Yo creo que si hay mucha demanda, puede que un día Nintendo nos sorprenda con un editor de mundos, pero hay que hacerle llegar el interés.
Aunque Nintendo no es mucho de contacto con los clientes... Una de las pocas maneras de contacto directo que he encontrado es:
https://en-americas-support.nintendo.co ... l/a_id/547Responder que no te ha solucionado el problema, y entonces te deja mandarles feedback.
Si tenéis la posibilidad imagino que mejor en ingles.
Yo les he mandado esto:
Hello Nintendo!
This is a suggestion/petition about add world maker editor feature to Super Mario Maker 2. Imagine how awesome would be if you have the possibility to MAKE FULL WORLDS AND MAPS like Super Mario Bros 3, or World.
I understand may be hard to share full worlds, or even full games across online system. But what about offline tools to make the whole world/game and then the chance to give your friends the code/password so they can download your full world/game.
You guys are doing an excellent job adding new features to Super Mario Mario Maker 2, like the Zelda update, ninji speedrun mode and all new things. I hope the world editor come next!
Thank you.