Sera pariente del hombre lagarto?¿ por que sale en otro juego de otra compañia (SCII)?
Lizardman Day 2007
Celebrated everywhere June 12th.
In 2006 I declared June 12th, which happens to be my birthday, to be Lizardman Day (the original page is here) and I was blown away by the great response to what I really thought would probably just be another one of my wacky ideas that would only amuse me and few friends. This year I am looking to make Lizardman Day an even bigger and better affair, even offering a little special something for those who make their participation known.
First, a little word on what I want Lizardman Day to be - it is not solely a narcissistic endeavor on my part. I am not out to just celebrate myself, what I really want is for people to celebrate themselves potentially using me as a vehicle or an exscuse for that celebration. My dislike of holidays (well documented in blogs and elsewhere) mainly stems from the blind tradition following they inspire. That is why for Lizardman Day I previously suggested traditions but also encourage people to come up with their own ideas. This time around I am not using the word 'traditions' but I will be suggesting and, in some cases, rewarding some behaviours. The important thing is for you to decide to celebrate on this day and the manner in which you do so for yourself. Have some fun!
I am once again asking that people prominently display images of themselves with me - e.g. making them their avatars or main images for the day online. Another option would be to thusly display an image of yourself in any Lizardman clothing items (t-shirts, hats, panties, etc). If you don't have either of the above then you can always make a 'Happy Lizardman Day sign or write it on yourself, take a picture and use that image. Anyone who does either of the latter two (lizardman clothing or sign) and sends me a copy of the image to include online in a photo set (probably on flickr) and includes their mailing address will recieve one of my signed souvenir postcards*.
Señores se nos paso una fiesta necrosianaOooh , la ira de Lizardman nos espera
PD: si amais a nuestro señor no pongais su nombre en google imagenes