y me acordé del comentario. [+risas]

Cuando lo he visto me acordé de que alguien comentó que estaba cheto y efectivamente jajaja

Le he hecho un focus que no le dio tiempo ni a respirar.


No se cuanto te queda, pero si te estás planteando darle un parón, dáselo XD

Para hacerme una idea yo, estoy yendo a


Digamos que a medio camino hacia el norte,
desbloquee el siguiente campamento ya, que está un poco mas al norte
me queda mucho a mi para el final del acto 2? Llevo 16 horas, hasta las 54 que llevas tu, me parece mucho!
El Danés escribió:@Daicon
Si se te hace bola pasa a otra cosa, sin culpas.
Pero sabes que si lo dejas ahí se queda, nunca lo terminarás xD

pero podeis indicarme cuanto me queda aprox?

seaculorum escribió:
Cyric escribió:@seaculorum

Yo empecé en normal, pero al ver que algunos logros no saltaban si no jugabas en core o superior, pues me lo subí a ver que tal tiraba y bien, cuesta a veces pero vamos se hace.

Si, lo de la suerte con los dados es así, con Camellia de tank ahora mismo en nivel 6, la mayoría de enemigos tienen que sacar 20 natural para golpearla pero aún asi lo sacan bastante más a menudo de lo que me gustaría.

Todos no, claro, me encontré en una cueva un dientes de sable zombie que tuve que que mirar el log a ver porque me pegaba tanto, y descubrí que el bicho iba con +24 al ataque... lo normal a estos niveles [+risas]

Te recupero el post porque acabo de hacerme la cueva y me acordé del comentario. [+risas]

Cuando lo he visto me acordé de que alguien comentó que estaba cheto y efectivamente jajaja

Le he hecho un focus que no le dio tiempo ni a respirar.


No se cuanto te queda, pero si te estás planteando darle un parón, dáselo XD

Para hacerme una idea yo, estoy yendo a


Digamos que a medio camino hacia el norte,
desbloquee el siguiente campamento ya, que está un poco mas al norte
me queda mucho a mi para el final del acto 2? Llevo 16 horas, hasta las 54 que llevas tu, me parece mucho!

puess, es que te queda tela, hasta terminar el acto 2...

HOmbre, si es verdad que yo he quemado el acto 2, he hecho todo lo que me ha salido con aviso de ultimo acto para finalizar, y eso son muchas cosas.
@Daicon No llevas ni la mitad. El acto 3 es bastante más largo que el 2. Y luego quedan otros dos creo. Se te va a ir por encima de las 100 horas seguro.
Elixxx escribió:@Daicon No llevas ni la mitad. El acto 3 es bastante más largo que el 2. Y luego quedan otros dos creo. Se te va a ir por encima de las 100 horas seguro.

pero que cojones me estas container?

en serio?

pero como el juego es tan jodidamente largo en su historia? xDDD


pero me quedan cosas "nuevas" por ver?
@Daicon No entiendo muy bien la pregunta de si te quedan cosas nuevas por ver XD. De todas maneras yo no soy el más indicado para comentarte, aún estoy acabando el capitulo 3 (estoy ahora en modo semi descanso tras 75 horas, jugando a otros juegos mientras recargo energía para el siguiente asalto al juego).
Elixxx escribió:@Daicon No entiendo muy bien la pregunta de si te quedan cosas nuevas por ver XD. De todas maneras yo no soy el más indicado para comentarte, aún estoy acabando el capitulo 3 (estoy ahora en modo semi descanso tras 75 horas, jugando a otros juegos mientras recargo energía para el siguiente asalto al juego).

pues a ver, me refiero a que me ha molado mucho hasta ahora, pero desde hace unos 15- horas aprox o 20, ya es llegar a un mapa y limpiarlo.

Todo lo de la cruzada esta way, pero ya lo he hecho durante horas,
El camino mitico ya lo escogi.
De nivel 20, estoy a nivel 13, en cuanto a hechizos me queda 2 niveles para verlos todos.

No se, alguna mecanica nueva? o algo?
@Daicon ¿Estas seguro que aún estas empezando el capitulo 3? Con ese nivel tienes que estar cerca de acabar el 3. Si es así, te quedan bastantes menos horas de las que te he dicho.
A mí me costó 120h llegar al act 3.

El juego incluso yendo a lo bestia (saltando diálogos, sabiendo donde ir cada momento, optimizando el orden de misiones,etc...) probablemente sean 60-70 horas fácilmente.

Este juego probablemente sea el doble de la media de este género, porque la primera vez y yendo tranquilamente, es fácil que sean 120h+.
Elixxx escribió:@Daicon ¿Estas seguro que aún estas empezando el capitulo 3? Con ese nivel tienes que estar cerca de acabar el 3. Si es así, te quedan bastantes menos horas de las que te he dicho.

Acaba de llegar al nexo

No estoy seguro, pero diría que es el 3
@Daicon Eso es el acto 4. Yo no he llegado aún y estoy terminando ya el 3. No tengo ni idea de cuanto tiempo te queda entonces, pero mucho menos de lo que he dicho antes. Quizás alguien que se lo haya pasado te sabe indicar mejor.
110h por aqui, acabo de terminar el capitulo 4.

Seguramente se pueda tardar bastante menos, pero jugando por turnos se alarga bastante el tema.

LLevo jugando exclusivamente a este juego desde el 2 de septiembre y tengo fines de semana de meterme unas buenas sesiones de 4 horas, hacia la de dios que no pillaba un juego con tantas ganas, lo estoy disfrutando muchísmo.
Locura la parte de la capilla XD

Me he hecho la misión sin mayores problemas, pero la zona opcional (creo que es opcional porque por poder puedo salir de la zona y seguir) te salen unos bichos de cuidado... un ajeno nivel 20 y varios demonios (jefe de las gárgolas y un demonio como el jefe de esa misión) y reparten lo suyo.

He visto que hay una cueva y ahí lo he dejado, vaya tralla de zona. [+risas]
Bueno, después de más de 100 horas he completado la transformación mítica, a nivel 18.


Seguramente haya mil builds más tochas, pero confirmo que combatiente mutante / lich funciona de lujo, brutal.

Críticos de más de 400 (y a nivel 20 con el x6 más de 500), 70AC (en la imagen me podría meter algún buf más y sin contar los +4 a melee del estilo de la grulla...), hechizos útiles como imagen espejada, más de 400 de vida, inmunidades de no muerto (como todas las que afecten a la mente), reducción de daño etc..., na no se, una locura.

Me va a dar pena terminarme el juego, me lo estoy pasando muy bien [+risas]
Alle voy 2.0 turn base edition:


La gestion me esta volviendo un poco loco.

Alguien con un breve resumen?

He visto que puedes gestionar capitales y salen un monton de casillas dentro de las mismas, hay que construir cada una de las posibilidades o hay alguna manera de optimizar?

Luego he visto pequeñas barricadas que te salen solo 4 casillas, para que valen esas barricadas? que se construye ahi?

Muchas gracias :)

Bueno, no soy un experto, de momento yo en la capital hice barracones y el puesto de tiro con arco… para que me salgan unidades semanales de esas dos, ademas hice el arsenal y la armeria creo (tienes que ponerlo en casillas adyacentes para que sume el bonificador).

En los puestos avanzados de 4 casillas lo que haces es aumentar la cantidad de tropas que aparecen en la capital, yo ahi hago barracones, tiro con arco y suministros, el cuarto hueco según veas.

De momento bien de esa guisa, tampoco es algo super profundo.

Guía rápida chusquera:
- General Mago, sube un poco de nivel y con los hechizos de fuego nadie se acerca.
- Arqueros a punta pala y nadie se acerca.
- Arrasa a todo lo que se mueve xD

PD: En los puestos esos que están repartidos por el mapa, si creas 3 edificios luego puedes subir su categoría y te deja crear un teletransporte, ahorrándote bastante pateo. [beer]
Rhous escribió:Alle voy 2.0 turn base edition:


De "no recomendarlo" a darle segunda vuelta en un mes a un juego que dura 200 horas en niveles altos.

[sati] [looco]
@kjavi Bueno, después del fiasco encased no tengo nada a lo que jugar. Y estoy sin presupuesto hasta navidades así que... [carcajad]

14gb de parche

Me están entrando ganas de empezar una run que la primera me quedé y eso que le metí más de 120h. Cada vez me tiran más los turnos tb. Esperaré unos meses más, que me carcoma el ansia, y se sepa algo de DLCs


El parche:

Update 1.1.0i

Beware of possible plot spoilers and a wall of text below!


Visuals and performance of multiple areas has been improved;
Improved the visuals of multiple NPC;
Fixed the inaccuracies in reactivity to your choices, such as some NPCs appearing where they should not be;
Improved the mounted combat in turn-based mode and fixed another issue with Charge;
In your inventory it will be easier to tell the scrolls you can learn from those you can’t;
Crusade underwent many changes, and also you can control the armies from the crusade interface now (from the throne room).

Known issues:

Sometimes enemies with multiple attacks can get stuck in turn-based mode. The workaround is to disable turn-based mode temporarily if you encounter such an enemy.


A cutscene with Anevia during the 'What you dream of?' quest could freeze - fixed;
Visual changes in one of the magic projector's tapes in Areelu lab;
Added companion interjections in Crunukh's dialogue;
Сhanged the check at the start of Ember's quest in Chapter 3 from Persuasion to Perception;
Xorges and Xarra stayed in Lower City after deciding their fate - fixed;
Difficulty of the checks in dialogue with Dimalchio increased from 20 to 30;
Ember sometimes forgot your decisions during her companion quest - fixed;
Fixed the amount of spent and received gold when dealing with Succubi in Experiencing the Bliss quest;
Fixed an issue when Sosiel was supposed to leave after a dialogue, but stayed;
Jerribeth didn't interact with the player as they arrived to Vellexia in the first time - fixed;
Perception check now shows a correct DC during dialogue at the last distortion on Aeon's path in Threshold. You may now refuse to go inside the distortion and proceed with the usual ending;
Primal Treant would sometimes say the lines of your companions, including those not present in the group. That was creepy and was fixed;
Red Mask was fighting with fists instead of a rapier during the confrontation in the tavern - fixed;
Shamira no longer applies multiple debuffs that make checks in her dialogue almost impossible to pass;
The Impostor quest didn't get marked as limited to Act III - fixed;
You can now loot assassins that came for Latverk's head;
Animation improved during cutscene with Sosiel drawing the Commander;
Corruption didn't get removed from the party when you rested in the camp before the gargoyle attack - fixed;
Ember's first and second quest are now correctly tagged as required to be finished before the end of the chapter;
Gresilla's minions were turning friendly if Gresilla died to a critical strike - fixed;
Paladins were standing still during boss fight in Drezen siege - fixed;
Sosiel no longer draws in Nexus during combat. Come on, Sosiel, we've got a war to win here!
Staunton didn't disappear instantly after altering the past - fixed;
Targona's wing wouldn't always heal during The Light Within quest - fixed;
You now correctly appear from the time portal in Drezen past and not multiple feet away;
"Best Liquor in the World" quest can now be finished even if the NPC who gave it is dead;
"What Do You Dream Of?" Quest: if the player hasn't completed the first objective (talk to Anevia) before Irabeth dies, the quest will fail;
A Demon's Heresy quest no longer has duplicate objectives;
Aasimars from the Flesh Market could be directed to Latverk's mansion before talking to Latverk - fixed;
Added the option not to fight Indarah in the Shrine of the Three;
After Daeran's party at Heaven's Edge, Daeran could sometimes incorrectly react to player's behaviour - fixed;
Airship adventure book event doesn't happen with Nocticula's palace in the background anymore;
An objective to find proof of Thaberdine's royal origin didn't complete properly - fixed;
Arueshalae no longer mentions the Commander releasing her from Drezen's prison if the Commander didn't do that;
Cue text no longer duplicates in the Verbovezzor Book Event;
Daeran continued to romantically pursue you even after you kicked him out of the party - fixed (now you can't kick him out - kidding!);
Echo of Deskari wasn't prepared to meet you if you opened the portal with Nocticula's help during the Devastation quest. The speed at which a certain angel burned in the Devastator was the same regardless of how you proceeded with the quest - fixed;
Fixed an issue with Finnean after the Colyphyr Mines imprisonment;
Fixed dialogue logic in dialogue in-between battle against Baphomet in Colyphyr mines;
Fixed dialogue logic in the dialogue with Liotr during Daeran's second quest;
Fixed texts in illustrated event when the Commander and Greybor climb down to Devarra's lair;
Fixed the dialogue with Areelu in the House of Silken Shadows regarding Suture;
Fixed the issue with Trickster's dialogue option in Iz;
Fixed the option to fight Yozz in the Bliss of Battle;
Fixed the situation when the player couldn't finish the dialogue after showing Terendelev's claw to Storyteller in chapter 4 or later;
In a conversation with Svendack, the selection of a trickster answer provoked a fight - fixed;
In the third visit to Arushalae's dream Arueshalae wouldn't become evil if the player has chosen an evil option in the starting dialogue - fixed;
It was possible to find the clapper of the bell in Green Gates even if you refused Arueshalae's help - fixed;
Now when you fight on the arena alone, the companions won't be added;
Queen Galfrey kept staying near the temple after the competition "Go to the temple of Iomedae in Drezen" during the quest "The Light Within" - fixed;
Ramien now refuses to go to the Defender's Heart if Hulrun is there;
Rapture of Rupture quest markers were displayed incorrectly on the Alushinyrra city map - fixed;
Sometimes a big party could teleport incorrectly in and out of the buildings during the Drezen siege - fixed;
Sosiel will no longer interrupt leisure activities of Commander and Lann;
The Outcast quest was marked in the Journal to be completed till the end of chapter 1, which is not true. The quest should be completed till the end of the 3rd chapter - fixed;
The Price of Loyalty no longer requires to come alone with Greybor. If you come with the party, they will join you on the 3rd turn;
When going to Colyphyr character could be shown warnings about quests that have not been started - fixed;
Some NPCs rushed to call the player Commander in chapter 1. Now they don’t;
Fixed dialogue logic when the Hellkinghts arrive at Drezen in Chapter 3;
Vorimeraak did not remember the past encounter with the main character. We've reminded her;
Fixed camping banters for Finnean;
A book event with Targona, when transforming from an angel into a swarm, lead to a looping dialogue - fixed;
Dragon's Awakening - fixed the bug which didn't allow you to find the cheese you needed. Now it will be at the kitchen;
Epilogues of Anevia/Irabeth, Hand of the Inheritor, Finnean, and Suture will be displayed now after the Ascension ending, as they should;
If Anevia left Drezen in chapter 5, Arueshalae's quest "What you dream of?" will fail if it wasn't completed before;
If Red Mask died during the confrontation with Latverk, the dialogue after defeating him used to break, and there was no option to decide the fate of the aasimars and loot him. Fixed. If this already happened, the loot from him will be added to your inventory, and the aasimars will go to Nexus;
It's possible to quit the dialogue loop when refusing Foreman's quest now;
Midnight gamblers no longer hang out at the graveyard during the day;
Mythic Angel could receive a message from Targona in chapter 5 too late - fixed;
Now you can deliver the message from a person important to Storyteller only if that person asked you to do so;
Fixed Sosiel's quest in Battle Bliss;
Fixed Mythic Demon’s quest "A Contract".

Battle with Siabrae is made easier for Normal difficulty and below;
Candles no longer continue floating in the air after Daeran's bath is gone from Commander's bedroom;
A door was missing in the tavern in Return to Drezen, offering you to exit location through the wall - fixed;
Added a new cutscene in chapter 5;
Added area type "Abyss" in Dimalchio's Mansion location. Added exit marker, when it should become available. Edited mini-map borders;
Assassins' Guild walls are now transparent;
Camera fixes at Arueshalae's quest area;
Camera in Nexus no longer ends up inside the mountain;
Camera now follows Sosiel as he charges forward in cutscene at Martyr Zacharius's Cemetery;
Changed tokens on the global map and in Kenabres;
Character could fall through the roof of the tavern at Drezen Citadel - fixed;
Characters could end up under the floor at Gray Garrison after loading the game - fixed;
Characters no longer appear on the rock when exiting the cave in Lost Chapel;
Characters no longer walk in the air in Alushinyrra Higher City;
Divine services in safe areas didn't work if character was polymorphed - fixed;
Dragon Burial Ground - fixed the terrain type for the map;
During the siege of Drezen, your party could sometimes spawn inside the walls - fixed;
Exit from Battlebliss is now shown on the minimap;
Fixed a blinking texture in the cave behind the sarcophagus in the Core of the Riddle location;
Fixed a wall in The Ivory Labyrinth, which would not become transparent, if a character was standing behind it;
Fixed an issue when it wasn't raining in the random encounter areas of Kenabres;
Fixed and optimized the lighting in various locations;
Fixed camera movement in Areelu's lab;
Fixed corners of the Drezen tavern, closed by the fog of war;
Fixed half-transparent fog of war in Drow Ambush;
Fixed light in the area Battlebliss Arena;
Fixed some particularly shiny ice in Wintersun;
Fixed the graphic artefacts on the cliffs of the Lost Chapel;
Fixed the interior elements of the Ivory Labyrinth;
Fixed the issue with Blade Barriers effect not being displayed in the Shrine Of The Three;
Fixed the texture of the Commander's chip on the map, improved the lighting and textures of location markers and other chips on the global map;
Fixed the visuals of the cave in the location during the Woljif quest;
Fixed visualization of blood flows in the Ivory Labyrinth;
Fog of war now works correctly in Neathholm;
Going to the Threshold cutscene didn’t trigger, if the player cancelled the party change - fixed;
Got rid of the animation on corpse on the Legacy of the Ancients location;
If the player character chose the path of the Swarm, all critters will disappear from the capital;
If you hired Ciar as a Lich, he won't appear in Iz and Threshold anymore;
Improved passability in the Ten Thousands Delights' basement;
Improved the final cutscene in Battlebliss - no more additional enemies will appear on the screen;
In the Battlebliss arena after the final battle some characters that were supposed to be dead were present - fixed;
In the Ineluctable Prison, Ashen Lady won't attack again if you previously killed her in a boss battle;
In the Trap for the Other area some dialogues had a wrong speaker - fixed;
Incorrect light in one of the houses in Kenabres - fixed;
Increased the reward for solving the Crag Linnorm's riddle in the Ineluctable Prison;
It was possible to pass through one of the blockages in Iz - fixed;
It's no longer possible to get on top of the hanging lamps in Blackwater and walk over them;
On entering an area in Drezen characters could spawn on a wall - fixed;
One trap during siege of Drezen was invisible - fixed;
Ramien, Eliandra abd Katair could appear in the Threshold even after their deaths - fixed;
Removed excessive minotaurs in Colyphyr Mines;
Skillcheck difficulties have been changed at the Martyr Zacharius's Cemetery;
Some characters could lose wings and other body parts on local map - fixed;
Some conveyor lines in Blackwater were moving in the wrong direction - fixed;
Some enemies in the market square were standing in each other on higher difficulties - fixed;
Some paths were fixes in Midnight Fane;
Some traps weren't shown in Storyteller's tower - fixed;
Succubus no longer appears in Battlebliss unless recruited;
Summoning circle no longer appears over sleeping bags in Colyphyr dungeon;
The Blade Barriers effect was not visible in the Ivory Labyrinth - fixed;
The fog of war now lifts during the first zombie battle at the Martyr Zacharius's Cemetery;
The Molten Scar location was empty after receiving the information about it - fixed;
The Thieflings on the Market Square were hard to find. We added a little quest to lead players to them;
There was no terrain type on the random encounter zone during the quest "Outcast" - fixed;
Tooltips didn't appear for Blackwater doors when clicking - fixed;
Visual improvements of various locations;
When breaking the door in Ten Thousands Delights the character was facing a wrong direction - fixed;
When exiting the jeweller's shop, you could end up on the roof - fixed;
Wind now affects grass in War Camp;
You can now climb through the rubble from both sides in Greengates;
Battlebliss entrance marker added to the map;
Improved the positioning of the camera when exiting Battlebliss into the Lower City;
Daeran liked to stand on your bed after sex. Now he'll assume a more comfortable position;
Explosive dretches in the Ivory Labyrinth became more dangerous;
Fixed holes in the walls in Enigma;
Fixed navigation in Enigma (it was possible to walk through some closed doors and walls);
Improved the passability of Threshold;
Improved the tutorials about the camera rotation effect on the landscape in Alushinyrra;
Sometimes Alderpash would attack without buffs - fixed. Also he buffed himself better now;
Venture-Captain Gristoff during the Fleshmarkets battle could freak out and start killing demons who were important for the plot. Fixed, but not retroactively. If you already encountered this issue, you will need to load an earlier save;
Sometimes, when Commander went to Greengates with Arueshalae during the quest Demon's Heresy, the location was empty - fixed. We brought all the demons back;
Optimization and lightning fixes in the Ivory Labyrinth.


Ability tooltips weren't reacting to right mouse button as intended - fixed;
Added a crusade tutorial to Encyclopedia;
Added an objective to the Middlegame quest, requiring to develop all crusade stats to the 5th rank;
Added visual and sound effect for a unit's extra turn from positive morale;
Added visual and sound effect for a unit's suffering from negative morale;
After you reach the highest rank of a crusade stat or the highest level for a general, you could see that you need 999999 for the next level. Fixed. Now you will see either '-' or the current number;
Angel's Movanic Devas were lacking wings - fixed;
Army generals were having less than 3 days of cooldown when removed from command. Resolution: fixed;
Beer Elemental portrait added;
Changed the appearance and portraits of different units in the Crusade management mode;
Dragon Paths now works according to description;
Dragon's Awakening was not shown on Dragonheir Scions - fixed;
Endgame quest could not be finished due to the lack of stat development in chapter 3 - fixed;
Fighters pit was taking 5 days to build instead of 3 as in the description - fixed;
Fixed Crushing Despair in tactical battles;
Fixed the damage from General's Retaliation ability;
Fixed the effect Brewery had on the Assassins in tactical combat;
Fixed the freeze on Lilitu attacks in tactical combat;
Full tooltip wasn't shown for relics in event cards in Crusade management - fixed;
Game would sometimes freeze when Vroks died - fixed;
Grand Destiny now works according to description.
Headhunters counterattacked even if they were dead - fixed;
Improved tutorial for unit recruitment - it now shows which buildings produce which units;
In Chapter 3 Drezen starts with Main Barracks, Main Archery Range, Arsenal, Smithy and Supply Center;
In the Crusade mode, there were no buttons to continue and stop the movement of armies - fixed;
Lay on Hands now has two variants: Others and Self;
Lethargic Breath in tactical battles has been fixed;
Market was taking 5 days to build instead of 3 as in the description - fixed;
Middlegame quest was not failing after the end of chapter 3 - fixed;
Shrine was taking 5 days to build instead of 3 as in the description - fixed;
Silver Dragon model is now scaled correctly in tactical combat;
Silver Dragons' Intimidating Glory didn't always correctly affect large enemy units - fixed;
Silver dragons' Intimidating Glory had name and description from Death-Stealing Gaze - fixed;
Some armies in Chapter 5 didn't give an item or a relics after victory - fixed;
Some enemy armies had ranged units on the front line - fixed;
Spring Trap wasn't working according to the description - fixed;
The feats of the crusade leaders now stack;
The number of units initiative tracker was not updated correctly - fixed;
The units' damage and healing abilities have been significantly improved. Units that use damage or healing abilities now have the Power attribute, that defines the number of outcoming damage and healing;
The visual look of armies' portraits has been updated;
Unit tooltips were missing some tags with descriptions - fixed;
Visual effect for summoned units is shown correctly now;
You can now control armies directly from Crusade management screen;
Zealous Student now provides more feat options at level 20;
Zero damage will be displayed now;
ll-Round Defense now shows in feature list;
Challenge didn't work correctly - fixed;
Cleric's Smite Evil ability didn't work correctly - fixed. Visual effect of Smite Evil is shown correctly now;
Cone of Cold has been added to Nightcrawlers;
Dispel didn't work correctly - fixed;
Earth Mastery now works according to description;
Fear Aura didn't work correctly - fixed;
Fixed General's ability Crushing Charge;
Fixed the issue when using General's Slow ability would interrupt the battle;
Frenzy Trap now works according to description;
Inspect window could obscure the inspected creature and the attack tooltip - fixed;
Opening save/load menu unpaused tactical battles - fixed;
Power Attack was removed from from Earth Elementals;
Reduced the size of Nightcrawlers in tactical combat;
Reduced the size of some dragons in tactical battles;
Smoke Bomb didn't work correctly - fixed;
Teleport has been added to Nightcrawlers;
Visual effect of Blade of the Inheritor is shown correctly now;
Unit models in battles sometimes froze after death - fixed.

Classes & Mechanics

Classed & Uncanny Dodge and Improved Uncanny Dodge deleted from Skald talents selection;
"Favorite metamagic - Bolstered" mythic feat wasn't available - fixed;
A bug allowed to select a different caster level when making potions or scrolls - fixed;
Ability "Mythic Skill Focus — Persuasion" didn't work for intimidation - fixed;
Ability Animal Companion — Black Horse was not visible - fixed;
Acid Flask dealt damage only to enemies. Resolution: now also to allies;
Alchemist archetype Incense Synthesizer descriptions updated;
All kinetic blades now have proper scabbard visuals;
An error causing the caster level selection window to freeze when making potions and scrolls - fixed;
Angel spell Cleansing Flames does not heal ability damage - fixed;
Archetype text updated: Divine Hunter;
Azata's Spell Moral Support granted buff for 1 round instead of 1 minute per level - fixed;
Bloodrager feature Blood of Life on 2 level have fast healing 2 instead of 1 - fixed;
Bloodragers with Celestial bloodline now correctly deal additional damage with Angelic Attacks to all demons;
Bloodragger Primalist when choosing the talent fiend totem lesser didn't get the gore extra attack while in rage - fixed;
Bone Arrow wasn't working according to the description - fixed;
Breath Weapon ability of Scaled Fist archetype was available from level 12 instead of 15 - fixed;
Character abilitiy Mount Companion description updated;
Class feature description updated: Loremaster;
Death Ward couldn't be affected by Metamagic: Extend - fixed;
Death ward was staying on characters on death - fixed;
Demonic rage at rank 9 lost all bonuses and only granted +2 ''normal'' rage bonus - fixed;
Demon's Aspect of Nocticula activated with Aspect of Balor lead to infinite apply of Demonic Rage - fixed;
Description updated for the Blood of Life ability;
Deskari's Swarm Infest disease can now be removed on rest;
Dretch's ability descriptions have been updated;
Druid with Cold Rampage dealt less additional cold damage than should - fixed;
Ember and Lann had abilities from items with no description - fixed;
Find Traps had an incorrect description - fixed;
Fixed Glorious Beard visuals;
Flails were not correctly getting bonuses from Weapon Training (Hammers, Maces, and Flails) - fixed;
Force Punch spell did not work with metamagic Empowered и Maximized - fixed;
Gnomes with Traveller racial heritage now correctly lose Defensive Training;
Hellknight class did not count in the progression of domains from Pentamic Faith - fixed;
Hellknight Signifier couldn't choose spell in spell specialization if spell specialization was in another class - fixed;
Hold Person Mass worked for everyone, not only humanoids - fixed;
Impossible Domain - ability description has been updated;
In some cases it was impossible to select the Loremaster class when leveling up despite having all prerequisites - fixed;
Incorrectly displayed the choice of abilities during levelling up - fixed;
Incorrectly displayed the number of components needed for the spell - fixed;
Inspire Tranquility was giving Competence bonus instead of Morale - fixed;
Kalavakus in Blackwater didn't have Demon of Slaughter type - fixed;
Lesser Celestial Totem rage power no longers heals the character to full;
Lilithu demons had 8 claw attacks instead of 4 - fixed;
Loremaster level 1 did not increase Caster Level - fixed;
Magic Nullification no longer disables when the character is under the effects of crowd control;
Magical Channeling provided an incorrect bonus to leaders' mana regeneration - fixed;
Master Strike, Blinding Critical and Staggering Critical worked on undead - fixed;
Metamagic (Bolster Spell) wasn't in Wizard Bonus Feat - fixed;
Mighty Bloodrage now correctly allows to cast a bloodrager spell of any level as a swift action;
Outflank was not working according to the description - fixed;
Overwhelming Presence is now correctly dispellable;
Paladin Martyr now can take Lingering Performance as a feat;
Prayer effect didn't have a description - fixed;
Primalist Barbarian now has correct visualization of archetype changes;
Redesigned Skald archetype Court Poet;
Remove Curse worked on enemies - fixed;
Secret mythic path was able to stack several Sword upgrades, which was not intended - fixed;
Smite Evil ability of Divine Hunter animal companion was labelled as Smite Good - fixed;
Sohei ability Monastic Mount did not give temporary hit points - fixed;
Sometimes Weapon Focus choices for a mercenary caused an error - fixed;
Spirited Charge damage bonuses are being given for charges on foot - fixed;
Standard Bearer's Banner ability was not giving bonus on charge attacks until level 5 - fixed;
Stunning Fist: Fatigue and Stunning Fist: Sicken were not working correctly - fixed;
Swarm size was not updated when devouring creatures - fixed;
Swarm That Walks abilities Swarm Feast, Swarm Form, and Swarm Infest can't work together. Resolution: Fixed the description;
Swarm-that-walks was devouring only crusader patrol's leader in Iz - fixed;
The Bolster Spell feat is missing information about spell level increase - fixed;
The character couldn't select a second bloodline as a Sylvan Sorcerer - fixed;
The Enlarge Person spell granted by Primal Druids did not give the expected +6 bonus to either strength or constitution at Druid level 16; it still only gave +4 - fixed;
The inquisitor archetype Judge wasn't getting the Sentence ability - fixed;
Tireless Focused Rage now correctly works with Focused Rage;
Trickster abilities Summon Wild Hunt Monarch and Summon Wild Hunt incorrectly summoned the same single creature - fixed;
True Form now correctly works on petrified characters. May not work on characters petrified before this fix;
Updated Leading Strike description;
Updated the ranger's Favored Enemy ability description to clarify the difference between the types of demons;
When you already had 2 classes with animal companion you couldn't get third class with animal companion - fixed;
Witch of the Veil was getting a 2nd level ability on 1st level - fixed;
Wizard Necromancy, one of the 1st level bonus spells was blank - fixed;
Woljif had an ability without texts - fixed;
You can now switch the skill used in writing scrolls - Arcane or Religion;
Сlarified the Ashen Curse description;
Additional attacks count from BAB could not exceed 3 - fixed;
Angelic Aspect effect didn't have a description - fixed;
Curse of the Black Sands didn't work correctly - fixed;
Derakni no longer gains enough speed to enter Golarion's orbit when dying;
Fixed the Winter Witch's spellbook description, which used to be unclear;
Gendarme now has the correct list of available feats;
Hellspawn (Devil-Spawn) tieflings were getting -2 to Charisma even if they had sorcerer's Infernal bloodline - fixed;
If you had Greater Vital Strike among your abilities, you could use all three: Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike and Greater Vital Strike - fixed;
In abilities' target descriptions distance measurement units could sometimes be duplicated - fixed;
In the inventory and the character screen the attack tooltip had only a description for the first attack - fixed. Now each of the attacks has its own tooltip;
Iron Guts did not give bonuses against Eyebite and Euphoric Tranquility - fixed;
Large Water Elemental was applying two Freezing conditions - fixed;
Life Bubble spell did not protect from Plague Storm - fixed;
Order of the Nail now correctly allows the player to pick Favorite Enemy. For already created characters, the option will appear on the next level-up.
Paladin was able to choose Domain Zealot, even though they did not have access to domains - fixed;
The Searing Light spell had wrong visuals - fixed;
Several spellbooks had two instances of Fire Snake spell - fixed;
Stigmatized Witch cantrips now have correct DC, based on Charisma instead of Intelligence;
Swarm-that-Walks now becomes immune to prone condition;
Terrain Mastery rogue talent now has an option to pick Abyss;
Witch Ley Line Guardian Healing Patron used to award you with Greater Restoration spells twice, both at level 6 and 7 - fixed;
Abilities from Greater Mythic Trick (Religion) didn't appear after levelup - fixed;
Abundant Casting ability description has been clarified;
Aivu's breath weapon worked incorrectly: a successful reflex saving throw didn't half the damage - fixed;
Angel Sun Form spell didn't work correctly - fixed;
Animal Companions with Bulwark archetype could become a little too sturdy - fixed;
Arcane Pool ability of Magus Armored Battlemage didn't work - fixed;
Arcanist Burning Flame and Hellfire Ray couldn't be cast without an enemy target - fixed;
Archaeologist's Danger Sense has been fixed;
Aspect of Nocticula ability didn't work correctly - fixed;
Aspect of Vavakia mythic ability description has been clarified;
Azata's Incredible Might didn't trigger its fortitude save on crit, resulting in no effect - fixed;
Azata's spell Nature's Grasp did not work as described - fixed;
Bardic Knowledge only added +1 to knowledge and lore checks at the 4th level instead of +2 - fixed;
Bloodrager Bonus Feats didn't appear on class progression screen - fixed;
Bloodrager Primalist's Frightful Charger from the Undead bloodline didn't put the shaken condition on the enemies - fixed;
Bloodrager Primalist's Undead bloodline didn't give some of the abilities, and at 16th level all Bloodragers would get a One with Nature ability regardless of the bloodline - fixed;
Bloodrider could only ride a smilodon - fixed, now it’s a horse;
Cavalier from the Order of the Star, after using the Calling, rolled for the attack twice, and took the lesser of the two rolls - fixed;
Celestial Totem didn't work for Bloodrager - fixed;
Celestial Totem, Greater couldn't be chosen for the Primalist - fixed;
Channel Negative Energy only did 1 point of damage on the 1st cleric level - fixed;
Clarified the descriptions of Swarm Form, Swarm Feast, Swarm Infest abilities;
Cleaving Finish worked with the Coup de Grace ability - fixed;
Combat Expertise added penalties on Ranged Attacks - fixed;
Court Poet archetype's description has been updated;
Deathsnatchers' regeneration was replaced by fast healing, to reduce the suffering of players;
Dismiss spell was present among the selectable spells in the alchemist spellbook - fixed;
Divine Hunter didn't qualify for the Impossible Domain mythic feat - fixed;
Dragon's Breath ability description has been clarified;
Dragon's Immunity to Fear didn't work for Fear from auras - fixed;
Druid couldn't pick the Impossible Domain Mythic Feat - fixed;
Eldritch Archer Magus didn't take the -2 penalty to attacks when using Spell Combat - fixed;
Eldritch Font ability Greater Surge did not work with AoE spells - fixed;
Eldritch Scion couldn't select Abundant Arcane Pool - fixed;
Elemental Rampager should have had both Wisdom and Constitution marked as recommended - fixed;
Elemental Rampager's druid bonuses didn't increase by level - fixed;
Elemental Rampager's Rampage ability didn't have a visual effect - fixed;
Encumbrance penalties weren't updating in the capital - fixed;
Fast Bombs and Precise Bomb were removed from the Metamorph archetype;
Fixed a typo in Knight's Challenge description;
Fixed a typo in the description of Bloodrager's Uncanny Dodge - fixed;
Fixed a typo in the description of the Serpentine Resistances ability for Bloodrager, Serpentine bloodline;
Fixed description of Discovery;
Fixed the description for Abundant Casting ability for Lich's spells;
Fixed the duration of Summon Monster IV for Monster Tactician archetype in the description;
Fixed the naming issue for Elemental Rampager's element selection;
Focused Rage from Instinctual Warrior used to get turned off by Demonic Rage from the Demon Mythic Path - fixed;
Gold Dragon Mythic Path: Perfect Body ability description has been updated;
Guardian of the North ability was incorrectly allowing to polymorph into a Fire Elemental - fixed;
Improved the description of the Dragon's Breath spell;
Improved the descriptions of Aeon Gaze abilities;
It was impossible to use the Rectify State ability on yourself - fixed;
Kitsune couldn't Gather Power in the human form - fixed;
Leading Strike ability description has been clarified;
Loremaster could get any combat feat as a secret, ignoring the prerequisites - fixed;
Magus couldn't take Extra Arcane Pool for the 4th time - fixed;
Mounting polymorphed animal companions is no longer possible (it was never intended to be in the first place);
Ode to Miraculous Magic didn't work for the DC of will save based mind affecting spells - fixed;
Oracle's animal companion had fewer levers than it should have - fixed;
Order of the Godclaw ability didn't apply its morale bonus to the attack rolls properly - fixed;
Paralysis from Lich's Deny Death now can be removed during rest;
Polymorphed characters could equip weapons even if they had no hands to hold them - fixed;
Ranger didn't share the favorite enemy with animal companion - fixed;
Removed Justice and Destruction judgments from Faith Hunter Inquisitor archetype;
Selecting Cold for Elemental Rampager's Rampage was giving fire damage - fixed;
Selective Spell feat description has been updated;
Sensei Advice: Mass Extra Attack ability was missing its name - fixed;
Shadow Conjuration was missing from the Darkness Domain spell list - fixed;
Shadow Spells now correctly allow the target to roll a will save to partially disbelief the effect;
Shroud of Water ability didn't work correctly - increasing your Burn didn't give you more AC beyond the first time - fixed;
Solo Tactics was removed from the Sacred Huntsmaster archetype;
Sometimes Dispel Magic didn't tell what was just dispelled. We fixed numerous cases of this bug;
Sorcerer can have a raven familiar now;
Sorcerers' Draconic Bloodlines receive Breath Weapon at 9th level, but it was not visible in the class progression - fixed;
Sorcerous Reflex didn't work with Ranged Spellstrike for the Eldritch Archer Magus - fixed;
Spit Acid ability of Vescavor Royal Guard had no description - fixed;
The description of Alchemist Discovery class feature has been updated;
The description of Azata's Life-Bonding Friendship ability has been updated;
The descriptions of Azata summons have been updated;
The effect from Transformation spell didn't have a description and a name - fixed;
Updated the description of Crossblooded Sorcerer class;
Updated the description of Shaman's Healing Hex;
We restored the missing Spontaneous Casting ability description for Warpriest;
Weapon Finesse (Mythic) was affecting ranged weapons - fixed;
When a Skald was using Inspired Rage with Guarded Stance and deactivated Guarded Stance, allies still had Guarded Stance - fixed;
When you tried to cast Enlarge Person on a Hunter animal companion you would get an incorrect error message - fixed;
Witch hex Animal Servant could be used on self - fixed;
Improved Mythic Trick (Religion) abilities had unlimited usages per day - fixed;
Hellfire ray's fire component doesn't add sorcerer's dragon fire (brass/red/gold) bloodline +1 damage per die rolled. Resolution: Fixed.
Dragonheir Scion with Draconic Presence could not select Shatter Defenses because they were missing Dazzling Display - fixed;
Bone Arrow wasn't working according to the description - fixed;
Outflank was not working according to the description - fixed.
Pushing Infusion, Force Punch and Battering Blast provoked an attack of opportunity against the caster - fixed;
Hunter lost orisons - fixed;
Soul Shield (Knight of the Wall archetype feature) didn't work correctly - fixed;
Spellcasters with the ability to convert elemental damage to another element couldn't do it for area effects (like Sirocco and Acid Pit) - fixed;
Taking a level as Winter Witch didn't give you a caster level - fixed, will require a respec to get the CL;
For archetypes dependent on deity selection, the deity was displayed last - fixed;
Added some improvements to the Teleport mechanic;
Song of the Last Step didn't work correctly - fixed;
Power Word: Stun was not working according to the description - fixed;
If the player had non-distributed mythic levels, they were lost when switching to the Devil's path - fixed.

Turn-based mode

Some portraits were missing - fixed;
A turn-based panel could disappear when you attempted to stand up and provoked an Attack of Opportunity - fixed;
Turn-based mode now better supports Mounted Combat. Also, you can now select a mount and use its abilities independently of the rider (just as in RTwP mode);
Charge sometimes didn't work when friendly characters were too close - fixed.


Annihilator no longer affects allies after a critical hit;
Back Rank Assistance effect was wrongly displayed on inspection - fixed;
Burned Ashwood had an incorrect enhancement bonus - fixed;
Eviscerating Doom used the wrong value for Strength damage - fixed;
Fixed a small typo in the description of Dawnflower's Kiss;
Irabeth's sword didn't always appear during Siege of Drezen - fixed;
It was possible to drag objects into Finnean's slot, where he would happily devour them after - fixed;
Lenses of Prolonged Gaze were being equipped in a wrong slot - fixed;
Lockpicker's Kit granted stacking bonuses - fixed;
Midnight Bolt didn't always work correctly in the final battle with Deskari and Baphomet - fixed;
One-Third-Full Container had an incorrect icon - fixed;
Radiance upgrades had wrong icons. - fixed;
Ring of the Dead didn't work correctly - fixed;
Scroll Scriber's and Alchemist's Kits had vague descriptions - fixed. They allow you to craft scrolls / potions UP TO a certain level;
Triceratops from Triceratops Statuette no longer can be level-upped. Levels are limited between 1 and 20;
Triple Fin Helmet had an incorrect icon - fixed;
Updated visuals of the Reeking Heart of Arcane;
Yellowed Letter was wrongly marked as a quest item - fixed;
You can now equip an item by dragging it to the character model;
Fixed the issue with the model of the Quick Death item.


Some animal companions did not fit into the character window - fixed;
A quill icon wouldn't disappear from the stack of scrolls after you learned the spell from one of them - fixed;
Added a new icon to Song of Strength;
Added global map names;
Added localization for the bug report window;
Added visual feedback of Shared Precision in the UI;
Aivu could switch to her other 3 weapon slots thus losing her bite - fixed;
Auto formation now takes mounted animals into account;
Dragging an equipped item to a wrong slot would unequip that item - fixed;
Fixed an error in the resting interface, that didn't allow the food cooking progress to be shown if no potions were being made at the same time;
Fixed the issue with the difficulty setting, responsible for retraining;
Fixed the issues with the missing portraits;
Improved the visual of Drovier Communal Aspect in the UI;
Kestoglyr didn't have a description in the biography - fixed;
Level of the scroll or potion no longer resets when you select a new item in the resting interface;
Loremaster Greater Lore ability references Spellcraft skill, which is not in the game - fixed;
Minor visual fixes of the background in the character window;
Names could be written with lowercase first letters - fixed. Respect yourself!
New key binding added: Tactical Combat Inspection;
Now it's easier to distinguish which scrolls you can learn, and also the scrolls which need additional rolls to be used;
Provided descriptions for several combat abilities;
Rest interface: added missing localisation;
Scare and Command Undead spells had the same spell icon - fixed;
Some enemies had double Energy Resistance entries in unit inspect tooltips - fixed;
Sometimes you could see a negative level in character sheet even when there was no such effect on the character - fixed;
Sorcerer's Combat Casting Adept ability lacked description - fixed;
Sorcerer's Elemental Bloodline Arcana — Water lacked description - fixed;
Sorcerer's Grasp of the Dead ability lacked description - fixed;
Sorcerer's Grow Claws ability lacked description - fixed;
Sorcerer's Hellfire ability lacked description - fixed;
Sorcerer's Serpentine Bloodline lacked description - fixed;
Spell achievement progression for Bloodrager and their archetypes has been displayed wrong - fixed;
Stealth button now gives an error message if stealth is impossible due to enemy proximity;
Student of War's Critical Focus ability icon is displayed for 4th level, while the description says it is gained at 6th level. Resolution: Fixed the description, the ability should be gained at 4th level;
Summoned Azata Ghaele: missing Light Ray ability description added;
The class progression screen has been showing the Paladin archetypes Divine Guardian and Warrior of the Holy Light could cast spells, even though they shouldn't - fixed;
The description of Supersonic Speed says that Azata is always under a haste spell, but it was not appearing in the active effects - fixed;
The line to offer a page in the Storyteller's dialogue will not become greyed out if the player has a page to offer to him;
There was no sound when closing a tooltip - fixed;
Tutorial no longer appears during dialogues;
Undetectable alignment is no longer visible during level up in prerequisites;
When finishing the game, there was no message about it - fixed;
When inspecting casters, you could see all available spells, not only prepared ones as intended - fixed;
When scrolling the load game menu upwards, top saved game category would automatically unfold every time - fixed;
You couldn't scroll tutorial pages with mouse wheel - fixed;
After switching characters, the Abilities tab did not unfold - fixed;
After the change of alignment the color of the inscription and the background did not update - fixed;
Fixed Fiendish Maw icon;
Green Binding Source had an incorrect icon - fixed;
Hellknight orders didn't have a mechanical description - fixed;
Mythic portrait did not update when switching characters - fixed;
Rusty Key: missing item description added;
The default sorting option is now labeled "No Filter";
There was no sound when clicking in event windows - fixed;
There was no sound when dragging items from the inventory to the chest - fixed;
Updated the icon of the "Helm Of Fearless Vanguard" item;
Added a race change window when selecting an archetype, restricted to a specific race;
Boon Companion feat was recommended for characters with full-level Animal Companions - fixed;
It was hard to track the movements of demon armies on the global map. Resolution: Added markers at the borders of the screen which point at them;
Metamagic (Completely Normal Spell) didn't have an icon - fixed;
Not all portraits were available for the mercenaries - fixed;
Some Immersive Mode options didn't work in the dialogues - fixed;
Using shortcuts for inventory, journal, etc. when managing the crusade used to break the UI - fixed;
When selecting the ability score bonus, you could sometimes select one, but see the wrong one selected - fixed;
The "Skin" button was not displaying - fixed;
In some cases it was impossible to trade with merchants - fixed.


Fixed the behaviour of dretches in the prologue on Core difficulty and higher;
Improved enemies' behaviour;
Labyrinth Minotaur, Champion of Baphomet no longer tries to dispel buffs on his allies;
Now Seelah's animal companion will attack the player if they attempt to kill her in Molten Scar.


A floor plate in the Temple of Delamere didn't have sound effect for opening - fixed;
A secret door in Black Wing Library didn't have sound effects - fixed;
A small room in Midnight Fane didn't have environmental sounds - fixed;
Added armor sounds for mounts equipped with a barding;
Added crowd voices to the wedding ceremony scene;
Added sex sounds for Trickster;
Added sound effects to the dialogue involving an electronic door in Blackwater;
Added sound effects to the first scene at Martyr Zacharius's Cemetery;
Added the sounds for devil's judgement;
Azata transformation of Pulura's Fall didn't have proper sound effects - fixed;
Blood effects didn't have sound - fixed;
Burning people didn't cry while being burned in Blackwing Library. Now they do;
Fixed the voice of the Hundred-Face;
Highlighting strings and buttons in combat log had no sound - fixed;
Mephistopheles had incomplete sound effects - fixed;
Nightcrawler death animation didn't have sound - fixed;
One of female inhabitants of Blackwater dungeon had a male voice - fixed;
One of Staunton's lines had wrong VO - fixed;
One of Woljif's voiced banter lines wasn't voiced - fixed;
Pets didn’t have some sounds - fixed;
Some Areshkagal's animations missed sound effects - fixed;
Some locations in Alushinyrra had wrong footstep sounds - fixed;
Sounds from several instances of Blade Barrier were too annoying -fixed;
Aeon's theme in Drezen stopped abruptly - fixed;
The Lower City of Alushinyrra had a wrong footstep map - fixed;
The Mythic Demon rage cutscene is now voiced;
The player's model didn't play the right sound effects after the dragon transformation - fixed;
The victory and defeat music jingles in tactical combat results were not regulated by the music volume option - fixed;
Tutorial window was appearing and disappearing without a sound - fixed;
Voicelines of Nocticula in the House of Silken Shadows were missing - fixed;
Ygefeles had a wrong sound bank - fixed;
Added sound effects for picking locks;
In the global map interface, flags for switching control modes had the sound of a regular button - fixed.


Fixed the issue of Hosilla standing still after the death;
Fixed incorrect tags in German localization;
Characters sometimes walked instead of running when asked to cover a large distance - fixed;
Abrikandilus snored after being tripped - fixed;
A certain ghost in Estrod tower had two pairs of wings - fixed;
Added characters foliage interaction functionality;
After the council on the siege of Drezen the Queen used to put on her disguise again. Now she no longer does it;
Alderpash's model has been improved;
All tiefling NPCs got their tails back;
At the Flesh Market, you could not buy the coins needed to activate the portal to the Flesh Market - fixed;
Brimorak no longer falls dead motionless like a statue;
Campfire in the resting camp no longer levitates;
Changed Xorges' model;
Changing Additional Enemy Behaviors difficulty option wasn't setting difficulty to Custom - fixed;
Characters no longer fly over the global map;
Corrupted Mongrel Brute had wrong race - fixed;
Corrupted Mongrel had wrong race - fixed;
Corrupted Mongrel Ranger had the wrong race - fixed;
Dragon wings were not displayed on characters - fixed;
Dretches used to be both Demon of Magic and Demon of Slaughter. Not only Demon of Magic - fixed;
Eliandra is now hairless;
Ember did not always appear on screen in the dialogue with the babau - fixed;
Enraged Vescavor Swarm size was incorrect - fixed;
Fixed a number of visual glitches on some NPC models and their Crusade portraits;
Fixed armor colouring on some NPCs;
Fixed death visualization for stone creatures;
Fixed dialogue logic in dialogue with an undercover cultist in Regill's quest in Chapter 3;
Fixed Finnean Longbow in inventory;
Fixed glossary links in epilogues;
Fixed moose animation;
Fixed odd neck on Eritrice's model;
Fixed oversized belts for some character models;
Fixed some cases when the enemies wouldn't turn in the direction of their movement;
Fixed some cases where companions, after leaving the party temporarily, would return without some or all of their equipment;
Fixed some incorrect camera rotations when transitioning between areas;
Fixed some typos in the dialogues;
Fixed the achievement Hey I Know You;
Fixed the achievements which required Core difficulty and above;
Fixed the Immaculate Petal visuals;
Fixed the issue of capes physics not colliding with mounts;
Fixed the issue of Drake standing still after its death;
Fixed the issue of hands rotated towards the mount while dismounting;
Fixed the issue when the "Clear Vision" helmet doesn't have the model;
Fixed the issue with missing spiders models in the swarm;
Fixed the issue with the colors of Inquisitor's and Ranger's class cloaks;
Fixed the issue with the dancers' models;
Fixed the issue with the missing Ranger's cloak;
Fixed the issue with the necks of some characters;
Fixed the issue with the ropes physics on the tents;
Fixed the Spark achievement;
Fixed the visual issue with the female courtesan's animation;
Fixed the visual of the Mythic banners;
Fixed wing visuals for Shamira;
Fixes for two-handed weapon animations and placement on the models;
For the instances when you don't have time to pick the loot after fighting a demon lord, you will get a dialogue option to pick a certain crystal if it's present on the battlefield;
Heart of the Hand of the Inheritor and Angel's Heart had an incorrect icon - fixed;
Idle animation fixes for characters;
If the chest is successfully picked, the cursor will no longer remain in the shape of the lock;
Improved the lich hairstyles;
Improved the visual of windows;
In the progression of the character sometimes the selected abilities were not shown - fixed;
Irabeth changed her hairstyle;
It's no longer possible to launch Abrikandilu's corpse into space when killing him;
Kaylessa doesn't get up in her dialogue anymore;
Minor fixes to bow animation;
Minor text fixes in some dialogues;
More bandit appearances added;
More zombie appearances added;
Morveg had an extremely large sword - fixed (actually, it was Morveg who was too small);
Nalfeshnee in Areelu Laboratory had incorrect visuals - fixed;
Pathfinding library could crash when running the game on 64+ core CPUs - fixed;
Removed lawful alignment shift when attacking Hurlun.
Returned an option to impress Greybor during the Dragon Hunt illustrated event;
Small flying dragons lacked animation - fixed;
Soana kept standing after death - fixed;
Some characters were mistakenly present in the capital during the Chapter 5 - fixed;
Some enemies could appear on the roof of the shop in Kenabres - fixed;
Some objects could disappear from the zone when reloading the save while on the same zone, and would only re-appear on reloading from the main menu - fixed;
Sometimes the Great Upstart achievement wouldn't unlock - fixed;
Storm weather effects could trigger when it wasn't storming - fixed;
The control of flying islands in Alushinyrra has been improved;
The Scorpion Sting was held incorrectly by the character - fixed;
Tsai the vendor: added reactivity to player's Dhampir race;
Various enemies and NPC have been visually improved;
Visual effects of Fog Cloud, Intimidating Glory, Death-Stealing Gaze and Spellcaster of All Trades are shown correctly now;
Vrock's wings physics has been corrected;
Weather sometimes stays after reloading and resets on area transitions - fixed;
When a mythic Demon would raise the Sword of Valor, it would turn into a glowing void - fixed;
When creating mercenaries, their experience did not match the player's experience - fixed;
While travelling through the Global map, the player could be attacked by Derakni with a wrong set of abilities - fixed;
You can now dismember more characters;
Zgur the Gnawbone was visually a kalavakus. Resolution: If it thinks like a Glabrezu, hits like a Glabrezu and IS a Glabrezu - it should look like one;
Fixed a cloak on the two gnomes in a cloak;
Mounted characters were falling into their mount if it was huge in size - fixed;
Loading a save could break some cases where you needed to interact with a corpse - fixed;
Nightmare had the wrong glossy material. Removed the gloss.
Some creatures got confused between individual attacks in an attack sequence - fixed;
Spoiler: Areelu no longer makes a mistake when she recalls her fate during her trial;
Fixed freezing when triggering inspection on multiple corpses at once;
Visual effect of the demon's Teleport is shown correctly now;
An Azata couldn’t enter Drezen from the global map - fixed.
Madre mía, parchaco, yo me he quedado en el capítulo 4, he hecho una pausa... un run de 50 horas y otro de unas 60 xD
Y con qué he intercalado? con otra run de Divinity 2... cortesía de Davoker que hizo que me volviese a picar el gusanillo, creo que antes de avanzar en este debería pegar el último empujón y terminar el Pathfinder. Cuántos capítulos son? 6 o por ahí, no? No creo que me quede demasiado.

Diría que son 4 actos.

Yo ando en el tercero avanzado.


Habra que ponerte el iconito de la hoguera si juegas en turnos tenlo en cuenta. Jaja
Menudo parche. menos mal que lo dejé y me puse con el Kingmaker.
Eso sí: me dio como 40 horas de gran satisfacción xd
Madre, parchaco.

Yo lo juego también "a turnos" (lo turno con cosas más ligeras porque entre el curro y la familia pocas veces tengo tiempo para dedicarle una sesión de una hora y pico o dos). Voy empezando el acto 3, sobre 60 horas de partida.
hola, antes de que este foro se apague del todo :) voy a preguntar alguna de mis inmensas dudas!

En general acabo de empezar el acto III (después de drezen??)
- En la cruzada, he acumulado puntos para pasar al siguiente nivel , por ej diplomacia, pero no pasa...se queda como acumulado.
- hay algo para mover tropas entre ciuidades? el trayecto a veces se hace eterno.
- en el mapa general con mi grupo no puedo entrar en Kenabres de nuevo. está bien?
- de hecho busco al
sabio ese del principio que le hablas de los libros etc el que le das objetos de la dragona, que ya no tengo más ni notas que darle
...pero ya no se donde está.
- el grupo aguanta muy poco en el mapa sin fatiga y tener que dormir, es normal? :)
- ventajas de ocupar fuertes? soy completista y me he dejado unos abajo que me pillan fatal jajaja.

muchas gracias a todos!!

- Tienes que hacer un evento para pasar efectivamente de nivel. Lo eliges donde los eventos que son como cartas.

- Tropas no, pero el grupo del comandante sí.

- Diría que a Kenabres no se puede entrar una vez sales de ahí.

- Explorando lo encontrarás seguramente, no está en Kenabres.

- Es normal, aguanta como 1 día o así. Hay una comida para que aguante 4 horas más o así... pero bueno, mientras la corrupción no te pille tampoco importa mucho.

- Los fuertes te permiten crear (si no me equivoco, hice 1 solo) teletransporte, para desplazarte mas rápido, pero como decía, solo el grupo del comandante. Además lo típico de poder reclutar mas soldados y tal.

- Quests
If Seelah was dead at the start of the chapter 4, she sometimes forgot to give her personal quest in chapter 5 – fixed;
Sosiel quest - "A Farewell" can be finished now;
Sometimes Camellia refused to leave Drezen even after the player character had excluded her from the companions. We explained to her the common courtesy rules, and now she'll leave when she has to;
Fixed Lann's dialogue - now female characters have one more option to start a romance with him;
During the romance with Lann the event with the letter didn't start, even if all conditions were met - fixed;
Sometimes the fates of Galfrey or Irabeth would register incorrectly (and the game could consider them dead when they were alive) - fixed;
Camellia won't try to attack the commander in the epilogue anymore, if you completed her whole quest chain;
Seelah's final quest could result in two mutually exclusive outcomes - fixed;
Irabeth used to forget to take her sword and give a reward for it - fixed;
In the epilogue Nenio will no longer try to return and give the Commander her notes if the Commander didn't survive (she's so terribly forgetful!);
Fixed an error which didn't allow to complete the objectives for The Secrets of Creation (if you haven't completed all the 4 puzzles yet, you need to enter the location, where you've solved the puzzle; if you have solved all 4 of them, the objectives will complete automatically).

- Areas
Fixed Arueshalae's event in Alushinyrra Lower City;
Sometimes during the siege of Dresen it was impossible to pass through the gate - fixed. You shall pass now;
Trever was missing from the camp near Threshold - fixed;
Lich's Skeletal Companion wasn't under his master's control during the fight for Drezen - fixed;
Interaction and transfer icons on some objects (like portals) sometimes didn't show in Alushinyrra - fixed.

- Crusade
Game no longer crashes in crusade battles when the player attacks Mariliths;
Fixed the issue when some companions participated in the council meetings from the blackness;
If you start moving the army on the global map and switched to the party, the sound of the army chip moving continued playing- fixed;
Return Shooting now works according to description;
Magnificent Fencing now works according to description.

- Classes & Mechanics
Lilithu demons had 8 claw attacks instead of 4 - fixed;
Return Shooting now works according to description;
Magnificent Fencing now works according to description;
Constitution bleed can now be removed from fully healed character;
Halaseliax when on your side dealt damage to the player – fixed;
Sometimes Swarm-that-Walks could only summon one clone, despite its size allowing to have more - fixed, but it's required to devour someone first;
Constitution bleed can now be removed even from a fully healed character;
Quarry did not work right when multiple characters in party used it against the same target - fixed;
Demon gained a Major Demonic Aspect at wrong levels. Fixed, but requires retraining to work correctly;
Demon now gets Demonkind on the 5th mythic rank, not on 7.

- Turn-based mode
Combat could get stuck if the mount was sickened, while rider was not and attempted an attack that required movement - fixed;
Added another check to prevent Charge ability from being used if mount doesn't have enough actions;
Mounts did not react correctly to noticing hidden objects while moving in turn-based mode - fixed;
Charge ability could fail if used to initiate turn-based combat - fixed;
In turn-based mode if the mounted animal companion didn't have the line of sight on the target, its movement could be interrupted, and its turn could get stuck - fixed;
Fixed various problems with the Prediction bar for the mounts;
Mounts would attempt a full attack even if they couldn't deliver it, but their rider could - fixed.

- Items
Bracers Stormlord's Resolve could lead to a situation when the wearer became immune to all wearer's spells – fixed;
Fixed the issue with the game freezing when using Sickle of Wicked Rites.

- UI
No blood on wounded characters – fixed;
AOE spells showed wrong affected area – fixed;
Characters having wrong texture when changing equipment – fixed;
It was impossible to interact with some chests - fixed;
Improved the mod window;
Fixed the visual for targeting the spells which aim as a direct line;
It was impossible to create a Crossblooded Sorcerer - fixed;
In the inventory, the quill icon on the scrolls the characters could study wouldn't update when switching to another character - fixed;
Map view in the crusade mode was cluttered by the names of all the locations - fixed;
Cone attacks no longer hit the targets they were not supposed to hit;
Bug report window now offers and option to log keyboard input, for those who experience issues with the keyboard.

- Misс
Issues with the game’s icon – fixed;
Fixed the dialogue with the Hand of the Inheritor concerning Xorges;
Some attacks with the left hand looked strange - fixed;
Fixed the issue with inability to pause the game;
We disabled the selection of the mount when it has a rider on. Now clicking on the mount will select the rider, and the mounted animal can only be selected via its portrait. This is done to avoid selecting mounts by accident;
Fixed the issues which triggered some crashes on macOS;
macOS: Improved the loading of tent interior in chapter 2;
Sound banks amount could hit the limit in Alushinyrra - fixed;
Animal companions now help scouting for new locations on the global map;
Improved the performance after battles;
Fixed some cases of characters having wrong texture when changing equipment;
Some dead creatures were falling down again upon loading a save, forced to relive their agony over and over again - fixed and put them to rest.
kjavi escribió:1.1.1

- Quests
If Seelah was dead at the start of the chapter 4, she sometimes forgot to give her personal quest in chapter 5 – fixed;
Sosiel quest - "A Farewell" can be finished now;
Sometimes Camellia refused to leave Drezen even after the player character had excluded her from the companions. We explained to her the common courtesy rules, and now she'll leave when she has to;
Fixed Lann's dialogue - now female characters have one more option to start a romance with him;
During the romance with Lann the event with the letter didn't start, even if all conditions were met - fixed;
Sometimes the fates of Galfrey or Irabeth would register incorrectly (and the game could consider them dead when they were alive) - fixed;
Camellia won't try to attack the commander in the epilogue anymore, if you completed her whole quest chain;
Seelah's final quest could result in two mutually exclusive outcomes - fixed;
Irabeth used to forget to take her sword and give a reward for it - fixed;
In the epilogue Nenio will no longer try to return and give the Commander her notes if the Commander didn't survive (she's so terribly forgetful!);
Fixed an error which didn't allow to complete the objectives for The Secrets of Creation (if you haven't completed all the 4 puzzles yet, you need to enter the location, where you've solved the puzzle; if you have solved all 4 of them, the objectives will complete automatically).

- Areas
Fixed Arueshalae's event in Alushinyrra Lower City;
Sometimes during the siege of Dresen it was impossible to pass through the gate - fixed. You shall pass now;
Trever was missing from the camp near Threshold - fixed;
Lich's Skeletal Companion wasn't under his master's control during the fight for Drezen - fixed;
Interaction and transfer icons on some objects (like portals) sometimes didn't show in Alushinyrra - fixed.

- Crusade
Game no longer crashes in crusade battles when the player attacks Mariliths;
Fixed the issue when some companions participated in the council meetings from the blackness;
If you start moving the army on the global map and switched to the party, the sound of the army chip moving continued playing- fixed;
Return Shooting now works according to description;
Magnificent Fencing now works according to description.

- Classes & Mechanics
Lilithu demons had 8 claw attacks instead of 4 - fixed;
Return Shooting now works according to description;
Magnificent Fencing now works according to description;
Constitution bleed can now be removed from fully healed character;
Halaseliax when on your side dealt damage to the player – fixed;
Sometimes Swarm-that-Walks could only summon one clone, despite its size allowing to have more - fixed, but it's required to devour someone first;
Constitution bleed can now be removed even from a fully healed character;
Quarry did not work right when multiple characters in party used it against the same target - fixed;
Demon gained a Major Demonic Aspect at wrong levels. Fixed, but requires retraining to work correctly;
Demon now gets Demonkind on the 5th mythic rank, not on 7.

- Turn-based mode
Combat could get stuck if the mount was sickened, while rider was not and attempted an attack that required movement - fixed;
Added another check to prevent Charge ability from being used if mount doesn't have enough actions;
Mounts did not react correctly to noticing hidden objects while moving in turn-based mode - fixed;
Charge ability could fail if used to initiate turn-based combat - fixed;
In turn-based mode if the mounted animal companion didn't have the line of sight on the target, its movement could be interrupted, and its turn could get stuck - fixed;
Fixed various problems with the Prediction bar for the mounts;
Mounts would attempt a full attack even if they couldn't deliver it, but their rider could - fixed.

- Items
Bracers Stormlord's Resolve could lead to a situation when the wearer became immune to all wearer's spells – fixed;
Fixed the issue with the game freezing when using Sickle of Wicked Rites.

- UI
No blood on wounded characters – fixed;
AOE spells showed wrong affected area – fixed;
Characters having wrong texture when changing equipment – fixed;
It was impossible to interact with some chests - fixed;
Improved the mod window;
Fixed the visual for targeting the spells which aim as a direct line;
It was impossible to create a Crossblooded Sorcerer - fixed;
In the inventory, the quill icon on the scrolls the characters could study wouldn't update when switching to another character - fixed;
Map view in the crusade mode was cluttered by the names of all the locations - fixed;
Cone attacks no longer hit the targets they were not supposed to hit;
Bug report window now offers and option to log keyboard input, for those who experience issues with the keyboard.

- Misс
Issues with the game’s icon – fixed;
Fixed the dialogue with the Hand of the Inheritor concerning Xorges;
Some attacks with the left hand looked strange - fixed;
Fixed the issue with inability to pause the game;
We disabled the selection of the mount when it has a rider on. Now clicking on the mount will select the rider, and the mounted animal can only be selected via its portrait. This is done to avoid selecting mounts by accident;
Fixed the issues which triggered some crashes on macOS;
macOS: Improved the loading of tent interior in chapter 2;
Sound banks amount could hit the limit in Alushinyrra - fixed;
Animal companions now help scouting for new locations on the global map;
Improved the performance after battles;
Fixed some cases of characters having wrong texture when changing equipment;
Some dead creatures were falling down again upon loading a save, forced to relive their agony over and over again - fixed and put them to rest.

Abrir el Spoiler y ver que es un tocho del british cousin de Davoker

@kjavi Hasta el primer parche gordo ¿Cómo venias de bugs, ctds y esas cosas?
Solo me fio de ti para estas cuestiones, ni caso al populacho xD
Loup-garou escribió:
kjavi escribió:1.1.1

- Quests
If Seelah was dead at the start of the chapter 4, she sometimes forgot to give her personal quest in chapter 5 – fixed;
Sosiel quest - "A Farewell" can be finished now;
Sometimes Camellia refused to leave Drezen even after the player character had excluded her from the companions. We explained to her the common courtesy rules, and now she'll leave when she has to;
Fixed Lann's dialogue - now female characters have one more option to start a romance with him;
During the romance with Lann the event with the letter didn't start, even if all conditions were met - fixed;
Sometimes the fates of Galfrey or Irabeth would register incorrectly (and the game could consider them dead when they were alive) - fixed;
Camellia won't try to attack the commander in the epilogue anymore, if you completed her whole quest chain;
Seelah's final quest could result in two mutually exclusive outcomes - fixed;
Irabeth used to forget to take her sword and give a reward for it - fixed;
In the epilogue Nenio will no longer try to return and give the Commander her notes if the Commander didn't survive (she's so terribly forgetful!);
Fixed an error which didn't allow to complete the objectives for The Secrets of Creation (if you haven't completed all the 4 puzzles yet, you need to enter the location, where you've solved the puzzle; if you have solved all 4 of them, the objectives will complete automatically).

- Areas
Fixed Arueshalae's event in Alushinyrra Lower City;
Sometimes during the siege of Dresen it was impossible to pass through the gate - fixed. You shall pass now;
Trever was missing from the camp near Threshold - fixed;
Lich's Skeletal Companion wasn't under his master's control during the fight for Drezen - fixed;
Interaction and transfer icons on some objects (like portals) sometimes didn't show in Alushinyrra - fixed.

- Crusade
Game no longer crashes in crusade battles when the player attacks Mariliths;
Fixed the issue when some companions participated in the council meetings from the blackness;
If you start moving the army on the global map and switched to the party, the sound of the army chip moving continued playing- fixed;
Return Shooting now works according to description;
Magnificent Fencing now works according to description.

- Classes & Mechanics
Lilithu demons had 8 claw attacks instead of 4 - fixed;
Return Shooting now works according to description;
Magnificent Fencing now works according to description;
Constitution bleed can now be removed from fully healed character;
Halaseliax when on your side dealt damage to the player – fixed;
Sometimes Swarm-that-Walks could only summon one clone, despite its size allowing to have more - fixed, but it's required to devour someone first;
Constitution bleed can now be removed even from a fully healed character;
Quarry did not work right when multiple characters in party used it against the same target - fixed;
Demon gained a Major Demonic Aspect at wrong levels. Fixed, but requires retraining to work correctly;
Demon now gets Demonkind on the 5th mythic rank, not on 7.

- Turn-based mode
Combat could get stuck if the mount was sickened, while rider was not and attempted an attack that required movement - fixed;
Added another check to prevent Charge ability from being used if mount doesn't have enough actions;
Mounts did not react correctly to noticing hidden objects while moving in turn-based mode - fixed;
Charge ability could fail if used to initiate turn-based combat - fixed;
In turn-based mode if the mounted animal companion didn't have the line of sight on the target, its movement could be interrupted, and its turn could get stuck - fixed;
Fixed various problems with the Prediction bar for the mounts;
Mounts would attempt a full attack even if they couldn't deliver it, but their rider could - fixed.

- Items
Bracers Stormlord's Resolve could lead to a situation when the wearer became immune to all wearer's spells – fixed;
Fixed the issue with the game freezing when using Sickle of Wicked Rites.

- UI
No blood on wounded characters – fixed;
AOE spells showed wrong affected area – fixed;
Characters having wrong texture when changing equipment – fixed;
It was impossible to interact with some chests - fixed;
Improved the mod window;
Fixed the visual for targeting the spells which aim as a direct line;
It was impossible to create a Crossblooded Sorcerer - fixed;
In the inventory, the quill icon on the scrolls the characters could study wouldn't update when switching to another character - fixed;
Map view in the crusade mode was cluttered by the names of all the locations - fixed;
Cone attacks no longer hit the targets they were not supposed to hit;
Bug report window now offers and option to log keyboard input, for those who experience issues with the keyboard.

- Misс
Issues with the game’s icon – fixed;
Fixed the dialogue with the Hand of the Inheritor concerning Xorges;
Some attacks with the left hand looked strange - fixed;
Fixed the issue with inability to pause the game;
We disabled the selection of the mount when it has a rider on. Now clicking on the mount will select the rider, and the mounted animal can only be selected via its portrait. This is done to avoid selecting mounts by accident;
Fixed the issues which triggered some crashes on macOS;
macOS: Improved the loading of tent interior in chapter 2;
Sound banks amount could hit the limit in Alushinyrra - fixed;
Animal companions now help scouting for new locations on the global map;
Improved the performance after battles;
Fixed some cases of characters having wrong texture when changing equipment;
Some dead creatures were falling down again upon loading a save, forced to relive their agony over and over again - fixed and put them to rest.

Abrir el Spoiler y ver que es un tocho del british cousin de Davoker


Yo no tuve bugs. O si los tuve no me enteré. En realidad no he leído nada de los parches pero seguro que hay mejoras importantes. Espero que haya sobre todo en el sistema de turnos ya que mi próxima intentona usaré turnos. [fumando]


Sometimes Nura, killed by a player character, was displayed as alive - fixed;
Daeran went on a date even when he was dead - fixed. We explained to count that sometimes such enthusiasm is inappropriate;
Lariel didn't talk to the player character in Nexus after he was rescued - fixed;
When failing Thaberdine’s quest in Chapter 3, events in the citadel could get stuck - fixed;
The Next-Door Theater troupe thought the player's character changed past when taking over Dresen, even though that didn't happen - fixed. Now actors won't be confused by timelines;
Quest "Middlegame" could not be completed - fixed;
Sometimes the fates of Galfrey or Irabeth would register incorrectly (and the game could consider them dead when they were alive) - fixed;
After the events in Leper's Smile some companions could refuse to communicate with the commander for 3 days - fixed;
Trickster's closet kept working after choosing Legend's path - fixed. We blocked the path to fun;
Sosiel's personal quest could get stuck if the Azata Commander killed everyone in the Fleshmarket - fixed;
Fixed the inability to arrange a conversation between Regill and Sosiel in the camp;
Sometimes the game did not recognize the death of Ciar - fixed;
When angels were saying their farewells to the Commander (in the case of changing the mythic path in chapter 5), the game did not react correctly to the actions of the player - fixed;
In Wintersun, after the first meeting with Marhevok, his guards did not leave with him - fixed;
It was possible for Trickster Commanders to leave Areelu's Laboratory without receiving an "An Urgent Invitation" quest - fixed. For players who have not yet left in the 4th chapter, the quest will be activated. For those who left in the fourth chapter and beyond - the quests of the mythic path will be failed;
One mongrel was still standing after hitting Savamelekh with the angel ability - fixed;
During the final drow ambush, they could attack before their leader gave a signal - fixed;
Hal will no longer appear at the beginning of Act 5 if he's been killed or said you won't meet him again.


Fixed an issue where you could get stuck on the tower platform in Alushinyrra. (Warning! If you are already trapped, you need to load an earlier save);
After returning from Iz, the player character appeared in the throne room - fixed;
In Act 3, it was possible to kill the bosses again in some locations of Kenabres - fixed;
After finishing the quest in Wintersun, the current leader of the settlement used to appear on the throne only one week later. Fixed. Now they will appear right after you deal with The Lady of the Sun;
In the Sacred Lands area the entire party and animal companions will be disabled now for the duration if the puzzle part.


Visual effect of Dominate is shown correctly now;
Purge now works according to description;
It was possible to drag the general's abilities into creatures action bar - fixed;
If an army moves to a selected point, it will no longer stop near allied armies. When moving with the navigation arrows, the army will stop as before when allied armies meet;
Bards' and Azatas' auras now work according to their new description. The number of available uses of these auras has been increased from 4 to 8;
Bolt of Justice now has two versions of the ability - against summoned units and against others;
Fixed the issue with the Spider Swarm model disappearing in tactical combat;
Abilities and debuffs with death effect could be applied to units with death immunity - fixed;
All Traps now work according to new description;
Yozz used to come to the Commander on the Demon path with only one rank up even for the crusade in chapter 3 - fixed;
Poison I-III dealt abnormal damage when applied by caster generals - fixed.

Classes & Mechanics

Fixed Aivu's abilities;
If a rider’s reach is greater than mount's and the rider’s weapon is not ranged, mount should try to approach target so both rider and mount could attack;
Spell Chain Lightning worked incorrectly - fixed;
Azata spell Second Breath didn't work - fixed;
Spell Resistance could become negative in some calculations, in particular leading to spam of combat log messages about immunity to some effects - fixed;
When replacing a general's ability its tooltip was not updated - fixed;
Close to the Abyss mythic ability did not give extra gore attack - fixed;
Devil-Spawn background wasn't giving charisma penalty - fixed;
Mythic progression could duplicate selected abilities - fixed;
Demon Dancer with Inspired Rage had extra bite attack - fixed;
Demonslayer didn't get bonus from progression of favorite enemy, but had bonus against neutral outsider - fixed;
Changing your path to the Golden Dragon or Swarm That Walks broke mythic abilities taken in previous mythic levels - fixed. However, players who are already in this situation should respec or load an earlier save;
Giving conflicting commands to rider and mount at the same time in RTwP resulted in surprising behaviour - fixed;
Additional change to Hal, so that he doesn't attack the player with his breath weapon;
Khorramzadeh will no longer have Thundering Rage ability on difficulties lower than Normal. Thundering Rage will no longer grant empower metamagic to electric spells.


Killing Pace didn't work correctly - fixed;
Bone Amulet had no effects - fixed;
Boots of Stampede didn't work correctly - fixed;
Added Dinosaur Bone, Jade and Stone to Flesh scrolls to vendors;
Fixed Obsession didn't work correctly - fixed;
Enlivening Leadership didn't provide the stated +1 morale bonus to companions - fixed;
Gloves of Arcane Eradication didn't provide the stated bonus on ranged touch attack rolls - fixed;
Half of the Pair pendant didn't provide any bonuses - fixed;
The Blitz Cut didn't bypass damage reduction - fixed;
Skeletal Finger rod had infinite charges - fixed;
The Bound of Possibility for Lich didn't provide the stated bonuses - fixed;
Demon's Terror didn't work correctly - fixed.


One of bleeding effects was not shown in UI - fixed.


Save files that disappeared on macOS should be back now;
One of the rare Trickster storyline finales was not supported in the epilogues - fixed;
If the player's character sacrificed themselves, the "game over" window was shown instead of the ending - fixed;
The "Follow Character" key wasn't working properly - fixed;
Fixed the Sadistic Game Design achievement - it is now possible to obtain it;
Fixed the issue with the small races sitting inside the furniture in the Drezen tavern;
Finnean could start talking before you meet him. Now you will only see his lines in the camp if he is present in your team;
Monster descriptions are back in the encyclopedia;
Cloth physics added to flags that didn't have it;
Fixed the issues in the objects' physics that caused crashes on macOS;
The victims of Swarm that Walks no longer get dismembered, and can be used as food for the swarm.
Hello Crusaders!

This is a hotfix for a save issue on macOS, plus we updated the patching for mods.

Additionally we would like to tell you that we are aware of the issues with the Mac version that our previous patch failed to fix, we’ve collected the reports from you, and we are working on a solution.
Hello Crusaders!

We are back from a lockdown and a state holiday with more fixes for your bugs! Good news for our macOS players - we’ve finally defeated that tent issue that’s been causing us all so many problems. We also fixed the issue with crossblooded sorcerers and many more.

We also found out that some people still play the beta version of 1.1 patch - please opt out of it to update your game!

Please read the patch notes, but beware of possible plot spoilers below!

Known issues in this version (we will fix them in the next hot-fix):
There’s a bug with the platform in the Mage’s Tower in chapter 4, and it’s not moving as it should;
The filter of items doesn’t work in the loot interface.

If Seelah was dead at the start of the chapter 4, she sometimes forgot to give her personal quest in chapter 5 – fixed;
Sosiel quest - "A Farewell" can be finished now;
Sometimes Camellia refused to leave Drezen even after the player character had excluded her from the companions. We explained to her the common courtesy rules, and now she'll leave when she has to;
Fixed Lann's dialogue - now female characters have one more option to start a romance with him;
During the romance with Lann the event with the letter didn't start, even if all conditions were met - fixed;
Sometimes the fates of Galfrey or Irabeth would register incorrectly (and the game could consider them dead when they were alive) - fixed;
Camellia won't try to attack the commander in the epilogue anymore, if you completed her whole quest chain;
Seelah's final quest could result in two mutually exclusive outcomes - fixed;
Irabeth used to forget to take her sword and give a reward for it - fixed;
In the epilogue Nenio will no longer try to return and give the Commander her notes if the Commander didn't survive (she's so terribly forgetful!);
Fixed an error which didn't allow to complete the objectives for The Secrets of Creation (if you haven't completed all the 4 puzzles yet, you need to enter the location, where you've solved the puzzle; if you have solved all 4 of them, the objectives will complete automatically).

Fixed Arueshalae's event in Alushinyrra Lower City;
Sometimes during the siege of Dresen it was impossible to pass through the gate - fixed. You shall pass now;
Trever was missing from the camp near Threshold - fixed;
Lich's Skeletal Companion wasn't under his master's control during the fight for Drezen - fixed;
Interaction and transfer icons on some objects (like portals) sometimes didn't show in Alushinyrra - fixed.

Game no longer crashes in crusade battles when the player attacks Mariliths;
Fixed the issue when some companions participated in the council meetings from the blackness;
If you start moving the army on the global map and switched to the party, the sound of the army chip moving continued playing- fixed;
Return Shooting now works according to description;
Magnificent Fencing now works according to description.

Classes & Mechanics
Lilithu demons had 8 claw attacks instead of 4 - fixed;
Return Shooting now works according to description;
Magnificent Fencing now works according to description;
Constitution bleed can now be removed from fully healed character;
Halaseliax when on your side dealt damage to the player – fixed;
Sometimes Swarm-that-Walks could only summon one clone, despite its size allowing to have more - fixed, but it's required to devour someone first;
Constitution bleed can now be removed even from a fully healed character;
Quarry did not work right when multiple characters in party used it against the same target - fixed;
Demon gained a Major Demonic Aspect at wrong levels. Fixed, but requires retraining to work correctly;
Demon now gets Demonkind on the 5th mythic rank, not on 7.

Turn-based mode
Combat could get stuck if the mount was sickened, while rider was not and attempted an attack that required movement - fixed;
Added another check to prevent Charge ability from being used if mount doesn't have enough actions;
Mounts did not react correctly to noticing hidden objects while moving in turn-based mode - fixed;
Charge ability could fail if used to initiate turn-based combat - fixed;
In turn-based mode if the mounted animal companion didn't have the line of sight on the target, its movement could be interrupted, and its turn could get stuck - fixed;
Fixed various problems with the Prediction bar for the mounts;
Mounts would attempt a full attack even if they couldn't deliver it, but their rider could - fixed.

Bracers Stormlord's Resolve could lead to a situation when the wearer became immune to all wearer's spells – fixed;
Fixed the issue with the game freezing when using Sickle of Wicked Rites.

No blood on wounded characters – fixed;
AOE spells showed wrong affected area – fixed;
Characters having wrong texture when changing equipment – fixed;
It was impossible to interact with some chests - fixed;
Improved the mod window;
Fixed the visual for targeting the spells which aim as a direct line;
It was impossible to create a Crossblooded Sorcerer - fixed;
In the inventory, the quill icon on the scrolls the characters could study wouldn't update when switching to another character - fixed;
Map view in the crusade mode was cluttered by the names of all the locations - fixed;
Cone attacks no longer hit the targets they were not supposed to hit;
Bug report window now offers and option to log keyboard input, for those who experience issues with the keyboard.

Issues with the game’s icon – fixed;
Fixed the dialogue with the Hand of the Inheritor concerning Xorges;
Some attacks with the left hand looked strange - fixed;
Fixed the issue with inability to pause the game;
We disabled the selection of the mount when it has a rider on. Now clicking on the mount will select the rider, and the mounted animal can only be selected via its portrait. This is done to avoid selecting mounts by accident;
Fixed the issues which triggered some crashes on macOS;
macOS: Improved the loading of tent interior in chapter 2;
Sound banks amount could hit the limit in Alushinyrra - fixed;
Animal companions now help scouting for new locations on the global map;
Improved the performance after battles;
Fixed some cases of characters having wrong texture when changing equipment;
Some dead creatures were falling down again upon loading a save, forced to relive their agony over and over again - fixed and put them to rest.

Por encima he leído que la info de los enemigos se guarda ahora en un bestiario en la enciclopedia, como quería cierto usuario xD

Lo acabaste finalmente o quedó aparcado? De danés ni noticias ya.... Debe estar jugándolo en modo historia, leyendo conversaciones y tirando palante.


Le metí 130h pero iba por la mitad aprox.

El kingmaker ya lo pasé a la segunda así que espero que este sea igual. Pero ahora ya puestos prefiero esperar a que sigan parcheando o incluso a dlc's

Igual lo empezamos juntos en Marzo [jaja]
kjavi escribió:1.1.2


Sometimes Nura, killed by a player character, was displayed as alive - fixed;
Daeran went on a date even when he was dead - fixed. We explained to count that sometimes such enthusiasm is inappropriate;
Lariel didn't talk to the player character in Nexus after he was rescued - fixed;
When failing Thaberdine’s quest in Chapter 3, events in the citadel could get stuck - fixed;
The Next-Door Theater troupe thought the player's character changed past when taking over Dresen, even though that didn't happen - fixed. Now actors won't be confused by timelines;
Quest "Middlegame" could not be completed - fixed;
Sometimes the fates of Galfrey or Irabeth would register incorrectly (and the game could consider them dead when they were alive) - fixed;
After the events in Leper's Smile some companions could refuse to communicate with the commander for 3 days - fixed;
Trickster's closet kept working after choosing Legend's path - fixed. We blocked the path to fun;
Sosiel's personal quest could get stuck if the Azata Commander killed everyone in the Fleshmarket - fixed;
Fixed the inability to arrange a conversation between Regill and Sosiel in the camp;
Sometimes the game did not recognize the death of Ciar - fixed;
When angels were saying their farewells to the Commander (in the case of changing the mythic path in chapter 5), the game did not react correctly to the actions of the player - fixed;
In Wintersun, after the first meeting with Marhevok, his guards did not leave with him - fixed;
It was possible for Trickster Commanders to leave Areelu's Laboratory without receiving an "An Urgent Invitation" quest - fixed. For players who have not yet left in the 4th chapter, the quest will be activated. For those who left in the fourth chapter and beyond - the quests of the mythic path will be failed;
One mongrel was still standing after hitting Savamelekh with the angel ability - fixed;
During the final drow ambush, they could attack before their leader gave a signal - fixed;
Hal will no longer appear at the beginning of Act 5 if he's been killed or said you won't meet him again.


Fixed an issue where you could get stuck on the tower platform in Alushinyrra. (Warning! If you are already trapped, you need to load an earlier save);
After returning from Iz, the player character appeared in the throne room - fixed;
In Act 3, it was possible to kill the bosses again in some locations of Kenabres - fixed;
After finishing the quest in Wintersun, the current leader of the settlement used to appear on the throne only one week later. Fixed. Now they will appear right after you deal with The Lady of the Sun;
In the Sacred Lands area the entire party and animal companions will be disabled now for the duration if the puzzle part.


Visual effect of Dominate is shown correctly now;
Purge now works according to description;
It was possible to drag the general's abilities into creatures action bar - fixed;
If an army moves to a selected point, it will no longer stop near allied armies. When moving with the navigation arrows, the army will stop as before when allied armies meet;
Bards' and Azatas' auras now work according to their new description. The number of available uses of these auras has been increased from 4 to 8;
Bolt of Justice now has two versions of the ability - against summoned units and against others;
Fixed the issue with the Spider Swarm model disappearing in tactical combat;
Abilities and debuffs with death effect could be applied to units with death immunity - fixed;
All Traps now work according to new description;
Yozz used to come to the Commander on the Demon path with only one rank up even for the crusade in chapter 3 - fixed;
Poison I-III dealt abnormal damage when applied by caster generals - fixed.

Classes & Mechanics

Fixed Aivu's abilities;
If a rider’s reach is greater than mount's and the rider’s weapon is not ranged, mount should try to approach target so both rider and mount could attack;
Spell Chain Lightning worked incorrectly - fixed;
Azata spell Second Breath didn't work - fixed;
Spell Resistance could become negative in some calculations, in particular leading to spam of combat log messages about immunity to some effects - fixed;
When replacing a general's ability its tooltip was not updated - fixed;
Close to the Abyss mythic ability did not give extra gore attack - fixed;
Devil-Spawn background wasn't giving charisma penalty - fixed;
Mythic progression could duplicate selected abilities - fixed;
Demon Dancer with Inspired Rage had extra bite attack - fixed;
Demonslayer didn't get bonus from progression of favorite enemy, but had bonus against neutral outsider - fixed;
Changing your path to the Golden Dragon or Swarm That Walks broke mythic abilities taken in previous mythic levels - fixed. However, players who are already in this situation should respec or load an earlier save;
Giving conflicting commands to rider and mount at the same time in RTwP resulted in surprising behaviour - fixed;
Additional change to Hal, so that he doesn't attack the player with his breath weapon;
Khorramzadeh will no longer have Thundering Rage ability on difficulties lower than Normal. Thundering Rage will no longer grant empower metamagic to electric spells.


Killing Pace didn't work correctly - fixed;
Bone Amulet had no effects - fixed;
Boots of Stampede didn't work correctly - fixed;
Added Dinosaur Bone, Jade and Stone to Flesh scrolls to vendors;
Fixed Obsession didn't work correctly - fixed;
Enlivening Leadership didn't provide the stated +1 morale bonus to companions - fixed;
Gloves of Arcane Eradication didn't provide the stated bonus on ranged touch attack rolls - fixed;
Half of the Pair pendant didn't provide any bonuses - fixed;
The Blitz Cut didn't bypass damage reduction - fixed;
Skeletal Finger rod had infinite charges - fixed;
The Bound of Possibility for Lich didn't provide the stated bonuses - fixed;
Demon's Terror didn't work correctly - fixed.


One of bleeding effects was not shown in UI - fixed.


Save files that disappeared on macOS should be back now;
One of the rare Trickster storyline finales was not supported in the epilogues - fixed;
If the player's character sacrificed themselves, the "game over" window was shown instead of the ending - fixed;
The "Follow Character" key wasn't working properly - fixed;
Fixed the Sadistic Game Design achievement - it is now possible to obtain it;
Fixed the issue with the small races sitting inside the furniture in the Drezen tavern;
Finnean could start talking before you meet him. Now you will only see his lines in the camp if he is present in your team;
Monster descriptions are back in the encyclopedia;
Cloth physics added to flags that didn't have it;
Fixed the issues in the objects' physics that caused crashes on macOS;
The victims of Swarm that Walks no longer get dismembered, and can be used as food for the swarm.
Hello Crusaders!

This is a hotfix for a save issue on macOS, plus we updated the patching for mods.

Additionally we would like to tell you that we are aware of the issues with the Mac version that our previous patch failed to fix, we’ve collected the reports from you, and we are working on a solution.
Hello Crusaders!

We are back from a lockdown and a state holiday with more fixes for your bugs! Good news for our macOS players - we’ve finally defeated that tent issue that’s been causing us all so many problems. We also fixed the issue with crossblooded sorcerers and many more.

We also found out that some people still play the beta version of 1.1 patch - please opt out of it to update your game!

Please read the patch notes, but beware of possible plot spoilers below!

Known issues in this version (we will fix them in the next hot-fix):
There’s a bug with the platform in the Mage’s Tower in chapter 4, and it’s not moving as it should;
The filter of items doesn’t work in the loot interface.

If Seelah was dead at the start of the chapter 4, she sometimes forgot to give her personal quest in chapter 5 – fixed;
Sosiel quest - "A Farewell" can be finished now;
Sometimes Camellia refused to leave Drezen even after the player character had excluded her from the companions. We explained to her the common courtesy rules, and now she'll leave when she has to;
Fixed Lann's dialogue - now female characters have one more option to start a romance with him;
During the romance with Lann the event with the letter didn't start, even if all conditions were met - fixed;
Sometimes the fates of Galfrey or Irabeth would register incorrectly (and the game could consider them dead when they were alive) - fixed;
Camellia won't try to attack the commander in the epilogue anymore, if you completed her whole quest chain;
Seelah's final quest could result in two mutually exclusive outcomes - fixed;
Irabeth used to forget to take her sword and give a reward for it - fixed;
In the epilogue Nenio will no longer try to return and give the Commander her notes if the Commander didn't survive (she's so terribly forgetful!);
Fixed an error which didn't allow to complete the objectives for The Secrets of Creation (if you haven't completed all the 4 puzzles yet, you need to enter the location, where you've solved the puzzle; if you have solved all 4 of them, the objectives will complete automatically).

Fixed Arueshalae's event in Alushinyrra Lower City;
Sometimes during the siege of Dresen it was impossible to pass through the gate - fixed. You shall pass now;
Trever was missing from the camp near Threshold - fixed;
Lich's Skeletal Companion wasn't under his master's control during the fight for Drezen - fixed;
Interaction and transfer icons on some objects (like portals) sometimes didn't show in Alushinyrra - fixed.

Game no longer crashes in crusade battles when the player attacks Mariliths;
Fixed the issue when some companions participated in the council meetings from the blackness;
If you start moving the army on the global map and switched to the party, the sound of the army chip moving continued playing- fixed;
Return Shooting now works according to description;
Magnificent Fencing now works according to description.

Classes & Mechanics
Lilithu demons had 8 claw attacks instead of 4 - fixed;
Return Shooting now works according to description;
Magnificent Fencing now works according to description;
Constitution bleed can now be removed from fully healed character;
Halaseliax when on your side dealt damage to the player – fixed;
Sometimes Swarm-that-Walks could only summon one clone, despite its size allowing to have more - fixed, but it's required to devour someone first;
Constitution bleed can now be removed even from a fully healed character;
Quarry did not work right when multiple characters in party used it against the same target - fixed;
Demon gained a Major Demonic Aspect at wrong levels. Fixed, but requires retraining to work correctly;
Demon now gets Demonkind on the 5th mythic rank, not on 7.

Turn-based mode
Combat could get stuck if the mount was sickened, while rider was not and attempted an attack that required movement - fixed;
Added another check to prevent Charge ability from being used if mount doesn't have enough actions;
Mounts did not react correctly to noticing hidden objects while moving in turn-based mode - fixed;
Charge ability could fail if used to initiate turn-based combat - fixed;
In turn-based mode if the mounted animal companion didn't have the line of sight on the target, its movement could be interrupted, and its turn could get stuck - fixed;
Fixed various problems with the Prediction bar for the mounts;
Mounts would attempt a full attack even if they couldn't deliver it, but their rider could - fixed.

Bracers Stormlord's Resolve could lead to a situation when the wearer became immune to all wearer's spells – fixed;
Fixed the issue with the game freezing when using Sickle of Wicked Rites.

No blood on wounded characters – fixed;
AOE spells showed wrong affected area – fixed;
Characters having wrong texture when changing equipment – fixed;
It was impossible to interact with some chests - fixed;
Improved the mod window;
Fixed the visual for targeting the spells which aim as a direct line;
It was impossible to create a Crossblooded Sorcerer - fixed;
In the inventory, the quill icon on the scrolls the characters could study wouldn't update when switching to another character - fixed;
Map view in the crusade mode was cluttered by the names of all the locations - fixed;
Cone attacks no longer hit the targets they were not supposed to hit;
Bug report window now offers and option to log keyboard input, for those who experience issues with the keyboard.

Issues with the game’s icon – fixed;
Fixed the dialogue with the Hand of the Inheritor concerning Xorges;
Some attacks with the left hand looked strange - fixed;
Fixed the issue with inability to pause the game;
We disabled the selection of the mount when it has a rider on. Now clicking on the mount will select the rider, and the mounted animal can only be selected via its portrait. This is done to avoid selecting mounts by accident;
Fixed the issues which triggered some crashes on macOS;
macOS: Improved the loading of tent interior in chapter 2;
Sound banks amount could hit the limit in Alushinyrra - fixed;
Animal companions now help scouting for new locations on the global map;
Improved the performance after battles;
Fixed some cases of characters having wrong texture when changing equipment;
Some dead creatures were falling down again upon loading a save, forced to relive their agony over and over again - fixed and put them to rest.

Por encima he leído que la info de los enemigos se guarda ahora en un bestiario en la enciclopedia, como quería cierto usuario xD

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