algaral escribió:1:34,9xx. He bajado el peso de la gasolina, lo he dejado en 14L, downforce trasero 5, camber delantero -1,0 y trasero 0,0.
Si necesitáis saber algo más de los set que he puesto no tenéis más que preguntar.
He intentado poner una foto de los setups pero no se como se hace, además creo que llevo muy pocos mensajes y no me deja.
eolpxw escribió:algaral escribió:1:34,9xx. He bajado el peso de la gasolina, lo he dejado en 14L, downforce trasero 5, camber delantero -1,0 y trasero 0,0.
Si necesitáis saber algo más de los set que he puesto no tenéis más que preguntar.
He intentado poner una foto de los setups pero no se como se hace, además creo que llevo muy pocos mensajes y no me deja.
Pon un enlace con varios espacios, ya cualquiera con más mensajes lo «arregla» y lo vemos todos. Gracias, a ver su me pongo mañana a ver qué sale.
Just been testing some new driveline shunt code - should be ready mid next week.
Oh and look out for a new Capri sound set too.
BTW, I probably should have been more precise - this is the effect where a driver comes back on throttle (in the same gear) fairly aggressively and the drivetrain flexes and wobbles. If I have a moment I'll see if I can find an example on YT.
Kalakatita escribió:Buenas! Os dejo mi segundo video de Project CARS.
Un saludo y espero que os guste!!!
Kalakatita escribió:Buenas! Os dejo mi segundo video de Project CARS.
Un saludo y espero que os guste!!!
Here follows a detailed breakdown / technical design of the expected requirements that we will need in order to implement the career, track training, and driving school design. Most of this is based on our experience from our previous titles. This does not detail the parts that are already in place (defining location, weather, opponent count, etc). This is intended to focus on the missing pieces. I've discussed parts of this in meetings with Anders and Stuart. The aim is to use this as a place to discuss and plan in detail who, how, and when we implement these features.
Career Contracts
The player receives contract offers as he progresses through the career mode. When the player signs a new contract, he is required to fulfill a number of objectives in order to successfully complete the contract. All the contract details are displayed in the GUI.
Firstly, we'll need to define all the possible contracts that a player can be offered. Using Formula A as an example, let's say we define the following three contracts:
Bobcat Racing - F1 Entry Level contract
Cougar wheels - F1 mid level contract
Tigernuts - F1 top level contract
Then for each of these, we'll need to define some data and the contract objectives.
Something like:
Name "Bobcat Racing"
Class "Formula A"
Rating 3 // with 1 being top-tier contract
Race finishes 10
Accolade score 100 // points earned for completing contract
Podium finishes 5
1st place finishes 0
Season points 20
Season finish position 15
Sales Pitch "Good day Mr Jones, we have been keeping an eye on you..."
Name "Tigernuts"
Class "Formula A"
Rating 1 // with 1 being top-tier contract
Race finishes 15
Accolade score 200 // points earned for completing contract
Podium finishes 10
1st place finishes 5
Season points 100
Season finish position 3
Sales Pitch "Mr Jones, it's time for you to team up with the best..."
We then define a group of these for each motorsport class, with a few per rating level so that the player doesn't always get the same contract proposal when for example entering Formula A.
Regarding per-difficulty contract objectives - I don't think we actually need to have this, seeing that the difficulty in reaching the objectives is automatically adjusted due to the opponents being easier (or harder) to beat.
Invitational Events
Event Objectives
During the off days from a player's active core championship, the player will receive invitations to take part in once-off races such as Hotlaps, Test Drives, Exhibitions, etc. To define these events we could use the current Championship.typ frame, and define the event as a single-stage championship. These events have event-specific objectives which will need defining. I suggest these initial core objectives so far:
Target lap time
Target event time
% damage allowed
finish position
collision count (useful for eg. Top Gear style traffic cone exhibitions)
Some events will have a combination of these that has to be met in order to beat the event. For example, an event may challenge the player to "keep it clean" (no damage or collision) and finish 3rd or better.
Regarding per-difficulty objectives - We'll need that for most of these. The only one from the current list that shouldn't need explicit difficulty adjustment would be BeatDriverX, as the AI difficulty adjustment will automatically take care of balancing the challenge.
Event Conditions
We need a way to monitor for "event interrupts". That is, trigger an action based on a certain condition being met during in-game time. This is the stuff that we used to define in the _conditions.xml file in the old scripting system. Examples would be:
IF %damage > 10
{ AIControl=True; Camera=Trackside; Playsound "TooMuchDamage" }
IF RaceFinished=TRUE & PlayerFinishPosition > 3
{ Camera=Cinematic; Playsound "NotOnPodium" }
IF ZoneEntered "ZoneBeforeEauRouge"
{ Playsound "EauRougeGuide" }
This is an oversimplification to demonstrate the basics of what's required. Triggered events would have further control options, for example Playsound would have a delay and volume option, Camera would have a target option, and so forth. Stuart did most of the script system work for the _conditions.xml in our previous titles, so would be most knowledgeable on this.
Track Training
This refers to the section that we had as part of the driving school in GTR2. We had each track in the game split up into sections, and the player could then practice a specific section of the track. Say for example that the player had a hard time with "Eau Rouge" at Spa. Instead of having to drive the whole lap every time just to practice that section, the player could simply select that section from the Spa Track Training, and practice it until mastered.
The idea for pCars is that Ben or Nic would have a voice over recorded for each of these track sections. When the player selects the specific section to practice, the voice over would then brief the player on this section, explain how to best attack it, etc. The player can opt to watch a demonstration run. The player can also opt to have the demonstration run's ghost on the track while the player himself practices the section. The ghost's raceline (showing where the instructor accelerated, braked, and coasted) is then shown on the track so that the player can use this as a training guide as well.
Anders wrote the toolset that we used back in GTR2 to record these track training sessions. A brief summary of how I used to record these training sessions: I would load the track and car of choice. I would then drive to the part of the track where I wanted the training demonstration to start, and (while driving at the proper speed) press a key that would store all the info relevant to that point (car speed, direction, etc). This is the same spot then where the player would spawn on the track, so I had to make sure that it was on a part of the track where the player could have a 2-3 second under AI control, and then have control handed to the player on a straight part of the track. I would then proceed to drive through the target section of the track and press another key to mark the end of the section. Afterwords I would manually edit the recorded file to finetune start, end, AI control timing, etc. The system would automatically spawn a transparent finish marker on the track where the section ends, as a visual marker for the player to know where exactly the section stops.
In summary then, the functions that we need (high level view) to get this going:
Initialize recording
Record the driver's raceline, acceleration, braking, coasting.
Stop recording
Edit recording to finetune start, stop, Control-to-player timer, etc
Then in the GUI, we'd have Track Training, with a list of all the tracks, and when you select a track you see a list of the sections available for training/practice. Once the section loads, you can select from: View demonstration, Train with instructor (see the instructor's ghost and raceline), Take Challenge (try to beat specific times to earn a bronze, silver, or gold).
The voice overs for the different parts of the section (eg "Eau Rouge, take this fast..") can be done by placing zones in the viewer tool, and then setting a ZoneEvent (see Event Conditions higher up) to trigger the appropriate VO.
Driving School
This is where the player undergoes training on driving technique. Very much like we had in GTR2, where the player is first given the theory (in GTR2 it was all text, but here we can do VO with Ben and Nic), and then tries to apply the technique on track. This would cover the basic theory of driving technique, how to accelerate, brake, and so forth. The tech that we would need for this would be very much the same as for Track Training. What we'd need on top of that will depend on the individual driving school 'classes'. We should design a few in detail (probably with Ben and Nic's input) and then identify the required tech additions based on these detailed designs.
The current file structure does not allow us to define the championship formats as they will need to be for the various motorsport series in career. Stuart and I had another brainstorm session around this area. Below is a breakdown of what we've determined so far that needs implementing.
Example Case
Location: Donington National
Date: 04+05 May 2013
Day 1
Session 1: Practice
Duration 60 mins
Weather Clear
Time 10:00
Session 2: Qualify
Duration 20 mins
Weather Cloudy
Time 13:00
Day 2
Session 3: Race1
Duration 8 laps
Weather Cloudy
Time 14:00
Session 4: Race2
Duration 8 laps
Weather Rainy
Time 14:00
We need
The ability to configure per-session info for: date, time, weather, duration.
Split weather condition definitions into a separate file that will contain all the common weather conditions, so we don't need to define these every time for every session in each championship.
Definition files for each of the different session types (practice, Quali, race, etc)to define how the different sessions work, similar to how the ChampionshipScoring.hrdf defines the various points structures for the different series. For example, the race mode definition file will define how a specific series' grid placement works, if it's a rolling or standing start, are pitstops allowed, etc.
A Round's sessions should all be displayed on the calendar. In the example above, Saturday 04 May will show "10AM: Practice", "2pm: Qualify". When a player is taking part in this particular championship and moves forward on the calendar to the next event (round) in this championship, the player will land on Session 1: Practice. After completing this session, it would make sense to then automatically progress to Qualify, Race1, Race2 to complete the Event/Round without returning to the calendar in between each session. However, the player should be able to 'quit' the game between any of the sessions, and then when playing the game again, be able to continue with the next session in that Event/Round via the calendar.
Audio Updates:
A new Zakspeed Capri Turbo external engine set, plus an AI version. A new incar version may be finished by the end of the week.
This external engine set is from trackside recordings and has good structure and character throughout the whole RPM range.
Also includes the latest sound events such as int/ext gearshifts, backfires/splutters and distant based effects, trajectory and roll-offs.
There is a new set of turbo sounds (more specific to this car) but the whole turbo logic is broken and needs looking at by the code and physics crews.
The external gear shifts and backfires now have a better distance roll-off and occlusion effects. So this car is a bit of a testbed in many areas (trajectory, distance roll-offs, turbo etc).
Quick rundown of what I'm working on this week.
GT tires: After the last few weeks of experiments, it's switching back to a grip mix that is better for the long term. It's a modification of the high tack tires with slightly less grip and should respond somewhat more realistically to camber. GT Slick - GreenFlash is being renamed GT3 Slick - Medium. Adding two new tires representing a Hard and Soft compound to improve test flexibility at different tracks. Known issue - while they all get right around the operating temperature I was shooting for, it takes too long to get up to it from a cold start. Need to keep working on the heat energy side of the equation.
BMW M3 E30 Group A: First major bit of physics work on this car since it entered the game. Suspension geometry will be more accurate with spring values pulled from the car we shot at Zakspeed. Handling much better now and is close to consistent with the 1991 BTCC season review film I've been watching for reference. Track that one down if you can, it's awesome stuff. These cars were so close to the edge on grip/power/chassis. Looks like they were a real handful.
Formula Gulf FG1000: Going to work up a modal+flash tire for this one finally.
Should be a fun set of stuff. I'm torn on which to use as the CPFT. Discuss.
navegation2 escribió:Jackone, no sé si te servirá de mucho pero hace algun tiempecillo tuve una Gtx680 que la verdad no sé si estará a la par con la tuya, pero por lo que he visto en tu configuración hay un par de cosas que cambiaría para que se viese mucho mejor pero no sé si te bajará mucho los frames, prueba a partir de esta configuración.
Actualmente tengo una Titan, juego a 5760 de resolución y creeme que hoy por hoy jugando en online anda por los 45 Fps pero va suave y se juega perfectamente, así que hasta cierto punto no te obsesiones con que vaya a 60 siempre, sobre todo que vaya suave y sin muchas caídas, más adelante lo renderizarán porque sino la habrán cagado con esto.
Bueno al tema yo cambiaría esto a parte de que también es muy importante saber que configuración tienes puesta en Nvidia (quita en el controlador de Nvidia lo de FXAA y lo pones en desactivado) yo pensaba que empeoraría pero sucedio lo contrario.
Y ahora en el juego lo tengo así:
Texturem Resolution: High
Texture FilteringAnisotropic: 16X
V-sync: Yes (lo tengo activado en el controlador de Nvidia también), no me gustan los micro tartamudeos aunque en las de una sola GPU apenas se notan.
Anti-Aliasing: DS2X
FXAA: High (quizas si notas mucha caida ponlo en medium) pero sobre todo aquí lo dejaría en high
Reflections: High (bajalo si notas caida)
EnvMap: Medium
Vehicle Detail: Ultra (en high se ve también estupendamente)
World Detail: High (bajalo también no pasa nada)
Shadow Detail: Ultra (high también se ve bien)
Motion blur: medium
Y otra cosa que he cambiado hace poco y me ha gustado es HDR (he visto que tu también lo tienes así): antes lo tenía en Photographic y ahora lo tengo en OFF , veo colores mucho más vivos, se oscurece al principio el menú pero luego ni se nota al volver a entrar y también en OFF la Irradiance.
Prueba con los parámetros a ver que tal pero sobre todo los que te he puesto en negrita no los cambiaría.
No he podido meter ninguna imagen porque estoy escribiendo desde el portatil y aquí no tengo el juego, lo siento por el tochaco.
jjbuisan97 escribió:Buenas tardes:
Llevo leyendo el hilo desde hace casi un año, aunque no comente mucho. Soy Full Member de Project CARS, pero no lo puedo probar porque no tengo un ordenador adecuado para ello.
Últimamente me da la sensación de que no se está avanzando mucho, antes cada semana había mejoras rimbombantes en circuitos, coches nuevos, grandes novedades... parece como si se hubiese estancado el desarrollo. Quizá es porque no me he enterado de algunas cosas, según veo ahora están metidos con los neumáticos y las físicas, ¿qué me podéis informar al respecto?
Leyenda18 escribió:jjbuisan97 escribió:Buenas tardes:
Llevo leyendo el hilo desde hace casi un año, aunque no comente mucho. Soy Full Member de Project CARS, pero no lo puedo probar porque no tengo un ordenador adecuado para ello.
Últimamente me da la sensación de que no se está avanzando mucho, antes cada semana había mejoras rimbombantes en circuitos, coches nuevos, grandes novedades... parece como si se hubiese estancado el desarrollo. Quizá es porque no me he enterado de algunas cosas, según veo ahora están metidos con los neumáticos y las físicas, ¿qué me podéis informar al respecto?
Y no es eso lo más importante del juego? Circuitos, coches y demás detalles siempre se pueden seguir realizando en cualquier momento. Ya nos han demostrado su capacidad en ese aspecto y es de grandísima calidad. Una vez realizado todo este proceso, han decidido concentrarse en las físicas y los neumáticos para lograr un aspecto de simulación lo mas real posible, que es lo que se demanda a un juego de estas características.
Aun así, no tengas dudas que siguen desarrollando circuitos y coches, como habrás podido ver en los últimos días se han iniciado dos coches, un BMW y un Mercedes, pero no recuerdo los modelos ahora mismo.
Y por supuesto, todo aquello que no sale a la luz y que continúa en desarrollo.
Es más, actualmente hay actualizaciones diarias del juego, por lo que aquello de que se ha estacando el juego no es así
luisdacos escribió:no se por que dices que los graficos de iracing son una chusta ya que los modelados no tienen nada que envidiarle a solo le gana en texturas y reflejos a iracing ya que este motor es mas antiguo y en sonido sin comentarios.por no decir que lo corria a tope usando un 23% de la gpu
KraistGp escribió:Sin olvidar que estan o han estado de vacaciones
JackOne no sirve de nada hacer oc ahora mismo ya que el juego no utiliza ni un 30% de la cpu (lo maximo que he visto a sido un 50% y es puntual). El juego tal y como esta ahora sin optimizar tira de grafica con lo que cuanto mas buena sea mejor se vera. Tu te acabas de pillar una GTX770 que puede parecerse bastante a una GTX680 (que es la que yo tengo) y yo teniendo el equipo de mi firma (mas potente que el tuyo) y con opciones graficas que comento juego alrededor de unos 50fps estables fullHD. Cierto que la combiancion de lluvia+20 coches+ carga circuito hace que al inicio me baje a unos 25 fps para luego subir a los 35fps aprox. Como te comentan activa el HABLE FILMIC,Texture Filtering x16, Antialiasing DS4, SMAA Post high y lo veras de lujo (para mi el gran cambio fue pasar de photograpic a hable filmic) si ves que bajan mucho los fps pues baja parametros uno a uno hasta que encuentres la relacion ideal.
Respecto al ventilador de la cpu Noctua-NH12, esto no hace "cuello de botella", lo unico que hace es refrigerar mejor y mucho mas silencioso que el de serie. Ya tardas en montarloD
dralash escribió:Creo que te estas equivocando kraistgp con el uso de CPU ya que actualmente es horrible lo que necesita de procesador.
KraistGp escribió:Podria ser pero en el teclado logitech g15 que tengo, hay una pantallita con varios gadgets y uno de ellos es mostrar la carga de uso de la cpu y de la ram. La cpu solo en el momento de cargar circuitos llega al 50% despues mientras juego baja bastante, la ram mas de lo mismo solo me llega al 20% de carga en cambio la gpu si me va al 100x100 en cada momento. Es posible que no sea fiable ??? Podria ser pero de lo que estoy seguro es que en este juego ahora mismo lo que me hace tope es la grafica que siempre funciona al 100x100.
Supongo que dependiendo de la cpu si es i5 o i7 variara la carga, pero en mi caso es asin.
Biscu escribió:Oye, si juegas a Iracing es requisito ser fanboy del juego?? o te puede gustar otro? porque hay un monton de gente que Iracing Iracing Iracing esta solo en su mente. Tranquilos hombre, que si tan superior fuera iracing y tan claro tubieran su superioridad no sacarían un nuevo Tyre model para hacer competencia a Assetto y pCARS no?¿?
denis74 escribió:SORPRESA en el build de hoy:
Para conocer mejor sobre la experiencia de Greg Hill, mirar esta entrevista del 2011. No os la pedáis:
Aritz [otro] escribió:Llevamos unos cuantos días con build diarios. Tú no?
Aritz [otro] escribió:Algún experto podría aclararnos la mejora que supone la versión x64? Todos podremos tenerla?
ternerito escribió:peeero, lo lei en algunas paginas pero no lo encuentro, este post avanza muy rapido. Pero como hago ya que no me aparecen las actualizaciones, tengo tildada la casilla de autoactualizar, pero nada, soy team memb.