landau escribió:Para el Rome II qué mod me recomiendan, Radious Total War o Divide et Impera?
EDIN escribió:a parte de que aún no me he acabado la gran campaña (ni sus DLC de Cesar en la Galia y Esparta al que le tengo muchas ganas) había pensado en pillarme el shogun 2, pero cuál? El Rise of o el Fall of?
lo digo porque ambas temáticas me molan. El alzamiento de los clanes y también la caída (rollo El último Samurai).
Difieren mucho ambos? o simplemente es como una expansión? me recomendáis uno más que el otro?
ojmc2 escribió:EDIN escribió:a parte de que aún no me he acabado la gran campaña (ni sus DLC de Cesar en la Galia y Esparta al que le tengo muchas ganas) había pensado en pillarme el shogun 2, pero cuál? El Rise of o el Fall of?
lo digo porque ambas temáticas me molan. El alzamiento de los clanes y también la caída (rollo El último Samurai).
Difieren mucho ambos? o simplemente es como una expansión? me recomendáis uno más que el otro?
Yo tengo ambos y a la de rise la considero una expansion menor que la del fall. Ademas si quieres jugar online es preferible que vayas a por la del fall of ya que las nuevas unidades son muy buenas.
EDIN escribió:ojmc2 escribió:EDIN escribió:a parte de que aún no me he acabado la gran campaña (ni sus DLC de Cesar en la Galia y Esparta al que le tengo muchas ganas) había pensado en pillarme el shogun 2, pero cuál? El Rise of o el Fall of?
lo digo porque ambas temáticas me molan. El alzamiento de los clanes y también la caída (rollo El último Samurai).
Difieren mucho ambos? o simplemente es como una expansión? me recomendáis uno más que el otro?
Yo tengo ambos y a la de rise la considero una expansion menor que la del fall. Ademas si quieres jugar online es preferible que vayas a por la del fall of ya que las nuevas unidades son muy buenas.
ui perdón, no me he explicado bien
quería decir si me pillo el shogun 2, o las expansiones (creo que no necesitas el juego original para jugarlos)
ojmc2 escribió:
Yo tengo ambos y a la de rise la considero una expansion menor que la del fall. Ademas si quieres jugar online es preferible que vayas a por la del fall of ya que las nuevas unidades son muy buenas.
EDIN escribió:ojmc2 escribió:
Yo tengo ambos y a la de rise la considero una expansion menor que la del fall. Ademas si quieres jugar online es preferible que vayas a por la del fall of ya que las nuevas unidades son muy buenas.
ui perdón, no me he explicado bien
quería decir si me pillo el shogun 2, o las expansiones (creo que no necesitas el juego original para jugarlos)
maxpower91 escribió:Muy buenas, Vereis, he empezado a jugar al Rome II estos días y tengo una duda, a ver si podeis resolvermelas.
Me interesaba mucho el mod para hacer jugables todas las facciones del juego.
El caso es que he descubierto que la faccion de los Astures está disponible en el DLC Aníbal a las Puertas, y me interesaba mucho comprarlo y ver si con un mod puedo jugar con la facción...
Pero tengo un par de dudas, a ver si alguno que tenga el DLC puede resolverme.
¿Está bien representada?, es que he visto videos, y por el resultado que me devuelve "Gugel" cuando busco, la facción está representada como SPQR, lo cual me parece una patada en las partes bajas, pero no he podido corroborarlo porque no encuentro información. (
Y la segunda duda, es si hay algún mod en el Workshop que la desbloquee como jugable. Es que buscando he visto un par de ellos que desbloquean facciones del DLC (Aníbal), divididos en Pack 1 y Pack 2, pero ninguno desbloquea la Astur. Hay un mod "general", que desbloquea todas la facciones y por lo que veo es el más usado. Es este:
Por lo visto, el creador dice que ha quitado del mod las facciones de los DLC's, pero no sé si se refiere a que al hacer los DLC's algunas facciones jugables que en el juego base no lo eran, las ha quitado porque ya no es necesario que esten en el mod, o se refiere a que a quitado todas.
Si alguien que sepa/tenga la expansion puede decirme, o descargar el mod y probar, lo agradeceria mucho. Ya que el DLC de Aníbal solo me interesa con ese fin, y si no es posible, no quera gastarme dinero en el.
Gracias por adelantado.
Metalhead escribió:maxpower91 escribió:Muy buenas, Vereis, he empezado a jugar al Rome II estos días y tengo una duda, a ver si podeis resolvermelas.
Me interesaba mucho el mod para hacer jugables todas las facciones del juego.
El caso es que he descubierto que la faccion de los Astures está disponible en el DLC Aníbal a las Puertas, y me interesaba mucho comprarlo y ver si con un mod puedo jugar con la facción...
Pero tengo un par de dudas, a ver si alguno que tenga el DLC puede resolverme.
¿Está bien representada?, es que he visto videos, y por el resultado que me devuelve "Gugel" cuando busco, la facción está representada como SPQR, lo cual me parece una patada en las partes bajas, pero no he podido corroborarlo porque no encuentro información. (
Y la segunda duda, es si hay algún mod en el Workshop que la desbloquee como jugable. Es que buscando he visto un par de ellos que desbloquean facciones del DLC (Aníbal), divididos en Pack 1 y Pack 2, pero ninguno desbloquea la Astur. Hay un mod "general", que desbloquea todas la facciones y por lo que veo es el más usado. Es este:
Por lo visto, el creador dice que ha quitado del mod las facciones de los DLC's, pero no sé si se refiere a que al hacer los DLC's algunas facciones jugables que en el juego base no lo eran, las ha quitado porque ya no es necesario que esten en el mod, o se refiere a que a quitado todas.
Si alguien que sepa/tenga la expansion puede decirme, o descargar el mod y probar, lo agradeceria mucho. Ya que el DLC de Aníbal solo me interesa con ese fin, y si no es posible, no quera gastarme dinero en el.
Gracias por adelantado.
Lo que dice el autor en la descripción es que necesitas tener comprado los DLCs para jugar con las facciones que desbloquea cada DLC. Las únicas facciones que te desbloquea ese mod sin comprar nada són: Pontus, Seleucid, Baktria, Getae, Aremnia(Emperor Edition), Massilia(Black Sea Colonies).
Eso según su descripción, no he probado el mod y tampoco tengo el DLC de Aníbal.
ismarub escribió:Muy mosqueado con el online de este juego. La gente juega siempre con las mejores facciones y encima esas facciones no vienen en la versión normal. Son dlc de pago. El 90% de ellos basan su estrategia en tener cientos de hoplitas espartanos, respaldados por detrás con arqueros y quedarse asediado/campeando. Como es lógico, esas unidades son las mejores de todas y no las tengo disponibles. Ni los pretorianos pueden con ellas. Por desgracia, si llevas caballería sin saber qué lleva el otro, la has cagado.
Es un claro pay2win en toda regla, que la gente se aprovecha de ello. Ahora entiendo las críticas que tuvo también por cosas parecidas en CoH2 y coincidencia que las 2 distribuidoras son sega.
El juego debería de tener unas facciones y unidades preestablecidas, con ligeros cambios manuales. Así se premiaría al mejor y no al que más bolsillo tiene.
fryk escribió:He visto videos en los que la cámara se aleja muchísimo y se ve todo desde más arriba por lo que se puede tener un mejor control.
No consigo alejar tanto la cámara como en los videos con la rueda del ratón, alguien me puede explicar qué tengo que hacer???
Un saludo!!!
Forgonet escribió:fryk escribió:He visto videos en los que la cámara se aleja muchísimo y se ve todo desde más arriba por lo que se puede tener un mejor control.
No consigo alejar tanto la cámara como en los videos con la rueda del ratón, alguien me puede explicar qué tengo que hacer???
Un saludo!!!
Hay un Mod llamado Roma II: Total War Camera Mod que desactiva la limitacion por altura.
Grond112 escribió:Pues estoy en mi primera campaña, en facil (nunca he probado en serio un Rome) y por ahora bien, aunque me hago un lio con toda la parte de gestión y política. ¿Donde podría aprender más? ¿Alguna web o video que venga bien explicadito? xD
PLK1 escribió:Saludos random, ¿alguien esta interesado en el Total War: ROME II - Caesar in Gaul (DLC)? lo tengo de un Humble Bundle y no creo que lo use pq no tengo el juego si hay alguien interesado que se ponga en contacto conmigo.
1 saludo
PLK1 escribió:@lwordl, deja de aleccionar, ¿quien te ha dicho que quiero vender nada? Era para regalar, de manera altruista.
Deadmanbeta escribió:Hola!
Alguien que se haya echado unas horitas al juego, me podria explicar que tendria que hacer para que los exclavos no se me anden revelando en cada turno por todas las provincias?
Ya me tienen frito, no me dejan seguir con las conkistas, arrasandome todas las ciudades.
¿ que tendria k desarrollar para tenerlos contentos, edificio/edictos?
Saludos y gracias![]()
P.d. Dios que vicio de juego se me pasan las horas en un plis-plas, mi mujer me va tirar el ordenador
seaculorum escribió:Deadmanbeta escribió:Hola!
Alguien que se haya echado unas horitas al juego, me podria explicar que tendria que hacer para que los exclavos no se me anden revelando en cada turno por todas las provincias?
Ya me tienen frito, no me dejan seguir con las conkistas, arrasandome todas las ciudades.
¿ que tendria k desarrollar para tenerlos contentos, edificio/edictos?
Saludos y gracias![]()
P.d. Dios que vicio de juego se me pasan las horas en un plis-plas, mi mujer me va tirar el ordenador
Cuando derrotes un ejercito no le des a hacer a los capturados esclavos, mátalos sino te da mala bonificación con sus aliados (igual te la lían si sus aliados estan en un frente débil tuyo) o liberalos... yo alterno entre matar y liberar para no crear a un comandante con rasgos muy idosy claro, a veces envío esclavos pero siempre teniendo cuidado.
Luego si esto ya no es posible hay edificios como los foros de los romanos donde puedes hacer vendedores de esclavos (creo recordar) y otros edificios, además de investigaciones de tecnologías que lo palían un poco... es cuestión de dedicarle 15 minutillos a verlas opciones.
Lo tengo un poco abandonado yo el juego, tengo ganas de ponerlo otra vez, también el Shogun que me estoy leyendo el libro "Shogun" y vaya, tengo un mono de guerras de samurais que no veas.
Deadmanbeta escribió:Pues fíjate que la opción de crear las mejoras esa para los esclavos, ya estoy en ello, es un icono amarillo, y el los edictos le pongo las mejoras para esclavos....
lo que no hacia era liberarlos, los mataba o esclavizaba de nuevo....ahora los matare a todos
Yo tengo todos lo Total war a excepción del Attila y el Shogun 2 Fall of the Samurai. vicio totalllllll![]()
Saludos y gracias
Winters85 escribió:Lo tengo hace tiempo la emperors edition y hoy me voy a pillar el attila+vikingos+sangre.De este Rome 2 hay algún dlc que merezca la pena?Todos los que hay es un sablazo pero si hay alguno que esté bien igual cae también.Gracias.
seaculorum escribió:Deadmanbeta escribió:Pues fíjate que la opción de crear las mejoras esa para los esclavos, ya estoy en ello, es un icono amarillo, y el los edictos le pongo las mejoras para esclavos....
lo que no hacia era liberarlos, los mataba o esclavizaba de nuevo....ahora los matare a todos
Yo tengo todos lo Total war a excepción del Attila y el Shogun 2 Fall of the Samurai. vicio totalllllll![]()
Saludos y gracias
Me pillé el pack en Steam con todos los juegos de esta gente.
El medieval 2 (jugué primero al Shogun 1 pero poco y nada serio) con el que empecé es mi favorito y después en la misma escala estarían el Shogun 2, Empire/Napoleon, y Rome 2 (rome 1 me lo salté o no jugué o yo que sé) que pongo o uno u otro según me de... que veo la peli del Ultimo Samurai o leo algún libro pues Shogun 2, que me veo una peli de romanos o griegos y tal, Rome 2que me leo el capitan Alatriste pues Empire jajajaja según se me antoja.
Me falta el Atila también, pero joer, me falta tiempo, el Rome 2 no lo he exprimido nada.Winters85 escribió:Lo tengo hace tiempo la emperors edition y hoy me voy a pillar el attila+vikingos+sangre.De este Rome 2 hay algún dlc que merezca la pena?Todos los que hay es un sablazo pero si hay alguno que esté bien igual cae también.Gracias.
Espera a algunas rebajas, todos los que dan campaña están bien, pero cuando te los dejan a 2 euros o cosas así, yo con la especulación del mercado de Steam invierto en DLCs de este royo... pagar su precio normal me parece una locura.
Winters85 escribió:Lo tengo hace tiempo la emperors edition y hoy me voy a pillar el attila+vikingos+sangre.De este Rome 2 hay algún dlc que merezca la pena?Todos los que hay es un sablazo pero si hay alguno que esté bien igual cae también.Gracias.
Total War ROME II – Patch 17 Beta
The beta version of patch 17 for Tota War: ROME II - Emperor Edition is now available to download.
With this beta we’re aiming to solve some technical issues with the Mac version and some residual campaign and battle issues. This incorporates a large number of balance changes across the different playable factions in ROME II for both Mac and PC versions. These include alterations to unit rosters, building and resource effects, garrison compositions, culture and faction traits in all campaigns, and more.
To opt into the beta, follow these steps:
In Steam games library, right-click “Total War: ROME II – Emperor Edition” and select “Properties”.
In the Properties window, select the “BETAS” tab.
Select “patch_17_beta -from the “Select the beta you would like to opt into:” drop-down box.
“Total War: ROME II – Emperor Edition” will then update
Technical and Performance Issues
Texture quality is now based on the available memory on the machine instead of the graphics settings selected
Improved the games automatic detection of graphics settings based on Mac hardware
Increased the default screen resolution aspect ratio from 4:3 to 16:9 on Mac
Optimised campaign memory usage in the Mac App Store version of the game, by loading less campaign character / general models into campaigns where they are not needed
Fixed a bug where preferences including campaign difficulty were not being saved correctly in the Mac App Store version of the game
The difficulty slider on the faction selection screen will now set the difficulty correctly in the Mac App Store version of the game
Fixed some unintentional motion blur while looking at the sky in battles on Mac
Fixed a crash when changing the Unlimited Video Memory option while in battle on Mac
Fixed a bug where the game would not launch in windowed mode, and stalled before the legal screen on certain iMacs
Fixed erroneous unit banner shadows on Mac during battle, which looked like black crosses, and could fill the screen when zoomed in
Tier III and IV Toutatis temples now give correct +4 bonus to Celtic cultural influence
Fix for multiple issues where some effects for buildings were better when damaged
Corrected sub-culture of Colchian civil war faction
Dahae are now set to the correct military group in the Imperator Augustus campaign
Added hidden agent security bonuses in cities for Black Sea factions
Added missing faction mercenaries for Arevaci and Lusitani
Swapped Formidable Swordsmen army tradition for the Ardiaei to Formidable Spearmen, and Light Cavalry Masters for Cavalry Masters
The Dignitary Civil Administration skill now works correctly
Added Sarmatian Royal Lancers as a general’s unit option for the Roxolani
Increased chance of subjects, incidents, dilemmas, and missions occurring
Fixed Persian Light Archers and Elite Persian Archers weights from medium to very light and very light to medium respectively
Correct Thracian Peltast weight to very light
Changed Picked Peltast weight to medium
Mercenary Horse Skirmishers cost changed to 390 to match non-mercenary version of the unit
Corrected shield type for Bactrian Hillmen
Auxiliary and Mercenary Parthian Horse Archers given correct weapon to match missile damage of non-mercenary version
Illyrian Thureos Spears changed to match the 360 mentioned in previous patch notes
Weight of Legionary Cavalry is consistent across all variants of that unit and cost adjusted to 620 to match Imperator Augustus version of unit
Naked Warriors and Naked Spears unit variants now all have the medium weight
Auxiliary and Mercenary Bactrian Light Horse changed from light to medium to match regular version of the unit
Removed unit caps from elite naval units
Fix for some units being put into incorrect unit sets which prevented them from getting various bonuses (Illyrian Noble Hoplites not getting spearmen related bonuses for example)
Added Hoplite Wall ability to Auxiliary Greek Hoplites to match the regular version of the unit
Added precusor javelins to Mercenary Spear Band to match the regular version of the unit
Illyrian Slave Javelinmen weight changed from medium to very light
Fix for some bonuses not being hooked up correctly to unit sets, which prevented some units from gaining the correct bonuses
Fix for some bodyguard units not being hooked up to bodyguard unit bonuses
Recruitment/Custom Battles
Colchian Nobles now recruitable from tier IV barracks
Scythian Hoplites recruitable from tier III barracks
Axe Warriors recruitable from tier III barracks for Massilia
Fix for Cimmeria not being able to recruit Penteres naval units
Fix for Painted Ones and Naked Warriors not being recruitable from tier III proving grounds
Fix for Raiding Horsemen not being recruitable from tier IV horse recruitment buildings
Rhodos can now recruit Rhodian Slingers in the campaign
Removed Scorpion units from custom battles, Tylis given correct Dacian Cheiroballista
Swapped Germanic ships in Massilia custom battle roster for correct Greek ships
Swapped some Peltast ships to correct Milita Hoplite ones for Athens and *Syracuse in custom battles, also made them recruitable in campaign
Added in Bactrian Hillmen ship to Baktria for custom battles
Seleucid Eastern Spearmen added to Seleucid custom battle roster
Added missing ships to tier III and IV military ports for Armenia
Fix for Axemen for Colchis not being recruitable from tier III barracks
Thracian Peltasts changed to be recruitable from all Artisan buildings
Corrected naval units available for Parthia in custom battles
Changed Thracian Warriors to be available from tier II bronze buildings and up
Greek Slingers removed from Seleucid roster leaving them with Eastern Slingers
Raiding Hemolia added to Colchis custom battle roster Eastern Spearmen *Firepot Dieres removed from Colchis roster as they have Peltast Fireport Dieres as well
Added in Polybolos for Egypt in custom battles
Fix for some factions in custom battle not being able to use Cheiroballista or Polybolos in siege defences
Fix for Odrysian Kingdom, Nervii, Arevaci, Tylis, Galatia, Suebi and Ardiaei losing garrison units when upgrading to tier III horse recruitment building
Fix for Nervii having no garrisons for tier III and IV bronze buildings
Fix for missing naval garrison units for Cimmeria
Fix for missing garrison units from tier III and IV light barracks for Cimmeria
Removed Thorax Hoplites from garrisons to fix issue where Athens and Sparta were gaining an extra unit in their garrisons
Fix for Tylis losing garrison units when upgrading from tier II to tier III Bronzeworker
Added Spartan Pikemen as an elite unit for Spartan garrisons
Added Tribal Garrison unit to Odrysian Kingdom garrisons
Fix for Getae garrisons decreasing in size when certain unit upgrades were researched
Added Sword Followers to Boii garrisons from tier III and IV bronze buildings
Fix for Colchis early barracks garrisons being stronger than other factions
Celtic Slingers replace Celtic Bowmen in garrisons
Added Kartli Axemen Tetreres to tier III and IV military port garrisons
Egyptian Slinger Trieres added to tier IV harbour garrison for Egypt
Greek Milita Hoplite Dieres added to tier II harbour garrisons for Athens, Macedon, Syracuse
Replaced Thracian Warriors with Thracian Peltasts in some garrisons
Persian Cavalry swapped for Eastern Horse Archers for some Armenian garrisons to prevent unit doubling
Armoured Horse Archers swapped for Parthian Horse Archers for some garrisons to prevent unit doubling
Fix for garrisons of tier III/IV infantry barracks for Armenia and Parthia being reversed
Median Cavalry removed from Seleucid infantry building garrisons
Persian Cavalry removed from infantry building garrisons
Swapped Iberian Skirmishers for Iberian Slingers in city/town garrisons
Added missing Steppe Axes Dieres, Tetreres and Hexeres to garrisons
Added Lusitani Noble Raider to level IV military port garrisons
Eastern Archers added to Media Atropatene roster to fix garrison issues
Added Dacian Spears to Odrysian Kingdom unit roster
Added a new theme selection option to the title screen.
Reduced zone-of-control size for forces and cities from 5 to 3.5
Adjusted ruling political party influence boost granted by higher level Imperium to confer more of an effect; the text for these bonuses have been changed as well
All resource building chains now give a global bonus to all regions:
Amber: trade tariffs (faction)
Dyes: happiness (all provinces)
Grain: food (all regions)
Leather: manufacturing (all regions)
Iron: shield/armour/weapons upgrades (all provinces)
Horses: horse upgrades (all provinces)
Lead: sanitation (all provinces)
Marble: building cost reduction (all regions)
Timber: ship hull upgrades (all sea regions)
Silk: commerce (all regions)
Wine: happiness (all provinces)
Glass: research (faction)
Olives: agriculture (all regions)
Gold: mining (all provinces)
Cultural and Faction Trait updates
Cultural Traits:
Legions: +2 recruitment slots in all provinces
Marching Orders: +15% movement distance for all armies
House of Julia
Barbarian Subduers: +20% melee attack during battles against Barbarian tribes
Romanisation: +4 to cultural conversion
House of Junia
Agrarian Wisdom: +30% wealth from agricultural buildings
Founding Fathers: Public order bonus (maximum of +4) from presence of Latin culture
House of Cornelia
Cultural Assimilation: -50% public order penalties due to presence of foreign cultures
All Will Serve: -50% upkeep cost for all auxiliary units
Cultural Traits
Mercenary Armies: -25% mercenary upkeep costs
Phoenician Trade Heritage: +15% wealth from all commerce buildings
Barcid Dynasty
Pioneers: +15% movement range for all armies and fleets
Loyal Troops: +15% morale for all mercenary units
Hannonid Dynasty
Statesmen: Major diplomatic bonus with all factions
Administrators: +5% tax rate
Magonid Dynasty
Iron Fists: -50% resistance to foreign occupation
Phoenician Prowess: +3 experience ranks for ship recruits
Balkan Tribes
Cultural Traits
Mercenary Armies: +50% mercenary upkeep costs
Promise of Loot: -50% mercenary recruitment costs
Odrysian Kingdom
Looters: +100% income from sacking and raiding
Deadly Aim: +2 experience ranks for missile recruits
Fierce Independence: +20% melee attack in own or allied territory
Our Gods: Public order bonus (maximum of +8) from presence of Balkan culture
Pirates: +250% income from raiding
Expert Seafarers: +2 recruitment slots in all ports
Plunderers: +150% income from sacking
Live by the Sword: +2 experience ranks for infantry recruits
Gallic Tribes
Cultural Traits
Gallic Horsemanship: +20% melee attack for all cavalry
Warrior Society: +2 public order for every war
Migratory Urges: -75% to building conversion costs
Conquerors: +15% morale for all units during battles in foreign territory
Gallic Craftsmanship: +20% wealth from all industrial buildings
Tribal Hegemonists: Moderate diplomatic bonus with all Barbarian tribes
Ambushers: +50% chance of successfully launching an ambush
National Courage: +20% melee attack in own or allied territory
Plunderers: +100% income from raiding and sacking
Gallo-Graeci: Moderate diplomatic bonus with all Hellenic factions
Successor Kingdoms
Cultural Traits
Successor Conflicts: Major diplomatic penalty with all Hellenic factions
Alexander's Legacy: -50% resistance to foreign occupation
Satrapies: Increased number of levy units available from satrapies
Royal Estates: +20% wealth from agricultural buildings
Ptolemaic Enlightenment: +20% research rate
Nile Valley: +1 food in all regions
Thessalian Pride: +20% charge bonus for all cavalry units
Barbarian Subduers: +20% melee attack during battles against Barbarian tribes
Silk Road: +20% wealth from all commerce buildings
Multiculturalism: Public order bonus (maximum of +8) from presence of other cultures
Greek States
Cultural Traits
Independence: +20% melee defence during battles in own or allied territory
Classical Heritage: +4 to cultural conversion
Great Traders: +20% wealth from all commerce buildings
Local Dominance: Minor diplomatic bonus with all factions
Helot Repression: -50% slave unhappiness
Spartiate Warriors: +3 experience ranks for Spartan infantry recruits
Cultural Centre: +20% wealth from culture
Naval Prowess: +3 experience ranks for Athenian ship recruits
Village Confederation: +20% wealth from minor settlements
Guardians of Dodona: Public order bonus (maximum of +4) from presence of Hellenic culture
Archimede's Eureka: +20% research rate
Flowering Culture: +20% wealth from culture
Iberian Tribes
Cultural Traits
Scouts: Increased chance for all characters to discover hidden agents and armies
Warrior People: +4 public order from presence of an army in a province
Ambushers: +50% chance of successfully launching an ambush
Mighty Warriors: +2 experience for all infantry recruits
Horsemanship: -20% recruitment cost for all cavalry units
One People: Major diplomatic bonus with all Iberian factions
Nomadic Tribes
Cultural Traits
Horde: +3 recruitment slots in home province
Marauders: +50% income from raiding and sacking
Peregrine Conquerors: +20% melee attack during battles in foreign territory
Migrant Traders: +15% wealth from all commerce buildings
Pastoral Lifestyle: +40% wealth from livestock buildings
Tribal Ferocity: +15% morale in own or allied territory
Royal Scythia
Archery Masters: +25% ammunition for all units
Scythian Craftsmanship: +15% wealth from all industrial buildings
Eastern Empires
Cultural Traits
Great Marksmen: +25% ammunition for all units
Secret Police: Increased security against agents in all provinces
Cavalry Masters: -25% recruitment cost for all cavalry units
Multiculturalism: -25% public order due to presence of foreign cultures
Proud People: +20% morale for all units during battles in own territory
Bridge Builders: Minor diplomatic bonus with all Hellenistic and Eastern factions
Shrewd Operators: -50% all agent action costs
Philhellenes: Moderate diplomatic bonus with all Hellenic factions
Black Sea Colonies
Cultural Traits
Rulers of Foreign Lands: -50% public order penalties due to presence of foreign cultures
Greek Hearts: +15% morale when fighting in own or allied territory
Great Builders: -25% building construction costs
Town Growth: +4 growth in all regions
Bosporian Fertile Lands: +25% wealth from agricultural buildings
Nomadic Archers: +25% ammunition for all units
Trade Crossroads: +15% wealth from all trade agreements
Golden Legacy: +2 Hellenic cultural influence in all provinces
Brittanic Tribes
Cultural Traits
Heroic Culture: +20% charge bonus in battles when attacking
Warrior Society: +2 public order for every war
Pastoral Ways: +20% wealth from all agricultural buildings
Cultural Aspirations: Moderate diplomatic bonus with all non-barbarian tribes
Germanic Tribes
Cultural Traits
Terrors of the Night: Can always choose to fight night battles
Warrior Society: +2 public order for every war
Tribal Conquerors: +20% melee attack during battles against Barbarian tribes
Marauders: +100% income from raiding and sacking
Cultural Traits
Legions: +2 recruitment slots in all provinces
One Ruler: All Roman factions share a major diplomatic penalty with all other Roman factions
Lepidus' Rome
Agrarian Wisdom: +30% wealth from agricultural buildings
Administrators: +5% tax rate
Octavian's Rome
Barbarian Subduers: +20% melee attack during battles against Barbarian tribes
Romanisation: +4 to cultural conversion
Antony's Rome
Cultural Assimilation: -50% public order penalties due to presence of foreign cultures
All Will Serve: -50% upkeep cost for all auxiliary units
Pompey's Rome
Expert Seafarers: +2 recruitment slots in all ports
Pioneers: +15% movement range for all armies and fleets
Eastern Empires
Cultural Traits
Great Marksmen: +25% ammunition for all units
Secret Police: Increased security against agents in all provinces
Cavalry Masters: -25% recruitment cost for all cavalry units
Multiculturalism: -25% public order due to presence of foreign cultures
Proud People: +20% morale for all units during battles in own territory
Bridge Builders: Minor diplomatic bonus with all Hellenistic and Eastern factions
Balkan Tribes
Cultural Traits
Mercenary Armies: +50% mercenary upkeep costs
Promise of Loot: -50% mercenary recruitment costs
Fierce Independence: +20% melee attack in own or allied territory
Our Gods: Public order bonus (maximum of +8) from presence of Balkan culture
Successor Kingdoms
Cultural Traits
Greek Hearts: +15% morale when fighting in own or allied territory
Alexander's Legacy: -50% resistance to foreign occupation
Ptolemaic Enlightenment: +20% research rate
Nile Valley: +1 food in all regions
Brittanic Tribes
Cultural Traits
Heroic Culture: +20% charge bonus in battles when attacking
Warrior Society: +2 public order for every war
Pastoral Ways: +20% wealth from all agricultural buildings
Cultural Aspirations: Moderate diplomatic bonus with all non-barbarian tribes
Germanic Tribes
Cultural Traits
Terrors of the Night: Can always choose to fight night battles
Warrior Society: +2 public order for every war
Tribal Conquerors: +20% melee attack during battles against Barbarian tribes
Marauders: +100% income from raiding and sacking
Cultural Traits
Legions: +2 recruitment slots in all provinces
Marching Orders: +15% movement distance for all armies
Paragons of Civilisation: +15% morale during battles in neutral or enemy territory
Romanisation: +2 to cultural conversion
Gallic Tribes
Cultural Traits
Gallic Horsemanship: +15% melee attack for all cavalry
Warrior Society: +2 public order for every war
Gallic Hegemonists: Major diplomatic bonus with all Celtic tribes
Champions of Gaul: +15% melee attack during battles in own or allied territory
Ambushers: +50% chance of successfully launching an ambush
Bravest of the Belgae: +15% morale during battles in own or allied territory
Germanic Tribes
Cultural Traits
Terrors of the Night: Can always choose to fight night battles
Warrior Society: +2 public order for every war
Invaders from Germania: +20% melee attack during battles in neutral or enemy territory
Marauders: +100% income from raiding and sacking
Cultural Traits
Mercenary Armies: -25% mercenary upkeep costs
Trade Heritage: +15% wealth from all commerce buildings
Strategic Effort: +15% movement range for all armies and fleets
The Great Enemy: Major diplomatic penalty with all Latin factions
Cultural Traits
Legions: +2 recruitment slots in all provinces
Marching Orders: +15% movement distance for all armies
Carthago Delenda Est: Major diplomatic penalty with all Punic factions
Agrarian Wisdom: +30% wealth from agricultural buildings
Greek States
Cultural Traits
Independence: +20% melee defence during battles in own or allied territory
Classical Heritage: +4 to cultural conversion
Archimede's Eureka: +20% research rate
Flowering Culture: +20% wealth from culture
Iberian Tribes
Cultural Traits
Scouts: Increased chance for all characters to discover hidden agents and armies
Warrior People: +4 public order from presence of an army in a province
Ambushers: +50% chance of successfully launching an ambush
Mighty Warriors: +2 experience for all infantry recruits
Horsemanship: -20% recruitment cost for all cavalry units
One People: Major diplomatic bonus with all Iberian factions
Greek States
Cultural Traits
Slaves: -85% reduction in unrest caused by slaves but also income generated by them
Slaves: 50% reduction in slave population decline
Wooden Wall: +2 recruitment slots in all ports
Dreams of Empire: -10 happiness in all regions
Helots: +100% wealth from slaves
Spartiate: +3 experience ranks for all Spartan units
Boiotian League
Rising Military: +15% morale for all units
Rival of Athens: Moderate diplomatic penalty with all Ionian factions
Love of Aphrodite: +4 growth in all regions
Maritime Heritage: +15% ship battle speed
alberpotes escribió:Yo tengo los dos y al atila apenas he jugado y eso que lo pille de salida, sigo jugando al rome porque las batallas estan mucho mejor en el rome que en atila, por lo menos cuando este salio, y porque en el atila lo de que la tierra fuera perdiendo fertilidad era una jodida broma
Senegio escribió:alberpotes escribió:Yo tengo los dos y al atila apenas he jugado y eso que lo pille de salida, sigo jugando al rome porque las batallas estan mucho mejor en el rome que en atila, por lo menos cuando este salio, y porque en el atila lo de que la tierra fuera perdiendo fertilidad era una jodida broma
Hombre, lo de la tierra quemada es algo "realista" que han intentado meter. Molesta, pero está bien pensado.
Yo también tengo el Attila de salida y le habré echado unas decenas de horas (aunque el maldito Steam no me las contó todas), y aunque me gusta y tiene bastantes cosas mejores que el Rome II, el Rome II por temática y facciones me gusta infinitamente más.
Yo es que soy muy de Roma y de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, qué le voy a hacer![]()
Senegio escribió:alberpotes escribió:Yo tengo los dos y al atila apenas he jugado y eso que lo pille de salida, sigo jugando al rome porque las batallas estan mucho mejor en el rome que en atila, por lo menos cuando este salio, y porque en el atila lo de que la tierra fuera perdiendo fertilidad era una jodida broma
Hombre, lo de la tierra quemada es algo "realista" que han intentado meter. Molesta, pero está bien pensado.
Yo también tengo el Attila de salida y le habré echado unas decenas de horas (aunque el maldito Steam no me las contó todas), y aunque me gusta y tiene bastantes cosas mejores que el Rome II, el Rome II por temática y facciones me gusta infinitamente más.
Yo es que soy muy de Roma y de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, qué le voy a hacer![]()
Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition – Patch 17
Technical and Performance Issues
Audio mods will need to be updated from Patch 17 forward, to support Wwise v2014.1.3 a guide and example can be found here:
Texture quality is now based on the available memory on the machine instead of the graphics settings selected
Improved the games automatic detection of graphics settings based on Mac hardware
Increased the default screen resolution aspect ratio from 4:3 to 16:9 on Mac
Optimised campaign memory usage in the Mac App Store version of the game, by loading less campaign character / general models into campaigns where they are not needed
Fixed a bug where preferences including campaign difficulty were not being saved correctly in the Mac App Store version of the game
The difficulty slider on the faction selection screen will now set the difficulty correctly in the Mac App Store version of the game
Fixed some unintentional motion blur while looking at the sky in battles on Mac
Fixed a crash when changing the Unlimited Video Memory option while in battle on Mac
Fixed a bug where the game would not launch in windowed mode, and stalled before the legal screen on certain iMacs
Fixed erroneous unit banner shadows on Mac during battle, which looked like black crosses, and could fill the screen when zoomed in
Improved Heat Haze effects in battle when distortion effects are enabled in Mac versions.
Tier III and IV Toutatis temples now give correct +4 bonus to Celtic cultural influence
Fix for multiple issues where some effects for buildings were better when damaged
Changed the building cost reduction bonus for the Marble Chain to be restricted to the province only, and made Happiness Bonus global to prevent the player from make money from constructing buildings.
Corrected sub-culture of Colchian civil war faction
Dahae are now set to the correct military group in the Imperator Augustus campaign
Added hidden agent security bonuses in cities for Black Sea factions
Added missing faction mercenaries for Arevaci and Lusitani
Swapped Formidable Swordsmen army tradition for the Ardiaei to Formidable Spearmen, and Light Cavalry Masters for Cavalry Masters
The Dignitary Civil Administration skill now works correctly
Added Sarmatian Royal Lancers as a general’s unit option for the Roxolani
Increased chance of subjects, incidents, dilemmas, and missions occurring
Mercenary Horse Skirmishers cost changed to 390 to match non-mercenary version of the unit
Corrected shield type for Bactrian Hillmen
Auxiliary and Mercenary Parthian Horse Archers given correct weapon to match missile damage of non-mercenary version
Illyrian Thureos Spears changed to match the 360 mentioned in previous patch notes
Weight of Legionary Cavalry is consistent across all variants of that unit and cost adjusted to 620 to match Imperator Augustus version of unit
Auxiliary and Mercenary Bactrian Light Horse changed from light to medium to match regular version of the unit
Removed unit caps from elite naval units
Fix for some units not being hooked up to the correct unit sets which prevented them from getting various bonuses (Illyrian Noble Hoplites not getting spearmen related bonuses for example)
Fix for some units being put into incorrect unit sets which prevented them from getting various bonuses (Illyrian Noble Hoplites not getting spearmen related bonuses for example)
Added Hoplite Wall ability to Auxiliary Greek Hoplites to match the regular version of the unit
Added precusor javelins to Mercenary Spear Band to match the regular version of the unit
Corrected inconsistencies between different versions of Cappadocian Cavalry
Gorgo's Skirmishers rapid volley ability swapped for quick reload
The following units displayed weight now matches the weight of the entity used by the unit:
Bactrian Light Horse (light)
Ambushers (light)
Briton Scout Riders (light)
Libyan Peltasts (medium)
Late Libyan Hoplites (medium)
Axe Warriors (medium)
Celtic Warriors (light)
Galatian Spears (medium)
Gallic Hunters (very light)
Gallo-Thracian Infantry (medium)
Levy Freemen (light)
Naked Spears (light)
Naked Swords (light)
Naked Warriors (light)
Spear Warriors (medium)
Tribal Warriors (very heavy)
Veteran Spears (very heavy)
Armoured Spears (heavy)
Heavy Bowmen (light)
Heavy Skirmishers (light)
Heavy Spears (medium)
Dacian Skirmishers (light)
Horse Skirmishers (very light)
Noble Horse Archers (very heavy)
Elite Persian Archers (very light)
Pontic Swordsmen (heavy)
Nubian Spears (light)
Egyptian Pikemen (medium)
Bloodsworn (light)
Club Levy (light)
Hex-Bearers (light)
Horse Runners (very light)
Night Hunters (light)
Round Shield Swordsmen (light)
Spear Brothers (light)
Spear Levy (light)
Spear Wall (light)
Spearwomen (light)
Sword Masters (medium)
Wodanaz Spears (light)
Germanic Youths (very light)
Agrianian Axemen (medium)
Cimmerian Heavy Archers (light)
Levy Thureos Spears (light)
Light Hoplites (light)
Light Peltasts (very light)
Massilian Cavalry (medium)
Militia Hoplites (very heavy)
Periokoi Hoplites (very heavy)
Picked Peltasts (light)
Royal Peltasts (heavy)
Scythian Hoplites (heavy)
Spartan Hoplites (super heavy)
Spartan Pikemen (super heavy)
Spartan Youths (medium)
Lusitani Guerillas (medium)
Lusitani Spearmen (medium)
Painted Warriors (medium)
Scutarii Spearmen (medium)
Scutarii (medium)
Illyrian Thureos Spears (light)
Mercenary Leopard Warriors (light)
Mercenary Kushite Shieldwomen (light)
Mercenary Numidian Noble Cavalry (medium)
Mercenary Parthian Horse Archers (light)
Eagle Cohort (heavy)
First Cohort (heavy)
Gladiatricies (light)
Spear Gladiatricies (light)
Hastati (medium)
Steppe Spearmen (light)
Saka Cataphract Horse Archers (very heavy)
Thracian Peltasts (light)
Recruitment/Custom Battles
Colchian Nobles now recruitable from tier IV barracks
Scythian Hoplites recruitable from tier III barracks
Axe Warriors recruitable from tier III barracks for Massilia
Fix for Cimmeria not being able to recruit Penteres naval units
Fix for Painted Ones and Naked Warriors not being recruitable from tier III proving grounds
Fix for Raiding Horsemen not being recruitable from tier IV horse recruitment buildings
Rhodos can now recruit Rhodian Slingers in the campaign
Removed Scorpion units from custom battles, Tylis given correct Dacian Cheiroballista
Swapped Germanic ships in Massilia custom battle roster for correct Greek ships
Swapped some Peltast ships to correct Milita Hoplite ones for Athens and *Syracuse in custom battles, also made them recruitable in campaign
Added in Bactrian Hillmen ship to Baktria for custom battles
Seleucid Eastern Spearmen added to Seleucid custom battle roster
Added missing ships to tier III and IV military ports for Armenia
Fix for Axemen for Colchis not being recruitable from tier III barracks
Thracian Peltasts changed to be recruitable from all Artisan buildings
Corrected naval units available for Parthia in custom battles
Changed Thracian Warriors to be available from tier II bronze buildings and up
Greek Slingers removed from Seleucid roster leaving them with Eastern Slingers
Raiding Hemolia added to Colchis custom battle roster Eastern Spearmen *Firepot Dieres removed from Colchis roster as they have Peltast Fireport Dieres as well
Added in Polybolos for Egypt in custom battles
Fix for some factions in custom battle not being able to use Cheiroballista or Polybolos in siege defences
Fix for Odrysian Kingdom, Nervii, Arevaci, Tylis, Galatia, Suebi and Ardiaei losing garrison units when upgrading to tier III horse recruitment building
Fix for Nervii having no garrisons for tier III and IV bronze buildings
Fix for missing naval garrison units for Cimmeria
Fix for missing garrison units from tier III and IV light barracks for Cimmeria
Removed Thorax Hoplites from garrisons to fix issue where Athens and Sparta were gaining an extra unit in their garrisons
Fix for Tylis losing garrison units when upgrading from tier II to tier III Bronzeworker
Added Spartan Pikemen as an elite unit for Spartan garrisons
Added Tribal Garrison unit to Odrysian Kingdom garrisons
Fix for Getae garrisons decreasing in size when certain unit upgrades were researched
Added Sword Followers to Boii garrisons from tier III and IV bronze buildings
Fix for Colchis early barracks garrisons being stronger than other factions
Celtic Slingers replace Celtic Bowmen in garrisons
Added Kartli Axemen Tetreres to tier III and IV military port garrisons
Egyptian Slinger Trieres added to tier IV harbour garrison for Egypt
Greek Milita Hoplite Dieres added to tier II harbour garrisons for Athens, Macedon, Syracuse
Replaced Thracian Warriors with Thracian Peltasts in some garrisons
Persian Cavalry swapped for Eastern Horse Archers for some Armenian garrisons to prevent unit doubling
Armoured Horse Archers swapped for Parthian Horse Archers for some garrisons to prevent unit doubling
Fix for garrisons of tier III/IV infantry barracks for Armenia and Parthia being reversed
Median Cavalry removed from Seleucid infantry building garrisons
Persian Cavalry removed from infantry building garrisons
Swapped Iberian Skirmishers for Iberian Slingers in city/town garrisons
Added missing Steppe Axes Dieres, Tetreres and Hexeres to garrisons
Added Lusitani Noble Raider to level IV military port garrisons
Eastern Archers added to Media Atropatene roster to fix garrison issues
Added Dacian Spears to Odrysian Kingdom unit roster
Corrected Baktria multiculturalism bonus to be 8 rather than 4.
Added a new theme selection option to the title screen.
Reduced zone-of-control size for forces and cities from 5 to 3.5
Adjusted ruling political party influence boost granted by higher level Imperium to confer more of an effect; the text for these bonuses have been changed as well
All resource building chains now give a global bonus to all regions:
Amber: trade tariffs (faction)
Dyes: happiness (all provinces)
Grain: food (all regions)
Leather: manufacturing (all regions)
Iron: shield/armour/weapons upgrades (all provinces)
Horses: horse upgrades (all provinces)
Lead: sanitation (all provinces)
Marble: now provides a happiness bonus in all provinces
Timber: ship hull upgrades (all sea regions)
Silk: commerce (all regions)
Wine: happiness (all provinces)
Glass: research (faction)
Olives: agriculture (all regions)
Gold: mining (all provinces)
Cultural and Faction Trait updates
Cultural Traits:
Legions: +2 recruitment slots in all provinces
Marching Orders: +15% movement distance for all armies
House of Julia
Barbarian Subduers: +20% melee attack during battles against Barbarian tribes
Romanisation: +4 to cultural conversion
House of Junia
Agrarian Wisdom: +30% wealth from agricultural buildings
Founding Fathers: Public order bonus (maximum of +4) from presence of Latin culture
House of Cornelia
Cultural Assimilation: -50% public order penalties due to presence of foreign cultures
All Will Serve: -50% upkeep cost for all auxiliary units
Cultural Traits
Mercenary Armies: -25% mercenary upkeep costs
Phoenician Trade Heritage: +15% wealth from all commerce buildings
Barcid Dynasty
Pioneers: +15% movement range for all armies and fleets
Loyal Troops: +15% morale for all mercenary units
Hannonid Dynasty
Statesmen: Major diplomatic bonus with all factions
Administrators: +5% tax rate
Magonid Dynasty
Iron Fists: -50% resistance to foreign occupation
Phoenician Prowess: +3 experience ranks for ship recruits
Balkan Tribes
Cultural Traits
Mercenary Armies: +50% mercenary upkeep costs
Promise of Loot: -50% mercenary recruitment costs
Odrysian Kingdom
Looters: +100% income from sacking and raiding
Deadly Aim: +2 experience ranks for missile recruits
Fierce Independence: +20% melee attack in own or allied territory
Our Gods: Public order bonus (maximum of +8) from presence of Balkan culture
Pirates: +250% income from raiding
Expert Seafarers: +2 recruitment slots in all ports
Plunderers: +150% income from sacking
Live by the Sword: +2 experience ranks for infantry recruits
Gallic Tribes
Cultural Traits
Gallic Horsemanship: +20% melee attack for all cavalry
Warrior Society: +2 public order for every war
Migratory Urges: -75% to building conversion costs
Conquerors: +15% morale for all units during battles in foreign territory
Gallic Craftsmanship: +20% wealth from all industrial buildings
Tribal Hegemonists: Moderate diplomatic bonus with all Barbarian tribes
Ambushers: +50% chance of successfully launching an ambush
National Courage: +20% melee attack in own or allied territory
Plunderers: +100% income from raiding and sacking
Gallo-Graeci: Moderate diplomatic bonus with all Hellenic factions
Successor Kingdoms
Cultural Traits
Successor Conflicts: Major diplomatic penalty with all Hellenic factions
Alexander's Legacy: -50% resistance to foreign occupation
Satrapies: Increased number of levy units available from satrapies
Royal Estates: +20% wealth from agricultural buildings
Ptolemaic Enlightenment: +20% research rate
Nile Valley: +1 food in all regions
Thessalian Pride: +20% charge bonus for all cavalry units
Barbarian Subduers: +20% melee attack during battles against Barbarian tribes
Silk Road: +20% wealth from all commerce buildings
Multiculturalism: -100% public order penalties due to presence of foreign cultures
Greek States
Cultural Traits
Independence: +20% melee defence during battles in own or allied territory
Classical Heritage: +4 to cultural conversion
Great Traders: +20% wealth from all commerce buildings
Local Dominance: Minor diplomatic bonus with all factions
Helot Repression: -50% slave unhappiness
Spartiate Warriors: +3 experience ranks for Spartan infantry recruits
Cultural Centre: +20% wealth from culture
Naval Prowess: +3 experience ranks for Athenian ship recruits
Village Confederation: +20% wealth from minor settlements
Guardians of Dodona: Public order bonus (maximum of +4) from presence of Hellenic culture
Archimede's Eureka: +20% research rate
Flowering Culture: +20% wealth from culture
Iberian Tribes
Cultural Traits
Scouts: Increased chance for all characters to discover hidden agents and armies
Warrior People: +4 public order from presence of an army in a province
Ambushers: +50% chance of successfully launching an ambush
Mighty Warriors: +2 experience for all infantry recruits
Horsemanship: -20% recruitment cost for all cavalry units
One People: Major diplomatic bonus with all Iberian factions
Nomadic Tribes
Cultural Traits
Horde: +3 recruitment slots in home province
Marauders: +50% income from raiding and sacking
Peregrine Conquerors: +20% melee attack during battles in foreign territory
Migrant Traders: +15% wealth from all commerce buildings
Pastoral Lifestyle: +40% wealth from livestock buildings
Tribal Ferocity: +15% morale in own or allied territory
Royal Scythia
Archery Masters: +25% ammunition for all units
Scythian Craftsmanship: +15% wealth from all industrial buildings
Eastern Empires
Cultural Traits
Great Marksmen: +25% ammunition for all units
Secret Police: Increased security against agents in all provinces
Cavalry Masters: -25% recruitment cost for all cavalry units
Multiculturalism: -25% public order due to presence of foreign cultures
Proud People: +20% morale for all units during battles in own territory
Bridge Builders: Minor diplomatic bonus with all Hellenistic and Eastern factions
Shrewd Operators: -50% all agent action costs
Philhellenes: Moderate diplomatic bonus with all Hellenic factions
Black Sea Colonies
Cultural Traits
Rulers of Foreign Lands: -50% public order penalties due to presence of foreign cultures
Greek Hearts: +15% morale when fighting in own or allied territory
Great Builders: -25% building construction costs
Town Growth: +4 growth in all regions
Bosporian Fertile Lands: +25% wealth from agricultural buildings
Nomadic Archers: +25% ammunition for all units
Trade Crossroads: +15% wealth from all trade agreements
Golden Legacy: +2 Hellenic cultural influence in all provinces
Brittanic Tribes
Cultural Traits
Heroic Culture: +20% charge bonus in battles when attacking
Warrior Society: +2 public order for every war
Pastoral Ways: +20% wealth from all agricultural buildings
Cultural Aspirations: Moderate diplomatic bonus with all non-barbarian tribes
Germanic Tribes
Cultural Traits
Terrors of the Night: Can always choose to fight night battles
Warrior Society: +2 public order for every war
Tribal Conquerors: +20% melee attack during battles against Barbarian tribes
Marauders: +100% income from raiding and sacking
Cultural Traits
Legions: +2 recruitment slots in all provinces
One Ruler: All Roman factions share a major diplomatic penalty with all other Roman factions
Lepidus' Rome
Agrarian Wisdom: +30% wealth from agricultural buildings
Administrators: +5% tax rate
Octavian's Rome
Barbarian Subduers: +20% melee attack during battles against Barbarian tribes
Romanisation: +4 to cultural conversion
Antony's Rome
Cultural Assimilation: -50% public order penalties due to presence of foreign cultures
All Will Serve: -50% upkeep cost for all auxiliary units
Pompey's Rome
Expert Seafarers: +2 recruitment slots in all ports
Pioneers: +15% movement range for all armies and fleets
Eastern Empires
Cultural Traits
Great Marksmen: +25% ammunition for all units
Secret Police: Increased security against agents in all provinces
Cavalry Masters: -25% recruitment cost for all cavalry units
Multiculturalism: -25% public order due to presence of foreign cultures
Proud People: +20% morale for all units during battles in own territory
Bridge Builders: Minor diplomatic bonus with all Hellenistic and Eastern factions
Balkan Tribes
Cultural Traits
Mercenary Armies: +50% mercenary upkeep costs
Promise of Loot: -50% mercenary recruitment costs
Fierce Independence: +20% melee attack in own or allied territory
Our Gods: Public order bonus (maximum of +8) from presence of Balkan culture
Successor Kingdoms
Cultural Traits
Greek Hearts: +15% morale when fighting in own or allied territory
Alexander's Legacy: -50% resistance to foreign occupation
Ptolemaic Enlightenment: +20% research rate
Nile Valley: +1 food in all regions
Brittanic Tribes
Cultural Traits
Heroic Culture: +20% charge bonus in battles when attacking
Warrior Society: +2 public order for every war
Pastoral Ways: +20% wealth from all agricultural buildings
Cultural Aspirations: Moderate diplomatic bonus with all non-barbarian tribes
Germanic Tribes
Cultural Traits
Terrors of the Night: Can always choose to fight night battles
Warrior Society: +2 public order for every war
Tribal Conquerors: +20% melee attack during battles against Barbarian tribes
Marauders: +100% income from raiding and sacking
Cultural Traits
Legions: +2 recruitment slots in all provinces
Marching Orders: +15% movement distance for all armies
Paragons of Civilisation: +15% morale during battles in neutral or enemy territory
Romanisation: +2 to cultural conversion
Gallic Tribes
Cultural Traits
Gallic Horsemanship: +15% melee attack for all cavalry
Warrior Society: +2 public order for every war
Gallic Hegemonists: Major diplomatic bonus with all Celtic tribes
Champions of Gaul: +15% melee attack during battles in own or allied territory
Ambushers: +50% chance of successfully launching an ambush
Bravest of the Belgae: +15% morale during battles in own or allied territory
Germanic Tribes
Cultural Traits
Terrors of the Night: Can always choose to fight night battles
Warrior Society: +2 public order for every war
Invaders from Germania: +20% melee attack during battles in neutral or enemy territory
Marauders: +100% income from raiding and sacking
Cultural Traits
Mercenary Armies: -25% mercenary upkeep costs
Trade Heritage: +15% wealth from all commerce buildings
Strategic Effort: +15% movement range for all armies and fleets
The Great Enemy: Major diplomatic penalty with all Latin factions
Cultural Traits
Legions: +2 recruitment slots in all provinces
Marching Orders: +15% movement distance for all armies
Carthago Delenda Est: Major diplomatic penalty with all Punic factions
Agrarian Wisdom: +30% wealth from agricultural buildings
Greek States
Cultural Traits
Independence: +20% melee defence during battles in own or allied territory
Classical Heritage: +4 to cultural conversion
Archimede's Eureka: +20% research rate
Flowering Culture: +20% wealth from culture
Iberian Tribes
Cultural Traits
Scouts: Increased chance for all characters to discover hidden agents and armies
Warrior People: +4 public order from presence of an army in a province
Ambushers: +50% chance of successfully launching an ambush
Mighty Warriors: +2 experience for all infantry recruits
Horsemanship: -20% recruitment cost for all cavalry units
One People: Major diplomatic bonus with all Iberian factions
Greek States
Cultural Traits
Slaves: -85% reduction in unrest caused by slaves but also income generated by them
Slaves: 50% reduction in slave population decline
Wooden Wall: +2 recruitment slots in all ports
Dreams of Empire: -10 happiness in all regions
Helots: +100% wealth from slaves
Spartiate: +3 experience ranks for all Spartan units
Boiotian League
Rising Military: +15% morale for all units
Rival of Athens: Moderate diplomatic penalty with all Ionian factions
Love of Aphrodite: +4 growth in all regions
Maritime Heritage: +15% ship battle speed