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javitoto escribió:Dene escribió:@javitoto Ya es el segundo spoiler que sueltas y me como. Usa la opción de ocultar texto por favor.
Si prefieres seguir a tu bola e ir ensuciando el hilo, avisa y te pongo en ignorados.
Cual fue el primero ?![]()
He leido, 300 secundarias que todavia no he logrado, he leido algo sobre fantasy zoney yo solo he comentado algo.-
Ahora cual fue el primer spoiler ?
javitoto escribió:Me acaba de pasar, algooooooooooooooooooo increible. Amo este juego.
Onekapense escribió:PD: Me parece bastante mas interesante de los dos juegos de gestion el de Kiryu, por otra parte, a nivel de secundarias, las de Majima las veo mucho mejores.
Recojo ahora mismo 850 millones cada 10 minutos con el negocio de Kazuma. Todos los locales adquiridos, 4 zonas con 100% y mejoradas al máximo y 1 a medias. Nada mejorado con CP en el templo.
Cual es la pega? Pues que me he tenido que gastar en total unos 20 mil millones. Así que para recuperar la inversión tendré que recoger beneficios unas 24 veces, yo lo que hago es irme a hacer algún minijuego y cada media horita o así pasarme por la oficina. Así que a 2 veces por hora en unas 12 horas más de juego lo he recuperado todo y el resto es beneficios
Si ves esa cinematica/flashback de como Makima pierde el ojo, luego, en el 4, toda la parte de saejima, ya sabes de que va...ya sabes que majima no le traicionó a posta, y que incluso perdió su ojo por ello; sabes que el atentado estaba manipulado de alguna manera...sabes quien habia detras xD...vamos, que todas las dudas y motivaciones de saejima sabes que son erroneas desde el principio, y ademas sabes que pasó en realidad xD, por lo tanto, todos los giros de la trama de saejima se van al pairo
djnardo escribió:Yo estoy por el inicio del capítulo 3. También con un porrón de secundaria hechas, aunque 0 de minijuegos. Los he probado todos, pero no quiero centrarme en ninguno, porque sino se que me perderé, y no quiero perder el hilo de la historia.
La presentación de Majima es de lo mejor que he visto nunca. Totalmente espectacular.![]()
Lo que no entendí es el aumento de dificultad que apareció de repente en el juego sin venir a cuento. Pasé de pegar palizas a todos los pandilleros, a tener que ir esquivándoles. Alguien sabe a que es debido?
djnardo escribió:Lo que no entendí es el aumento de dificultad que apareció de repente en el juego sin venir a cuento. Pasé de pegar palizas a todos los pandilleros, a tener que ir esquivándoles. Alguien sabe a que es debido?
Zack_VII escribió:y mola volver a osaka, que desde el 2 ha llovidoy a mi en lo personal, esteticamente, siempre me ha encantado la susodicha:
Francis York Morgan escribió:djnardo escribió:Lo que no entendí es el aumento de dificultad que apareció de repente en el juego sin venir a cuento. Pasé de pegar palizas a todos los pandilleros, a tener que ir esquivándoles. Alguien sabe a que es debido?
Fijate que no tengas equipada la autobiografia creo que se llamaba, un objeto que es un libro blanco, hace que los enemigos sean muchisimo mas duros.
me huelo que la chica ciega Makoto que tanto busca la gente, tiene algo que ver con el solar vacío de Kamurocho que todo el mundo también desea desesperadamente
Bueno, por aclarar al 100% tema de OBJETOS de recompensa importantes:
TROUBLE FINDER (para que las misiones secundarias aparezcan en el mapa):
Kazuma: http://www.khhsubs.com/rggzero/substories.html misión 23 capítulo 2
Majima: http://www.khhsubs.com/rggzero/substories.html misión 79 capítulo 3
ENCOUNTER FINDER (para que aparezcan los encuentros en le mapoa, mr shakedown y demas).
Kazuma: http://www.khhsubs.com/rggzero/substories.html
Majima: http://www.khhsubs.com/rggzero/substories.html misión 58 capítulo 3
kamurocho real state
las estrellas son el hp, aunque aun no he sido desafiado pero los numeros no se que son y los simbolos tampoco
RockmanGC escribió:Alguien me puede explicar un poco lo dekamurocho real state
Mas o menos se como tirar pero no se como subir "exactamente" los stats? Solo voy probando a base de ensayo y error poniendo un personaje u otro, se quelas estrellas son el hp, aunque aun no he sido desafiado pero los numeros no se que son y los simbolos tampoco
Tienes 3 tipos de empleados:
Los asesores sirven para subir de nivel los locales. A más estrellas mejores son, pero cada uno tiene un nivel de influencia distinto sobre los distintos tipos de negocios. Por ejemplo los hay que saben mucho de restaurantes pero no tienen ni idea de sexo. Tienes que mirar que al invertir en un local el asesor que uses tenga conocimientos sobre ese tipo de negocio. Si tiene una X es que sabe poco, un triángulo normalito, un círculo bastante y 2 círculos concéntricos mucho.
Luego los gerentes como bien dices las estrellas es lo que aguantan en un desafío pero realmente durante la pelea tú puedes ir curándolo a base de dinero así que realmente no son muy importantes. Lo que sí es importante son los números, que hacen que recaudes más o menos dinero. Una vez lo asignas a una zona, cuando recaudes dinero influirá el primer número, luego la siguiente el segundo, y así. Entonces por ejemplo uno con -1 2 2 2 -5 lo suyo es mandarlo 4 veces porque ese -5 hará que recaudes mucho menos.
Y por último los guardias, las estrellas es el número de incidentes que pueden resolver y el número es lo mucho o poco que influyen en que ocurran esos incidentes. Entonces por ejemplo si tienes uno con 5 estrellas y 5 de influencia pues es un guardia genial, pero seguramente será mucho más caro contratarlo que uno con 5 estrellas y -4 influencia... y la verdad es que te da igual que ese -4 haga aparecer más incidentes porque como tiene 5 estrellas los va a resolver sin problemas. No sé si me explico.
mimeh escribió:Tengo una duda para quien haya terminado lo del negocio de Majima y tal... merece la pena gastar CP en eso???
mimeh escribió:Tengo una duda para quien haya terminado lo del negocio de Majima y tal... merece la pena gastar CP en eso???
OKGARCIA escribió:Joder que hype me estais dando cabrones. No he jugado nunca en mi vida a un Yakuza, he probado demos pero nunca he jugado entero a ninguno y eso que soy un enfermo de la cultura japonesa y todo lo que tiene que ver con eso.
Joder tan bueno es? Va a caer más adelante sin duda vamos. Me estáis poniendo los dientes largos.
Originally Posted by Murman
This is my first Yakuza game, i'm in love already after that first karaoke bit where Kiryu imagines himself performing as a rock band.
Shortly after that I was able to fight hooligans and learn rush combos from a drunk. Where has this series been all my life.Originally Posted by The perfect Dark
This game is addictive. Very interesting story (hey Mafia 3, this is how you write a 'Mafia' story) and very cool minigames which are actually really fun to play and not easy at all. I love it.
xOriginally Posted by SirClinksAlot
So after finishing the first chapter I think Im kinda in love with this game and its really just starting. I hope my love continues!
edit: I also really like the fake business card they gave you in the holder. :lolOriginally Posted by jwillenn
I chose... wisely!
First Yakuza game and I'm loving it! Very Shenmue!Originally Posted by derFeef
Played a bit after the beginning of chapter 2, this game is really great so far. First Yakuza game. I am just getting into the side activities, they are really weird and fun. Also I suck a Karaoke.Originally Posted by Shift Breaker
Chapter 1 done.
This game.
This God damn game.
Lives up to expectations already, and I'm nowhere near the absurd bits. I need that kick out of the window in gif form.Originally Posted by DarkStream
Hoooooly ****
As stated before, this is my first Yakuza.
Only reached Chapter 2 right now. So far, this game is awesome!
Love the setting too! First boss gave me some trouble but the combat system is a lot of fun!Originally Posted by alt27
Ok, just finnished my first 9 hours in a Yakuza game ever.
Impressions -
Wow. What a blast.
What a well developed great fucking title. Kicking myself for having ignored this series in the past. Bravo SegaOriginally Posted by Son Of Sparda
Holy shit at that boss fight at the end of chapter one. I'm actually glad that I played this on hard cause it made that fight much more intense and fun.
And oh God, that music. It's drilled in my head. Soooooooooo good.Originally Posted by bigmac996
Wow, I'm 23 hours in and only on chapter 8, this is a HUGE game. Granted, I spent a lot of time doing side missions and entertainment. Absolutely loving this, and loving that I have more game left. Surprisingly emotional scenes too that were unexpected. It's rare to see this quality of story in video games very much.
Here's hoping this game is a huge success for Sega in the west!Originally Posted by DarkStream
I can only reconfirm my statement that you have quoted.
Played for 10 hours straight yesterday, this stuff is like crack.
Haven't enjoyed a game like this in years.
It's funny, I felt really burned out on gaming as a whole recently, but DAMN, this game.
What a breath of fresh air. Story is awesome too!!!Originally Posted by flattie
So this is my first Yakuza and it's not what I expected. I often see this series described as its own thing; with elements from games like GTA and Shenmue, but decidedly not either.
After playing for a few hours now, I feel like what I'm playing is a modern riff on the brawler genre. It feels more closely aligned to games like Die Hard Arcade, Zombie Revenge and Spikeout. Certainly more expansive and with more to do on the side. Certainly with a better story and characters than those games. But at its heart, it feels like I'm playing a modern Streets of Rage. I love it.Originally Posted by SHarris78
Best game ever - and only 3 hours in!
How they managed to balance serious drama and bonkers side quests and get it so right I don't know. The oomph of the fighting is insane, and I love all the characters I've come across already. I also love pretty much anything Japanese, so just walking around the city and checking out the shops and food places is great. Can't wait to finish work and carry on playing!!!Zaraki_Kenpachi
Wish I could play this more before the weekend, really enjoying the game. It's a shame the first two haven't agreed well, not sure I could bring myself to play them on ps2 :/The perfect Dark
Every damn side quest is interesting lol. I haven't reached chapter 4 and played more than 12 hours, omg.
edit: It's also one of the funniest games I've ever played.DarkConfidant
Overall I'm really enjoying this so far. I'm playing on easy since the game told me to do so, since it's my first Yakuza game.
I didn't really get the impression that the game would be like a classic Genesis brawler, based on media I've seen. I knew there was fist fights, but whenever I would see reviews on stuff, I would see just as much fighting as I would karaoke or any other minigame.
It just looked like a GTA clone loaded with a bunch of minigames.
The brawler gameplay is actually very refreshing. I thought this genre was basically dead, but I'm having a great time. By being a brawler, it also feels unique enough, that I think it warrants someone trying this game out; the game is nothing like anything else that's coming out this gen.
Story is good so far too. I didn't know it'd be in Japanese. Was the PS2 game in Japanese as well?
I enjoy how over-the-top it is, and how this seemingly Japanese sense of manliness and honor is focused on (opponents showing respect, friends punching you).
Anyone know how long these games usually are? I'm only on chapter 2, but I was surprised how long the first chapter is.Anjin M
My first Yakuza game and I'm really liking it so far. Fun to beat people up, great story, and beautiful to just wander around in. I spent a fair amount of time last night just wandering the streets and looking at the scenery.
Thanks to everyone on GAF for convincing me to give it a chance. Can't wait to get back to it tonight.jackal27
I was a little lukewarm on this game at the start, but when Kiryu shows up at Dojima headquarters at the end of chapter 1, things get freaking REAL. That was one of the most exhilarating gauntlets I've experienced in a long time. When he crashes through the window into the bathroom!? I was so freaking hyped.qcf x2
This game is fun. It's restricted in a way that I hesitantly refer to as "oldschool" (shoutout to early 2000's being called oldschool) thanks to stuff like camera angles and somewhat restricted movement, but it's straight up a ton of fun and the dialogue so far is a 10/10.
I'll def double dip if it gets a Steam release. It's the most SEGA game I've played in a long time.mileS
I have to say I'm an outlier here, I thought the opening was perfect. I know nothing about Kiryu as a character (first Yakuza game) but within the first 30-40 min you get good feel for the type of person he is. Without beating you over the head with backstory upfront, or forced cutscenes introducing him as a character, you are kind of just thrown in the world and get little hints here and there. I have to say I really appreciate the subtle approach to character and world building. Fantastic stuff. Already I am floored at how they can go from serious and tense scenes, to absolutely hilarious or whacky ones. Judging off of others comments, this is pretty much the series. Why am I just jumping in now?!
Couple quick points before I head back to play more.
-Localization is spot on. It cannot be said enough how good it is. Even the opening combat tutorials are hilarious and have this admirable charm.
-Really need to get used to the camera. I usually always adjust my camera and pan around while walking. The auto center and having to hold the stick in a direction so it doesn't whip back is very off putting. Not being able to point the camera up or down past a certain point is difficult as well. Just need to teach myself to hold the stick more, and in some cases adjust it less.
-I didn't expect the graphics to be that great from what I heard. Again, maybe my expectations were lowered enough off of the reviews or comments. And while that may be true polygon wise, the texture work for most of the game world is very impressive to me right now. I'm sure there are plenty of crappy textures here and there but overall from what I've seen of the city? eh this is pretty good. Maybe I expected it to be a little bit more lazy. 1080p 60fps goes a long way. While I wish it had pro support I completely understand why it doesn't (has been out for ages in Japan)
What a ride ahead of meI love this game.
My first yakuza game ever and now i'm wondering, why (the fuck) it took me so long to start with this series!
Welp, just finished my first Yakuza game! What a ride. 105 hours I've spent on this. I'm sold on the rest of the series.Great ending. They tied up the storylines really well, and gave all the major characters a proper goodbye. This is how you end a game BioWare.First timer here. Help.
I can't stop playing this game.Beat my first run through the other day. Without giving anything away...MAN WHAT A GAME.
While this is my first yakuza, its fair to say that my most anticipated game this year may be Yakuza Kiwami.
I feel so bad I haven't given this series the attention it deserved until now.This game is something else.
I already have clocked 40+ hours.this fucking game...
Just finished it today and I loved every minute of it!
It was my first Yakuza and I'll definitely play some of the other games in the futureI just finished this game last night. It was my first Yakuza game and I'm so happy I got introduced to this series. What a great story; the voice acting and presentation are superb. My only gripe would be that the lower budget held back the quality of side content presentation but the gameplay was great and oh my God at the amount of activities they packed into this game.Damn, I had so much fun doing side missions in the game, but then I got too engrossed in the plot to do them and now I'm on chapter 17, grrrr. I didn't even spend time grinding ways to get money so my grid is pretty empty![]()
I know you can do them post-game but still, I feel like I paced myself badly. Damn them for writing such a great plot!Had to burn through RE7 Gamefly rental real quick to get back to this. Just got to the beginning of chapter 3 and I love it. This game is so greatNew to the series, put in over 50 hours already, not even near beating it (on Ch. 6). That should tell you how worthy it is! $$s to content, can't get a better game.Absolutely loving this game it is hilarious, just gutted I did not buy the previous games!
Have been recommending it to everyone.This is the Gintama of Video Games. When it's funny, it's hilarious, when it gets serious, hype levels are at 1000.Just beat the game and damn near bout to fall out of my chair.
Now that's what I call an ending!I am not even exaggerating when I say that this is one of the best stories in video games ever.
- De que van? tanto argumental como conceptualmente?
* Argumentalmente, son thriller+drama ambientados en el mundo de la yakuza, pero no exclusivamente, sino que tambien tratan en ocasiones temas politicos, dramas personales, familiares, sociales etc, tanto en lo principal, como en lo secundario (que suele tener un tono mas desenfadado, comico, para contrastar con lo serio de la trama).
* Conceptualmente, es dificil definir un yakuza, pero podriamos decir que cada yakuza presenta uno o mas escenarios abiertos (sandbox) , que osn recreaciones muy fieles de barrios reales de japon, de tamaño medio-pequeño (se recorren a pie, sin coches, y en pocos minutos), pero extremadamente detallados y llenos de contenido, tanto ambiental (como bares, clubs, heladerias etc), como jugable (con muchisimos minijuegos que van desde clasicos tipo billar, dardos, poker, blackjack, ruleta etc, pasando por tantos otros juegos de mesa japoneses,como actividades tipo golf, beisbol, bolos, club de la lucha , o maquinas recreativas con juegos de sega etc etc).
En dichos escenarios, uno o mas personajes (segun la entrega), desarrollan una historia con una narrativa , puesta en escena etc MUY abundante (tipo Metal gear o Jrpg clasico) y de nivel, en el marco contextual comentado arriba, ademas de unas 40-50-60-100 secundarias con argumento, coversaciones y personajes unicos, con un otno mas desenfadado/parodico que la trama, que es totalmente seria, y todo desarrollado en una mecanica base de combate de Beat'em'up de yo contra le barrio, con golpes varios, combos, agarres, uso de objetos del inventario o escenario, una infinidad de ataques especiales o finishers contextuales, y todo con tintes rpg de evolucion del personaje, habilidades etc.
Zack_VII escribió:P.D: quienes son los entrenadores de Majima? ya que el "herrero" parece que solo es para craftear no?
mimeh escribió:Tengo una duda para quien haya terminado lo del negocio de Majima y tal... merece la pena gastar CP en eso???
desbloqueas un cuarto estilo de combate y mas habilidades para los otros estilos
23JoseJuan2 escribió:Zack_VII escribió:P.D: quienes son los entrenadores de Majima? ya que el "herrero" parece que solo es para craftear no?
El herrero es para todo el tema de busqueda y materiales y crafteo y ademas es el entrenador del modo Slugger, te enseña tecnicas especiales para distintos tipos de arma (zona norte del mapa)
Luego tienes al grupo de breakdancers para el modo Breaker (suroeste) y a un luchador viejecillo para el modo Thug (en un parque al sureste)mimeh escribió:Tengo una duda para quien haya terminado lo del negocio de Majima y tal... merece la pena gastar CP en eso???
Hombre, la recompensa por completar el cabaret club de Majima merece mucho la pena. Las hostesses las puedes encontrar por la calle y hacerles regalos para que se te unan, o algunos personajes de misiones secundarias se te unen gratuitamente. Las que des desbloquean con CP hay algunas que merecen la pena y ayudan mucho al principio, si te sobran yo los gastariadesbloqueas un cuarto estilo de combate y mas habilidades para los otros estilos
Zack_VII escribió:23JoseJuan2 escribió:Zack_VII escribió:P.D: quienes son los entrenadores de Majima? ya que el "herrero" parece que solo es para craftear no?
El herrero es para todo el tema de busqueda y materiales y crafteo y ademas es el entrenador del modo Slugger, te enseña tecnicas especiales para distintos tipos de arma (zona norte del mapa)
Luego tienes al grupo de breakdancers para el modo Breaker (suroeste) y a un luchador viejecillo para el modo Thug (en un parque al sureste)mimeh escribió:Tengo una duda para quien haya terminado lo del negocio de Majima y tal... merece la pena gastar CP en eso???
Hombre, la recompensa por completar el cabaret club de Majima merece mucho la pena. Las hostesses las puedes encontrar por la calle y hacerles regalos para que se te unan, o algunos personajes de misiones secundarias se te unen gratuitamente. Las que des desbloquean con CP hay algunas que merecen la pena y ayudan mucho al principio, si te sobran yo los gastariadesbloqueas un cuarto estilo de combate y mas habilidades para los otros estilos
Mmm pero quizá haya que avanzar en la historia? esque ya digo que ami el herrero solo me sale en su restaurante y solo pal tema dle crafteo, y el viejo que dices, que supongo que será el que tiene pintas de "samurai"el que te introduce al herrero de hecho, juraria que no me sale ningun icono de "persona" aparte del del herrero en su tienda, y bueno, el modo breaker aun ni lo tengo (voy por le capitulo 4 recién empezado).
Zack_VII escribió:23JoseJuan2 escribió:Zack_VII escribió:P.D: quienes son los entrenadores de Majima? ya que el "herrero" parece que solo es para craftear no?
El herrero es para todo el tema de busqueda y materiales y crafteo y ademas es el entrenador del modo Slugger, te enseña tecnicas especiales para distintos tipos de arma (zona norte del mapa)
Luego tienes al grupo de breakdancers para el modo Breaker (suroeste) y a un luchador viejecillo para el modo Thug (en un parque al sureste)mimeh escribió:Tengo una duda para quien haya terminado lo del negocio de Majima y tal... merece la pena gastar CP en eso???
Hombre, la recompensa por completar el cabaret club de Majima merece mucho la pena. Las hostesses las puedes encontrar por la calle y hacerles regalos para que se te unan, o algunos personajes de misiones secundarias se te unen gratuitamente. Las que des desbloquean con CP hay algunas que merecen la pena y ayudan mucho al principio, si te sobran yo los gastariadesbloqueas un cuarto estilo de combate y mas habilidades para los otros estilos
Mmm pero quizá haya que avanzar en la historia? esque ya digo que ami el herrero solo me sale en su restaurante y solo pal tema dle crafteo, y el viejo que dices, que supongo que será el que tiene pintas de "samurai"el que te introduce al herrero de hecho, juraria que no me sale ningun icono de "persona" aparte del del herrero en su tienda, y bueno, el modo breaker aun ni lo tengo (voy por le capitulo 4 recién empezado).
Zack_VII escribió:OKGARCIA escribió:Joder que hype me estais dando cabrones. No he jugado nunca en mi vida a un Yakuza, he probado demos pero nunca he jugado entero a ninguno y eso que soy un enfermo de la cultura japonesa y todo lo que tiene que ver con eso.
Joder tan bueno es? Va a caer más adelante sin duda vamos. Me estáis poniendo los dientes largos.
Paginas atras puse extractos de opiniones de neogaf, donde parece que al fin ha explotado la saga y lleva el hilo mas de 5000 mensajes, y la unanimidad de todos los nuevos en la saga, es apabullante, lo que no te garantiza nada, pero si te deja ver que no es solo que los tipicos "4 frikis seguidores de la saga de eol" hablen bien de ella, sino que todos los que se han aventurado a probarla en gaf mismo, que no son pocos repito, hablan maravillas de el tambien (te lo pongo en spoiler que ocupa mucho):
Originally Posted by Murman
This is my first Yakuza game, i'm in love already after that first karaoke bit where Kiryu imagines himself performing as a rock band.
Shortly after that I was able to fight hooligans and learn rush combos from a drunk. Where has this series been all my life.Originally Posted by The perfect Dark
This game is addictive. Very interesting story (hey Mafia 3, this is how you write a 'Mafia' story) and very cool minigames which are actually really fun to play and not easy at all. I love it.
xOriginally Posted by SirClinksAlot
So after finishing the first chapter I think Im kinda in love with this game and its really just starting. I hope my love continues!
edit: I also really like the fake business card they gave you in the holder. :lolOriginally Posted by jwillenn
I chose... wisely!
First Yakuza game and I'm loving it! Very Shenmue!Originally Posted by derFeef
Played a bit after the beginning of chapter 2, this game is really great so far. First Yakuza game. I am just getting into the side activities, they are really weird and fun. Also I suck a Karaoke.Originally Posted by Shift Breaker
Chapter 1 done.
This game.
This God damn game.
Lives up to expectations already, and I'm nowhere near the absurd bits. I need that kick out of the window in gif form.Originally Posted by DarkStream
Hoooooly ****
As stated before, this is my first Yakuza.
Only reached Chapter 2 right now. So far, this game is awesome!
Love the setting too! First boss gave me some trouble but the combat system is a lot of fun!Originally Posted by alt27
Ok, just finnished my first 9 hours in a Yakuza game ever.
Impressions -
Wow. What a blast.
What a well developed great fucking title. Kicking myself for having ignored this series in the past. Bravo SegaOriginally Posted by Son Of Sparda
Holy shit at that boss fight at the end of chapter one. I'm actually glad that I played this on hard cause it made that fight much more intense and fun.
And oh God, that music. It's drilled in my head. Soooooooooo good.Originally Posted by bigmac996
Wow, I'm 23 hours in and only on chapter 8, this is a HUGE game. Granted, I spent a lot of time doing side missions and entertainment. Absolutely loving this, and loving that I have more game left. Surprisingly emotional scenes too that were unexpected. It's rare to see this quality of story in video games very much.
Here's hoping this game is a huge success for Sega in the west!Originally Posted by DarkStream
I can only reconfirm my statement that you have quoted.
Played for 10 hours straight yesterday, this stuff is like crack.
Haven't enjoyed a game like this in years.
It's funny, I felt really burned out on gaming as a whole recently, but DAMN, this game.
What a breath of fresh air. Story is awesome too!!!Originally Posted by flattie
So this is my first Yakuza and it's not what I expected. I often see this series described as its own thing; with elements from games like GTA and Shenmue, but decidedly not either.
After playing for a few hours now, I feel like what I'm playing is a modern riff on the brawler genre. It feels more closely aligned to games like Die Hard Arcade, Zombie Revenge and Spikeout. Certainly more expansive and with more to do on the side. Certainly with a better story and characters than those games. But at its heart, it feels like I'm playing a modern Streets of Rage. I love it.Originally Posted by SHarris78
Best game ever - and only 3 hours in!
How they managed to balance serious drama and bonkers side quests and get it so right I don't know. The oomph of the fighting is insane, and I love all the characters I've come across already. I also love pretty much anything Japanese, so just walking around the city and checking out the shops and food places is great. Can't wait to finish work and carry on playing!!!Zaraki_Kenpachi
Wish I could play this more before the weekend, really enjoying the game. It's a shame the first two haven't agreed well, not sure I could bring myself to play them on ps2 :/The perfect Dark
Every damn side quest is interesting lol. I haven't reached chapter 4 and played more than 12 hours, omg.
edit: It's also one of the funniest games I've ever played.DarkConfidant
Overall I'm really enjoying this so far. I'm playing on easy since the game told me to do so, since it's my first Yakuza game.
I didn't really get the impression that the game would be like a classic Genesis brawler, based on media I've seen. I knew there was fist fights, but whenever I would see reviews on stuff, I would see just as much fighting as I would karaoke or any other minigame.
It just looked like a GTA clone loaded with a bunch of minigames.
The brawler gameplay is actually very refreshing. I thought this genre was basically dead, but I'm having a great time. By being a brawler, it also feels unique enough, that I think it warrants someone trying this game out; the game is nothing like anything else that's coming out this gen.
Story is good so far too. I didn't know it'd be in Japanese. Was the PS2 game in Japanese as well?
I enjoy how over-the-top it is, and how this seemingly Japanese sense of manliness and honor is focused on (opponents showing respect, friends punching you).
Anyone know how long these games usually are? I'm only on chapter 2, but I was surprised how long the first chapter is.Anjin M
My first Yakuza game and I'm really liking it so far. Fun to beat people up, great story, and beautiful to just wander around in. I spent a fair amount of time last night just wandering the streets and looking at the scenery.
Thanks to everyone on GAF for convincing me to give it a chance. Can't wait to get back to it tonight.jackal27
I was a little lukewarm on this game at the start, but when Kiryu shows up at Dojima headquarters at the end of chapter 1, things get freaking REAL. That was one of the most exhilarating gauntlets I've experienced in a long time. When he crashes through the window into the bathroom!? I was so freaking hyped.qcf x2
This game is fun. It's restricted in a way that I hesitantly refer to as "oldschool" (shoutout to early 2000's being called oldschool) thanks to stuff like camera angles and somewhat restricted movement, but it's straight up a ton of fun and the dialogue so far is a 10/10.
I'll def double dip if it gets a Steam release. It's the most SEGA game I've played in a long time.mileS
I have to say I'm an outlier here, I thought the opening was perfect. I know nothing about Kiryu as a character (first Yakuza game) but within the first 30-40 min you get good feel for the type of person he is. Without beating you over the head with backstory upfront, or forced cutscenes introducing him as a character, you are kind of just thrown in the world and get little hints here and there. I have to say I really appreciate the subtle approach to character and world building. Fantastic stuff. Already I am floored at how they can go from serious and tense scenes, to absolutely hilarious or whacky ones. Judging off of others comments, this is pretty much the series. Why am I just jumping in now?!
Couple quick points before I head back to play more.
-Localization is spot on. It cannot be said enough how good it is. Even the opening combat tutorials are hilarious and have this admirable charm.
-Really need to get used to the camera. I usually always adjust my camera and pan around while walking. The auto center and having to hold the stick in a direction so it doesn't whip back is very off putting. Not being able to point the camera up or down past a certain point is difficult as well. Just need to teach myself to hold the stick more, and in some cases adjust it less.
-I didn't expect the graphics to be that great from what I heard. Again, maybe my expectations were lowered enough off of the reviews or comments. And while that may be true polygon wise, the texture work for most of the game world is very impressive to me right now. I'm sure there are plenty of crappy textures here and there but overall from what I've seen of the city? eh this is pretty good. Maybe I expected it to be a little bit more lazy. 1080p 60fps goes a long way. While I wish it had pro support I completely understand why it doesn't (has been out for ages in Japan)
What a ride ahead of meI love this game.
My first yakuza game ever and now i'm wondering, why (the fuck) it took me so long to start with this series!
Welp, just finished my first Yakuza game! What a ride. 105 hours I've spent on this. I'm sold on the rest of the series.Great ending. They tied up the storylines really well, and gave all the major characters a proper goodbye. This is how you end a game BioWare.First timer here. Help.
I can't stop playing this game.Beat my first run through the other day. Without giving anything away...MAN WHAT A GAME.
While this is my first yakuza, its fair to say that my most anticipated game this year may be Yakuza Kiwami.
I feel so bad I haven't given this series the attention it deserved until now.This game is something else.
I already have clocked 40+ hours.this fucking game...
Just finished it today and I loved every minute of it!
It was my first Yakuza and I'll definitely play some of the other games in the futureI just finished this game last night. It was my first Yakuza game and I'm so happy I got introduced to this series. What a great story; the voice acting and presentation are superb. My only gripe would be that the lower budget held back the quality of side content presentation but the gameplay was great and oh my God at the amount of activities they packed into this game.Damn, I had so much fun doing side missions in the game, but then I got too engrossed in the plot to do them and now I'm on chapter 17, grrrr. I didn't even spend time grinding ways to get money so my grid is pretty empty![]()
I know you can do them post-game but still, I feel like I paced myself badly. Damn them for writing such a great plot!Had to burn through RE7 Gamefly rental real quick to get back to this. Just got to the beginning of chapter 3 and I love it. This game is so greatNew to the series, put in over 50 hours already, not even near beating it (on Ch. 6). That should tell you how worthy it is! $$s to content, can't get a better game.Absolutely loving this game it is hilarious, just gutted I did not buy the previous games!
Have been recommending it to everyone.This is the Gintama of Video Games. When it's funny, it's hilarious, when it gets serious, hype levels are at 1000.Just beat the game and damn near bout to fall out of my chair.
Now that's what I call an ending!I am not even exaggerating when I say that this is one of the best stories in video games ever.
Dicho esto, yakuza en lo que pretende, es excelente, y una experiencia unica, ahora bien, hay que saber a lo que se va, porque no es para todo el mundo, mas allá de que está integro en ingles digo, y para eso, pues dejo este extracto del FAQ que hice sobre la saga:- De que van? tanto argumental como conceptualmente?
* Argumentalmente, son thriller+drama ambientados en el mundo de la yakuza, pero no exclusivamente, sino que tambien tratan en ocasiones temas politicos, dramas personales, familiares, sociales etc, tanto en lo principal, como en lo secundario (que suele tener un tono mas desenfadado, comico, para contrastar con lo serio de la trama).
* Conceptualmente, es dificil definir un yakuza, pero podriamos decir que cada yakuza presenta uno o mas escenarios abiertos (sandbox) , que osn recreaciones muy fieles de barrios reales de japon, de tamaño medio-pequeño (se recorren a pie, sin coches, y en pocos minutos), pero extremadamente detallados y llenos de contenido, tanto ambiental (como bares, clubs, heladerias etc), como jugable (con muchisimos minijuegos que van desde clasicos tipo billar, dardos, poker, blackjack, ruleta etc, pasando por tantos otros juegos de mesa japoneses,como actividades tipo golf, beisbol, bolos, club de la lucha , o maquinas recreativas con juegos de sega etc etc).
En dichos escenarios, uno o mas personajes (segun la entrega), desarrollan una historia con una narrativa , puesta en escena etc MUY abundante (tipo Metal gear o Jrpg clasico) y de nivel, en el marco contextual comentado arriba, ademas de unas 40-50-60-100 secundarias con argumento, coversaciones y personajes unicos, con un otno mas desenfadado/parodico que la trama, que es totalmente seria, y todo desarrollado en una mecanica base de combate de Beat'em'up de yo contra le barrio, con golpes varios, combos, agarres, uso de objetos del inventario o escenario, una infinidad de ataques especiales o finishers contextuales, y todo con tintes rpg de evolucion del personaje, habilidades etc.
Con eso, mas verte algun videoanalisis como el de AmgryJoe para ver gameplay base, apartdo tecnico, mecnicas etc, pues te haces una idea de si es para ti o no:
O en español este, aunque es mucho mas escueto:
la mujer china que se hace pasar por japonesa, la que cree que ha venido la madre en lugar de la chica, etc... y cuando sale del hotel del amor todo avergonzado
he quedado con seis chicas y solo una se me ha repetido
Francis York Morgan escribió:Lo de Mr.Shakedown no es todo ese dinero de el, yo lo maximo que le e visto llevar encima es 2,000.000.000 y eso que le abre vencido unas 30 veces con kiryu, el truco es dejarte matar con el maximo dinero posible asi cuando le ganes tu te llevas mucho mas de lo que te ha quitado y con las mejoras del templo mejor, por ejemplo yo me deje matar con encima y al vencerle me dio
Sergirt82 escribió:Francis York Morgan escribió:Lo de Mr.Shakedown no es todo ese dinero de el, yo lo maximo que le e visto llevar encima es 2,000.000.000 y eso que le abre vencido unas 30 veces con kiryu, el truco es dejarte matar con el maximo dinero posible asi cuando le ganes tu te llevas mucho mas de lo que te ha quitado y con las mejoras del templo mejor, por ejemplo yo me deje matar con encima y al vencerle me dio
Jo, mejor que invertir en la Bolsa.
Tommy_Vercetti escribió:Dónde se pilla el "gift box" que te mandan comprar en el capítulo 5? No tengo ni idea!
Francis York Morgan escribió:Tommy_Vercetti escribió:Dónde se pilla el "gift box" que te mandan comprar en el capítulo 5? No tengo ni idea!
http://www.gamersheroes.com/wp-content/ ... cation.jpg
en esa tienda lo venden
mimeh escribió:RockmanGC escribió:Alguien me puede explicar un poco lo dekamurocho real state
Mas o menos se como tirar pero no se como subir "exactamente" los stats? Solo voy probando a base de ensayo y error poniendo un personaje u otro, se quelas estrellas son el hp, aunque aun no he sido desafiado pero los numeros no se que son y los simbolos tampoco
Es fácil.Tienes 3 tipos de empleados:
Los asesores sirven para subir de nivel los locales. A más estrellas mejores son, pero cada uno tiene un nivel de influencia distinto sobre los distintos tipos de negocios. Por ejemplo los hay que saben mucho de restaurantes pero no tienen ni idea de sexo. Tienes que mirar que al invertir en un local el asesor que uses tenga conocimientos sobre ese tipo de negocio. Si tiene una X es que sabe poco, un triángulo normalito, un círculo bastante y 2 círculos concéntricos mucho.
Luego los gerentes como bien dices las estrellas es lo que aguantan en un desafío pero realmente durante la pelea tú puedes ir curándolo a base de dinero así que realmente no son muy importantes. Lo que sí es importante son los números, que hacen que recaudes más o menos dinero. Una vez lo asignas a una zona, cuando recaudes dinero influirá el primer número, luego la siguiente el segundo, y así. Entonces por ejemplo uno con -1 2 2 2 -5 lo suyo es mandarlo 4 veces porque ese -5 hará que recaudes mucho menos.
Y por último los guardias, las estrellas es el número de incidentes que pueden resolver y el número es lo mucho o poco que influyen en que ocurran esos incidentes. Entonces por ejemplo si tienes uno con 5 estrellas y 5 de influencia pues es un guardia genial, pero seguramente será mucho más caro contratarlo que uno con 5 estrellas y -4 influencia... y la verdad es que te da igual que ese -4 haga aparecer más incidentes porque como tiene 5 estrellas los va a resolver sin problemas. No sé si me explico.