Audio Update: Brake squeals now set according to the min and max temperatures for each vehicle.
Mclaren F1 - AI balancing and grip changes to match player car. Player Car: Some setup changes. Adjusted the brakes so they don't lock instantly. Stiffened the sway bars one notch. Used the new FFB parameters to tweak the feel.
@Jussi Shock switchovers F 80/80 R 80/80
Mclaren P1 - AI balancing and grip changes to match player car. Player car: Changed to softer springs after fighting with the car to get it drivable on these street tires, Still plenty stiff at about 480lb front / 625lb rear wheel rates.. Also dropped the bumpstop so it wasn't hitting them under normal hard acceleration. Other tweaks to the new FFB parameters and brake bias to suit.
@Jussi Shock switchovers F 40/80 R 80/80
Mclaren MPC-12 - AI balancing and grip changes to match player car. Player car - I added some brake pressure as you couldn't get to lockup the way it was. Tweaked the new FFB parameters. No other changes.
@Jussi Shock switchovers F 40/60 R 40/80
Mclaren F1 GTR - AI balancing and grip changes to match player car. Brake balance and power tweaks. Tweaked the new FFB parameters. No other changes. Great car.
@Jussi Shock switchovers F 80/80 R 80/80
josemurcia escribió:Este juego pide iluminación global a gritos. ¿Sabéis si han dicho algo al respecto?
currololo escribió:Aritz preguntaba el otro día en el foro oficial sobre el freno de mano (¿por probar el que está construyendo?). No sé cuántos coches lo tendrán, pero en la build de hoy pone que ya está habilitado para el Audi R8 V10 plus y el BMW 1M.
Build 855 (20/11/14) - 435.5 MB
* Fixed "DownShiftMultiplier" error in the Ariel_Atom_V8.csd.
* CSD parameter fixes for Atom Mugen, Atom3 and Alpine A450 sounds
* Fix for shadowFade not being initialised.
* NaN protection (powsafe) in Carbon bodywork shaders
* DX11: Renamed InstanceData to InstanceDataBuffer to match shader.
* Fix for instance buffer parameter naming shadow. Altered frustum select code back to how it was originally (the optimisation wasn't), also removes bad code being generated in PSSL.
* Hookup "Num AI" lobby applink
* Fix MP Lobby Name applink crash
* Updated stat panels and Photo Mode sliders
* Adding password and lobby applinks to lobby screen
* Fixing badly added applinks for track layout screen
* Location description removed from QRW location selection
* Added ClickOn event to QuickSolo opponent difficulty slider.
* Lobby Join option is now correctly disabled rather than hidden
* Data for disabled setup and strategy menu when disqualified in MP.
* Fix for in-game Exit button becoming disabled due to incorrect applink
* Add applink to disable setup and strategy menu when sitting in pit disqualified.
* Fix for WMD-2685, mapping of brake and accelerate to the left and right triggers.
* Achievements: Fixes "On Your Left" - Applied wait threshold for new laps due to the way finding the best waypoint works. Also only testing for valid vehicles that are out on the track, Changed the interation to go through the active participants, instead of storing an array of participant structs, Fixed a bug in the game metrics, which was causing multiple ticks to retain multiple registrations on restart
* Re-allow SP car setups in MP.
* Fix for WMD-2676 PC - Online - Public passworded races can't be started
* Added and implemented interface for Steam Dedicated Server browsing. Add interface to create multiplayer sessions on selected dedicated server and to filter game search by p2p/ds (not implemented yet)
* Driver Anims: Audi 90 IMSA GTO - alpha 2 anims
* Rear Left Wheel Attendant animations cleanup/fixes
* Left Front Wheel Attendant animations/cleanup/props
* FA Pitcrew : Initial source files for exports ;fum; whm03,04 ; wha 03,04
* FA Pitcrew: Whm04: tweaking triggers timing "wheel_dismount"&"start_share"
* FA Pitcrew: Wheel mechanic02,wheel attendant02: initial export/setup/source
* FA Pitcrew: Wha01, wha02, wha03, wha04; whm01,..04 ; chm, fia, fum : reexported
* FA Pitcrew: Whm4: changes to triggers , offseted wheel dismount, start_share, airgun sound
* Fix for AIW assert when saving
* Reset waypoint index in AIW editor on new waypoints
* Ariel Atom: CPIT display updates
* BMW 1M: CPIT display material tweaks
* Caterham Classic: CPIT display update
* Audi R8 V10+: CPIT display material tweaks
* 250cc SuperKart: Custom dirt layer DDS file
* Ford Sierra Cosworth: Added one more senior manager livery
* Tires: Lotus CTD fix
* GUMPERT Apollo S: Calibrated boost gauge
* Mercedes 300SEL: Fixed pressures and packers getting mixed up on last edit.
* Removed reference to wedge settings and sdjustments from CDF's that had them. Left only for the Caper Stockcar.
* Mclaren F1, Mclaren 12C, Mclaren P1, Mclaren F1 GTR: New AI handling balance. Adjusted Grip and slip angles of the AI tires to match the palyer. Players cars got some setup tweaks. FFB tweaks along the way.
* Sakitto: New exports
* Belgian Forest GP: Fixed flase cut tracks.
* Hockenheimring: Missing concrete walls, fixed issues reported on WMD
* Dubai Kartdrome: Foliage texture balancing, foliage texture overrides,lights tweaks & trd updates
* Jin Ding: Lake area reworked, remapped, custom water map added, placed bushes around, fixed overlays around lake. Fixed mesh profile in come corners and removed odd bump, tweaked wall mesh accordingly, smoothed hill behind the barrier, fixed some corrupted CSM polygons, tweaks on broad blend at lake area, fixed gaps between outer and inner terrain, textures update, added bushes around new lake area
* Derby Park: Fixed the normal map setup on the Roads (update the tarmac material to a better type if required), fixed wrong UV1 channel, adjusted specular map, added vertexpaint for road, Lower the hills in the Skyring as WMD have reported they are not setup correctly, Check the spec settings on this building (reported as being overly bright), popping grassterrain pieces, fixed missing and wrong CSM collisions around pitwall and trackinside barrier, fix of whiteline and roadedge blendmap, new road broad and detail and fix discontinous UV and UV streching
Known issues:
- Replays: Working but sometimes you can't watch saved replays plus other issues
- None of the debug tools (F1, Ctrl+F, Ctrl+I, tweakit, etc etc) are available unless you use -gold command line (but by using -gold you get assert popups again )
- Lotus 49/72 causes a CTD (switch the tire model from default to a different one)
- JIP new system is up but it has a small delay before the Drive button allows you to actually join (you might have to wait up to 15sec after the drive options appears)
- BMW M3 E30/Z4 GT3, Ford Sierra RS500, Mercedes C-Coupe DTM, Radical SR8-X tires might pop when the Ai gives the control to the player in TT, others will have flat spots
- Pause menu's are overlapping on RW, MP and TT.
currololo escribió:Sí, y eso que estos días hay bastantes arreglos y mejoras. El tal Doug Arnau está a tope con las físicas de los coches de la IA y del jugador.
Notas completas de la build de hoy:Build 855 (20/11/14) - 435.5 MB
* Fixed "DownShiftMultiplier" error in the Ariel_Atom_V8.csd.
* CSD parameter fixes for Atom Mugen, Atom3 and Alpine A450 sounds
* Fix for shadowFade not being initialised.
* NaN protection (powsafe) in Carbon bodywork shaders
* DX11: Renamed InstanceData to InstanceDataBuffer to match shader.
* Fix for instance buffer parameter naming shadow. Altered frustum select code back to how it was originally (the optimisation wasn't), also removes bad code being generated in PSSL.
* Hookup "Num AI" lobby applink
* Fix MP Lobby Name applink crash
* Updated stat panels and Photo Mode sliders
* Adding password and lobby applinks to lobby screen
* Fixing badly added applinks for track layout screen
* Location description removed from QRW location selection
* Added ClickOn event to QuickSolo opponent difficulty slider.
* Lobby Join option is now correctly disabled rather than hidden
* Data for disabled setup and strategy menu when disqualified in MP.
* Fix for in-game Exit button becoming disabled due to incorrect applink
* Add applink to disable setup and strategy menu when sitting in pit disqualified.
* Fix for WMD-2685, mapping of brake and accelerate to the left and right triggers.
* Achievements: Fixes "On Your Left" - Applied wait threshold for new laps due to the way finding the best waypoint works. Also only testing for valid vehicles that are out on the track, Changed the interation to go through the active participants, instead of storing an array of participant structs, Fixed a bug in the game metrics, which was causing multiple ticks to retain multiple registrations on restart
* Re-allow SP car setups in MP.
* Fix for WMD-2676 PC - Online - Public passworded races can't be started
* Added and implemented interface for Steam Dedicated Server browsing. Add interface to create multiplayer sessions on selected dedicated server and to filter game search by p2p/ds (not implemented yet)
* Driver Anims: Audi 90 IMSA GTO - alpha 2 anims
* Rear Left Wheel Attendant animations cleanup/fixes
* Left Front Wheel Attendant animations/cleanup/props
* FA Pitcrew : Initial source files for exports ;fum; whm03,04 ; wha 03,04
* FA Pitcrew: Whm04: tweaking triggers timing "wheel_dismount"&"start_share"
* FA Pitcrew: Wheel mechanic02,wheel attendant02: initial export/setup/source
* FA Pitcrew: Wha01, wha02, wha03, wha04; whm01,..04 ; chm, fia, fum : reexported
* FA Pitcrew: Whm4: changes to triggers , offseted wheel dismount, start_share, airgun sound
* Fix for AIW assert when saving
* Reset waypoint index in AIW editor on new waypoints
* Ariel Atom: CPIT display updates
* BMW 1M: CPIT display material tweaks
* Caterham Classic: CPIT display update
* Audi R8 V10+: CPIT display material tweaks
* 250cc SuperKart: Custom dirt layer DDS file
* Ford Sierra Cosworth: Added one more senior manager livery
* Tires: Lotus CTD fix
* GUMPERT Apollo S: Calibrated boost gauge
* Mercedes 300SEL: Fixed pressures and packers getting mixed up on last edit.
* Removed reference to wedge settings and sdjustments from CDF's that had them. Left only for the Caper Stockcar.
* Mclaren F1, Mclaren 12C, Mclaren P1, Mclaren F1 GTR: New AI handling balance. Adjusted Grip and slip angles of the AI tires to match the palyer. Players cars got some setup tweaks. FFB tweaks along the way.
* Sakitto: New exports
* Belgian Forest GP: Fixed flase cut tracks.
* Hockenheimring: Missing concrete walls, fixed issues reported on WMD
* Dubai Kartdrome: Foliage texture balancing, foliage texture overrides,lights tweaks & trd updates
* Jin Ding: Lake area reworked, remapped, custom water map added, placed bushes around, fixed overlays around lake. Fixed mesh profile in come corners and removed odd bump, tweaked wall mesh accordingly, smoothed hill behind the barrier, fixed some corrupted CSM polygons, tweaks on broad blend at lake area, fixed gaps between outer and inner terrain, textures update, added bushes around new lake area
* Derby Park: Fixed the normal map setup on the Roads (update the tarmac material to a better type if required), fixed wrong UV1 channel, adjusted specular map, added vertexpaint for road, Lower the hills in the Skyring as WMD have reported they are not setup correctly, Check the spec settings on this building (reported as being overly bright), popping grassterrain pieces, fixed missing and wrong CSM collisions around pitwall and trackinside barrier, fix of whiteline and roadedge blendmap, new road broad and detail and fix discontinous UV and UV streching
Known issues:
- Replays: Working but sometimes you can't watch saved replays plus other issues
- None of the debug tools (F1, Ctrl+F, Ctrl+I, tweakit, etc etc) are available unless you use -gold command line (but by using -gold you get assert popups again )
- Lotus 49/72 causes a CTD (switch the tire model from default to a different one)
- JIP new system is up but it has a small delay before the Drive button allows you to actually join (you might have to wait up to 15sec after the drive options appears)
- BMW M3 E30/Z4 GT3, Ford Sierra RS500, Mercedes C-Coupe DTM, Radical SR8-X tires might pop when the Ai gives the control to the player in TT, others will have flat spots
- Pause menu's are overlapping on RW, MP and TT.
Parece que también hay arreglos de la GUI para el multi, que nos dio tantos problemas el viernes pasado, veremos mañana qué tal.
maumontes escribió:ojala pueda arreglar el g27 para el online de hoy... tengo en problema q al rato de uso se va inclinando para el lado izquierdo y pierde el centrado.he visto en youtube q es una pieza q se suelta en uno de los motores... tratare de llegar a ella... sino... mando el volante a cobrar la garantia
-=NokYA=- escribió:maumontes escribió:ojala pueda arreglar el g27 para el online de hoy... tengo en problema q al rato de uso se va inclinando para el lado izquierdo y pierde el centrado.he visto en youtube q es una pieza q se suelta en uno de los motores... tratare de llegar a ella... sino... mando el volante a cobrar la garantia
Se puede arreglar manualmente, yo lo hice y lo comente en el hilo.
Pongo una carrera que acabo de subir, la unica hasta el momento que he podido hacer en buenas condiciones con la IA (tampoco es que suela hacer muchas xDDD). En teoria esta a 1080p a 60FPS, pero ahora mismo aun no lo ha procesado a esa resolucion. ...
maumontes escribió:buena carrera... y como lo arreglaste?? es una pieza q se suelta o no?? saludos estimado
manel55 escribió:Muy buen video nokya. Podrias colgar un pantallazo de como tienes configuradas las opciones graficas, asi como hora del dia y climatologia?
-=NokYA=- escribió:maumontes escribió:buena carrera... y como lo arreglaste?? es una pieza q se suelta o no?? saludos estimado
Si, es una pieza de plastico que termina por agrietarse. Yo segui este video para desmontar el volante y ver que pieza era la que fallaba, pero en el no explica lo que yo hice que fue basicamente poner una arandela en la pieza, del tamaño justo para que tengas que apretarla un poco para meterla. Aqui tienes el mensaje en el que le explico a otro compañero como lo solucione.manel55 escribió:Muy buen video nokya. Podrias colgar un pantallazo de como tienes configuradas las opciones graficas, asi como hora del dia y climatologia?
Lo que tengo basicamente es todo a lo maximo, MSAA en ultra y la hierba detallada en off, no entiendo porque pero si activo la hierba se come cerca de los 35 FPS...
Enjoy this and test and report in the AI thread as usual. Do mostly the GT cars but feel free to test what ever you like and write a report
Make sure you guys re-run your favorite AI tests once you get fridays build. All new AI tire physics went in tonight (se refiere esta noche pasada). i think it addresses most of what we've been discussing here lately. I just need to confirm i'm on target with braking distances, corner speeds, overall lap times.
* Caterham R500: Tiny default setup change
* Yiro R.Light and Yiro All Season final polishing
* Fuel vehicles to full capacity in practice sessions
* Caterham Classic: Set SpindleArm FFB value to match reference
* Removed weighted fuel and randomness from player auto-fuelling
* Set fuel from setup if created / saved for this session, overrides autofuel
* Mclaren 12C GT3: Changes to default setup. increased rear tire pressure to match front. reduced preload 2 steps.
* Reduced AI brake efficiency using the AIbrakegrip paramter. This goes along with the recent load induced drag fixes.
* New AI tires for all cars: New specs for the fixed load induced tire drag problem. Dropped load sensitivities, AI peak Slip and braking efficiency.
* More AI updates. Dropped tire drag a bit more. Raised colision mesh to 40mm to remove last of AI crashing onto curbs and pole vaulting into the air.
* Formula C: Slight change to increase FFB strength, added "DA" to the R22 tires tag decription so it can easily be recognized as one I edited for testing
vidalastra escribió:alguien sabe porque no me aparece en profiles el archivo para eleminarlo?, se guarda ahora en otro sitio?
vidalastra escribió:alguien sabe porque no me aparece en profiles el archivo para eleminarlo?, se guarda ahora en otro sitio?
clockwok escribió:50€ y con block entre regiones, tocara comprarlo en alguna pagina de keys.
Naer escribió:Una putada lo del región block.
Drak64 escribió:Naer escribió:Una putada lo del región block.
Disculpar mi ignorancia pero.... ¿que quiere decir eso de región block?
Naer escribió:A falta de 4 meses no va a salir en Early Access, algunos tenéis mas fe que un niño Bosnio.
Una putada lo del región block.
Prometheus06 escribió:Naer escribió:A falta de 4 meses no va a salir en Early Access, algunos tenéis mas fe que un niño Bosnio.
Una putada lo del región block.
si... snif.. no pierdo la esperanza...... no pido beneficios... solo poder acceder a lo mismo que teneis vosotros las builds y demas.. .snifff snif![]()
y no tene que esperar al año que viene...
no creo que les costase tanto en este punto del proyecto...
nene15708 escribió:Prometheus06 escribió:Naer escribió:A falta de 4 meses no va a salir en Early Access, algunos tenéis mas fe que un niño Bosnio.
Una putada lo del región block.
si... snif.. no pierdo la esperanza...... no pido beneficios... solo poder acceder a lo mismo que teneis vosotros las builds y demas.. .snifff snif![]()
y no tene que esperar al año que viene...
no creo que les costase tanto en este punto del proyecto...
Ese mismo punto aplicado a ti, sería su manera perfecta de responderteEn este punto del proyecto, tampoco creo que te cueste esperar lo que queda...
orcajavi escribió:y pensar que ya llevaríamos 2 días con el juego y 48 horas consecutivas viciando....
Prometheus06 escribió:
no creo que les costase tanto en este punto del proyecto...
orcajavi escribió:y pensar que ya llevaríamos 2 días con el juego y 48 horas consecutivas viciando....