[HO] RPG en PC

kjavi escribió:tan importante es los 60fps en un juego con fondos renderizados y combates por turnos?

kjavi escribió:tan importante es los 60fps en un juego con fondos renderizados y combates por turnos?

En los videojuegos cuantos más FPS mejor, siempre.Si algún día vuelvo a meterle una rejugada al DIOS ( New threat) si no es mucho lio lo meteré, 60 fps en los combates se ven muy bien.
kjavi escribió:tan importante es los 60fps en un juego con fondos renderizados y combates por turnos?

Yo hace unos años jugué a ff VII en la psx original a su framerate original, y no me morí por ello. Pero vaya, ya que está esto, por qué no lo voy a usar. Se ve claramente más fluido y es agradable a la vista.

Lo mismo que para jugar hoy en día a juegos de psx lo hago con pgxp y todas las mejoras en geometría y texturas que hay disponibles gracias a la emulación y es una gozada.
kjavi escribió:tan importante es los 60fps en un juego con fondos renderizados y combates por turnos?

Lo importante es poder elegir, digo yo.
Los 60fps se agradecen siempre, por muy lento que sea un juego.

Y el framerate de FF7 en combate es un puto asco, irá a 20fps con suerte que dan ganas de potar.
sefirot947 escribió:lalala

Ya me lo pasé hace años, pero me encantaría rejugarlo traducido. Y ojalá algún día Origin y Napisthim.
sefirot947 escribió:lalala

El mejor Ys clásico en español, demasiado bonito para ser cierto. [boing]
es proyecto a largo plazo...pero si ya tengo solucionado lo de la fuente con los acentos ya está lo más dificil hecho. Y aunque sea una tarea más ardua usar todo lo posible como referencia la tradu francesa (otra fan tradu, pero hecha desde la japo y mejor hecha)
Si a alguien le interesa un HOMM clásico y muy molón.


Wow, qué guay esa declaración de intenciones con el Felghana. Fue mi primer Ys XD

No miento cuando digo que, sin tener ni idea, estuve mirando de formas de poder traducirlo yo en su día. Lo malo es que podía editar gráficos, entendía el inglés, pero no tenía ni idea de programación (ahora tampoco mucho más, pero es algo que estoy trabajando) XD

En fin, que os salga un parche muy chuli @sefirot947
Aun tengo pesadillas con algunos jefes de The Oath in Felghana y eso que lo jugué en normal XD
¿Que opinión tenéis por aquí de Deus Ex Invisible war?

Sé que es la oveja negra de la saga, porque lo consolizaron para meterlo en la primera Xbox (escenarios pequeños, parte rpg simplificada, etc)
Nunca lo jugué y como fan de los otros creo que tengo el deber de hacerlo... [chiu]

Si tienes mono de Adam, déjate de inventos y rejuega MD, HR, o ya sabes...


@PHANTASIA Yo lo disfrute bastante (lo jugué hace 3-4 años), pero porque me gusta mucho el universo Deus ex.

Pero la verdad es que los escenarios pequeños y lineales hacen mucho daño (más que nada porque el diseño de niveles es el punto fuerte de la saga deus ex). Intentan dar varias rutas con los típicos conductos de ventilación y tal, pero los escenarios son tan pequeños y lineales que pierde toda la gracia.

A cualquier fan de la saga yo recomendaría al menos probarlo, pero sabiendo lo que te espera.
Cualquiera que haya jugado ambos te va a decir que es inferior al primero, y es que...asi es. Pero, por lo demas, es un juego muy disfrutable, en mi opinión, lanzando prejuicios afuera.

Lo jugué a los pocos años de su salida y, si me pusiera con el ahora sin haberlo tocado nunca, igual mi opinión seria peor, mas aun despues de tener esa maravilla que es Human Revolution.

Dependerá de como te lleves con juegos de esa época, por lo que te he leido alguna vez le pegas a todo sin problema, y de lo que te llame el estilo de juego Deus Ex/System Shock/Thief, sabiendo que este es el hermano menos agraciado.

PD: tienes un compilador de mods bastante majo que es el Visible Upgrade: fixes, texturas, resoluciones etc.
jhunt escribió:Cualquiera que haya jugado ambos te va a decir que es inferior al primero, y es que...asi es. Pero, por lo demas, es un juego muy disfrutable, en mi opinión, lanzando prejuicios afuera.

Lo jugué a los pocos años de su salida y, si me pusiera con el ahora sin haberlo tocado nunca, igual mi opinión seria peor, mas aun despues de tener esa maravilla que es Human Revolution.

Dependerá de como te lleves con juegos de esa época, por lo que te he leido alguna vez le pegas a todo sin problema, y de lo que te llame el estilo de juego Deus Ex/System Shock/Thief, sabiendo que este es el hermano menos agraciado.

PD: tienes un compilador de mods bastante majo que es el Visible Upgrade: fixes, texturas, resoluciones etc.

Mientras el juego sea bueno no me importa lo viejo que sea (bueno...sin pasarse, los 8bits no los trago)
Moddearlo es lo primero que estoy haciendo, le he metido las mejoras gráficas, ahora estoy bajando los archivos para traducirlo al español. (estos juegos parece que hay que arreglarlos uno mismo de arriba a abajo)

Oh Ilustrísima Palpatine.

Se acerca el día.

En nombre de los Cruzados y por dignidad de la Fe
le conminamos a destruir Casuablivion, el Abismo,
e iluminarnos con la llama de su destreza,
como nos ilumina Dimitry con su música.
El contubernio de la Fe ha decidido excomulgarla
si no afronta su cometido a tiempo.

El Abismo se expande.

Un mes A.C (Antes de la Caída)



[qmparto] [qmparto]


Pues veremos cómo tengo la hajenda por ese entonces. Estoy con Tales of Berseria (Es un juego +100 horas como Vesperia) y tengo en espera todos los Trails, P5 Royal, Strikers, Monark, Disco Elysium, Zestiria... Me he abierto una ventana rolera inmeeeensa y me faltan horas al día. :Ð :Ð

Caer caerá. El Solo es obligatorio y tarde o temprano se hará.

Por cierto, hablando del tema, acaba de salir la Beta de la 1.2 de PWotR. 17 gb. Espectacular contenido. Hay que activarla. :O


Beer Elementals and Lager Beer Elementals finally look like beer!
Aivu’s caster level has been reduced, but she can now wear bardings instead;
Reworked Aivu's Frightful Presence ability so that it can be now activated and deactivated;
Changed the visual of Mythic Aeon after the full transformation;
Fixed the issue which prevented the Masterful Dispel achievement from unlocking.

The patch also includes numerous tweaks and fixes for the crusade, various mythic paths and other aspects of the game (see below).

Known issues:

The beta version doesn’t include some free DLC functionality and pre-order items;
The beta version is not available on macOS;
When creating a new character, the character’s model is missing for now;
After entering some locations in Drezen with their skeletal companion, Lich won't be able to exit - fix is coming soon.

Please back up your saves if you want to participate in beta, because the saves you make in version 1.2 may not be compatible with version 1.1.

Beware of possible plot spoilers!


Fixed inability to complete the quest "By the Will of the Stars" if you pick up the mysterious message from under the stone and leave the location without ambushing;
The dialogue with the final boss in The Secrets of Creation quest wasn't working - fixed;
A dialogue near the Sword of Valor in Iz could sometimes cut off before it was supposed to - fixed;
A quarrel with Zacharius didn't always make him hostile - fixed;
Added reactivity to the dialogue with Cessily if the player is a follower of Sarenrae;
Anevia could come to the Commander to report the situation in Wintersun while being dead. Fixed - now dead Anevia will no longer walk;
Arueshalae, after rejecting the path of redemption, and becoming Evilrue, won't be refusing intimacy with a player on the path of a lich until they complete the mythic transformation;
Baphomet (or his statue, to be more precise) sometimes assumed that you were following the Devil mythic path, even when you were not - turns out it wasn’t all about his traumatic past with Asmodeus after all;
Berenguer could mention the rescue of Lariel before the player got to actually rescue the angel - fixed;
Changed the appearance of the ghost which helps the Demon escape from prison in chapter 3;
During the final scene at Threshold, an Angel could see both Katair and Eliandra, regardless of your previous choices - fixed;
During the hellknights' tribunal, Regill did not blame the Commander for accepting Nocticula's Profane Gift, as well as the attempt to befriend Baphomet. We had to remind him, so he will now have a serious talk with you;
Final romantic event with Wenduag didn't start, if she was previously removed from the active party - fixed;
Fixed an issue, which prevented Staunton from appearing in Drezen for Aeon;
Fixed the Fearless Flirt quest with Jeocot, and now a scene with him will work correctly at the Fleshmarkets;
Herald refused to talk to the angel character in Nexus if the Commander previously told him not to interfere in the conversation - fixed;
During the On Hope's Wings quest, objective "Find and save Targona" was marked as failed even if completed - fixed;
In rare cases, the quest Dragon's Awakening might not start at the right moment - fixed;
In Sarzaksis' dialogue some of Arueshalae's lines were labeled as Sarzakys' Interpreter's lines - fixed;
In the fifth chapter, on the Legend path, Targona had Aivu's lines instead of her own - fixed;
Irabeth had a wrong alignment, and wasn't prepared for a march on Iz - fixed;
It was possible to find the clapper of the bell in Green Gates even if you refused Arueshalae's help - fixed;
It was possible to send Berenguer to a dangerous mission in Alushinyrra once more - fixed;
It's now possible to kill Arueshalae without further ado in Green Gates, if you threatened her earlier;
Killing Daeran during One Final Breath didn't end a romance with him, which affected the Lich mythic path - fixed;
Mielarah could still charge you the full price, even if you agreed on a discount - fixed;
Minor fixes for the dialogue with Deskari in Iz for Swarm-That-Walks;
Minor improvements in a dialogue with Shamira in chapter 4;
Peacefully solving the conflict in Chilly Creek in the final dialogue now gives experience points;
Sometimes when changing mythic paths in Chapter 5, former Lich still had access to the Ziggurat - fixed;
Sosiel will stop asking Wirlong Black Mask about his brother, if you already found his brother on the arena;
Sosiel's companion quest wouldn't complete after speaking with the impostor for the second time - fixed;
Targona could die in combat while searching for a portal to the lair of Echo of Deskari (quest "Devastation"), which made the further progression of the angelic mythic path impossible - fixed;
The quartermaster will now leave the commander, who stepped on the path of Swarm-That-Walks in chapter 5;
Improved the scene of Trickster turning Vellexia into a mirror;
In Leper's Smile you can now use more spells to heal the blind halfling;
Now it's possible to mention the information from Lexicon of Paradox while rolling the checks in the dialogue with Iomedae, Nocticula and Areelu in chapter 5. Additionally, reading two halves of the Lexicon now provides bonuses;
Second Lann's quest could end incorrectly, if a dead Wenduag was present in the group - fixed;
Sometimes the Spiritual Bonds quest didn't start - fixed.


Added a mark on the map to show where the Alushinyrra's assassin guild is located (the place you need to visit during Greybor's quest);
Brawlers in Alushinyrra Lower City stopped fighting, when the player left, and didn't resume the fight afterwards - fixed;
During Drezen siege, players could enter the citadel through enter point on top of the tower - fixed;
Fixed an issue in Blackwater, which allowed to loot a container with a bomb before coming up the stairs;
Fixed and optimized the lighting in a number of locations within the Enigma;
Fixed bug with the absence of drops on the ground when it rains;
Fixed incorrect camera angle when entering Pulura's Fall from the global map;
Fixed problems with the portal in the Upper City of Alushinyrra hidden behind the barrier (under certain conditions it was impossible to remove the barrier blocking it);
Fixed the camera movement in the final cutscene in Nexus;
Fixed the floating candle effects in Heaven's Edge;
Fixed the issue with infinite skill checks to assemble the Helm of Psionic Protection via the computer in Blackwater;
Fixed the lighting in Drezen's tavern;
Fixed the passability in Areelu's Laboratory;
Fixed the passability issues in Alushinyrra Upper City (and a certain chest has become easier to access);
Fixed the wrong text when inspecting a dragon scale in Dragon Burial Ground;
Improve the scene of Yaniel's murder in Midnight Fane;
Improved the behavior of salamanders in Alushinyrra's Lower City;
Improved the fire effects when returning to Drezen;
Improved the navigation on the map of Kenabres;
Improved the passability of Alushinyrra brothel;
Improved the placement of enemies in Colyphyr Mines - demons now respect each other's personal space;
Improved the scene of teleportation for Morevet Honeyed Tongue;
In Alushinyrra brothel it was possible to pick Morevet after killing her - fixed;
In Iz, when transitioning from indoors to the wall outside, part of the group could end up above the wall - fixed;
In Midnight Fane it was possible to get 2 keys from the priestess of Nocticula - fixed;
In some areas of the Colyphyr Mines one could see through walls - fixed;
It was possible to miss an encounter with daring slavers in Alushinyrra Lower City - fixed;
It's no longer possible to exit the Lair of the Spinner of Nightmares until you finish your business there;
Minor improvements in the dialogue with the cultists in the Ten Thousand Delights;
Minor visual improvements in Alushinyrra Middle City;
One of the rare scenarios in Temple of the Good Hunt for the Lich mythic path worked incorrectly - fixed;
Participants of two cut-scenes in the Valley of Temples now dismount during these cut-scenes;
Portraits and names of Nocticula and Iomedae are now being displayed correctly in the dialogue on the first floor of Threshold fortress;
Removed a duplicating narrative text on a picture with a dragon at Dragon Burial Ground;
Slaves at Fleshmarkets had loot - fixed;
Sleeping giant in Ashen Grotto sometimes would initiate a combat and get back to sleep right away - fixed;
Sometimes the unlucky tiefling at Kenabres Market Square could get stuck under rubble twice - fixed;
Sosiel now plays cards in the cemetery more often. We do not blame the desire to escape from the hardships of the Fifth Crusade, though;
The Ashen Grotto area now has proper terrain settings;
The borders of the level geometry were visible in the fog under the Ivory Sanctum area - fixed;
The exit has been marked on the local map of the Lair of the Spinner of Nightmares area;
The name of the final Enigma location was missing - fixed;
The possibility to block the doors in the Midnight Fane so that passage to Drezen (in Chapter 5) would be impossible - fixed;
The transport situation in Alushinyrra Middle City has been improved, specifically for the Fleshmarkets, and now the characters you need don't come to work late;
Visual fixes to buildings in Drezen;
While in Iz and Threshold, Targona had a demonic wing regardless of your choices - fixed;
Yaker will no longer hang out at Hellknights Outpost if he died in the beginning of chapter 5;
Areas that require a certain companion to be present in the party, will no longer be accessible if the companion is dead. Apologies to amateur necromancers;
A trap at Mutasafen's Laboratory now works correctly;
Added Personal Chest to Threshold camp;
Companions no longer help Commander with sex adventures in the brothel (a companion with the highest Fortitude used to roll the checks);
In rare cases, the second dialogue with Targona didn't happen in Areelu's Laboratory - fixed;
It was possible to get stuck on the balcony of the Assassin's Guild in Alushinyrra is you saved the game nearby - fixed;
Now during fights in Alushinyrra, flying islands will ignore camera movements;
Now in the final dialogue in the game only the player rolls for checks, not the party members.


Added mammoth animation;
Additional 20 Speed has been added to Vampire Ninja Pirates;
Asmodean Clerics now have Slow ability;
Bane of Demons didn't work correctly - fixed;
Beer Elementals and Lager Beer Elementals finally look like beer!
Bestow Curse now has additional use;
Bloodragers' damage has been significantly increased;
Bolt of Justice — Unholy Enemy now works according to its description;
Burning didn't work correctly - fixed;
Cause Fear ability now has a sound effect;
Church Guards' damage has been moderately increased;
Cone of Cold didn't work correctly - fixed;
Damage from Ambush has been significantly increased;
Dominate can no longer be applied to units with immunity to mind-affecting effects;
Dragon Disciples spell power has been slightly decreased;
Duelists' damage and speed have been moderately increased;
Feature Board! has been added to Vampire Ninja Pirates;
Fixed giant spider's animation;
Fixed the bloodstains in the tactical combat;
Fixed the issue with Trickster's rank-ups;
Fixed the visuals of the giant salamander;
General's healing abilities used to heal undead units instead of damaging them - fixed;
The behavior of Giant Salamanders, Fire Elementals, and Water Elementals has been improved;
Greater Channel Negative Energy didn't heal the undead units - fixed;
Harpoon can't be applied to Large units now;
Honor Guards, Monks, Scaled Fists and Sisters of the Golden Erinyes now have Shield Wall ability;
Inquisitors' damage and speed have been moderately increased;
Marksmen's damage has been moderately decreased;
Pet Drake now works according to its description;
Precise Prediction ability now has a sound effect;
Pressing the Search button didn't update the resources - fixed;
Profane Healing now has additional use;
Raiders' damage has been significantly increased;
Rapid Strike didn't work correctly - fixed;
Retaliation ability now has a sound effect;
Shield Wall didn't give the bonus to some grand tier units - fixed;
Siphon Time now works according to the description;
Sleep Breath ability has been added to the Dragon Disciples;
Some players could not proceed to the Military Rank 2 - fixed;
Some units could use Slow on ranged units - fixed;
Summon Steeds (Centipedes) didn't work correctly - fixed;
Summon Steeds (Elks) didn't work correctly - fixed;
The actual damage from Stone Throw was lower than the predicted damage - fixed;
The attack and damage of Arcanists, Bards, Dragon Disciples, Signifers, Magi, Sorcerers, Witches, Wizards has been significantly increased;
The attack and damage of Illusionists, Necromancers, Retrievers has been moderately increased;
The damage and speed of Bards have been moderately increased;
The damage and spell power of Knights of Ozem have been moderately increased;
The damage and spell power of Sorcerers have been moderately decreased;
The damage of Centipedes, Clerics of Cayden Cailean, Golden Legionnaires, Kalavakuses, Tarry Demodands has been slightly increased;
The damage of Erinyes, Infernal Archers has been moderately decreased;
The damage of Mendevian Cavaliers has been significantly increased;
The damage of Asmodean Clerics, Barbarians, Beer Elementals, Hardened Veterans, Honor Guards, Infernal Cavalry, Lager Beer Elementals, Monks, Mummy Clerics, Sisters of the Golden Erinyes, Vampires, Warbarian Ragepriests, Water Elementals has been moderately increased;
The event card "Pillar of Skulls Calling" sometimes appeared after the event already took place - fixed;
The health of Cultist Cutthroats has been slightly increased;
The Search button didn't become active after buying the required resources - fixed;
The speed of Giant Salamanders has been moderately increased;
The spellpower of Illusionists has been significantly decreased;
The spellpower of Kineticists has been moderately decreased;
The spellpower of Tarry Demodands has been slightly decreased;
The Stubborn ability increased the damage more than the design suggested - fixed;
The tutorial about army management popped up during the first dialogue with Irabeth - fixed;
Visual effect of Fear Aura is shown correctly now;
Warpriests' damage and spell power have been moderately increased;
Wounded feat didn't work correctly - fixed;
Fixed the abrupt end of battle and incorrect order of turns after the effect of Crushing Despair ended;
Time Manipulation didn't speed up recruit growth - fixed;
Upon finishing the project, the result wasn't displayed - fixed.

Classes & Mechanics

Added an ability to dismiss repurpose effect from an undead creature under your command and kill it permanently;
Added an error message for attempting to cast mind-affecting spells on the undead;
Added name and description for the Dismiss Repurpose ability;
Added Skeleton Upgrade Selection for Lich on 10th mythic rank. Characters that already got the 10th mythic rank need to be retrained to get the feature;
Additional spell damage from Aspect of Brimorak didn't work - fixed;
After retraining a monk, you kept the wisdom bonus to AC for the new class - fixed;
Aivu the dragon had Weapon Focus (Dagger) - fixed, but only if you haven't met Aivu yet;
Aivu used to eat so many cookies that she could eventually become even more powerful than the Commander, which looked quite strange (it is the Commander who gives her powers, after all). We had to fix it: now her caster level cannot get more than 20, and also the damage of her breath weapon and her damage reduction were decreased a little bit. To not get her upset, we gave Aivu the ability to wear cool shiny bardings instead;
Angelfire Apostle and Feyspeaker couldn't merge the spellbook with the Angel - fixed;
Angelfire Apostle didn't get 10 level spells when merging spellbook with Angel - fixed;
Arcane Bloodrage spell Protection from Arrows didn't have a description - fixed;
Ascendant Element mythic ability description has been clarified;
Break Enchantment spell didn't remove petrification from characters - fixed;
Breath of Life casting took a full round, which was incorrect - fixed;
Cruoromancer's animate dead spell on level 3 couldn't be placed into their favorite school slots - fixed;
Darrazand used Greater Dispel Magic when you first met him during Drezen siege, which was rather unwise for him - fixed;
Demon Lord Aspect mythic ability description has been updated;
Disabled notifications on the quest "The Conquest of Alushinyrra" in Demon's mythic path;
Doom to Servitude won't work on the undead anymore - what is dead may never die!
Dragonkind II transformed the character into a red dragon, even if the character has a gold dragon bloodline - fixed;
Ember used to put Evil Eye on her friends - fixed, she promised she won't do it again;
Enduring Spells and Greater Enduring Spells worked with the spells cast from scrolls and items - fixed (they will only work with spells you memorized now);
Enduring Spells worked on abilities - fixed;
Fast Healing buff didn't have a description - fixed;
Fixed description of Demonic Aspect;
Fixed the texts for some feats of the Gold Dragon;
For Arcane Rider with the Enduring Blade ability, the animal companion didn't get the weapon enchantment - fixed;
For certain group formations, some characters could not move after Athletics check - fixed;
Freezing Cold didn't increase the Winter Witch's caster level by 1 at 6th - fixed;
Frightful Presence ability description has been added;
Gold Dragon could select racial feats that they were not supposed to have - fixed, but will require retraining if you took those feats already;
Gold Dragon mythic path improvements: Perfect Body, Perfect Mind, Perfect Soul features now add a bigger bonus to the attribute with maximum value;
Greater Arcane Bloodrage spell Displacement didn't have a description - fixed;
Greater Arcane Bloodrage spell Haste didn't have a description - fixed;
Greater arcane bloodrage was giving haste or displacement effect for a single round - fixed;
Havoc dragon's breath weapon description has been updated;
Heavenly Host wasn't giving the Sword of Heaven effect to the whole party - fixed;
Hellfire Ray dealt more unholy damage than it was supposed to - fixed;
Hellknights could use domain abilities, but couldn't pick mythic ability Domain Zealot - fixed;
Azata abilities Heroes Never Surrender and Joy of Life didn't restore restore spells correctly - fixed;
Hunt Caller got Call of the Wild — Beast Shape III on level 17 instead of 18, and Beast Shape don't work - fixed;
Improved the description of Angel's Sword of Heaven;
Improved the description of Azata Supersonic Speed feat;
Improved the description of Demonic Rage;
It was impossible to talk to a companion after their respec - fixed;
Lich's Skeletal Fighter could select bardings and advanced weapon training in Bonus Combat Feat - fixed;
Marvelous Endurance fast healing had incorrect calculation - fixed;
Mongrel's Blessing had incorrect DC - fixed;
Mutasafen has been weakened on difficulty levels below Normal;
Mythic Carnivorous Crystal had an unlootable belt and 12 Mythic Levels instead of 6 Mythic Levels - fixed;
Negative Energy Fervor — Self didn't have a description - fixed;
Nightshade Nightcrawler summoned by Lich didn't do anything - fixed;
Now Demon gains the first Demon Lord Aspect at the 9th mythic rank, and the second aspect at the 10th mythical rank. If the character has already reached 9th mythic rank, you'll need to retrain them in order to get the new feature;
On a successful save from a Telekinetic Strike, the target used to take half the damage, which was incorrect - fixed;
Oracle curses didn't give features from the previous levels when you got a curse after multiclassing - fixed;
Player could not select Crossblooded Sorcerer for HKS, it showed as Sage Sorcerer - fixed.
Reworked Aeon's Enforcing Gaze feature. Now you have more options to choose from and make builds;
Reworked Aivu's Frightful Presence ability so that it can be now activated and deactivated. Sometimes she simply wanted to play and was so sad everybody was running away!
Shaman's Evil Eye didn't have VFX that Witch's Evil Eye had - fixed;
Shaman's Life Spirit Channel Positive Energy didn't have a description - fixed;
Some disease effects from the enemies didn't work correctly with the effects that were supposed to protect from them (such as Aura of Health, for example) - fixed;
Song of Courageous Defender wasn't giving DR 5/- to a chosen companion and was giving 5 to energy resistance instead - fixed;
Summon Skill says summon "Vilderavn" instead of Wild Hunt - fixed;.
Swarm Clone mythic ability description has been updated;
The Command Undead ability of the Lich had a too low DC - fixed;
The Death of Elements — Consuming Elements ability of the Lich had a wrong usage counter - fixed;
The description of Dazed condition was incorrect in some situations - fixed;
The descriptions of Aeon's mythic abilities have been updated;
The majority of drow used to be neutral - fixed, now they are as evil as they should be;
The Sage Sorcerer archetype didn't list the benefits of the Arcane Bloodline, and didn't have any bloodline info in the character panel - fixed;
Trickster Lore Religion rank 2 didn't offer two domains as stated, abilities from the domain didn't have correct progression - fixed;
True Arcane Bloodrage spells didn't have descriptions - fixed;
Using scrolls with the spells you already have in your spellbook doesn't require a Use Magic Device check anymore;
Wandering Spirit ability didn't have a description - fixed;
Warpriest's Sacred Armor abilities didn't have descriptions - fixed;
We changed how Swarm Clone mechanics works: now you can have a clone starting from 8th mythic rank, and max count of clones at 10th mythic rank has been increased to 5;
Witch's Animal Servant hex could have been used on animals - fixed;
Zippy Magic worked with abilities - fixed;
Angelfire Apostle had the Cleansing Flames feature on level 5 instead of level 9 - fixed;
Animal Companion feature Destructive Wrecker had no description - fixed;
Animal companion gained from Impossible Domain - Animal was leveling up incorrectly - fixed;
Believe in yourself spell incorrectly used mythic levels for scaling instead of CL - fixed;
Cavalier could Challenge their own horse. We asked them to treat their animal companion better, and they won't do it again;
Cruoromancer's Commanding Infusion ability don't work correctly - fixed;
Dispel Magic — Target used to make more than one dispel check - fixed;
Fixed Domain Zealot and other sources of metamagic;
Fixed the detection of hidden enemies with Trickster's Perception 2 rank;
Fixed the issue when resurrection didn't apply negative levels on Core difficulty and higher;
Fixed the issue with the incorrect number of attacks from Skald's Inspired Rage;
Fixed the Mounted Combat feat (mobility check didn't happen when the mount was hit);
Hellknight Signifer with Order of the Gate didn't reduce the arcane spell failure chance - fixed;
Persuasion 3 rank for Mythic Trickster didn't work correctly - fixed;
Powerful Charge ability, gained from mythic demon's Kalavakus or Schir forms, didn't have a description - fixed;
Remove Fear used to give immunity to fear - no it no longer does;
Spirited Charge don't work correctly - fixed;
The Piranha Strike feat, when used with a kineticist's Kinetic Blade doesn't increase the blade's damage - fixed;
Trickster's Athletics 3 Rank now works correctly after increasing your level;
Trickster's Mobility 3 Rank now works correctly.

Ahora solo falta que mañana se pronuncien sobre DLCs.

PD: Bueno, no. Los saves no son compatibles [mamaaaaa]

Si lo mejor es jugar un año después. xD
kjavi escribió:Por cierto, hablando del tema, acaba de salir la Beta de la 1.2 de PWotR. 17 gb. Espectacular contenido. Hay que activarla. :O


Beer Elementals and Lager Beer Elementals finally look like beer!
Aivu’s caster level has been reduced, but she can now wear bardings instead;
Reworked Aivu's Frightful Presence ability so that it can be now activated and deactivated;
Changed the visual of Mythic Aeon after the full transformation;
Fixed the issue which prevented the Masterful Dispel achievement from unlocking.

The patch also includes numerous tweaks and fixes for the crusade, various mythic paths and other aspects of the game (see below).

Known issues:

The beta version doesn’t include some free DLC functionality and pre-order items;
The beta version is not available on macOS;
When creating a new character, the character’s model is missing for now;
After entering some locations in Drezen with their skeletal companion, Lich won't be able to exit - fix is coming soon.

Please back up your saves if you want to participate in beta, because the saves you make in version 1.2 may not be compatible with version 1.1.

Beware of possible plot spoilers!


Fixed inability to complete the quest "By the Will of the Stars" if you pick up the mysterious message from under the stone and leave the location without ambushing;
The dialogue with the final boss in The Secrets of Creation quest wasn't working - fixed;
A dialogue near the Sword of Valor in Iz could sometimes cut off before it was supposed to - fixed;
A quarrel with Zacharius didn't always make him hostile - fixed;
Added reactivity to the dialogue with Cessily if the player is a follower of Sarenrae;
Anevia could come to the Commander to report the situation in Wintersun while being dead. Fixed - now dead Anevia will no longer walk;
Arueshalae, after rejecting the path of redemption, and becoming Evilrue, won't be refusing intimacy with a player on the path of a lich until they complete the mythic transformation;
Baphomet (or his statue, to be more precise) sometimes assumed that you were following the Devil mythic path, even when you were not - turns out it wasn’t all about his traumatic past with Asmodeus after all;
Berenguer could mention the rescue of Lariel before the player got to actually rescue the angel - fixed;
Changed the appearance of the ghost which helps the Demon escape from prison in chapter 3;
During the final scene at Threshold, an Angel could see both Katair and Eliandra, regardless of your previous choices - fixed;
During the hellknights' tribunal, Regill did not blame the Commander for accepting Nocticula's Profane Gift, as well as the attempt to befriend Baphomet. We had to remind him, so he will now have a serious talk with you;
Final romantic event with Wenduag didn't start, if she was previously removed from the active party - fixed;
Fixed an issue, which prevented Staunton from appearing in Drezen for Aeon;
Fixed the Fearless Flirt quest with Jeocot, and now a scene with him will work correctly at the Fleshmarkets;
Herald refused to talk to the angel character in Nexus if the Commander previously told him not to interfere in the conversation - fixed;
During the On Hope's Wings quest, objective "Find and save Targona" was marked as failed even if completed - fixed;
In rare cases, the quest Dragon's Awakening might not start at the right moment - fixed;
In Sarzaksis' dialogue some of Arueshalae's lines were labeled as Sarzakys' Interpreter's lines - fixed;
In the fifth chapter, on the Legend path, Targona had Aivu's lines instead of her own - fixed;
Irabeth had a wrong alignment, and wasn't prepared for a march on Iz - fixed;
It was possible to find the clapper of the bell in Green Gates even if you refused Arueshalae's help - fixed;
It was possible to send Berenguer to a dangerous mission in Alushinyrra once more - fixed;
It's now possible to kill Arueshalae without further ado in Green Gates, if you threatened her earlier;
Killing Daeran during One Final Breath didn't end a romance with him, which affected the Lich mythic path - fixed;
Mielarah could still charge you the full price, even if you agreed on a discount - fixed;
Minor fixes for the dialogue with Deskari in Iz for Swarm-That-Walks;
Minor improvements in a dialogue with Shamira in chapter 4;
Peacefully solving the conflict in Chilly Creek in the final dialogue now gives experience points;
Sometimes when changing mythic paths in Chapter 5, former Lich still had access to the Ziggurat - fixed;
Sosiel will stop asking Wirlong Black Mask about his brother, if you already found his brother on the arena;
Sosiel's companion quest wouldn't complete after speaking with the impostor for the second time - fixed;
Targona could die in combat while searching for a portal to the lair of Echo of Deskari (quest "Devastation"), which made the further progression of the angelic mythic path impossible - fixed;
The quartermaster will now leave the commander, who stepped on the path of Swarm-That-Walks in chapter 5;
Improved the scene of Trickster turning Vellexia into a mirror;
In Leper's Smile you can now use more spells to heal the blind halfling;
Now it's possible to mention the information from Lexicon of Paradox while rolling the checks in the dialogue with Iomedae, Nocticula and Areelu in chapter 5. Additionally, reading two halves of the Lexicon now provides bonuses;
Second Lann's quest could end incorrectly, if a dead Wenduag was present in the group - fixed;
Sometimes the Spiritual Bonds quest didn't start - fixed.


Added a mark on the map to show where the Alushinyrra's assassin guild is located (the place you need to visit during Greybor's quest);
Brawlers in Alushinyrra Lower City stopped fighting, when the player left, and didn't resume the fight afterwards - fixed;
During Drezen siege, players could enter the citadel through enter point on top of the tower - fixed;
Fixed an issue in Blackwater, which allowed to loot a container with a bomb before coming up the stairs;
Fixed and optimized the lighting in a number of locations within the Enigma;
Fixed bug with the absence of drops on the ground when it rains;
Fixed incorrect camera angle when entering Pulura's Fall from the global map;
Fixed problems with the portal in the Upper City of Alushinyrra hidden behind the barrier (under certain conditions it was impossible to remove the barrier blocking it);
Fixed the camera movement in the final cutscene in Nexus;
Fixed the floating candle effects in Heaven's Edge;
Fixed the issue with infinite skill checks to assemble the Helm of Psionic Protection via the computer in Blackwater;
Fixed the lighting in Drezen's tavern;
Fixed the passability in Areelu's Laboratory;
Fixed the passability issues in Alushinyrra Upper City (and a certain chest has become easier to access);
Fixed the wrong text when inspecting a dragon scale in Dragon Burial Ground;
Improve the scene of Yaniel's murder in Midnight Fane;
Improved the behavior of salamanders in Alushinyrra's Lower City;
Improved the fire effects when returning to Drezen;
Improved the navigation on the map of Kenabres;
Improved the passability of Alushinyrra brothel;
Improved the placement of enemies in Colyphyr Mines - demons now respect each other's personal space;
Improved the scene of teleportation for Morevet Honeyed Tongue;
In Alushinyrra brothel it was possible to pick Morevet after killing her - fixed;
In Iz, when transitioning from indoors to the wall outside, part of the group could end up above the wall - fixed;
In Midnight Fane it was possible to get 2 keys from the priestess of Nocticula - fixed;
In some areas of the Colyphyr Mines one could see through walls - fixed;
It was possible to miss an encounter with daring slavers in Alushinyrra Lower City - fixed;
It's no longer possible to exit the Lair of the Spinner of Nightmares until you finish your business there;
Minor improvements in the dialogue with the cultists in the Ten Thousand Delights;
Minor visual improvements in Alushinyrra Middle City;
One of the rare scenarios in Temple of the Good Hunt for the Lich mythic path worked incorrectly - fixed;
Participants of two cut-scenes in the Valley of Temples now dismount during these cut-scenes;
Portraits and names of Nocticula and Iomedae are now being displayed correctly in the dialogue on the first floor of Threshold fortress;
Removed a duplicating narrative text on a picture with a dragon at Dragon Burial Ground;
Slaves at Fleshmarkets had loot - fixed;
Sleeping giant in Ashen Grotto sometimes would initiate a combat and get back to sleep right away - fixed;
Sometimes the unlucky tiefling at Kenabres Market Square could get stuck under rubble twice - fixed;
Sosiel now plays cards in the cemetery more often. We do not blame the desire to escape from the hardships of the Fifth Crusade, though;
The Ashen Grotto area now has proper terrain settings;
The borders of the level geometry were visible in the fog under the Ivory Sanctum area - fixed;
The exit has been marked on the local map of the Lair of the Spinner of Nightmares area;
The name of the final Enigma location was missing - fixed;
The possibility to block the doors in the Midnight Fane so that passage to Drezen (in Chapter 5) would be impossible - fixed;
The transport situation in Alushinyrra Middle City has been improved, specifically for the Fleshmarkets, and now the characters you need don't come to work late;
Visual fixes to buildings in Drezen;
While in Iz and Threshold, Targona had a demonic wing regardless of your choices - fixed;
Yaker will no longer hang out at Hellknights Outpost if he died in the beginning of chapter 5;
Areas that require a certain companion to be present in the party, will no longer be accessible if the companion is dead. Apologies to amateur necromancers;
A trap at Mutasafen's Laboratory now works correctly;
Added Personal Chest to Threshold camp;
Companions no longer help Commander with sex adventures in the brothel (a companion with the highest Fortitude used to roll the checks);
In rare cases, the second dialogue with Targona didn't happen in Areelu's Laboratory - fixed;
It was possible to get stuck on the balcony of the Assassin's Guild in Alushinyrra is you saved the game nearby - fixed;
Now during fights in Alushinyrra, flying islands will ignore camera movements;
Now in the final dialogue in the game only the player rolls for checks, not the party members.


Added mammoth animation;
Additional 20 Speed has been added to Vampire Ninja Pirates;
Asmodean Clerics now have Slow ability;
Bane of Demons didn't work correctly - fixed;
Beer Elementals and Lager Beer Elementals finally look like beer!
Bestow Curse now has additional use;
Bloodragers' damage has been significantly increased;
Bolt of Justice — Unholy Enemy now works according to its description;
Burning didn't work correctly - fixed;
Cause Fear ability now has a sound effect;
Church Guards' damage has been moderately increased;
Cone of Cold didn't work correctly - fixed;
Damage from Ambush has been significantly increased;
Dominate can no longer be applied to units with immunity to mind-affecting effects;
Dragon Disciples spell power has been slightly decreased;
Duelists' damage and speed have been moderately increased;
Feature Board! has been added to Vampire Ninja Pirates;
Fixed giant spider's animation;
Fixed the bloodstains in the tactical combat;
Fixed the issue with Trickster's rank-ups;
Fixed the visuals of the giant salamander;
General's healing abilities used to heal undead units instead of damaging them - fixed;
The behavior of Giant Salamanders, Fire Elementals, and Water Elementals has been improved;
Greater Channel Negative Energy didn't heal the undead units - fixed;
Harpoon can't be applied to Large units now;
Honor Guards, Monks, Scaled Fists and Sisters of the Golden Erinyes now have Shield Wall ability;
Inquisitors' damage and speed have been moderately increased;
Marksmen's damage has been moderately decreased;
Pet Drake now works according to its description;
Precise Prediction ability now has a sound effect;
Pressing the Search button didn't update the resources - fixed;
Profane Healing now has additional use;
Raiders' damage has been significantly increased;
Rapid Strike didn't work correctly - fixed;
Retaliation ability now has a sound effect;
Shield Wall didn't give the bonus to some grand tier units - fixed;
Siphon Time now works according to the description;
Sleep Breath ability has been added to the Dragon Disciples;
Some players could not proceed to the Military Rank 2 - fixed;
Some units could use Slow on ranged units - fixed;
Summon Steeds (Centipedes) didn't work correctly - fixed;
Summon Steeds (Elks) didn't work correctly - fixed;
The actual damage from Stone Throw was lower than the predicted damage - fixed;
The attack and damage of Arcanists, Bards, Dragon Disciples, Signifers, Magi, Sorcerers, Witches, Wizards has been significantly increased;
The attack and damage of Illusionists, Necromancers, Retrievers has been moderately increased;
The damage and speed of Bards have been moderately increased;
The damage and spell power of Knights of Ozem have been moderately increased;
The damage and spell power of Sorcerers have been moderately decreased;
The damage of Centipedes, Clerics of Cayden Cailean, Golden Legionnaires, Kalavakuses, Tarry Demodands has been slightly increased;
The damage of Erinyes, Infernal Archers has been moderately decreased;
The damage of Mendevian Cavaliers has been significantly increased;
The damage of Asmodean Clerics, Barbarians, Beer Elementals, Hardened Veterans, Honor Guards, Infernal Cavalry, Lager Beer Elementals, Monks, Mummy Clerics, Sisters of the Golden Erinyes, Vampires, Warbarian Ragepriests, Water Elementals has been moderately increased;
The event card "Pillar of Skulls Calling" sometimes appeared after the event already took place - fixed;
The health of Cultist Cutthroats has been slightly increased;
The Search button didn't become active after buying the required resources - fixed;
The speed of Giant Salamanders has been moderately increased;
The spellpower of Illusionists has been significantly decreased;
The spellpower of Kineticists has been moderately decreased;
The spellpower of Tarry Demodands has been slightly decreased;
The Stubborn ability increased the damage more than the design suggested - fixed;
The tutorial about army management popped up during the first dialogue with Irabeth - fixed;
Visual effect of Fear Aura is shown correctly now;
Warpriests' damage and spell power have been moderately increased;
Wounded feat didn't work correctly - fixed;
Fixed the abrupt end of battle and incorrect order of turns after the effect of Crushing Despair ended;
Time Manipulation didn't speed up recruit growth - fixed;
Upon finishing the project, the result wasn't displayed - fixed.

Classes & Mechanics

Added an ability to dismiss repurpose effect from an undead creature under your command and kill it permanently;
Added an error message for attempting to cast mind-affecting spells on the undead;
Added name and description for the Dismiss Repurpose ability;
Added Skeleton Upgrade Selection for Lich on 10th mythic rank. Characters that already got the 10th mythic rank need to be retrained to get the feature;
Additional spell damage from Aspect of Brimorak didn't work - fixed;
After retraining a monk, you kept the wisdom bonus to AC for the new class - fixed;
Aivu the dragon had Weapon Focus (Dagger) - fixed, but only if you haven't met Aivu yet;
Aivu used to eat so many cookies that she could eventually become even more powerful than the Commander, which looked quite strange (it is the Commander who gives her powers, after all). We had to fix it: now her caster level cannot get more than 20, and also the damage of her breath weapon and her damage reduction were decreased a little bit. To not get her upset, we gave Aivu the ability to wear cool shiny bardings instead;
Angelfire Apostle and Feyspeaker couldn't merge the spellbook with the Angel - fixed;
Angelfire Apostle didn't get 10 level spells when merging spellbook with Angel - fixed;
Arcane Bloodrage spell Protection from Arrows didn't have a description - fixed;
Ascendant Element mythic ability description has been clarified;
Break Enchantment spell didn't remove petrification from characters - fixed;
Breath of Life casting took a full round, which was incorrect - fixed;
Cruoromancer's animate dead spell on level 3 couldn't be placed into their favorite school slots - fixed;
Darrazand used Greater Dispel Magic when you first met him during Drezen siege, which was rather unwise for him - fixed;
Demon Lord Aspect mythic ability description has been updated;
Disabled notifications on the quest "The Conquest of Alushinyrra" in Demon's mythic path;
Doom to Servitude won't work on the undead anymore - what is dead may never die!
Dragonkind II transformed the character into a red dragon, even if the character has a gold dragon bloodline - fixed;
Ember used to put Evil Eye on her friends - fixed, she promised she won't do it again;
Enduring Spells and Greater Enduring Spells worked with the spells cast from scrolls and items - fixed (they will only work with spells you memorized now);
Enduring Spells worked on abilities - fixed;
Fast Healing buff didn't have a description - fixed;
Fixed description of Demonic Aspect;
Fixed the texts for some feats of the Gold Dragon;
For Arcane Rider with the Enduring Blade ability, the animal companion didn't get the weapon enchantment - fixed;
For certain group formations, some characters could not move after Athletics check - fixed;
Freezing Cold didn't increase the Winter Witch's caster level by 1 at 6th - fixed;
Frightful Presence ability description has been added;
Gold Dragon could select racial feats that they were not supposed to have - fixed, but will require retraining if you took those feats already;
Gold Dragon mythic path improvements: Perfect Body, Perfect Mind, Perfect Soul features now add a bigger bonus to the attribute with maximum value;
Greater Arcane Bloodrage spell Displacement didn't have a description - fixed;
Greater Arcane Bloodrage spell Haste didn't have a description - fixed;
Greater arcane bloodrage was giving haste or displacement effect for a single round - fixed;
Havoc dragon's breath weapon description has been updated;
Heavenly Host wasn't giving the Sword of Heaven effect to the whole party - fixed;
Hellfire Ray dealt more unholy damage than it was supposed to - fixed;
Hellknights could use domain abilities, but couldn't pick mythic ability Domain Zealot - fixed;
Azata abilities Heroes Never Surrender and Joy of Life didn't restore restore spells correctly - fixed;
Hunt Caller got Call of the Wild — Beast Shape III on level 17 instead of 18, and Beast Shape don't work - fixed;
Improved the description of Angel's Sword of Heaven;
Improved the description of Azata Supersonic Speed feat;
Improved the description of Demonic Rage;
It was impossible to talk to a companion after their respec - fixed;
Lich's Skeletal Fighter could select bardings and advanced weapon training in Bonus Combat Feat - fixed;
Marvelous Endurance fast healing had incorrect calculation - fixed;
Mongrel's Blessing had incorrect DC - fixed;
Mutasafen has been weakened on difficulty levels below Normal;
Mythic Carnivorous Crystal had an unlootable belt and 12 Mythic Levels instead of 6 Mythic Levels - fixed;
Negative Energy Fervor — Self didn't have a description - fixed;
Nightshade Nightcrawler summoned by Lich didn't do anything - fixed;
Now Demon gains the first Demon Lord Aspect at the 9th mythic rank, and the second aspect at the 10th mythical rank. If the character has already reached 9th mythic rank, you'll need to retrain them in order to get the new feature;
On a successful save from a Telekinetic Strike, the target used to take half the damage, which was incorrect - fixed;
Oracle curses didn't give features from the previous levels when you got a curse after multiclassing - fixed;
Player could not select Crossblooded Sorcerer for HKS, it showed as Sage Sorcerer - fixed.
Reworked Aeon's Enforcing Gaze feature. Now you have more options to choose from and make builds;
Reworked Aivu's Frightful Presence ability so that it can be now activated and deactivated. Sometimes she simply wanted to play and was so sad everybody was running away!
Shaman's Evil Eye didn't have VFX that Witch's Evil Eye had - fixed;
Shaman's Life Spirit Channel Positive Energy didn't have a description - fixed;
Some disease effects from the enemies didn't work correctly with the effects that were supposed to protect from them (such as Aura of Health, for example) - fixed;
Song of Courageous Defender wasn't giving DR 5/- to a chosen companion and was giving 5 to energy resistance instead - fixed;
Summon Skill says summon "Vilderavn" instead of Wild Hunt - fixed;.
Swarm Clone mythic ability description has been updated;
The Command Undead ability of the Lich had a too low DC - fixed;
The Death of Elements — Consuming Elements ability of the Lich had a wrong usage counter - fixed;
The description of Dazed condition was incorrect in some situations - fixed;
The descriptions of Aeon's mythic abilities have been updated;
The majority of drow used to be neutral - fixed, now they are as evil as they should be;
The Sage Sorcerer archetype didn't list the benefits of the Arcane Bloodline, and didn't have any bloodline info in the character panel - fixed;
Trickster Lore Religion rank 2 didn't offer two domains as stated, abilities from the domain didn't have correct progression - fixed;
True Arcane Bloodrage spells didn't have descriptions - fixed;
Using scrolls with the spells you already have in your spellbook doesn't require a Use Magic Device check anymore;
Wandering Spirit ability didn't have a description - fixed;
Warpriest's Sacred Armor abilities didn't have descriptions - fixed;
We changed how Swarm Clone mechanics works: now you can have a clone starting from 8th mythic rank, and max count of clones at 10th mythic rank has been increased to 5;
Witch's Animal Servant hex could have been used on animals - fixed;
Zippy Magic worked with abilities - fixed;
Angelfire Apostle had the Cleansing Flames feature on level 5 instead of level 9 - fixed;
Animal Companion feature Destructive Wrecker had no description - fixed;
Animal companion gained from Impossible Domain - Animal was leveling up incorrectly - fixed;
Believe in yourself spell incorrectly used mythic levels for scaling instead of CL - fixed;
Cavalier could Challenge their own horse. We asked them to treat their animal companion better, and they won't do it again;
Cruoromancer's Commanding Infusion ability don't work correctly - fixed;
Dispel Magic — Target used to make more than one dispel check - fixed;
Fixed Domain Zealot and other sources of metamagic;
Fixed the detection of hidden enemies with Trickster's Perception 2 rank;
Fixed the issue when resurrection didn't apply negative levels on Core difficulty and higher;
Fixed the issue with the incorrect number of attacks from Skald's Inspired Rage;
Fixed the Mounted Combat feat (mobility check didn't happen when the mount was hit);
Hellknight Signifer with Order of the Gate didn't reduce the arcane spell failure chance - fixed;
Persuasion 3 rank for Mythic Trickster didn't work correctly - fixed;
Powerful Charge ability, gained from mythic demon's Kalavakus or Schir forms, didn't have a description - fixed;
Remove Fear used to give immunity to fear - no it no longer does;
Spirited Charge don't work correctly - fixed;
The Piranha Strike feat, when used with a kineticist's Kinetic Blade doesn't increase the blade's damage - fixed;
Trickster's Athletics 3 Rank now works correctly after increasing your level;
Trickster's Mobility 3 Rank now works correctly.

Ahora solo falta que mañana se pronuncien sobre DLCs.

PD: Bueno, no. Los saves no son compatibles [mamaaaaa]

Si lo mejor es jugar un año después. xD

Que los saves del juego no son compatibles con los dlc y tendrías que empezar de 0?


No sorry me he explicado mal. Esto es la beta del parche 1.2 (parche muy tocho). Si juegas la beta tienes que empezar de cero pq los saves no son compatibles con versiones anteriores. Se supone, lo normal, es que cuando el parche salga de la beta y se lance pues sea compatible. Se supone, como en casi todos los juegos.



xDDDDDDDD retrasillo
Popoful escribió:Hola. Muy buenas. Dejo esto por aquí:

Dios, que pintaza. Últimamente me llaman los juegos con un apartado gráfico "clásico", y con ese tipo de cámara, y justo venía a preguntar si conocíais algún RPG con esas características. Me da igual que tenga 20 años si no ha envejecido excesivamente mal (que tampoco quiero jugar viendo píxeles de 32x32 xD).

Eso si, contra más cositas tenga mejor (profesiones, housing, etcétera). Ahora ando dándole a ATOM RPG pero necesito algo más. Preferiblemente ambientado en alguna guerra clásica, moderna, en el medievo o en el lejano oeste (nada de Sci-Fi, no me gusta).

Saludos y gracias!

Con perdón, qué pvto desastre de empresa. Primero que saldría casi a la vez, luego retrasado para Marzo, ahora 6 meses más... [facepalm]

En fin. Como para hypearse. Les falta sacar el juego en inglés en consolas.
Este me llama la atención... Pero últimamente estoy un poco reacio a comprar EA. Según pone en la hoja de ruta el juego saldrá en castellano.

Lores de los DLC de PWotR. El primero el 15 de febrero.

DLC #1:

Nueva campaña adicional. Importa a tu personaje de la campaña principal en el momento de su mayor triunfo: la victoria sobre la Herida del Mundo. Responde a la llamada de auxilio de un ser poderoso y deja Golarion atrás para proteger el continuo espacio-tiempo de su colapso inminente. Usa tus poderes míticos sin parangón para enfrentarte a enemigos invencibles. Esta campaña adicional ofrece 7-8 horas de juego.

DLC #2:

Nueva campaña adicional. El ataque demoníaco sobre Kenabres cambió muchas vidas. Mientras los héroes míticos liberaban la ciudad, el pueblo llano tuvo que encontrar la forma de sobrevivir con sus habilidades mundanas.

Únete a otros supervivientes e intenta llegar hasta la taberna Corazón del Defensor, el último reducto de las fuerzas cruzadas de la ciudad. Elige quién te acompañará y toma decisiones difíciles en la gestión de tus recursos limitados. Recuerda: entre las llamas de Kenabres, cada pergamino y cada poción puede marcar la diferencia no solo en un combate, sino en tu supervivencia. Actúa por el bien del grupo o céntrate exclusivamente en tu seguridad. Importa tus decisiones a la campaña principal y espera la continuación de esta historia en próximos DLC. Esta campaña adicional ofrece 6-7 horas de juego.

DLC #3:

Un nuevo modo roguelike integrado parcialmente en la campaña principal. Embarca en un navío maldito en el puerto de Alushinyrra para llegar hasta un misterioso remolino perdido entre las Islas de la Medianoche. Sumérgete en sus aguas y descubre una mazmorra de proporciones inconcebibles. Explora en busca de gloria, botín y combate y descubre un secreto que puede beneficiar a Noctícula, la señora del archipiélago, o a sus enemigos. Los niveles de la mazmorra, generados de forma aleatoria, están llenos de enemigos, trampas ingeniosas y salas secretas. Regresarás triunfante a Alushinyrra... o el barco maldito volverá sin tripulación, cargado con los tesoros de la última expedición y a la espera de nuevos aventureros.


El primer DLC conduce a la próxima saga. [borracho] [borracho] [looco] [looco]



Mírate Age of Decadence. Es de hace pocos años pero gráficos de la catapum. Ambientación Roma. Las clases son profesiones. Es un poco hardcore.

Lo pones difícil. Eso del "housing"... si es "gestión" sí. Ahora estoy jugando a Expeditions Rome (tb Roma). Hay gestión. Hay farmeo pero no demasiado. Lo digo pq si estás acostumbrado a supervivencia.

Difícil, más si descartas ScFi y por extensión imagino que fantasía.

Seguro que hay por eso. Mediaval tengo en la punta de la lengua [burla2] Si se me ocurre edito el post xDD
@kjavi pues ese que me has dicho está por menos de 3€, no tengo nada que perder.

Con SciFi me refiero mas con ambientación espacial. Si hay fantasía como magia, hechizos, pociones, enemigos que son gigantes, trolls y similares, eso me encanta, pero algo estilo Halo por ejemplo no me gusta nada, sin embargo algo estilo Elite Dangerous, o Star Citizen, si me gusta. Es decir, si se ambienta en el espacio, no me desagrada, pero las armas láser y demás pues son algo que no me gustan.

Ahora me ha dado por instalar el primer Fallout, que regalaron Fallout, Fallout 2, y Fallout Tactics hace tiempo, le he metido un mod que supuestamente mejora textos, cosas sin traducir, ligeramente la interfaz, y oye, me está gustando bastante, aunque me ha costado sudor y sangre acostumbrarme a los controles y el no poder desplazar la camara con AWSD, pero por el resto, me gusta, tanto gráficamente, como el diálogo y la dificultad. Llevo tres horas del tirón y apenas acabo de llegar al Eje, y el combate me está pareciendo dificil, a eso sumarle que en las misiones no te dan ninguna guía que seguir, y parece ser que ni se guarda el registro de misiones. Tenía una ahora en el Vertedero que no sabía como hacerla y la he dejado para el futuro. Desde luego me está gustando mucho. Y pensar que yo tenía dos añitos cuando salió... Me estoy sintiendo como que me perdí los mejores años de los RPG.

Ojalá los primeros Fallout remasterizados, pero solo gráficamente, y controles, sería la caña. Lástima que, o yo no se buscar, o no hay muchos juegos RPG como los anteriores Fallout pero con mecánicas y gráficos actuales.

Hombre el Atom es bastante falloutero.

Me tranquiliza por tus 3 euros que justo vengas de Fallout. Así no te dará un ictus con este [carcajad]

Esto... suerte xD

@Ark0 el AoD es un juegazo total, pero a ti que te gustan los survival te diría que mires el Kenshi también, que tiene mucho de eso y para mi es un juegazo con mucha personalidad y buenas ideas.
Eso si: no me hago responsable del daño que pueda causar a tus retinas xD

@kjavi Me muero de la alegría si el próximo es un Starfinder.
No me hagas pensar en esas cosas que lo di por hecho cuando te leí! xD
SpellMaster: The Saga
16 de Febrero

Nuevo mundo abierto RPG inspirado en Gothic en el que seremos un mago que quiere fundar y construir su propia academia de magia.


La mierda es que no viene traducido.
@kjavi otro estudio ruso.... joder les encantan los rpg's a estos rusos [+risas]
Estoy jugando al primer Fallout y estoy flipando con los diálogos, como una simple línea de diálogo y una decisión puede cambiar totalmente el rumbo de todo el dialogo anterior. Yo empecé con Fallout 3 en la época de Xbox 360, y se convirtió en mi RPG favorito, luego Fallout: New Vegas le quitó el puesto pero jamás logré acabarlo, y tengo muchas ganas de continuar con Fallout 2 y Fallout: Tactics a ver que tal. Este Fallout me está dando ganas de pasarme toda la saga con DLCs incluidos.

Una verdadera joya que se come y por mucho a otros juegos del género más actuales. Una vez te acostumbras a los controles, este juego se vuelve una droga muy dura.
@Ark0 yo estoy a fuegote con la saga Fallout. Jugué también hace poco al primero, pero me crasheó. Me encantan los rpgs viejunos con perspectiva isometrica.
Ark0 escribió:Estoy jugando al primer Fallout y estoy flipando con los diálogos, como una simple línea de diálogo y una decisión puede cambiar totalmente el rumbo de todo el dialogo anterior. Yo empecé con Fallout 3 en la época de Xbox 360, y se convirtió en mi RPG favorito, luego Fallout: New Vegas le quitó el puesto pero jamás logré acabarlo, y tengo muchas ganas de continuar con Fallout 2 y Fallout: Tactics a ver que tal. Este Fallout me está dando ganas de pasarme toda la saga con DLCs incluidos.

Una verdadera joya que se come y por mucho a otros juegos del género más actuales. Una vez te acostumbras a los controles, este juego se vuelve una droga muy dura.

Para mi la joya de la corona es este....
¿Fallout 2 mejora mucho al primero a nivel de mecánicas/gráficos?

Podéis matarme, pero intenté el 1 hace unos meses y...ufff.

Me trago cosas como los primeros Baldur's, Icewind y demás tan ricamente, pero eso era demasiado.
PHANTASIA escribió:¿Fallout 2 mejora mucho al primero a nivel de mecánicas/gráficos?

Podéis matarme, pero intenté el 1 hace unos meses y...ufff.

Me trago cosas como los primeros Baldur's, Icewind y demás tan ricamente, pero eso era demasiado.

Pues no la verdad jejeje pero a mi me parece todo un "mas y mejor" de libro, el 1 ya era la hostia, pero el 2 tiene más de todo, y todo lo que tiene que ver con la trama, misiones, personajes me parecieron superiores a la primera parte, no tiene ningún tipo de censura ni filtro, y trata cosas muy bestia...
Pues échale un veo al Atom RPg, que lo ponen por las nubes
spiderrrboy escribió:
Ark0 escribió:Estoy jugando al primer Fallout y estoy flipando con los diálogos, como una simple línea de diálogo y una decisión puede cambiar totalmente el rumbo de todo el dialogo anterior. Yo empecé con Fallout 3 en la época de Xbox 360, y se convirtió en mi RPG favorito, luego Fallout: New Vegas le quitó el puesto pero jamás logré acabarlo, y tengo muchas ganas de continuar con Fallout 2 y Fallout: Tactics a ver que tal. Este Fallout me está dando ganas de pasarme toda la saga con DLCs incluidos.

Una verdadera joya que se come y por mucho a otros juegos del género más actuales. Una vez te acostumbras a los controles, este juego se vuelve una droga muy dura.

Para mi la joya de la corona es este....


Pues acabo de terminar el primer Fallout, me ha parecido muy buen juego, 17 horas me ha durado, y me he dejado muchas secundarias sin hacer, y objetos sin conseguir, pero es que el tramo final ya se me estaba haciendo mucha bola. Para mi el final está muy de relleno, aunque es un juego de hace casi 30 años, también es normal, pero para el final he tenido que mirar un vídeo por que ya me estaba costando horrores seguir jugando, quería acabar y ya, por que como digo, el tramo final se me ha hecho muchísima bola.

Ya he descargado Fallout 2, a ver si mas tarde lo empiezo, voy a ir mirando si hay algún parche no oficial o algo, como el que hay para el primer Fallout.

Edito: Acabo de ver que Fallout 2 no está traducido al español. Traducen el primero pero no el segundo, que sinsentido. Aun así he visto que los de clan Dlan lo han traducido, espero que esté todo bien traducido, por que no me apetece jugar en inglés y no enterarme de todo xD
Ark0 escribió:
spiderrrboy escribió:
Ark0 escribió:Estoy jugando al primer Fallout y estoy flipando con los diálogos, como una simple línea de diálogo y una decisión puede cambiar totalmente el rumbo de todo el dialogo anterior. Yo empecé con Fallout 3 en la época de Xbox 360, y se convirtió en mi RPG favorito, luego Fallout: New Vegas le quitó el puesto pero jamás logré acabarlo, y tengo muchas ganas de continuar con Fallout 2 y Fallout: Tactics a ver que tal. Este Fallout me está dando ganas de pasarme toda la saga con DLCs incluidos.

Una verdadera joya que se come y por mucho a otros juegos del género más actuales. Una vez te acostumbras a los controles, este juego se vuelve una droga muy dura.

Para mi la joya de la corona es este....


Pues acabo de terminar el primer Fallout, me ha parecido muy buen juego, 17 horas me ha durado, y me he dejado muchas secundarias sin hacer, y objetos sin conseguir, pero es que el tramo final ya se me estaba haciendo mucha bola. Para mi el final está muy de relleno, aunque es un juego de hace casi 30 años, también es normal, pero para el final he tenido que mirar un vídeo por que ya me estaba costando horrores seguir jugando, quería acabar y ya, por que como digo, el tramo final se me ha hecho muchísima bola.

Ya he descargado Fallout 2, a ver si mas tarde lo empiezo, voy a ir mirando si hay algún parche no oficial o algo, como el que hay para el primer Fallout.

Ojito que el fallout 2 no tiene traduccion oficial, si una hecha por clan dlan, que es muy buena.... Yo ese de la foto me lo pidio mi padre de importacion cuando salio, en ingles lo jugue, con el traductor al lado como un loco, mi nivel de ingles con 14 años era pauperrimo jajaja
Lo editaste a la misma vez que yo jajjaja
@Ark0 compi, pásame el enlace de ese parche no oficial para Fallout 1. Es que a mí me crashea. A ver si así se soluciona el tema. Estoy de los crasheos hasta las amígdalas. El Fallout 3 y el New Vegas me han petado también alguna que otra vez. Menos mal que hay guardado en la nube...
Hoz3 escribió:@Ark0 compi, pásame el enlace de ese parche no oficial para Fallout 1. Es que a mí me crashea. A ver si así se soluciona el tema. Estoy de los crasheos hasta las amígdalas. El Fallout 3 y el New Vegas me han petado también alguna que otra vez. Menos mal que hay guardado en la nube...

Pon en Google "fallout fixt español" tal cual, y el primer enlace que encuentres de Clan Dlan, ahí lo tienes.

Luego te saldrá otro enlace de Steam que es una guía y ahí te explica como hacer para que te cuente las horas mientras juegas con el parche instalado.
Ark0 escribió:
Hoz3 escribió:@Ark0 compi, pásame el enlace de ese parche no oficial para Fallout 1. Es que a mí me crashea. A ver si así se soluciona el tema. Estoy de los crasheos hasta las amígdalas. El Fallout 3 y el New Vegas me han petado también alguna que otra vez. Menos mal que hay guardado en la nube...

Pon en Google "fallout fixt español" tal cual, y el primer enlace que encuentres de Clan Dlan, ahí lo tienes.

Luego te saldrá otro enlace de Steam que es una guía y ahí te explica como hacer para que te cuente las horas mientras juegas con el parche instalado.

Gracias [beer]
Primera hora de Fallout 2, y me está decepcionando sobremanera el combate. No es que el combate sea dificil, es que directamente es injusto. Se basa puramente en las habilidades, no tiene otros factores como la cercanía de tu personaje al enemigo. Me he tirado literalmente hora y media solo en la zona de inicio por que a medio centímetro de los enemigos mi porcentaje de impacto era de 36%, mientras que los enemigos me daban todos los golpes quitándome de 5 en 5 de vida.

El juego indirectamente te obliga si o si a iniciar un personaje creado única y exclusivamente para el combate, como quieras hacerte un personaje con diálogo, sigilo y otras habilidades que no sean cuerpo a cuerpo, no pasas del principio ni queriendo. Entiendo un combate dificil, pero no entiendo un combate injusto en un juego RPG donde de inicio ya no te dejan ser quien tu quieras ser, si no quien el juego decide quien debes ser. Punto más que negativo en ese aspecto, parece ser que no puedes iniciar el juego en dificil por que no das ni al aire.

Estoy intentando hacer una misión que te manda el doctor de la tribu de matar a dos plantas de mierda, y es imposible, llego a dejarlos en agonizantes y aun así no mueren, y quitan un tortón de vida...

Veremos como avanza luego el juego, por ahora no tengo ganas de seguir por que he acabado bastante mosqueado de ver que tener un 48% de posibilidad de impacto está mas cerca de ser un 0% que un 50%...

Eso si, en cuanto a color, gráficos y controles me está resultando mas agradable que el primer Fallout, aunque me estoy dejando los ojos en las conversaciones por que la traducción al español no deja cambiar los ajustes de pantalla [qmparto]

Editasión por bocas: Creo que lo que influye en el porcentaje de impacto es la suerte y la tengo al 4 [qmparto] Por que cuerpo a cuerpo y melee lo tengo a 50% [fiu]
Ark0 escribió:Primera hora de Fallout 2, y me está decepcionando sobremanera el combate. No es que el combate sea dificil, es que directamente es injusto. Se basa puramente en las habilidades, no tiene otros factores como la cercanía de tu personaje al enemigo. Me he tirado literalmente hora y media solo en la zona de inicio por que a medio centímetro de los enemigos mi porcentaje de impacto era de 36%, mientras que los enemigos me daban todos los golpes quitándome de 5 en 5 de vida.

El juego indirectamente te obliga si o si a iniciar un personaje creado única y exclusivamente para el combate, como quieras hacerte un personaje con diálogo, sigilo y otras habilidades que no sean cuerpo a cuerpo, no pasas del principio ni queriendo. Entiendo un combate dificil, pero no entiendo un combate injusto en un juego RPG donde de inicio ya no te dejan ser quien tu quieras ser, si no quien el juego decide quien debes ser. Punto más que negativo en ese aspecto, parece ser que no puedes iniciar el juego en dificil por que no das ni al aire.

Estoy intentando hacer una misión que te manda el doctor de la tribu de matar a dos plantas de mierda, y es imposible, llego a dejarlos en agonizantes y aun así no mueren, y quitan un tortón de vida...

Veremos como avanza luego el juego, por ahora no tengo ganas de seguir por que he acabado bastante mosqueado de ver que tener un 48% de posibilidad de impacto está mas cerca de ser un 0% que un 50%...

Eso si, en cuanto a color, gráficos y controles me está resultando mas agradable que el primer Fallout, aunque me estoy dejando los ojos en las conversaciones por que la traducción al español no deja cambiar los ajustes de pantalla [qmparto]

El recuerdo que tengo yo (lo jugué allá por 2004 así que lo tengo un poco distorsionado) es que al principio costaba horrores pero que si consigues sobrevivir (a veces era necesario "reptar" mucho para ello [sonrisa] ) la cosa mejora. Yo jugaba con un pj enfocado a diálogo etc pero los primeros niveles visto el percal me subí un poco de combate, y cuando me estabilicé ya volví a la idea inicial.

Si te gustó el 1, dale más tiempo.
Kafkan5 escribió:
Ark0 escribió:Primera hora de Fallout 2, y me está decepcionando sobremanera el combate. No es que el combate sea dificil, es que directamente es injusto. Se basa puramente en las habilidades, no tiene otros factores como la cercanía de tu personaje al enemigo. Me he tirado literalmente hora y media solo en la zona de inicio por que a medio centímetro de los enemigos mi porcentaje de impacto era de 36%, mientras que los enemigos me daban todos los golpes quitándome de 5 en 5 de vida.

El juego indirectamente te obliga si o si a iniciar un personaje creado única y exclusivamente para el combate, como quieras hacerte un personaje con diálogo, sigilo y otras habilidades que no sean cuerpo a cuerpo, no pasas del principio ni queriendo. Entiendo un combate dificil, pero no entiendo un combate injusto en un juego RPG donde de inicio ya no te dejan ser quien tu quieras ser, si no quien el juego decide quien debes ser. Punto más que negativo en ese aspecto, parece ser que no puedes iniciar el juego en dificil por que no das ni al aire.

Estoy intentando hacer una misión que te manda el doctor de la tribu de matar a dos plantas de mierda, y es imposible, llego a dejarlos en agonizantes y aun así no mueren, y quitan un tortón de vida...

Veremos como avanza luego el juego, por ahora no tengo ganas de seguir por que he acabado bastante mosqueado de ver que tener un 48% de posibilidad de impacto está mas cerca de ser un 0% que un 50%...

Eso si, en cuanto a color, gráficos y controles me está resultando mas agradable que el primer Fallout, aunque me estoy dejando los ojos en las conversaciones por que la traducción al español no deja cambiar los ajustes de pantalla [qmparto]

El recuerdo que tengo yo (lo jugué allá por 2004 así que lo tengo un poco distorsionado) es que al principio costaba horrores pero que si consigues sobrevivir (a veces era necesario "reptar" mucho para ello [sonrisa] ) la cosa mejora. Yo jugaba con un pj enfocado a diálogo etc pero los primeros niveles visto el percal me subí un poco de combate, y cuando me estabilicé ya volví a la idea inicial.

Si te gustó el 1, dale más tiempo.

Justo acabo de editar [qmparto] Como decía, melee y cuerpo a cuerpo lo tengo al 50%, pero la suerte la tengo en la caca, unos 3-4 puntos solo por que en los anteriores Fallout nunca me he preocupado por la suerte, y no se si aquí la suerte influye en el porcentaje de impacto (espero que no [pos eso] )

Ya he conseguido salir de la primera zona y he ido al primer poblado. No se, pero siento todo muy diferente a Fallout 1, la movilidad del personaje, los diálogos y los gráficos, me gustan mas los de Fallout 2. Espero que no me pase como el primer Fallout, que en el combate final tuve que bajar la dificultad al minimo por que me pareció alucinante lo mal balanceado que estaba (miré varios vídeos de ese combate y todos iban igual de equipados que yo, algunos incluso con menos PS, pero no se si jugaban en dificil), por que por culpa de ese combate en el que literalmente estuve hora y media, se me hizo bola el tramo final.

PD: Estoy deseando llegar a Fallout 3 por culpa del primer Fallout, le metí la rehostia de horas en X360, pero habiendo jugado los tres anteriores seguro que veo Fallout 3 con otros ojos y acabo entendiendo mas detalles.
@Ark0 A ver el fallout 3 de fallout tiene el nombre y la temática pero es un juego totalmente distinto a lo que hizo Black Isle en los dos primeros fallouts... No hay una continuidad entre fallout 1 y 2 y después el 3...
spiderrrboy escribió:@Ark0 A ver el fallout 3 de fallout tiene el nombre y la temática pero es un juego totalmente distinto a lo que hizo Black Isle en los dos primeros fallouts... No hay una continuidad entre fallout 1 y 2 y después el 3...

Ya hombre, se que no tiene nada que ver con los anteriores, pero se que algún que otro personaje de los primeros Fallout si aparece, y me gustaría conocerlos antes en los otros Fallout, por que a lo mejor luego en el resto de Fallout veo a esos personajes de otra manera.

Pues una vez pasada la hora y media larga de sufrimiento con el combate de mierda que parece al principio, me está gustando mucho mas este Fallout 2 que el primer Fallout. Me he tirado casi tres horas en la misma ubicación explorando, hablando y haciendo misiones. Por lo pronto me gusta eso de que varias misiones sean en la misma ubicación y se apañen muy bien al nivel de tu personaje, y no te manden a tomar por saco a tener que reventar a cuatrocientos mutantes que de dos soplidos te tumban, cosa que para mi pecaba mucho en el primer Fallout.

Como RPG me está gustando también más, los diálogos me parecen mas fluidos y bien resumidos, a veces en el primer Fallout odiaba los diálogos de relleno que no aportaban nada a la historia.

Por lo pronto, para mi ha envejecido muchísimo mejor Fallout 2, que el primer Fallout, eso si, como no juegues al primero, no te enteras de más de la mitad de diálogos en un primer momento.
Ark0 escribió:
spiderrrboy escribió:@Ark0 A ver el fallout 3 de fallout tiene el nombre y la temática pero es un juego totalmente distinto a lo que hizo Black Isle en los dos primeros fallouts... No hay una continuidad entre fallout 1 y 2 y después el 3...

Ya hombre, se que no tiene nada que ver con los anteriores, pero se que algún que otro personaje de los primeros Fallout si aparece, y me gustaría conocerlos antes en los otros Fallout, por que a lo mejor luego en el resto de Fallout veo a esos personajes de otra manera.

Pues una vez pasada la hora y media larga de sufrimiento con el combate de mierda que parece al principio, me está gustando mucho mas este Fallout 2 que el primer Fallout. Me he tirado casi tres horas en la misma ubicación explorando, hablando y haciendo misiones. Por lo pronto me gusta eso de que varias misiones sean en la misma ubicación y se apañen muy bien al nivel de tu personaje, y no te manden a tomar por saco a tener que reventar a cuatrocientos mutantes que de dos soplidos te tumban, cosa que para mi pecaba mucho en el primer Fallout.

Como RPG me está gustando también más, los diálogos me parecen mas fluidos y bien resumidos, a veces en el primer Fallout odiaba los diálogos de relleno que no aportaban nada a la historia.

Por lo pronto, para mi ha envejecido muchísimo mejor Fallout 2, que el primer Fallout, eso si, como no juegues al primero, no te enteras de más de la mitad de diálogos en un primer momento.

Si no recuerdo mal, el Fallout 2 coge todo lo bueno del 1 y lo mejora. Es una pasada de juego.

Eso sí, ves grabando en varios slots, porque recuerdo una situación en la ciudad esa que hay un casino (Treno?) que me quedé atrapado en una situación de luchar o morir, y al no tener el pj 100% enfocado a luchar...no había salida. Menos mal que tenía otro save reciente.

Luego ya al final del juego volví y rebenté a todo dios ratataaaa
Buenas. Yo tenía Fallout 2 en mi lista de pendientes y leyéndoos se me están quitando las ganas. Soy mucho de hacerme personajes de sigilo y/o carisma y me mosquea soberanamente cuando me encuentro con alguna situación que sólo puede resolverse con combate directo, me parece un fallo de diseño clamoroso.
11046 respuestas