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peppymus escribió:
Hoy es 9 de mayo dia de la victoria, Victoria sobre los nazis en la segunda guerra mundial. Quizás sea eso lo que se celebra.... ? Solo se ven banderas referente a ese hecho historico.
Entre ello miles de ucranianos combatieron durante la segunda guerra mundial por la liberacion de europa del nazismo... (Vasili Záitsev por poner un ejemplo)
Incluso, el propio ejercito actual ucraniano ha desfilado en el dia de la victoria invitado por rusia en el pasado.
Son 2 cosas completamente diferentes, una el dia de la victoria frente al nazismo en la segunda guerra mundial y la otra la deleznable imbasion rusa sobre ucrania, cosa que en el video que se enlaza esta segunda no parece en ningun sitio relacionado.
creo que a penas tiene que ver esto con la guerra de ucrania...
zibergazte escribió:USA cometió un genocidio en la 2GM. No verás ni a los japos decirlo en sus homenajes en las dos ciudades.. Si llega a hacer Alemania lo mismo (es imposible porque habían ganado la guerra, pero planteemos una hipótesis casi imposible) y los libros de historia hubieran dicho algo muy diferente habiendo hecho lo mismo.
Lord Duke escribió:@gojesusga Ni peros ni peras, has puesto un ejemplo que no se asemeja a la situación actual. Luego ya has reculando con el "imagina si..." Podemos imaginarnos lo que queramos pero en esta situación la realidad es la de que un país a querido entrar en una organización defensiva por qué su vecino lo estaba amenazando por lo tanto el ejemplo que has puesto no se puede aplicar aquí así que si vas a poner un ejemplo al menos que sea una situación igual y no una hipotética situación.
Por qué quería entrar Ucrania en la OTAN? Por qué Rusia la estaba amenazando, que a hecho Rusia? Confirmar y hacer lo que Ucrania temía. Que han hecho los países vecinos? optar por la misma medida que Ucrania (sobre todo ahora que el vecino problemático está ocupado con otro) antes de que les pille el toro.
Además te recuerdo que poco le faltó a Rusia para amenazar de igual manera a los otros vecinos que empezaron a planteárselo. La única culpable de que esos países quieran entrar en la OTAN a sido de la propia Rusia.
smaz escribió:@zibergazte Se que la cosa se complica bastante per al final la gota que colmó el vaso fue el gobierno de Zelenski que no quiso ponerse a 20 uñas en favor de Rusia. En este caso no se como sepuede decir que Usa y Europa tenemos parte de culpa en la invsion, en todo caso tendriamos mucha culpa en prolongarla por eso le pido que me lo explique desde su vision de alguien de ahí
Pararegistros escribió:peppymus escribió:
Hoy es 9 de mayo dia de la victoria, Victoria sobre los nazis en la segunda guerra mundial. Quizás sea eso lo que se celebra.... ? Solo se ven banderas referente a ese hecho historico.
Entre ello miles de ucranianos combatieron durante la segunda guerra mundial por la liberacion de europa del nazismo... (Vasili Záitsev por poner un ejemplo)
Incluso, el propio ejercito actual ucraniano ha desfilado en el dia de la victoria invitado por rusia en el pasado.
Son 2 cosas completamente diferentes, una el dia de la victoria frente al nazismo en la segunda guerra mundial y la otra la deleznable imbasion rusa sobre ucrania, cosa que en el video que se enlaza esta segunda no parece en ningun sitio relacionado.
creo que a penas tiene que ver esto con la guerra de ucrania...
Lo gracioso de esos nostálgicos de pacotilla es que siguen cantando el "NO PASARÁN", porque PASARON, PASARON Y PASARON. Dicho lo cual, veo más hoces y martillos que banderas de la Federación RuZa. Espero que, si en otro país hacen alguna manifestación pro-España, no la hagan con la bandera del "Pollo" o que al menos esta sea la del Águila de San Juan de los Reyes Católicos.🤭
Si tiras de proselitismo de una postura totalmente deleznable, al menos hazlo con banderas "constitucionales".
peppymus escribió:
Hoy es 9 de mayo dia de la victoria, Victoria sobre los nazis en la segunda guerra mundial. Quizás sea eso lo que se celebra.... ? Solo se ven banderas referente a ese hecho historico.
Entre ello miles de ucranianos combatieron durante la segunda guerra mundial por la liberacion de europa del nazismo... (Vasili Záitsev por poner un ejemplo)
Incluso, el propio ejercito actual ucraniano ha desfilado en el dia de la victoria invitado por rusia en el pasado.
ZACKO escribió:@peppymus no, no me he confundido, estoy hablando del que invade, me da igual que sea uno que otro, yo no soy partidista, yo no defiendo, justifico, o blanqueo a quien me cae bien si lo que está haciendo está mal.
gojesusga escribió:@Pararegistros es su decisión sí pero es algo parecido como si Cuba aceptase poner una base con misiles nucleares rusa, crees que lo aceptaría el país vecino? Pues ya te digo yo que no y USA empezaría a repartir democracia y el dictador de turno estaría fuera porque la libertad y democracia es muy bonita. Luego la culpa de quien sería si atacase USA? De USA claro!
LCD Soundsystem escribió:Ya, pero luego miras detalladamente la información que ha puesto Hersh y se ven todas las mentiras. O es un incompetente o es un propagandista, ambas cosas serían merecedoras para no mencionarle más.
smaz escribió:Yo te compro lo de que USA huele humo de pólvora y se vienen todos de fiesta con sus armas a hacer de policía de sus intereses y los europeos por la protección que dan les reímos la gracia, lo que no veo es que hayan incitado el conflicto.
smaz escribió:Ucrania es un país que no sabia ni donde estaba en el mapa hasta hace un año, no te voy a mentir, pero por lo que he visto su gobierno fue elegido democráticamente y a partir de ahí fue cuando Rusia empezó a poner militares en la frontera. No sé cuando empezamos a pinchar a Rusia para que iniciara la invasión, si me lo puedes explicar desde tu punto de vista te lo agradezco
Kastan escribió:Los bots están haciendo un trabajo encomiable en este hilo defendiendo lo indefendible, los que intentamos informarnos sobre la guerra en Ucrania tenemos que bucear entre toneladas de propaganda pro-rusa para encontrar noticias objetivas al respecto. Que no se me interprete mal; no hacéis más que soltar chorradas sin sentido que los demás foreros tienen que desmentir una y otra vez, y estáis defendiendo asesinos, lo que os posiciona ya sabéis dónde en cualquier escala moral. Pero lo estáis haciendo muy bien, generáis respuesta, creáis ruido y molestáis eficazmente, y éso merece cierto respeto. Hasta habéis conseguido que os tolere la moderación.
Por mi parte seguiré pasándome exclusivamente para saber qué pasa por allí, animo a los auténticos héroes del foro, (a aquellos que siguen, a pesar de todo, enlazando noticias y sucesos relacionados con la guerra), a que sigan haciendo lo que hacen. Gracias a vosotros los malos ya han perdido aquí por bien que trabajen, y aquellos que recelamos de los mass media podemos seguir informándonos.
Gracias, chicos.
Se agradece la honestidad pero no es así la historia.
Ucrania es un país que se conforma como independiente en la resaca de la caída de la URSS, reconocido por todos los países en sus actuales fronteras (Rusia incluida) pero con ciertas zonas susceptibles de ser problemáticas si los líderes no están a la altura (como ha sido el caso):
- Crimea: por considerarse que siempre fue Rusia pero que siendo Nikita Jrushchov (de sangre ucraniana) líder de la URSS “regala” la península de Crimea a la República de Ucrania, supongo que pensando que la URSS sería infinita.
- Dombás: por ser provincias “culturalmente” próximas a Rusia y una de las zonas más ricas.
A esto hay que añadir un problema de corrupción brutal (igual que en Rusia pero al cubo), de hecho, antes de desplegar allí toda la campaña de legitimidad y blanqueamiento occidental (de la que nos tenemos que reír por cojones los que conocemos el país) era considerado por las mismas instituciones occidentales uno de los países más corruptos del mundo.
El caso es que en Ucrania se van sucediendo presidentes, unos que miran más a Rusia, y alguno que empieza a mirar más a Europa, empieza a surgir un nacionalismo ucraniano negativo (por contraposición a su historia siempre ligada a Rusia) que siempre fue minoritario ligado a las provincias más occidentales y que hunde sus raíces en el batallón Galitzia de las SS nazis y en las figuras de los colaboracionistas Bandera y Zuclevich (nazis de tomo y lomo que se pelaron a miles de ucranianos, por cierto), tanto es así que durante los últimos años figuras nazis han ocupado cargos de gobierno (el segundo de Zelensky fundador de Sbovoda, grupo nazi y teórico de que Europa está degenerada y que había que hacer un corredor para sacar toda la “mierda” al Báltico), imagínate. Ahora los niños ucranianos cantan en la escuela: наш папа Бандера, наша мама Украина! (nuestro padre Bandera, nuestra madre Ucrania). Aquí es donde entra en juego el tío Sam que se da cuenta de que le conviene engordar ese nacionalismo y calentarles la cabeza con la expansión de la OTAN, aparte de intereses comerciales (las relaciones de Hunter Biden con el gobierno de Zelensky están ahí) y empieza a meter pasta, entrenamiento, etc.
Y llegamos a 2014 y nos venden la horterada del Euromaidán como una “revolución de colores” que clama por la democracia, ahora sabemos que fue un golpe de estado en toda regla con EEUU detrás para poner al jerarca pro-occidental Poroshenko: sólo hay que ver la famosa filtración en la que V. Nuland le está explicando al embajador norteamericano en Ucrania los planes del golpe y éste le pregunta “¿y Europa?” y ésta le responde “que le jodan a Europa” (el famoso “fuck Europe”) o las imágenes de ésta y otros “halcones” repartiendo bocadillos en Kiev aguantando el frío helador del invierno ucraniano.
Se producen, entre otras cosas, disparos desde unas azoteas que a día de hoy no se han aclarado, se levantan en Odesa los prorrusos y el gobierno ucraniano manda autobuses de ultras de fútbol que linchan y meten fuego a los prorrusos y un conflicto en el Dombás con más de 14 mil víctimas totales.
Europa (al contrario que EEUU) está preocupada por el conflicto civil así que Hollande y Merkel lideran unas conversaciones de paz que culminan con los famosos acuerdos de Minsk en las que básicamente Ucrania se compromete a no entrar en la OTAN y a desarrollar en el Dombás una autonomía semejante a las comunidades autónomas españolas y Rusia a respetar la integridad territorial de de ese momento (ahora sabemos por declaraciones de Merkel que Occidente nunca pensó en respetar ese acuerdo, que era un balón de oxígeno para armar y entrenar a Ucrania y prepararla para al actual guerra).
Para que os hagáis una idea del tipo de país que es la democrática Ucrania, últimamente no pagaban ni las pensiones de los jubilados del Dombás, los presidentes hacían declaraciones del tipo: “para nosotros (los buenos ucranianos) serán las escuelas, los teatros y los hospitales, para ellos (los del Dombás) la calle y la miseria”.
Y llegamos al pasado reciente y ese gobierno pide la inclusión en la OTAN y con posibilidad de albergar armas nucleares (a máximos), lo que saben de sobra que es prácticamente declararle la guerra a Rusia pero, evidentemente, no van solos.
Por cierto, lo de Zelensky es totalmente prefabricado: un actor, por lo tanto muy conocido y con dotes interpretativas que es la cara amable de un régimen de gentuza cuya parafernalia incluye ir a todos sitios vestido de militar y al que se le consiente incluso señalar a empresas españolas en sede parlamentaria. Un señor con un pasado muy turbio, incluso su mecenas tenía prohibida la entrada en EEUU por un desfalco multimillonario, en fin. Ya veremos cómo lo trata la historia, si como un héroe o como un traidor...
Por último, lo de Polonia mucho cuidado, que es el país más peligroso de Europa ahora mismo. Tienen mucho rencor histórico a Rusia y tienen ganas de guerra y más sabiendo que están en la OTAN. Ya les han tenido que parar los pies los EEUU y la UE (que tiene cojones) cuando lo del misilcito ucraniano que, mala fortuna, cayó encima de 2 pobres hombres en Polonia o cuando pidieron guerra abierta conta Rusia, cuidadín…
Los que criticáis lo del 9 de mayo, es que no entendéis nada, hoy es un día muy bonito en todos los países ex-URSS. С днём победы!
miky1986 escribió:@peppymus según el post de Twitter "ultraderechistas surgidos después del euromaidan" es que antes no existían? Nacieron ese día? Vaya fuentes...
O Dae_soo escribió:Este es el único tanque que ha desfilado hoy por Moscú
No, no es coña
Ingalius escribió:
Es para hacer un simil de como EEUU y la OTAN, entre los que esta incluida España, justifico/justificaron la invasion de IRAQ y como esta/estan intentando criminalizar a Rusia por como esta tratando de justificar la invasion de Ucrania.
Se que hay gente que no le gusta, porque salen las costuras de su bando a relucir, pero es lo que hay.
Yo diria que fotos de los desfiles por Moscu por la celebracion de un dia de festividad si que no tienen nada que ver con la invasion de Ucrania, ¿o si?
Ingalius escribió:........Yo diria que fotos de los desfiles por Moscu por la celebracion de un dia de festividad si que no tienen nada que ver con la invasion de Ucrania, ¿o si?
pretoriano1995 escribió:Lo que ves en aliexpress:
Lo que te llega:
smaz escribió:@Lord Duke Quizas me exprese mal si así lo has entendido, me refiero que tras la decisión de invadir Ucrania por Rusia nuestros gobernantes han aprovechado la ocasion para hacer negocios con las puertas que se le han abierto, somos los mejores en corrupcion y a ver quien controla los movimietos, compras conjuntas envios y tal.
Me amparo en que nunca se le da a Ucrania nada para ponerse por delante a Rusia, pareciera que la idea es prolongar en conflicto indefinidamente por alguna razon
peppymus escribió:ZACKO escribió:@peppymus no, no me he confundido, estoy hablando del que invade, me da igual que sea uno que otro, yo no soy partidista, yo no defiendo, justifico, o blanqueo a quien me cae bien si lo que está haciendo está mal.
cuando se hizo la invasion de irak, no vi ningun acto oficial defendiendo a Irak o la bandera Irak al lado del marcador de los partidos de futbol....?? enviamos tropas y armas para ejecutar esa invasion?
smaz escribió:@O Dae_soo ¿Cuantas veces se ha dicho aquí que si la guerra escala y entra la OTAN Rusia se va a mierda por lo superior que es? ¿Porque no se le da de lo bueno y en cantidad a Ucrania si tanto tiene la OTAN? Explicame que le han dado en cantidad para que mi afirmacion sea un columpiada épica y que lo de prolongar el conflicto sea mentira
Two ambulances for the needs of the armed forces [March 2023].[7]
Different types of ammunition [February or March 2022].[8]
Financial aid
€1 million provided to the Ukrainian government on 10 June 2022.[9]
Australia Armoured personnel carriers
28 M113AS4 [Delivered from June 2022 onwards].[10]
Mine-resistant ambush protected vehicles
90 Bushmaster Protected Mobility Vehicles [Delivered from April 2022 onwards].[10]
Engineering Vehicles And Equipment
M113AS4 Armoured Logistics Vehicles [Before March 2023].[10]
Towed artillery
6 155mm M777 [April 2022].[10]
Loitering munitions
300 DefendTex D40s [To be delivered].[10]
Reconnaissance UAVs
''Unmanned aerial and ground vehicles'' [2022].[10]
Unknown radar systems [April 2022].[10]
Small arms (delivered along with ammunition)
A$70 million worth of lethal military equipment ("including missiles and weapons") [March 2022].[11]
A$26.5 million worth of anti-armour weapons and ammunitions [April 2022].[12]
Miscellaneous equipment
''Tactical decoys'' [2022].[10]
A$21 million worth of "Australian Defence Force stocks" including ammunition and body armor [March 2022].[13]
Training of Ukrainian soldiers by 70 Australian instructors [from January 2023 onwards].[14]
Financial aid
A$3 million contribution to a NATO trust fund [February 2022].[15]
Procurement of 155mm ammunition through European Defense Agency [To be delivered].[16]
Military gear
10,059 helmets[17]
9,300 flak jackets [March 2022].[17]
Austria has allowed its territory to be used for transport of weapons to Ukraine by other countries.[18]
20N5 82mm mortars (possibly transferred to Ukraine via Sudan)[19][20]
QFAB-250 LG aerial bombs (allegedly transferred via Sudan)[21]
40M11 HE-frag 120mm mortar bombs[22]
Belgium Infantry Mobility Vehicles (IMVs)
80 Iveco LMVs [To be delivered].[23]
Anti-Tank Guided Missiles (ATGMs)
€1 million worth of MILANs [May or June 2022].[23]
A small number of RK-2S Baryers [November 2022] (Purchased from the CMI Group in Belgium).[23]
Heavy Mortars
4 120mm MO-120 RTs [November 2022].[23]
240 Volvo Fassi N10 Trucks [To be delivered].[23]
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
''A few'' Sky-Hero Loki MkII Quadcopters [Before December 2022].[23]
Unmanned Underwater Vehicles
10 R7 Remotely Operated Vehicles [To be delivered].[23]
Anti-Tank Weapons
362 M72 LAWs [March 2022].[23]
1.260 RGW 90 Matadors [2022].[23]
Small Arms
5000 FN FNC assault rifles [March 2022].[23]
Limited numbers of FN F2000 and F2000 tactical assault rifles [May 2022].[23]
Limited numbers of FN SCAR-L assault rifles [May 2022].[23]
FN FAL assault rifles [2022].[23]
FN MAG general-purpose machine guns [2022].[23]
FN Minimi M1 and para light machine guns [2022].[23]
1450 M2 heavy machine guns [Delivered from 2022 onwards].[23]
3700 assault rifles [To be delivered].[23]
120 grenade launchers [To be delivered].[23]
''Small arms ammunition'' [2022].[23]
1.5 million rounds of 12.7mm ammunition [2022].[23]
Procurement of 155mm ammunition through European Defense Agency [To be delivered].[16]
Miscellaneous Equipment
Gefechtshelm M92 'Casque Modèle 95' [Delivered from March or April 2022 onwards].[23]
Flack jackets [March or April 2022].[23]
Night vision goggles [Delivered from March or April 2022 onwards].[23]
3.800 tonnes of fuel (3 million litres) [March or April 2022 and June 2022].[23]
Generators [Before November 2022].[23]
Sleeping bags [Before November 2022].[23]
2 Mobile laboratories for CBRN protection [To be delivered].[23]
On 3 November 2022, the Bulgarian Parliament approved a decision to provide military aid, with details to come out by the next month.[24]
Military-technical support
Military-technical support to the Ukrainian Armed Forces (which includes repairing Ukrainian military vehicles and equipment) [from May 2022 onwards].[25]
Undisclosed number of T-72M1s [May or June 2022] (Purchased from Bulgaria and delivered to Ukraine via Czechia)[26]
Multiple rocket launchers
Undisclosed number of 122mm BM-21 Grad [May or June 2022] (Purchased from Bulgaria and delivered to Ukraine via Czechia).[26]
152mm artillery shells [delivered from April 2022 onwards][25][27]
122mm artillery shells [To be delivered].[28]
Diesel fuel [delivered from April 2022 onwards].[25]
Planned to appoint 50 of their military personnel to annually train 60 Ukrainian combat medics.[29]
Cambodia On 16 January 2023 15 Ukrainian deminers arrived in Cambodia to receive training in removing landmines. Cambodian demining experts will also travel to Poland to train Ukrainians.[30]
Canada Surface-to-air missile systems
1 NASAMS battery [To be delivered].[31]
12 air defence missiles of unknown model [To be delivered][32]
Towed howitzers
4+ 155mm M777s [April 2022] (Including an undisclosed amount of M982 Excalibur GPS-guided shells).[31]
8 Leopard 2A4s [April 2023][33]
Engineering vehicles and equipment
1 Bergepanzer 3 ARV [To be delivered].[31]
Mine clearing vehicles [May 2023].[34]
Armoured personnel carriers (APCs)
39 Armoured Combat Support Vehicles (ACSVs) [December 2022].[31]
Infantry mobility vehicles
208 Roshel Senators [Eight delivered in May 2022, a further 200 to be delivered in 2023].[31]
Forward-Looking Infrared (FLIR) Turrets
76 Wescam MX-15Ds [May, June, October and November 2022] (For Bayraktar TB2 UCAV).[31]
Anti-tank weapons
100 Carl Gustaf M2 recoilless rifles [March and April 2022].[31]
4,500 M72 LAW anti-tank weapons [March 2022].[31]
Small arms
C8 carbines [February or March 2022].[31]
200+ C6 light and C9 medium machine guns [February or March 2022].[31]
78 medium and heavy calibre sniper rifles [March 2022].[31]
40 .50 caliber sniper rifles [To be delivered].[35]
600 Glock 17 pistols [February or March 2022].[31]
21,000 5.56mm assault rifles [To be delivered].[36]
38 7.62mm machine guns [To be delivered].[36]
M982 Excalibur GPS-guided rounds for M777 Howitzer [April 2022].[31]
35,000 155mm rounds for M777 howitzer [April, May and October 2022 onwards].[31][32]
2,000 84mm rounds for Carl Gustaf M2 [March 2022].[31]
7,500 C13 hand grenades [March 2022].[31]
1.5 million rounds of ammunition [February or March 2022].[31]
100,000 tank rounds for training and combat [From 2022 to March 2023].[37]
120mm ammunition for Leopard 2A4 [Delivered by March 2023].[31]
1800 105mm rounds of tank training ammunition for Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands' Leopard 1 tanks [To be delivered].[32]
3,500 Grad rockets (purchased by Canada from Serbian company and delivered to Ukraine) [2023].[38]
Over 2.4 million rounds of ammunition for 5.56mm assault rifles and 7.62mm machine gun [To be delivered].[36]
Military gear
CG634 helmets [March 2022].[31]
Body armour [March 2022].[31]
1,600 fragmentation vests [March 2022].[31]
Gas masks [March 2022].[31]
Night vision goggles [March 2022].[31]
Personal protective and load carriage equipment [February or March 2022].[31]
500,000 sets of winter clothing [October and December 2022].[31]
Miscellaneous equipment
10 155mm barrels (For M777 howitzers) [June 2022].[31]
Surveillance and detection equipment [February or March 2022].[31]
$7 million worth of satellite services [Since October 2022].[31]
640,000 Meal, Ready-to-Eat (MREs) [Delivered since March 2022].[31]
Portable heaters [Since November 2022].[31]
Thermal blankets [Since November 2022].[31]
Sleeping bags [Since November 2022].[31]
Winter gear [Since November 2022].[31]
3 Leopard 2 gunnery simulators [April 2023 onwards].[39]
16 radio sets [To be delivered].[35]
Modular floatation bridges [To be delivered].[35]
Training of more than 33,000 Ukrainian troops as part of Operation Unifier.[40]
Financial aid:
CAN $2.45 billion for loans to Ukraine (including CAN $1.95 billion through the International Monetary Fund).[41]
CAN $620 million to the Government of Ukraine.[42]
CAN $35 million funding for mine clearing.[43]
CAN $6 million to support the loan's implementation.[42]
CAN $950,000 in additional funding to a Canadian government project to provide technical support.[44]
CAN $900,000 to strengthen Ukrainian national bank.[45]
CAN $34.6 million for fuel and other equipment.[35]
Colombia On 23 May, Colombian Defense Minister Diego Molano Aponte announced that a team of 11 demining engineers of the National Army of Colombia will travel to an unspecified NATO country to train their Ukrainian counterparts on landmine removal.[46]
The Croatian Minister of Defence, Mario Banožić, approved military and humanitarian aid for Ukraine on 28 February 2022:
14 Mi-8 helicopters (including Mi-8MTV-1 variants) [Nine delivered in May 2023, further five to be delivered].[47]
Towed artillery
15 130mm M-46 (M-46H1 variant) field guns [13 August 2022].[48]
40 D-30 howitzers.[49]
Multiple rocket launchers
RAK-SA-12 128mm multiple rocket launchers [April 2023].[50]
Small arms
At least 20,000 Zastava M70 assault rifles [February 2022].[51]
5,000 FN FAL battle rifles.[49]
Machine guns with ammunition [February 2022].[52]
Man-portable air defence systems
5-6 shipments of Strela-2 and Igla MANPADS systems.[49]
Procurement of 155mm ammunition through European Defense Agency [To be delivered].[16]
Miscellaneous equipment
Protective equipment [February 2022].[52]
Financial aid
Funding for production of 155mm ammunition through European Defense Agency [To be delivered].[53]
Technical training on landmine clearance [Announced 7 April 2023].[54]
Czech Republic On the first day of full-scale invasion, the Czech Republic presented to the Ukrainian ambassador in Prague with a detailed "10 cm thick folder" listing weapons that were ready for immediate transfer.[55] The first trainload of military aid was delivered to Ukraine already on 27 February 2022.[56] The Czech Republic later also became the first country to send heavy military equipment in April 2022 (including 38 T-72 tanks from army's deep storage), and afterwards, again, the first country to send combat aircraft (4 modern Mil Mi-24V from Czech Air Force's operational stock).
As of beginning of February 2023, the Czech Republic donated equipment worth CZK 10 billion (~ €420 million) from Czech Army stock or purchased from private Czech companies.[57] Meanwhile, Czech arms companies realized commercial sales and deliveries worth CZK 30 billion (~ €1,27 billion), either through direct purchase by Ukraine or by other countries supporting Ukraine, while sales and deliveries worth further CZK 35 billion (~ €1,6 billion) were approved and yet to be fulfilled.[57]
Historically, Russia had been trying to disrupt Czech deliveries of weapons to Ukraine, most prominently by the GRU's 2014 Vrbětice ammunition warehouses explosions.
Training and rehabilitation
Before 24 February 2022
1,200 Ukrainian soldiers at Vyšpoint Military Academy [cs] by combined Czech-British team of instructors (The British Military Advisory Training Team based in the Czech Republic), with particular focus on training of non-commissioned officers[58][59]
After 24 February 2022
Five-week training courses provided primarily by the 7th mechanized brigade [cs].
First rotation in December 2022: 700 - mechanized infantry; 40 - logistics; 10 - radiological, chemical & biological defense; 20 - army engineers specialists [60][61]
Second rotation in February 2023: ~700 Ukrainian soldiers, mostly mechanized infantry; also training for paramedics, radiological, chemical & biological defense, army engineers specialists.[62]
Third rotation in April 2023: 650 - mechanized infantry trained within the Czech Republic; Czech Army Engineers instructors sent to Poland to train Ukrainian Army Engineers therein.[63]
Treatment of wounded Ukrainian soldiers [from August 2022 onwards].[64]
Tanks (165+) [of which 114 delivered by April 2023]
From Czech Army's deep storage:
50 T-72M1 [38 in April 2022, 12 in April 2023][65][66] (Germany included the Czech Republic in June 2022 in its Ringtausch program, providing 14 Leopard 2A4 MBTs and 1 Büffel ARV as replacement for some of these tanks).
Purchased by Ukraine and/or paid by the Czech Republic or third countries:
16 refurbished (not modernized) T-72M1 and T-55 (from private company Excalibur Army [cs] stock) [Spring 2022][67][68]
11 T-72 Avenger (from private company Excalibur Army's stock) [Spring 2022][67][68]
Paid by USA & the Netherlands:
90 T-72 Avenger (with option for further 30,[68] manufactured by Excalibur Army, purchase and upgrade financed by USA and the Netherlands), [delivered from December 2022 onwards; 37 handed over by 21 April 2023[69]][26][70]
Infantry fighting vehicles (226+)[57]
45 BVP-1 from the Czech Army's deep storage [April 2022][26][71]
56 PbV-501 from Excalibur Army's stock [spring 2022][26][72]
125 unspecified [before 24 Feb 2023][57]
Heavy mortars (128+)[65]
Undisclosed number of 120mm PRAM-L [cs] heavy mortars[26]
Unspecified other mortars [before 24 Feb 2023][65][73]
Towed artillery
Undisclosed number of 152mm D-20 gun-howitzers [April 2022].[26]
Self-propelled artillery (50+)
Undisclosed number of 122mm 2S1 Gvozdika [April 2022].[26]
13 152mm ShKH vz. 77 DANA from the Czech Army's deep storage (delivered with at least 4,006 artillery shells) [April 2022].[65]
~30 152mm DANA M2 newly made by Excalibur Army along with "thousands" of 152mm DN1CZ extended range artillery shells) [Deliveries of 24 ordered from December 2022 onwards, unspecified number delivered before].[74]
Multiple rocket launchers (35+)[57][75]
Legacy MLRS
12 122mm RM-70 Grad from Czech Army deep storage [April 2022].[65]
Undisclosed number of 122mm RM-70 Grad from Czech arms companies.
Undisclosed number of 122mm BM-21 Grad [May or June 2022].[26]
Modern MLRS
Undisclosed number of 122mm RM-70 Vampire made by Excalibur Army [July 2022].[26]
Undisclosed number of 122mm BM-21 MT Grad made by Excalibur Army [April 2023][76]
Self-propelled air defense systems (121)
6 9K35 Strela-10M [March or April 2022].[57]
100 MR2 Viktor made by Excalibur Army, paid by Netherlands [delivery starting from March 2022 onwards].[68]
Man-portable air defence systems (291)
160 9K32 Strela-2 [March 2022] from Czech Army reserves[65]
131 unspecified MANPADS[65]
Attack helicopters (4)
4 Mil Mi-24V attack helicopters[26][77] (made in 2003 - 2005 and underwent deep refurbishment in ~2017, from the Czech Army's operational stock) [April or May 2022].[78][71]
Anti-tank weapons
10,000 RPG-75 [March 2022].[26]
Small arms
Undisclosed number of CZ BREN 2 assault rifles [February 2022][26]
From Czech Army reserves:
30,150 vz. 82 pistols [February 2022].[79]
2,085 vz. 61 Škorpion machine pistols [February 2022].[79]
5,000 vz. 58 assault rifles [February 2022].[79]
3,200 UK vz. 59 machine guns [February 2022] [79]
12 Dragunov marksman rifles [February 2022].[79]
19 Falcon anti-materiel rifles [February 2022].[79]
Over 1.5 million shells,[57] of which 27,518 artillery shells and 17,400 mortar shells were donated from Czech Army reserves [before 24 Feb 2023][73]
60,000 rockets,[57] of which 4,900 were donated from Czech Army reserves [before 24 Feb 2023][65]
Undisclosed number of small arms rounds, of which 4,263,000 rounds of small arms ammunition donated from Czech Army reserves [before 24 Feb 2023][73]
Deliveries of 155mm ammunition, e.g. via European Defense Agency.[16] Annual manufacturing capacity:
STV Group: 120.000 pcs[80]
Czechoslovak Group: Unknown
Miscellaneous equipment
From Czech Army stock:
5 radiological, chemical & biological defense reconnaissance vehicles [before 24 Feb 2023][65][73]
47 unspecified vehicles [before 24 Feb 2023][73]
2 pontoon bridges [June 2022].[26]
900 meters of interim bridges [before 24 Feb 2023][81][57]
Military medical supplies[73]
Radiation, chemical and biological protection material[73]
Military clothing and equipment[73]
Fuel, spare parts, transport and other material[73]
Moruš electronic warfare units [April 2023][69]
Unspecified ISTAR equipment [April 2023][69]
Tactical decoys [before February 2023][82]
100+ Leopard 1A5 main battle tanks, along with ammunition, spare parts and logistical support (to be delivered jointly by Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands). Training will also be provided. The first will be delivered in the first months of 2023, about 80 by the end of the year, and more in 2024.[83][84]
14 Leopard 2A4 tanks (joint donation with The Netherlands) [To be delivered in 2024].[85]
Infantry mobility vehicles
Spejdervogn M/95s (MOWAG Eagle I) [Before March 2023].[86]
Armored personal carriers
54 M113G3DK/G4DKs armored personnel carriers (M113s taken from Danish stocks and subsequently overhauled with German funding) [July and August 2022].[87]
2 Toyota Landcruisers [delivered by March 2023].[88]
Self-propelled howitzers
16 155mm ShKH Zuzana 2s Howitzers [To be delivered] (Joint purchase by Germany, Norway and Denmark from Slovakia).[89]
19 155mm 8X8 CAESAR howitzers [April 2023].[86]
25 Sky-Watch tactical drones for reconnaissance and information gathering [Delivered from April 2022 onwards].[90]
Air defense systems
Stinger air-defense systems (assembled and made operational by the US before shipping), including 407 missiles and 330 grip stocks[88] [February 2022].[91][92]
Undisclosed air defense systems [To be delivered].[93]
Anti-tank weapons
2,700 M72 LAW light anti-tank weapons [April 2022][94]
5,600 84 mm. Carl Gustaf grenades [delivered by March 2023].[88]
8,000 RPG-7 rocket systems including 29,000 rockets [delivered by March 2023].[88]
Anti-tank mines [delivered by March 2023].[88]
120mm M/10 mortars and thousands of mortar shells.[95]
Anti-ship missile system
Mobile land based truck platform battery with RGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missiles delivered in late May 2022.[96][97]
Logistical and technical equipment
Six mobile repair stations with fuel [delivered by March 2023].[88]
Mine clearance equipment [delivered by March 2023].[88]
Armored recovery and engineering vehicles [To be delivered].[93]
Demining vehicles [To be delivered].[93]
Mine-clearing line charges [To be delivered].[93]
Mobile vehicle-launched bridges [To be delivered].[93]
Small arms
Heavy machine guns (delivered together with M113 vehicles) [July and August 2022].[88]
8,000 155mm artillery rounds in cooperation with Norway.[98]
Ammunition for the Carl Gustav rifles [To be delivered].[93]
Mortar rounds [To be delivered].[93]
Pre-war training of Ukrainian military since 2016 (as part of British led Operation Orbital).[99][100]
10 August 2022, the Danish government announced it would send 130 military instructors to join the training of Ukrainian soldiers in the UK.[101][102] Later, it was announced that Ukrainian military also would be trained in Denmark and the first completed training in the fall of 2022.[103]
Miscellaneous equipment
Protection pack with suits, mills, decontamination powder, 10 handheld chemical detectors and 500 lightweight protective suits against chemical, biological, radioactive and nuclear weapons [delivered by March 2023].[88]
2,000 pieces of protective equipment [delivered by March 2023].[88]
3,000 bulletproof vests [since February 2022].[88][104]
232,500 field rations [delivered by March 2023].[88]
3,000 sleeping bags and 3,000 bed sheets [delivered by March 2023].[88]
2,200 first-aid field kits [since February 2022].[88]
11,000 compress kits [delivered by March 2023].[88]
Night-vision goggles [To be delivered].[93]
Financial aid
Extra funding for the EU's program purchasing equipment and supplies for Ukraine's military.[105]
Military donations worth DKK 4.2 billion (€565 million) from February 2022 to January 2023,[106] of which only some details have been provided,[107][108] but including:
DKK 300 million (€40 million) to the UK led military equipment for Ukraine fund on 21 December 2022.[109][110]
DKK 7 billion (€940 million) to a Danish fund set up in 2023 to aid Ukraine's military sector, among other sectors.[111]
€50 million for NATO fund for purchase of non-lethal equipment.[93]
Towed artillery
9 122mm D-30s [March 2022 onwards, further 12+ to delivered][112][113]
155mm FH-70s [May 2022, further 12+ to delivered][114][113]
120mm mortars[115]
13 vehicles [Delivered before April 2022][112]
7 Alvis 4 protected mobility vehicles [May 2022][116]
Naval vehicles
Patrol boats [To be delivered].[117]
7 unmanned aerial vehicles [February 2023].[118][86]
Anti-tank weapons
Hundreds of M2 Carl-Gustaf anti-tank systems with ammunition [To be delivered][113]
100 FGM-148 Javelins [February 2022][119][120]
EFP PK-14 anti-tank mines [Delivered before August 2022][121]
40,000+ Anti-tank mines [Delivered before April 2022][112][120]
MILAN anti-tank missile systems with ammunition[115]
Instalaza C90 rocket-propelled grenade launchers[115]
90 mm recoilless anti-tank guns[115]
Small arms
Small arms, including 35,000 automatic rifles [Delivered before April 2022][112][120]
Rifles and pistols [February 2023].[118]
Grenade launchers [To be delivered][122]
Sniper rifles [To be delivered].[117]
Ammunition, including tens of millions of cartridges [Delivered from March 2022 onwards][112][123][120]
1000s of 155m artillery shells [To be delivered][113][16]
5.56mm ammunition [TO be delivered].[124]
Miscellaneous equipment
Protective equipment[112]
10,000 Winter uniforms[115]
Thousands of camouflage suits[115]
50,000 field rations[112][125][126][127]
Sights, thermal imagers and binoculars [From February 2023 onwards].[118][117]
Communications equipment[115]
Medical equipment[115]
Generators and chargers [February 2023].[118]
Three field hospitals [Two delivered, one to be delivered] (in cooperation with Germany, Netherlands and Norway).[118]
Training and rehabilitation
Training of Ukrainian special forces, airborne troops, and ground troops [From 2015 onwards][128]
Training of Ukrainian soldiers on FH-70 howitzers in Estonia [From April 2022 onwards][129]
Training of Ukrainian soldiers as part of British-led Operation Interflex[130]
Training of Ukrainian soldiers as part of European Union Military Assistance Mission in support of Ukraine [To be delivered][131]
Rehabilitation of wounded Ukrainian soldiers [From 2016 onwards][132]
Finland Armoured personnel carriers
Sisu XA-185s [September 2022].[133]
Combat engineering vehicles
6 Leopard 2R mine-clearing tanks [To be delivered].[133]
Anti-aircraft guns
23mm 23 ITK 61 'Sergei' (ZU-23)s [August 2022].[133]
Towed artillery
152mm 152 K89 (2A36 Giatsint-B) [April 2023].[133]
Heavy mortars
120mm 120 Krh 85 92s [August 2022].[133]
Anti-tank weaponry
1500 66 KES (M72 LAW) anti-tank weapons [March 2022].[133]
112 RSKES APILAS [Before April 2023].[134][133]
Small arms
12.7mm 12,7 ItKK 96 heavy machine guns [September 2022].[133]
2500 assault rifles [March 2022].[133]
155mm 155 tkr88 artillery rounds [May 2022].[133]
120mm JVA 1571 mortar grenades [Before October 2022].[133]
Sirpalekäsikranaatti M/50 hand grenades [Before October 2022].[133]
JVA 0406 sahte 80-16 smoke grenades [Before February 2023 ].[133]
150,000 rounds of 7.62mm ammunition [March 2022] (For the Finnish-delivered assault rifles).[133]
Procurement of 155mm ammunition through European Defense Agency [To be delivered].[16]
Miscellaneous equipment
2000 helmets [March 2022].[133]
2000 bulletproof vests [March 2022].[133]
70,000 Meal, Ready-to-Eat (MREs) [March 2022].[133]
20 soldiers to join the UK training of Ukrainian soldiers in Britain.[135]
Financial aid
€86 million as of 24 February 2022.[136]
France France was the largest arms exporter to Ukraine between 2014 and 2020 with over €1.6 billion worth of weapons provided.[137] Among them were: helicopters, reconnaissance drones, navy-related weapons and equipment, targeting systems, ammunition of various calibers and fire control systems.
The full extent of French military aid in the context of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine is unknown as many specifics are neither shared by France nor Ukraine but include:
Defense equipment donated before the Russian invasion and pre-war training of Ukrainian troops.[138]
Additional delivery of defense equipment to the Ukrainian authorities announced on 26 February 2022[139][140]
Additional weapons to Ukraine announced on 13 April 2022, by the French Defense Minister.[141]
On 30 April 2022, President Macron pledged an increase in military support to Ukraine[142] and reiterated on 17 May 2022 that weapon deliveries would continue and would intensify in the days and weeks to come.[143][144]
Lecornu also added the supply of batteries of Exocet anti-ship missiles to help open gaps in the maritime blockade imposed by Russia and allow Ukraine to resume its exports of grain and raw materials, was among the further weapons deliveries being examined.[145][146]
French contribution to the European Peace Facility Fund (a €500 million contribution out of a total of €3 billion as of December 2022)[147][148]
On October 13, 2022, the creation of a French special military fund, totaling €200 million, was inked. It will allow Ukraine to purchase military equipment it desires from French defense contractors.[149][150]
On October 15, 2022, it was announced France would be training up to 2,000 Ukrainian soldiers on its soil. They will be assigned to French units for several weeks.[149][151]
On 4 January 2023, President Emmanuel Macron promised President Zelenskyy AMX-10 RC and ACMAT Bastion to Ukraine. This is the first time Ukraine has received “Western tanks” according to the French government.[152]
On 31 January 2023, it was announced France will also send 150 military personnel to Poland to train up to 600 Ukrainian troops per month.[153][154]
Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance support
Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance support, including ongoing access to French satellite imagery (various French electromagnetic and observation satellites such as the CERES, CSO, Pleiades and Helios provide intel several times a day to the Ukrainian military staff)[138] and a few dozens agents from the DGSE's Action Division deployed on the ground since the beginning of the war.[155][156]
Air defence systems
1 SAMP/T battery (joint-donation with Italy) [To be delivered][157][158]
2 Crotale NG batteries [November 2022][159]
Acquisition of a complete short-range air defense system from Thales, including a Ground Master 200 radar, command and control center, radio communications system and air threat designation terminals (purchased through the French military fund) [To be delivered][160][161]
Multiple rocket launchers
2 227mm LRU MLRS [November 2022].[159]
Self-propelled artillery
30 155mm 6x6 CAESAR howitzers [delivered from May 2022 onwards] (delivered along with tens of thousands of shells, including LU 211 HE shells, BONUS munitions and Ralec proximity fuzes).[162][163][164][165][166][167]
Towed artillery
15+ 155mm TRF1s [October 2022] (Purchased by Ukraine through the security capacity building fund).[168][159]
Unknown number of MO-120 RT heavy mortars[169][170][171]
Armoured fighting vehicles
30 to 40 AMX-10 RCR [Delivered from March 2023 onwards].[172][173][174]
Armoured personnel carriers
~60 VABs [July 2022].[145][175][176]
Infantry mobility vehicles
20 ACMAT Bastions [To be delivered] (Purchased by Ukraine via the French military fund).[177]
Other military vehicles
Renault TRM 2000 trucks [August and September 2022].[159]
Renault GBC 180 all-terrain 6X6 cargo trucks [Before October 2022].[159]
Peugeot P4 off-road vehicles [July and August 2022].[159]
Engineering equipment
Motorised floating bridges [To be delivered] (Purchased by Ukraine via the French military fund).[149]
Man-portable air defense systems
Mistral systems [February or March 2022].[138]
Anti-tank guided missiles
MILAN systems [March 2022].[178][179][138]
FGM-148 Javelin systems [March 2022].[178][179][138]
Akeron MPs [Delivered before February 2023].[159]
Anti-tank mines
HPD2A2s [June or July 2022].[159]
Unknown number of Ground Master 200 radars [To be delivered].[159]
Small arms
AA-52 general-purpose machine guns [July 2022].[159]
Ammunition of various calibers (12.7mm ammunition, 155mm artillery rounds, etc.).[149][138][159]
OF 37 HE hand grenades [May 2022].[159]
Individual equipment[149][180][181][138][159][182]
"Protective equipment"
Bulletproof vests
De-mining suits
Over 100,000 combat rations
Army medical kits
Miscellaneous equipment
Fuel [March/April and September 2022].[149][138][159]
Electro-optical/Infra-red systems (including night detection binoculars ordered from Thales and Safran and delivered in late March or early April 2022).[183][138][159]
36 prefabricated bridges from 23 to 46 meters in length.[184]
Financial aid
In 2021: €1.6 billion in aid.[185]
In 2022:
Financial donation of €300 million (US$337 million) in "additional budgetary assistance" announced by President Macron on 25 February.[186][187]
On 5 May, President Macron announced $1.7 billion were donated to Ukraine so far in 2022.[188][189]
Additional financial aid of US$300 million announced on 5 May, bringing the total to US$2 billion.[188][189]
In October 2022, France announced the creation of a special fund, totaling €200 million, for direct weapon purchases.[190][191][192]
€1.2 billion in programme funding announced on 8 February 2022, consisting of a loan of €200 million and €1 billion in financial guarantees (these guarantees will allow Ukraine to obtain loans from French banks on favorable terms).[193][194]
Announcement of a budgetary loan of €300 million on 29 March 2022 in order to help the country cope with the economic and social consequences of the ongoing conflict.[195][196]
Further French financial contributions to Ukraine via the European Union's grants and loans since 2014.
French contributions to the European Union's military aid.[141]
Germany * Purchases by the German government from defence companies.
** Purchases by Ukraine.
Delivered: (as of 18 April 2023)[197][87]
1 air defence system Patriot with missiles
18 Leopard 2A6 main battle tanks with ammunition
40 infantry fighting vehicles MARDER with ammunition (from Bundeswehr and industry stocks*)
124 border protection vehicles*
7 mobile, remote-controlled and protected mine clearing systems*
168 mobile heating systems*
20 rocket launchers 70mm on pick-up trucks with rockets*
15 Bergepanzer 2 Armoured Recovery Vehicles (ARVs)*
13 tank transporter tractor Oshkosh M1070*
7 tracked and remote controlled infantry vehicles for support tasks*
143 Pick-ups*
295 generators
26 load-handling trucks 15t*
84 trucks Zetros*
10 roll off containers
42 mobile antenna mast systems*
35 load-handling 8x8 wheeler trucks
34 reconnaissance drones*
36 ambulance vehicles*
36,400 wool blankets
12 heavy duty trailer trucks*
55 anti-drone sensors and jammers*
90 drone detection systems*
8 lift trucks*
2 Iris-T system (three launchers per system) and SLM missiles*
83,520 rounds ammunition 40mm*
23,500 projectiles 155mm
155mm precision guided ammunition*
ammunition for multiple rocket launchers MARS II
18 load-handling trucks 8x8
50 MRAP vehicles DINGO
3 Brückenlegepanzer Biber Bridgelayers
10 unmanned surface vessels*
14,000 sleeping bags
Mi-24 spare parts*
spare parts for heavy machine gun M2
32 frequency range extensions for anti-drone devices*
20 laser target designators*
17 heavy and medium bridge systems*
5 227mm M270 MARS II multiple rocket launchers (with ammunition)
14 self-propelled howitzers Panzerhaubitze 2000 (joint project with the Netherlands)
200 tents
116,000 winter jackets
80,000 winter trousers
240,000 winter hats
160,000 first aid kits*
405,000 pre-packaged military Meals Ready
34 self-propelled GEPARD anti-aircraft (including ~6,000 rounds of ammunition)*
67 fridges for medical material
1 counter battery radar system COBRA*
4,000 rounds practice ammunitions for self-propelled anti-aircraft guns
54 M113 armored personnel carriers (systems of Denmark, upgrades financed by Germany)*
53,000 rounds ammunitions for self-propelled anti-aircraft guns
20 70mm laser-guided rocket launchers (on pick-up trucks)
3,000 Panzerfaust 3 with 900 firing devices (Delivered along with 3000 DM72A1 (PzF 3-IT) and 50 DM32 Bunkerfaust rounds)
14,900 DM-31 and PARM DM-22 anti-tank mines
500 Man Portable Air Defense Systems STINGER
2,700 Man Portable Air Defense Systems STRELA (from former East German stocks)
22 million rounds of ammunition for fire arms
200 machine gun MG3 with 500 spare barrels and breechblocks
100,000 hand grenades
5,300 explosive charges
100,000 m detonating cord and 100,000 detonators
350,000 detonators
10 anti-drone guns*
100 auto-injector devices
28,000 combat helmets
15 palettes military clothing
280 vehicles (trucks, minibuses, all-terrain vehicles)
6 palettes material for explosive ordnance disposal
125 binoculars
1,200 hospital beds
18 palettes medical material, 60 surgical lights
protective clothing, surgical masks
600 safety glasses
1 radio frequency system
3,000 field telephones with 5,000 cable reels and carrying straps
1 field hospital (joint project with Estonia)*
353 night vision goggles*
12 electronic anti-drone devices*
165 field glasses*
medical material (inter alia back packs, compression bandages)
38 laser range finders*
Diesel and gasoline (ongoing deliveries)*
10 tons AdBlue*
500 medical gauzes*
MiG-29 spare parts*
30 protected vehicles*
7,944 man-portable anti-tank weapons RGW 90 Matador**
6 mobile decontamination vehicles HEP 70 including decontamination material
10 HMMWV (8x ground radar capability, 2x jamming/anti drone capability)*
7 radio jammers*
8 mobile ground surveillance radars and thermal imaging cameras*
4 mobile and protected mine clearing systems*
1 high frequency unit with equipment*
26 reconnaissance UAVs*
7 THeMIS UGVs (For casualty evacuation)
10 winter camouflage nets
500 pistols SFP9
2 hangar tents*
Spare parts for Leopard 2 tanks and Marders
4 armoured engineer vehicles DACHS*
2 armoured recovery vehicles Bergepanzer 3
2 mine clearing tanks WISENT 1*
103,000 tourniquets
2 load-handling trucks 8x6 with 8 roll-off containers*
Mobile cranes (delivered by German police).[198]
To be delivered:
2 air surveillance radars*
40,000 first aid kits*
108 reconnaissance drones*
17 mobile heating systems*
2 Pick-up
18 wheeled self-propelled howitzers RCH 155*
30 drone detection systems*
5 load-handling trucks 8x6 with 10 roll of containers*
8 mobile antenna mast systems*
3 self-propelled Gepard anti-aircraft systems*
300,000 rounds of GEPARD ammunition
7 tracked and remote controlled infantry vehicles for support tasks*
6 mobile and protected mine clearing systems*
42 mine clearing tanks*
3 mobile, remote controlled and protected mine clearing systems*
5 mobile reconnaissance systems (on vehicles)
376 border protection vehicles*
6,350 projectiles 155mm*
132,480 rounds ammunition 40mm*
1 armoured engineer vehicles DACHS*
3 heavy and medium bridge systems*
16 self-propelled howitzer Zuzana 2* (joint project with Denmark and Norway)
78 heavy duty trailer trucks*
2 air defence system IRIS-T SLM with missiles*
Iris-T SLM missiles*
12 communications electronic scanner/jammer systems*
field hospital (role 2)*
20 frequency range extensions for anti-drone devices*
14 truck tractor trains and 14 semi-trailers*
2 tractors and 4 trailers*
10 protected vehicles*
vehicle decontamination system
5,032 man-portable anti-tank weapons
200 trucks*
20 bridge-laying tanks Biber*
105 Vector UAVs[199]
100+ Leopard 1A5 main battle tanks, along with ammunition, spare parts and logistical support (to be delivered jointly by Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands). Training will also be provided. The first will be delivered in the first months of 2023, about 80 by the end of the year, and more in 2024.[83][84]
*Deliveries from industry stocks financed by German funds for security capacity building. Some of the deliveries require upgrades or productions is ongoing; also training measures take place.
The total value of individual licenses issued by the Federal Government for the export of military goods in the period from January 1, 2022, to January 16, 2023, amounts to 2.278.902.521 Euro.
The BND has been supplying Ukraine with satellite imagery (obtained via the SAR-Lupe network), intelligence reports and analyses.[200]
In October 2022, the German defence minister requested a re-exportation certificate from the Swiss defence ministry for the 35mm ammunition used in Oerlikon KDA autocannons for Gepard anti-aircraft guns. Switzerland has consistently refused such requests on grounds of neutrality since it does not export ammunitions and military hardware to crisis regions.[201]
On 22 January 2023 the Foreign Ministry announced Germany would not block exports of tanks by other countries to Ukraine.[202]
Financial aid
€1.83 billion in bilateral aid since 2014.[203][204]
Approx. €4 billion via the EU in the form of grants and loans since 2014.[203]
€240 million via the EU in loans in 2022.[203]
Loan of over €150 million via KfW in April 2022.[205]
€425 million via the 'Stand Up For Ukraine' pledging campaign and an additional 70 million for medical aid via the EU.[206]
Over €1 billion additional military aid to Ukraine for weapons purchases in April 2022.[207]
Additional €1 billion pledged in the form of grants in May 2022.[208]
Greece The priority access to the port of Alexandroupolis in Northern Greece allowed the U.S. to provide military assistance to Ukraine.[209]
Infantry fighting vehicles
40 BMP-1A1s [Delivered from October 2022 onwards] (From Greek stocks in exchange for 40 Marder IFVs through the 'Ringtausch' programme).[210]
Anti-tank weapons
815 RPG-18s [Delivered from February 2022 onwards].[211]
Small arms
20,000 ''Kalashnikov Rifles'' [Delivered from February 2022 onwards].[211]
Unknown quantity of 122mm rocket artillery rounds for BM-21 and RM-70 MRL [Delivered from February 2022 onwards].[211]
Procurement of 155mm ammunition through European Defense Agency [To be delivered].[16]
Training and rehabilitation
Training of Ukrainian combat medics [by March 2023].
Help in the hospitalization of wounded Ukrainian soldiers [by March 2023].[212]
Iceland The Government of Iceland decided to offer to transport military equipment to Ukraine for other countries, as Iceland does not have a military of its own. An Air Atlanta Icelandic freighter has been chartered and used to deliver military equipment from Slovenia to Ukraine.[213]
The Government of Iceland has provided Ikr 260 million of economic assistance through the world bank.[214]
Ireland The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Simon Coveney, approved military aid for Ukraine:
Helmets, medical equipment, blood and fuel [27 February 2022].[215][216]
5,000 Meal, Ready-to-Eat (MREs) [March 2022].
200 units of body armor [March 2022].[217]
Training and rehabilitation
Rehabilitation of five wounded Ukrainian soldiers [June 2022].[218]
30 Irish soldiers will participate in training of Ukrainian Armed Forces in demining [To be delivered].[219]
Anti-drone systems
Unspecified anti-drone systems [September 2022] (delivered by an Israeli defence contractor to Ukraine indirectly through Poland, and the United States)[220][221]
Missile warning system [May 2023].[222]
7 armored ambulances [Delivered From December 2022 to January 2023][223]
Military gear[224][225]
3,500 helmets [2,000 in April 2022, further 1,500 in June]
2,000 bulletproof vests [500 in April 2022, further 1,500 in June]
1,000 gas masks [June 2022]
"hundreds" of mine protection suits [June 2022]
"dozens" of hazmat filtration systems [June 2022]
Intelligence regarding drones used by Russian forces [From November 2022].[226][227]
Armored personal carriers
Bandvagn BV-206S' [Before March 2023].[86]
Towed artillery
155mm FH-70s [May 2022][228]
Self-Propelled Artillery
6 155mm PzH 2000s [Arrived to Ukraine from January 2023 onwards][86]
60 155mm M109L [Delivered from October 2022 onwards][229]
Multiple rocket launchers
2 227mm M270A1 MLRS-Is [October 2022]
Surface-To-Air Missile (SAM) Systems
SkyGuard Aspides [February 2023][230]
1 SAMP/T battery (joint-donation with France) [To be delivered]
Iveco Lince LMV[231]
IVECO ACM 90 4x4 heavy-duty trucks[232]
IVECO Trakker T380WM[233]
51 FIAT Fullback 4x4 pick-up trucks[234] (used as a platform for ATGM's and Anti-air missiles)[235]
11 TEKNE MLS Shield (bought by Petro Poroshenko for Ukraine)
Man-portable air defence systems
Stinger surface to air missiles
Anti-tank weapons
MILAN anti tank guided missiles
Panzerfaust anti-tank rpgs [April 2022][236]
Small arms
M2 Browning heavy machine guns
Benelli M4 shotguns
Beretta mg 42/59 light machine guns
120mm mortars and munitions[237]
155mm NATO standard artillery shells
Miscellaneous equipment
Italian plate carriers[238]
Body armor, medical aid and food rations.[239][240]
Financial aid
€110 million on 27 February 2022.[241][242][243]
The Council of Ministers passed a law allowing Minister of Defence – after deliberation by the parliament – to send military aid to Ukraine on 1 March 2022.
Due to the situation however, deliveries are for the most part, state secrets.[244]
Japan Reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles
30 Parrot ANAFIs [Delivered from April 2022 onwards].[245]
~10 surveillance drones [August 2022].[245]
''Several'' vans (for personnel and food transport) [August 2022].[245]
8 Toyota Hillux pickup trucks (For EOD units) [April 2023].[245]
Military gear
6900 Type 88 Version 2 Kai helmets [March 2022].[245]
1900 Type 3 Kai bulletproof vests [March 2022].[245]
Military clothing (including field jacket version 2) [March 2022].[245]
Type 00/Type 18 Hazmat suits (including gas masks) [Delivered from April 2022 onwards].[245]
Miscellaneous equipment
ALIS mine detection equipment [To be delivered][245]
Communications equipment [March 2022].[245]
Satellite phones [March 2022].[245]
Binoculars [Delivered from March 2022 onwards].[245]
240 tents [March 2022].[245]
Generators [March 2022].[245]
50 cameras [March 2022].[245]
Lighting devices [March 2022].[245]
Medical supplies [March 2022].[245]
110,000 emergency rations [March 2022].[245]
Financial aid
US$200 million on 28 February 2022.[246][247][clarification needed]
Jordan Between May and November 2022 multiple planes have flown from Jordan to Czech Republic with weapons destined for Ukraine:[248]
RPG-32 'Nashshab' rocket launchers [delivered by August 2022].[249]
Missiles for 9K33M2 Osa-AKM air defense system [delivered by April 2023].[250]
Cars [From March 2023 onwards].[251]
Self-propelled howitzers
6 M109 howitzers [August 2022].[252]
2 Mil Mi-8MTV-1 transport helicopters [August 2022].[252]
2 Mil Mi-2 transport helicopters [August 2022].[252]
2 Mi-17 helicopters [To be delivered].[253]
90+ unmanned aerial vehicles donated by Latvian companies and delivered to the Armed Forces of Ukraine by the Ministry of Defence of Latvia [from 2022 onwards].[254][255]
Air defense systems
Stinger anti-aircraft missile systems from the Ministry of Defence of Latvia to the Armed Forces of Ukraine [from 2022 onwards].[256][255]
Small arms
Dozens of machine guns with ammunition [To be delivered].[255]
Miscellaneous equipment
30 truckloads of individual equipment and supplies (including combat helmets, dried food, medical devices and medicine) from the Latvian National Armed Forces on 26 February 2022.[257]
Spare parts for howitzers [To be delivered].[255]
Training and rehabilitation
Training of 3,000 Ukrainian soldiers [1,000 in 2022; 2,000 to be trained in 2023].[255]
Demining training.[258]
Rehabilitation of 250 soldiers [130 in 2022, 120 to be rehabilitated in 2023].[259]
Financial aid
€500,000 aid from the Riga City Council to Ukraine on 25 February 2022.[260]
€1.2 million aid from the Government of Latvia to the Armed Forces of Ukraine on 26 February 2022.[261]
Lithuania Helicopters
2 Mi-8s [To be delivered].[262]
Reconnaissance UAVs
''Drones'' [To be delivered].[262]
Man-portable air defence systems (MANPADS)
FIM-92 Stinger [February 2022].[262]
Anti-Aircraft (AA) Guns
36 Bofors L70s [Delivered from February 2023 onwards].[262]
Towed artillery
18 105mm M101 howitzers [September 2022].[262]
Self-propelled mortars
12 120mm Panzermörser M113s [November 2022].[262]
Heavy mortars
18 120mm heavy mortars [April 2022].[262]
Armoured personnel carriers (APCs)
62 M113 APCs and M577s [Delivered from June 2022 onwards].[262]
10 military trucks [June 2022].[262]
10 Mitsubishi L200s (For demining operations) [June 2022].[262]
Arctic Trucks AT42s [To be delivered].[262]
7 Toyota Land Cruiser armored SUVs [October 2022].[263]
5 Land Rover off road vehicles [April 2023].[264]
Small arms (delivered along with ammunition)
Anti-tank weaponry [March 2022].[262]
23,000 automatic rifles and machine guns [Delivered from March 2022 onwards].[262]
Submachine guns [March 2022].[262]
4000 pistols [2022].[262]
~1300 grenade launchers [2022].[262]
Grenades [March 2022].[262]
155mm artillery rounds for PzH 2000 SPG [Delivered from December 2022 onwards].[262]
Miscellaneous equipment
35,000 sets of military winter clothing [Delivered from September 2022 onwards].[262]
Anti-drone imaging equipment [March or April 2022 and June 2022].[262]
Thermal imagers [March or April 2022 and June 2022].[262]
Communications equipment [March 2022].[262]
Food rations [April 2023].
Training and rehabilitation
Training of Ukrainian soldiers since 2017 (4,000 trained between 2017 and 2021, 500 soldiers in 2022; 2,000 to be trained in 2023.[265][266]
Rehabilitation of wounded Ukrainian soldiers [since 2016].[267]
Financial aid
€29 million in military equipment by the Blue/Yellow charity since 2014.[268]
Luxembourg Reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles
6 Primoco one 150s [August 2022] (purchased directly from the manufacturer).[269]
Anti-tank guided missiles
102 NLAWs [March 2022].[269]
Infantry mobility vehicles
28 HMMWVs [November 2022].[269]
7 Jeep Wranglers [March 2022].[269]
4 pickup trucks [August 2022] (delivered along with four trailers).[269]
1 Mercedes Sprinter L4 Van [August 2022].[269]
8 ambulances [December 2022].[269]
14 Armoured Ambulances [March 2023].[269]
Small arms
20 12.7mm M2 Browning heavy machine guns [November 2022] (For HMMWVs).[269]
600 122mm rockets for BM-21 Grad [between September and October 2022] (bought from a third country and delivered to Ukraine).[269]
12,500 rounds of RPG-7 ammunition [April 2022] (bought from a third country and delivered to Ukraine).[269]
20,000 rounds of 12.7mm ammunition [March 2022].[269]
3,200 Rounds Of 155mm Ammunition [March 2023].[269]
Procurement of 155mm ammunition through European Defense Agency [To be delivered].[16]
Military clothing
5000 bulletproof vests [May 2022] (purchased off the international market).[269]
5000 helmets [May 2022] (purchased off the international market).[269]
22,400 Avon Protection C50 gas masks [between April and June 2022] (delivered along with 44,800 filters, purchased directly from the manufacturer).[269]
Miscellaneous equipment
120 MUM night vision multi-purpose monoculars [August 2022].[269]
180 PVS-14 night vision multi-purpose monoculars [August 2022].[269]
70 RNVG night vision binoculars [August 2022].[269]
100 thermal scopes for rifles [August 2022]
300 mounts night vision helmet mounts [August 2022].[269]
50 Satcube Ku terminals with iDirect iQ 200 modems and SATCOM subscription [between July and October 2022] (purchased directly from the manufacturer).[269]
15 military tents [March 2022].[269]
358 Arctic sleeping bags [September 2022].[269]
18 generators [November 2022].[269]
6 portable army heaters [September 2022].[269]
10 light-pole sets [November 2022].[269]
800 Meal, Ready-to-Eat (MREs) [September 2022].[269]
30 Artec 3D scanners [November 2022] (to be used to investigate Russian war crimes).[269]
Montenegro In February 2023 Montenegro announced that it had donated so far military aid worth 10 million euros:[270]
7,000 food rations [March 2022]
500 helmets [March 2022]
300 bulletproof vests [March 2022]
600 armored plates [March 2022]
600 60mm and 82mm mortar bombs [sent between April and June 2022]
226 Strela-2M MANPADS [first ten in April, further 216 on 25 July 2022]
759 anti-aircraft shells of 57x438 mm caliber [25 July 2022]
7,277 57mm grenades [19 August 2022]
7,992 76mm grenades with fuses [19 August 2022]
2.3 million 7.62mm rifle bullets [19 August 2022]
7,964 57mm unguided rockets [19 August 2022]
Spare parts for Mi-8 helicopters [mid-September 2022]
The government of Montenegro announced that it would donate 11% of its defence budget to Ukraine.[271][272]
Treatment of two wounded Ukrainian soldiers [January 2023].[273]
Spare parts for T-72 tanks [December 2022, alleged].[274][better source needed]
20 T0-72B tanks modernized by Czech company Excalibur Army [January 2023, alleged].[275][better source needed]
Donations are disputed by the government of Morocco.[276][277]
Naval vessels
2 Alkmaar-Class Minehunters [To be delivered].[278]
4 ''Ships'' [To be delivered].[278]
Anti-ship missiles (AShMs)
AGM-84 Harpoon (Missiles) [June 2022].[278]
Surface-to-air missile systems
2 Patriot Launchers [To be delivered].[278]
Missiles For The Patriot SAM Launchers [April 2023].[278]
12 AIM-120 AMRAAMs (For NASAMS II) [November 2022].[278]
(Mobile) anti-aircraft guns
100 MR-2 Mobile Anti-Aircraft Guns [To be delivered] (Purchased by the Netherlands from Czechia, upgraded and delivered to Ukraine).[278]
17 Bofors 40L70s [Delivered from March 2023 onwards].[278]
Self-propelled artillery
8 155mm PzH 2000s [April 2022. Training completed in May 2022. Arrived to Ukraine from June 2022 onwards].[278]
45 T-72 Avenger [Deliveries starting in December 2022] (purchased from Czech company Excalibur Army [cs] and delivered directly to Ukraine).[278]
100+ Leopard 1A5s [To be delivered] (In cooperation with Germany and Denmark).[278]
14 Leopard 2A4s [To be delivered] (In cooperation with Denmark).[278]
Armoured fighting vehicles
Fenneks [February 2023].[278]
Armoured personnel carriers (APCs)
196 YPR-765s [Delivered from May 2022 onwards].[278]
28 Bandvagn BvS 10s [Delivered before March 2023].[278]
Engineering vehicles and equipment
1 Scanjack 3500 Mine Clearing System [2022/2023].[278]
2 Bozena Mine Clearing Systems [2022/2023].[278]
6 M3 Amphibious Bridging Vehicles [To be delivered].[278]
Vehicles (441 in total)
~300 DAF YA-4442 '4-tonner' trucks and DAF YAZ-2300 '10-tonner' trucks [Delivered from November 2022 onwards].[278]
Mercedes Benz 290GD Ambulances [2022/2023].[278]
Volkswagen Amarok SUVs [2022/2023].[278]
2 Lifting Cranes [2022/2023].[278]
10 Loaders [2022/2023].[278]
21 Forklifts [2022/2023].[278]
Heavy mortars
6 120mm MO-120-HBs [November 2022].[278]
Man-portable air defence systems (MANPADS)
50 FIM-92 Stinger launchers [Delivered from March 2022 onwards].[278]
200 Stinger Missiles [April 2022].[278]
Reconnaissance UAVs
143 unmanned aerial vehicles [April or May 2022].[278]
Unmanned underwater vehicles
2 SeaFox autonomous mine-detecting underwater vehicles [March or April 2022].[278]
5 AN/TPQ-36 Firefinder weapon-locating radars [Delivered from April 2022 onwards].[278]
2 Thales Squire ground surveillance radars [Delivered from April 2022 onwards].[278]
''Several'' anti-drone radars [To be delivered].[278]
Small arms
50 Panzerfaust 3 RPGs [Delivered from March 2022 onwards].[278]
10 Barrett M82 .50 BMG Anti-Materiel sniper rifles [March 2022].[278]
90 Accuracy International AX308 sniper rifles [March 2022].[278]
FN MAG General-Purpose Machine Guns [2022/2023].[278]
FN Minimi Light Machine Guns [2022/2023].[278]
M2 Heavy Machine Guns [2022/2023].[278]
C7A1 Assault Rifles [Before September 2022].[278]
Glock 17 Pistols [2022/2023].[278]
50 DM72A1 (PzF 3-IT) rounds for Panzerfaust 3 [March 2022].[278]
30,000 rounds of 7.62mm and 12.7mm ammunition [March 2022] (For AX408 and M82 sniper and anti-materiel rifles).[278]
Small Arms Ammunition (For C7A1 Assault Rifles, Glock 17 Pistols, FN MAG, FN Minimi and M2 Machine Guns [2022].[278]
20,000 rounds of 120mm ammunition for the Leopard 2 [To be delivered].[278]
Military gear
3000 Gevechtshelm Composiet M95 helmets [March or April 2022].[278]
STRONG helmets [June 2022].[278]
2000 flak jackets [March or April 2022 and June 2022].[278]
Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Gear [2022].[278]
Night-Vision Equipment [2022].[278]
30 Hand-Held Mine Detectors [March 2022].[278]
Miscellaneous equipment
10 Field Hospitals [2022 and 2023] (In cooperation with Estonia and Norway).[278]
31 Field Kitchens [2022/2023].[278]
676 Generators [2022/2023].[278]
300 Tents [2022/2023].[278]
Sleeping Bags [2022/2023].[278]
Fuel [2022/2023].[278]
Spare Parts [2022/2023].[278]
Meal, Ready-to-Eat (MREs) [2022/2023].[278]
Medical Supplies [2022/2023].[278]
2 Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Trucks [Before February 2023].[278]
Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Kits [2022].[278]
New Zealand
Military gear
473 helmets [March 2022].
1,066 bullet-proof vests [March 2022].
571 camouflage vests [March 2022].[279]
Miscellaneous equipment
40 dial sights [May 2022].[280]
On 23 May 2022 it was announced that 30 New Zealand Defence Force personnel would travel to the UK to train Ukrainian troops on L119 Light Gun howitzers.[281]
On 15 August 2022, the New Zealand government announced it would send 120 NZDF personnel to train Ukrainian forces in the UK. The deployment would consists of two teams of infantry trainers and lasts until 30 November.[282]
On 14 November 2022, the New Zealand government announced it would continue the deployment of infantry trainers (on a reduced basis of a single team of 66 personnel) and intelligence staff until 31 July 2023 and 30 June 2023.[283]
On 3 May 2023, the New Zealand government announced it would extend the deployment of the New Zealand Defence Force personnel training and supporting the Ukrainian armed forces until 30 June 2024.[284]
Contributing a C-130H Hercules and No. 40 Squadron RNZAF personnel to UK-based European military airlift operations for two months.
Financial aid
Pledge of NZ$5 million partially for the purchase of non-lethal military equipment through NATO announced on 21 March 2022.[279]
NZ$7.5 million for weapons and ammunition procurement by the UK.[285]
NZ$4.1 million towards providing commercial satellite access for Ukrainian intelligence.[285]
On 27 June 2022, the New Zealand government announced it will donate NZ$4.5 million to NATO's trust fund to buy non-lethal military equipment, as well as deploying an additional six NZDF intelligence analysts to the UK, totalling twelve, until 30 November.[286]
NZ$1.85 million to the NATO Trust Fund for the acquisition of non-lethal military equipment and supplies [283]
North Macedonia Pledged military equipment and material to Ukraine on 1 March 2022.[287]
Fighter jets
Four Su-25 ground attack jets [early August 2022].[288]
12 Mi-24 attack helicopters [To be delivered].[289]
31 T-72A tanks [29 July 2022].[86]
Norway Surface-To-Air Missile (SAM) Systems
2 NASAMS Firing Units [To be delivered].[290]
Multiple Rocket Launchers (MRLs)
3 M270 MLRS (Delivered to the United Kingdom to allow the British Army to transfer three more modern M270B1s to Ukraine).[290]
Self-Propelled Artillery (SPGs)
23 155mm M109A3GNs [22 in May 2022, 1 in November 2022] (Delivered along with ammunition).[290]
16 155mm ShKH Zuzana 2s [To be delivered] (Joint purchase by Germany, Norway and Denmark).[290]
8 Leopard 2A4s [Delivered March 2023].[290][291]
Infantry Mobility Vehicles (IMVs)
14 Iveco LAV IIIs [October 2022].[290]
Man-Portable Air Defence Systems (MANPADS)
100 Mistral 2s [April 2022].[290]
Coastal Defence Missile (CDS) Systems
Hellfire Shore Defense Systems [Late 2022].[290]
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
Black Hornet Nanos [To be delivered].[290]
3 Aeryon SkyRanger R60s [Delivered from April 2022 onwards] (Donated by Veteran Aid Ukraine).[290]
10 DJI Mavic 2/3s [Delivered from April 2022 onwards] (Donated by Veteran Aid Ukraine).[290]
1 Mamba Arthur Counter-Battery radar system [Delivered in March 2023].[292]
Engineering Vehicles And Equipment
1 NM217 armoured recovery vehicles [Delivered in March 2023].[293]
3 NM189 armoured engineering vehicle [Delivered in March 2023].[294]
Scania P92 trucks with crane [Confirmed delivered in January 2023].[295]
Scania P113 trucks with hook lift [Confirmed delivered in January 2023].[295]
Anti-Tank Weaponry
4000 NM72F1 (M72 LAW) [March and April 2022].[290]
Nammo M72-EC [Unknown].[290]
10,000 155mm Nammo NM28 artillery rounds for M109A3GN SPG [Delivered since May 2022].[290]
160 AGM-114 Hellfires [To be delivered].[290]
Procurement of 155mm ammunition through European Defense Agency [To be delivered].[16]
8,000 155mm artillery shells in cooperation with Denmark, who will provide fuzes, propellant bags and primer cartridges.[98]
Military Clothing
5000 helmets 'HJELM' [February 2022].[290]
1,500 bulletproof vests [February 2022].[290]
55,000 pieces of winter clothing [November 2022].[290]
1,000 gas masks [February 2022].[290]
Night vision goggles [July or August 2022].[290]
Miscellaneous Equipment
55,000 bandages [November 2022].[290]
Thermal binoculars [July or August 2022].[290]
45,000 Meal, Ready-to-Eat (MREs) [February and November 2022].[290]
2000 sleeping bags [February 2022].[290]
10000 sleeping pads [February 2022].[290]
20,000 pieces of spare parts for the M109A3GN SPG [February 2022].[290]
1 field hospital [To be delivered] (In cooperation with Estonia and The Netherlands).[290]
Man-portable air defense systems
Unspecified number of Anza Mark-II [Planned].[296]
Anti-tank weapons
30,000 40mm RPG-7 high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) rounds.[297]
Artillery shells
50,000 POF made 122 mm artillery shells [August 2022].[298][299]
20,000 122 mm high-explosive (HE) artillery shells [2023].[297]
60,000 155 mm HOW high-explosive (HE) M107 artillery shells [delivered from January 2023 onwards].[297] (delivered along with M4A2 propelling bag charges, M-82 primers and PDM fuses)[300][301]
Mortar bombs
25,000 120mm high-explosive (HE) mortar bombs [delivered by March 2023].[297][302]
130,000 122mm rockets for MBRLs.[297]
122mm Yarmuk HE-Frag rockets [delivered by March 2023].[303]
Tonnage of deliveries
146 containers with ammunition [January 2023].[300]
162 containers with ammunition, including 10,000 Grad rockets [February 2023].[304][305]
137 containers with ammunition delivered [March 2023].[306]
230 containers with ammunition [April 2023].[307]
Donations are disputed by the government of Pakistan.[308][309]
Poland Fighter jets (14)
14 MiG-29 9.12As [Four delivered in April 2023, six in May 2023, four to be delivered].[310][311]
Tanks (~300)
250+ T-72M and T-72M1(R)s [Delivered from April 2022 onwards].[310]
14 Leopard 2A4s [4 in February 2023, 10 in March February 2023].[310]
60 PT-91s [Delivered from April 2023 onwards].[310]
Infantry Fighting Vehicles (42+)
92+ BWP-1s [42 in April 2022, further 50 to be delivered].[310]
200 KTO Rosomaks [To be delivered] (Purchased by Ukraine with EU and US funding).[310]
Infantry mobility vehicles
AMZ Dzik-2 [May 2022].[310]
Command vehicles
LPG WDSzs [June 2022] (Command vehicle for the AHS Krab SPG).[310]
Self-propelled artillery (~95)
24 120mm M120 Raks [To be delivered] (Purchased by Ukraine with EU and US funding).[310]
20+ 122mm 2S1 Goździks [April 2022].[310]
18+54 155mm AHS Krabs [Delivered from June 2022 onwards] (18 donated by Poland, 54 purchased by Ukraine with EU funding).[310]
Multiple rocket launchers (20+)
20+ 122mm BM-21 Grads [April 2022].[310]
Anti-aircraft (AA) guns
AZP S-60s [Early 2023].[310]
Self-propelled anti-aircraft guns (SPAAGs)
ZSU-23-4 Shilkas [Before March 2023].[310]
Surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems
S-125 Newa SCs [November 2022].[310]
9K33 Osa-AK(M)s [December 2022].[310]
Osa-AKM-P1 Żądłos [January 2023].[310]
Air-to-air missiles (100)
100 R-73s (For Su-27 and MiG-29 fighter aircraft) [February 2022].[310]
Reconnaissance UAVs (20+)
20+ WB Electronics FlyEyes [February or March 2022 and August 2022] (An initial batch was delivered by the Polish Armed Forces with 20 more FlyEyes crowdfunded through the Lithuanian-Polish Army of Drones crowdfunder).[310]
Loitering munitions (37)
37 WB Electronics Warmates [Late 2022] (27 crowdfunded through the Lithuanian-Polish Army of Drones crowdfunder. An additional 10 examples donated by the manufacturer WB Group).[310]
Man portable air defence systems (160)
160 PPZR Pioruns [February 2022].[310]
Star 266s [Before September 2022].[310]
Star 266M2s [Before October 2022].[310]
Jelcz P882 D53s [Before April 2023].[310]
Mortars (100)
100 60mm LMP-2017 Light Mortars [February 2022] (Delivered along with at least 1.500 mortar rounds).[310]
Small arms
Kbk wz.1988 Tantal assault rifles [June 2022].[310]
Kbk AKMS assault rifles [Before October 2022].[310]
FB MSBS Grot C16A2 assault rifles [May 2022] (Additional batches purchased by Ukraine in 2023 with EU funding).[310]
UKM-2000P machine guns [June 2022].[310]
ZMT WKW 50 Anti-Materiel rifles [June 2022].[310]
RGP-40 grenade launchers [February 2022].[310]
RPG-76s rocket propelled grenades [March 2022].[310]
''Large quantities'' of 120mm OF-NMR HE-FRAG ammunition for mortars [Before November 2022].[310]
''Large quantities'' of 122mm OF-462 HE ammunition for 2S1 SPGs [Since February 2022].[310]
''Large quantities'' of 152mm ammunition for artillery [Since February 2022].[310]
''Large quantities'' of 125mm ammunition for T-72 tanks [Since February 2022].[310]
30,000+ rounds of 5.56x45mm and 23mm ammunition [February 2022].[310]
73mm PG-9 ammunition for SPG-9 recoilless guns [February or March 2022].[310]
Protective gear
42,000 WZ 2005 helmets [February 2022].[310]
Training and rehabilitation
Training of Ukrainian soldiers [since July 2016].[312]
Treatment of more than 100 wounded soldiers [from 2022 onwards].[313]
98 Polish police officers participated in demining of Ukrainian territory from Summer 2022 for five months.[314]
Financial aid
Złoty 4 billion (US$875 million) was offered by the National Bank of Poland to Ukraine on the as a currency swap.[315]
Portugal President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa[citation needed] approved military aid for Ukraine:
€8 to €10 million (US$8.7 to US$11 million) contribution to the €450 to €500 million EU package of military support to the Ukrainian armed forces, announced on 28 February 2022.[316]
Main battle tanks
3 Leopard 2A6 [March 2023] [317] President Zelensky announced in January 2023, Portugal's availability to send Leopard 2 A6 to Ukraine.,[318][319] albeit the Portuguese MOD did not made a formal pledge[320] until February 3, 2023.[317][321]
Armoured personnel carriers
4 Iveco M 40.12 WM/P [April 2022][322]
14 M113 armored personnel carriers were sent by July 2022, and not 15 as initially reported by the press.[323][324] [July 2022][322][325]
Additional 14 M113 APC [To be delivered][326][327][319]
3 M113 Medical version [To be delivered][328]
2 M577A2 Medical version [To be delivered][328]
6 Kamov Ka-32A11BC [To be delivered].[329]
Unmanned aerial vehicles
Unmanned aerial vehicles [July 2022][330]
Small arms
H&K G3A3/4s automatic rifles [February or March 2022][331][332] that amounted to around 1,000 by June 2022.[333]
Grenades[331] among them m/963 grenades[334] [February or March 2022]
Unspecified quantity of light weapons[335][May 2022]
Unspecified quantity of mortars [April and May 2022][336][337]
Ammunition of different calibres [February or March 2022][332][331]
Ammunition of different calibres [April and May 2022][336][337]
120mm ammunition, including 2000 rounds of mortar ammunition as of March 2023 [Before January 2023] [To be delivered][326][327][319][338]
Procurement of 155mm ammunition through European Defense Agency [To be delivered][16]
105mm ammunition [To be delivered][339]
Miscellaneous equipment
Unspecified quantity of bulletproof vests [February or March 2022][332][331]
Unspecified quantity of combat helmets [February or March 2022][332][331]
Unspecified quantity of night-vision devices [February or March 2022][332][331]
Unspecified quantity of portable radios [February or March 2022][332][331]
Unspecified quantity of analogue repeaters [February or March 2022][332][331]
50 additional radios [July 2022][340]
Medical kit [May and June 2022][341][342]
700 additional medical kits[343][July 2022]
8 large electrical production generators [To be delivered][326][327][319]
2 tons of Sanitary and medical equipment's [To be delivered][326][319]
Military training
The Defense Minister announced on June 15, 2022, at a NATO meeting in Brussels, that Portugal is available to offer training to Ukrainian soldiers, for example, to maneuver Leopard 2 tanks and also training in the area of demining and inactivation of explosive devices.[344] and mentioned again, in January 2023, the availability of training with the Leopard and "expressed the availability of the Portuguese Government to identify, in coordination with its partners, ways to support Ukraine with this capacity".[345]
The Ministry of Defense indicates that Portugal is part of the new mission of the European Union of military assistance to Ukraine, which will provide training in areas such as the inactivation of explosive devices, medical assistance in combat, nuclear, biological, chemical and radiological defense, starting in February in Germany.[326][319]
Tonnage of military aid
60 to 70 tons of military equipment from Portugal, announced on 26 February 2022 and\or delivered in February and March 2022, had been delivered to Ukraine by 6 April.[346][331][347][348]
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, on 6 April 2022, announced that more military equipment would be sent to Ukraine.,[349] confirmed to be another 99 tons of military and medical equipment, by the Minister of Defence, following a meeting with the Ukrainian Ambassador on 11 April 2022.[350][351] All previously announced military and non-military (including medical) have been sent to Ukraine as of 4 May 2022, according to the Minister of Defense.[352]
The Portuguese Minister of National Defence, reported on 20 July 2022 that Portugal had already sent a total of 315 tons of military equipment to Ukraine.[343]
After sending the new military aid package to Ukraine announced in January 2023, Portugal will have sent a total of 532 tons of military aid to Ukraine.[326][319]
Relevant information
During the Portugal Day festivities, Lieutenant Colonel Ana Silva of the Portuguese Army and the Commander Silva Pinto of the Portuguese Navy, stated in an interview that all the equipment offered to Ukraine was requested by the Ukrainian Forces, denying the veracity of various news and opinion articles that referred the rejection by Ukraine of Portuguese military equipment for being obsolete [353][333] like 5 M114A1 towed 155 mm howitzers, that were rejected by Ukraine, either because due to receipt of similar equipment from other countries[354] or, according to the Portuguese press due to their obsolescence [355] and browning heavy machine guns, rejected by Ukraine, according to the Portuguese press due to their obsolescence.[355]
The Portuguese Prime Minister, after a meeting with President Zelensky on January 10, 2023, announced that he will reinforce military support to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.[356]
Portuguese Ministry of National Defence in January 2023, again referred the availability to receive in the Portuguese Armed Forces hospital, 40 injured Ukrainian soldiers.[326][319]
The Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa, signed an agreement to financially support Ukraine with €250 million (US$270 million).[357][358]
Portugal will advance with an extraordinary contribution of one million euros to the NATO support package for Ukraine.[359]
Romania President Klaus Iohannis approved military aid for Ukraine:
€3 million ($3.3 million) worth of military equipment on 28 February 2022.[360][140]
2,000 combat helmets.[361]
2,000 bulletproof vests.[361]
Fuel, ammunition, food, water, and medicines.[360]
Procurement of 155mm ammunition through European Defense Agency [To be delivered].[16]
Fighter jets
13 MiG-29 fighter jets (including 10 with engine and three without engine) [Four delivered in March 2023, nine in April 2023].[362][363][364]
4 Mil Mi-17 helicopters [June 2022] funded through European Peace Facility.[365][366]
1 Mil Mi-2 helicopter [June 2022] funded through European Peace Facility.[365]
Infantry Fighting Vehicles
30 BVP-1 (BMP-1 variant) IFV [November 2022] (in exchange for 15 German Leopard 2A4 through the 'Ringtausch' programme)[87]
Air defense systems
1 S-300PMU air defense system [April 2022].[367][86]
100 air defense launchers with 486 air-defense missiles.[February 2022].[368]
2 2K12 Kub air defense systems, with spare parts [Delivered from March 2023 onwards].[362][369]
Kub radar station [March 2023].[362]
Self-propelled howitzers
8 155 mm SpGH Zuzana 2 SPGs with crew training [from June 2022 to January 2023].[370]
16 155mm ShKH Zuzana 2s Howitzers [To be delivered] (Joint purchase by Germany, Norway and Denmark from Slovakia)[89]
Engineering Equipment
2 Bozena 5 Mine Clearance Systems [January 2023].[86]
Spare parts warehouse [Delivered along with fighter jets].[362]
Control-measurement equipment [Delivered along with fighter jets].[362]
Ground operating equipment [Delivered along with fighter jets].[362]
Anti-tank weapons
Anti-tank missiles [February 2022].[368]
12,000 rounds of 120 mm ammunition [March 2022].[371]
155mm OFd MKM ammunition (for Krab howitzers) [from July 2022 onwards].[372]
"Thousands" of 122mm Grad rockets [June 2022].[365]
122mm and 152mm ammunition [To be delivered].[373]
Large-caliber ammunition for fighter jets [Delivered along with fighter jets].[374]
52 pieces of 3M9ME anti-aircraft missiles [Delivered from March 2023 onwards].[362]
148 pieces of 3M9M3E anti-aircraft missiles [Delivered from March 2023 onwards].[362]
Procurement of 155mm ammunition through European Defense Agency [To be delivered].[16]
Military gear
Warm clothes [To be delivered].[374]
Miscellaneous aid
10 million l (2,200,000 imp gal; 2,600,000 US gal) of petrol [March 2022].
2.6 million l (570,000 imp gal; 690,000 US gal) of kerosene jet fuel for aircraft [March 2022].[371]
Warm clothing[373]
Lubricants and spare parts for Mig-29 fighters jets.[362]
Slovenia The Slovenian Government has provided the following to Ukraine:
28 M-55S tanks (an upgrade of the T-55 tank) [October 2022] (From Slovenian stocks in exchange for 45 MAN 8x8 trucks through the 'Ringtausch' programme).[87][375][376]
Infantry fighting vehicles:
35 BVP M80A infantry fighting vehicles on 21 June 2022.[377]
Infantry mobility vehicles:
20 HMMWVs [November or December 2022].[378]
Armored personal carriers
20 Valuks [April 2023].[379]
Towed artillery
16 M101 105mm howitzers [April 2023].[380]
Towed anti-aircraft guns
200 Zastava M55 and M75 anti-aircraft guns [delivered by December 2022].[381][382]
Anti-tank weapons
8,000 anti-tank mines.[381]
Small arms:
Automatic rifles (Zastava M70) and ammunition [February 2022].[383]
Unspecified type of ammunition.[381]
Military equipment:
Helmets [February 2022].[383]
Miscellaneous aid
South Korea
The Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs approved military aid for Ukraine:
An undisclosed amount of uniforms and personal military gear (which had been earmarked for delivery to the military of Afghanistan) to be sent to Ukraine instead, delivered via NATO.[384][385][386]
US$1.6 million worth of non-lethal military and medical supplies such as bulletproof vests, helmets, medical supplies and meals, ready-to-eat (MREs) in March 2022.[387]
An unspecified amount of cash announced on 8 March.[388][389]
Bilateral ODA to be increased by designating Ukraine as key 중점협력국 "Priority Cooperation Country" for years 2021–2025.[384][385]
10 Leopard 2 tanks [To be delivered][390]
Armored personal carriers
~35 M113 armored personal carriers [Before December 2022 and February 2023].[86]
URO VAMTAC armoured vehicles [April 2022][391]
1 RG-31 Nyala mine-resistant vehicle configured as an ambulance [April 2022][392]
Eight light military vehicles dispatched from the Spanish army to Ukraine on 7 October 2022. 12 more vehicles also pledged.[393]
Self-propelled artillery
~5 81mm/120mm M113 Mortar Variants [February 2023].[86]
Towed artillery
6 105mm OTO Melara Mod 56 [January 2023].[86]
Surface-To-Air Missile (SAM) Systems
1 Aspide (2000) battery [November 2022].[86]
1 MIM-23 Hawk Phase I/III (21) Battery [December 2022] (US will deliver compatible missiles).[86]
Anti-ship missiles
5 AGM-84 Harpoon missiles [before February 2023].[86]
Anti-tank weapons
1,370 Instalaza C-90 anti-tank grenade launchers [March 2022][394]
Small arms
Light machine guns [March 2022].[394]
700,000 bullets [March 2022].[394]
Training of 639 Ukrainian soldiers by March 2023, with up to 2,000 to be trained in total by the end of 2023.[395]
Sudan 120mm HE-843B mortar bombs (possibly purchased from Sudan by third country)[396]
Multiple military planes have flown from Sudan to Rzeszów airport from March to June, allegedly with artillery shells for Ukraine[19]
10 Strv 122s [To be delivered] (modified version of Leopard 2 tanks).[86]
Infantry fighting vehicles
50+ CV9040s [To be delivered].[86]
Self-propelled artillery
Archer Artillery Systems [To be delivered].[86]
Air defense systems
IRIS-T air defense systems [To be delivered].
Hawk air defense systems [To be delivered].[397]
Man-portable air defense systems
RBS 70 short-range MANPADS [delivered by March 2023].[398]
PS-70 radars [delivered by April 2023].[399]
Surface-to-surface missiles
Hellfire Shore Defense Systems Robot 17 [Before October 2022].[86]
Anti-tank weapons
15,000 AT4 light anti-tank weapons [5,000 in February; 5,000 in March; 5,000 in June].[400][401][402]
An unspecified number of anti-tank weapons [To be delivered].[403][404]
NLAW ATGMs [To be delivered].[405]
Small arms
Barrett M82 rifles, with munitions [after June 2022].[402][406]
An unspecified number of support-weapons (which some sources state are machine guns) [To be delivered].[403][404]
Recoilless rifles with ammunition [To be delivered].[407]
Technical equipment
An unspecified amount and type of mine-clearance equipment [To be delivered].[403][404]
Artillery munitions worth approximately SKr 500 million [To be delivered].[408]
Procurement of 155mm ammunition through European Defense Agency [To be delivered].[16]
Military gear
5,029 M90 helmets [5,000 in February, 29 in April 2022].[400][409]
5,054 bulletproof vests model 12 [5,000 in February, 54 in April 2022].[400][409]
263 chemical and gas protective suits [April 2022].[409]
88 AlphaTec protective suits [April 2022].[409]
Miscellaneous equipment
135,000 field rations [February 2022].[400]
Part of Operation Unifier since 2018, providing training for Ukrainian soldiers.[410]
7 August 2022, the Swedish government announced it would send two rotations of 60 soldiers to the UK to help train Ukrainian soldiers.[411]
Financial aid
SKr 500 million (US$52.9 million) [February 2022].[412]
On 2 June, the Swedish government announced the following financial aid:
SKr 1.08 billion (US$100m) so far to the Ukrainian central bank's fund for the armed forces of Ukraine.[413]
SKr 110 million (US$10.6m) so far to NATO's fund for the armed forces of Ukraine.[413]
Turkey A contract for Bayraktar TB2 drones was signed in November 2018. The first drones were delivered in March 2019.[414][415] 2 Ada-class corvettes were ordered by the Ukrainian Navy in December 2020, the first ship was laid down in September 2021.[416][417][418] Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopters were modernized by Turkey to include laser guidance capabilities and were armed with Cirit and UMTAS air-to-surface missiles in November 2021.[419]
Unmanned combat aerial vehicles
30+ Bayraktar TB2 [Delivered from March 2022 onwards] (Half donated by Baykar Tech, the other half sold at half the price).[420][421]
Reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle
24 Mini-Bayraktars [March 2022] (All donated by Baykar Tech).[420][421]
(Guided) multiple rocket launchers
TLRG-230 [Delivered in the Summer of 2022].[420]
Air-to-air missiles
Sungur IIR-guided MANPADS and munition (For Bayraktar TB2) [To be delivered].[420]
Electronic warfare equipment
Ground-based electronic warfare equipment [Summer 2022].[420][422]
Airborne electronic warfare equipment (for Bayraktar TB2) [Summer 2022].[420][422]
Mine-resistant ambush protected vehicles
200 BMC Kirpi [Delivered from August 2022 onwards].[423][420]
Unknown mortars [Delivered before October 2022].[420][424]
Small arms
Heavy machine guns for use against loitering munitions [To be delivered].[420]
100,000 155mm artillery rounds [To be delivered].[420]
MAM-L guided bombs (For Bayraktar TB2) [Delivered from March 2022 onwards].[420][421]
MAM-C guided bombs (For Bayraktar TB2) [Delivered from March 2022 onwards].[420][421]
DPICM cluster bombs [Delivered from November 2022 onwards].[425]
Military gear
Flak vests[420]
Miscellaneous equipment
Generators [November 2022][420]
United Kingdom
14 Challenger 2 tanks [Delivered from March 2023 onwards][86]
Armored Personal Carriers
35 FV103 Spartans [June 2022][86]
40 FV104 Samaritans [Before October 2022][86]
46 M113s [2022]
100s Armoured Vehicles (Including FV430 Bulldog) [To be delivered][86]
Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) Vehicles
Wolfhound Heavy Tactical Support Vehicles [Part of a batch of 80 AFVs. May 2022][86]
Mastiff Protected Patrol Vehicles [Part of a batch of 80 AFVs. July 2022][86]
Infantry Mobility Vehicles
Husky Tactical Support Vehicles [Part of a batch of 80 AFVs. June 2022][86]
Towed artillery
54 105mm L118/L119s [Delivered from July 2022 onwards][86]
Self-Propelled Artillery
20+ 155mm M109A4BEs (Bought from OIP Land Systems in Belgium) [January 2023][86]
30 155mm AS-90s [Delivered from March or April 2023][86][426]
Multiple Rocket Launchers
6 227mm M270B1 MLRS [Delivered from July 2022 onwards] (Norway delivered three M270s to the UK to allow the British Army to transfer three more modern M270B1s to Ukraine)[86]
13 bulletproof Babcock Toyota Land Cruiser for civilian officials such as mayors and evacuation operations.[427]
120 logistics vehicles [2022].[428]
Air defense systems
6 Stormer HVMs [April 2022][86]
Starstreak man-portable air-defense systems [March 2022][429]
Electronic Warfare Equipment
"Electronic Warfare Equipment"[May or June 2022][86]
3 Westland Sea Kings [January 2023][86]
"Loitering Munitions" [To be delivered][86]
Black Hornets [Before November 2022][86]
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles [To be delivered][86]
Malloy Aeronautics T150s [Delivered before October 2022][86]
Mamba Counter-Battery Radar Systems [September or October 2022][86]
Engineering equipment
Challenger Armoured Repair and Recovery Vehicles [March 2023][86]
Anti-Ship Missiles
AGM-84 Harpoon (Missiles) [June 2022][86]
Surface-To-Surface Missiles
600+ Brimstone 1s [May 2022][86]
Brimstone 2s [November 2022][86]
Anti-tank weapons
5,361 NLAW anti-armour weapons [From February 2022 onwards].
200 Javelin anti-tank missiles [From February 2022 onwards].[430]
100,000 of rounds of artillery ammunition (including 50,000 of rounds for Soviet-era artillery) [2022].[428]
3,000,000 rounds of small arms ammunition [2022].[428]
2,600 anti-structure munitions and 4.5 tonnes of plastic explosives [2022].[428]
1000s of depleted uranium tank shells [April 2023].[431]
Military gear
84,000 helmets[432]
5,000 night-vision devices [2022].[428]
8,450 sets of body armour [2022].[428]
25,000 sets of extreme cold weather clothing [2022].[428]
Miscellaneous equipment
20,000 sleeping bags [2022].[428]
150 insulated heated tents [2022].[428]
Rangefinders [2022].[428]
Medical equipment [2022].[428]
Trained 22,000 Ukrainian troops as part of Operation Orbital [since 2015 to 2021].[433] This operation was suspended following the full-scale Russian invasion, a new British-led multinational operation commenced on 9 July 2022 as part of Operation Interflex.
17 June 2022 the UK offered to set up Operation Interflex a program to administer and provide three weeks general infantry, first aid, cyber security, and counter explosive tactics training to 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers every four months,[434] this would better equip Ukraine to replace battlefield casualties. The program commenced on 9 July 2022[435] ultimately 10,000 Ukrainian troops passed through training during 2022, with an additional 20,000 to be trained in 2023.[436]
8 February 2023, training program expanded to include conversion training of Ukrainian fighter pilots to NATO aircraft and a training program for Marines.[437]
Deployment of RC-135W Rivet Joint surveillance aircraft to provide information on size and position of Russian forces.[438]
ISTAR (intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance) support, both standalone and in partnership with the United States.[439]
Financial aid:
23 February 2022 - pledged £3.5 billion in British export financing, underwrote $500 million in MLDB borrowing and provided a £100 million loan via the World Bank for economic development.[440]
3 March 2022- UK donated $100 million directly to the Ukrainian government budget to mitigate financial pressures created by Russia's unprovoked and illegal invasion.[441]
24 March 2022- £25 million in financial backing for the Ukrainian military.[442]
9 April 2022- UK increased its World Bank loan guarantees to £730 million (US$1 billion).[443]
25 April 2022- UK announced it was cutting tariffs and quotas on all trade with Ukraine to zero.[444]
4 July 2022- During the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Lugano, Switzerland the UK committed to fiscal grants through the World Bank of £99m and to underwriting £429m ($525m) in a third tranche of World Bank lending.[445]
19 August 2022 the UK committed £1.5m for the testing of grain sold by Russia to identify if it had come from Ukraine, and a package of rail support for grain exports.[446]
13 April 2023 the UK pledged an additional $500m (£400m) of World Bank loan guarantees taking its total financial support pledged in 2023 to $1bn and £6.5bn of military/financial aid provided in total so far.[447]
United States In total, the United States has committed more than $36.1 billion in security assistance to Ukraine since the beginning of the Biden administration, including approximately $35.4 billion since the beginning of Russia's invasion on 24 February 2022.[448]
31 M1 Abrams [To be delivered][448][86]
45 T-72B tanks (manufactured by Excalibur Army, purchase and upgrade financed by USA) [delivered from December 2022 onwards]
Infantry fighting vehicles
109 M2A2 ODS Bradleys [Delivered from April 2023 onwards][449]
Armoured personnel carriers[448][86]
300 M113s [Delivered from July 2022 onwards]
100 armoured medical treatment vehicles [To be delivered]
250 M1117 ASVs [To be delivered]
90 Strykers [Delivered from March 2023 onwards][450]
Command vehicles[448]
4 Bradley Fire Support Team vehicles [February 2023][86]
10 command post vehicles
Mine-resistant ambush protected vehicles[448]
440 International M1224 MaxxPro [Delivered from July or August 2022 onwards][86]
37 Cougars [February 2023][86]
Oshkosh M-ATVs [March 2023][86]
289 Unknown MRAPs [To be delivered. 108 pleadged in January 2023, 181 more pledged in February 2023][86]
Infantry mobility vehicles[448]
2,000+ HMMWVs [Delivered from April 2022 onwards][86]
100+ Light Tactical Vehicles [To be delivered][86]
Other vehicles[448]
66 trucks and 114 trailers to transport heavy equipment
6 armored utility trucks
100 armored medical treatment vehicles
89 heavy fuel tankers and 105 fuel trailers
8 logistics support vehicles
Towed artillery[448]
142 155mm M777s [Delivered from April 2022 onwards][86]
72 105mm Howitzers [To be delivered][86]
Self-propelled artillery[448]
18 155mm "Paladin" M109A6s [May 2023][86][451]
Multiple rocket launchers[448]
20 227mm HIMARS [June 2022] (further 18 to be delivered)
Surface-to-air missile systems[448][86]
8 NASAMS Batteries [Delivered from November 2022 onwards]
2 MIM-23 Hawk firing units [February 2023]
12 AN/TWQ-1 Avengers [Delivered from December 2022 onwards]
1 Patriot Battery [April 2023][452]
Self-propelled anti-aircraft guns[448]
9 Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems (c-UAS) gun trucks [To be delivered]
Man-portable air defense systems
Over 1,600 Stinger anti-aircraft systems[448]
Anti-tank missiles
Over 10,000 Javelin anti-armor systems.[448]
Over 60,000 other anti-armor systems and munitions.[448]
Over 3,000 Tube-Launched, Optically-Tracked, Wire-Guided (TOW) missiles.[448]
Other missiles
2 AGM-84 Harpoon (Launcher and an unknown number of missiles) [July 2022][86]
Precision-Guided Munitions (PGMs) [July or August 2022] (Fired from MiG-29 and Su-27 fighter aircraft)[86]
AGM-88 HARMs [Delivered from July or August 2022 onwards] (Fired from MiG-29 fighter aircraft)[86]
Laser-Guided Rockets (Believed to be APKWS) [Delivered from April 2022 onwards][86]
RIM-7 missiles for air defense [To be delivered] (For use by Ukrainian Buk SAM systems).[448][86]
4,000 Zuni aircraft rockets.[448]
Over 7,000 Hydra-70 aircraft rockets.[448]
Electronic warfare equipment[448][86]
Electronic jamming equipment [May or June 2022]
Vampire counter-unmanned aerial systems [To be delivered]
20 Mi-17V5s (originally destined for Afghanistan) [Delivered from April 2022 onwards]
100 Switchblade 300 kamikaze drones [April 2022]
10 Switchblade 600 kamikaze drones [To be delivered]
300 Switchblade kamikaze drones of unknown type [Delivered from April 2022 onwards]
1801 Phoenix Ghosts [To be delivered]
RQ-20 Pumas [April 2022]
15 Boeing Insitu ScanEagles [To be delivered]
Jump 20 reconnaissance UAVs [To be delivered]
Altius-600 reconnaissance UAVs [To be delivered]
CyberLux K8 reconnaissance UAVs [To be delivered]
26 AN/TPQ-36 Firefinder weapon-locating radars [Delivered from April 2022 onwards]
AN/TPQ-37 weapons locating radars [Before April 2023]
4 AN/MPQ-64 Sentinel air surveillance radars [April 2022 onwards; 4 more pledged in February 2023]
Over 70 counter-artillery and counter-mortar radars [At least 4 delivered from April 2022 onwards]
20 Multi-mission radars [To be delivered]
Engineering equipment[448][86]
M58 Mine clearing line charge [Delivered before October 2022]
22 M1089A1P2 and M984A4 HEMTT [Delivered around October 2022]
8 M88A2 Hercules [Delivered around October 2022]
6 Unspecified tactical recovery vehicles [Delivered by February 2023]
300+ tactical vehicles to tow weapons
54 tactical vehicles to recover equipment
30 ammunition support vehicles [To be delivered along with M109 artillery]
14 armored bridging systems
Ships and underwater vehicles[448][86]
16 Mark VI patrol boats [17 June 2020][453][454]
10 Dauntless Sea Ark Patrol Boats [Delivered from September or October 2022 onwards]
2 Small Unit Riverine Craft (SURC) [To be delivered]
6 40-foot riverine patrol boats [To be delivered]
Unmanned Coastal Defence Vessels (USVs) [To be delivered]
40 Armoured riverine boats [To be delivered]
47 120mm mortar systems
10 82mm mortar systems
67 81mm mortar systems;
58 60mm mortar systems;
Over 35,000 grenade launchers and small arms;
Over 1,500,000 155mm artillery rounds
Over 7,000 precision-guided 155mm artillery rounds
Over 14,000 155mm rounds of Remote Anti-Armor Mine (RAAM) Systems
100,000 rounds of 125mm tank ammunition
50,000 152mm artillery rounds
40,000 130mm artillery rounds
40,000 122mm artillery rounds
60,000 122mm GRAD rockets
450,000 105mm artillery rounds
Over 345,000 mortar rounds
Over 1,800,000 rounds of 25mm ammunition
Over 200,000,000 rounds of small arms ammunition
M18A1 Claymore anti-personnel munitions
C-4 explosives, demolition munitions, and demolition equipment for obstacle clearing
Military gear[448]
Over 100,000 sets of body armor and helmets
Explosive ordnance disposal equipment and protective gear
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear protective equipment
Cold weather gear
Miscellaneous equipment[448]
Obstacle emplacement equipment;
Tactical secure communications systems
Four satellite communications antennas
SATCOM terminals and services
Thousands of night vision devices, surveillance systems, thermal imagery systems, optics, and laser rangefinders
Commercial satellite imagery services
Over 350 generators
Medical supplies to include first aid kits, bandages, monitors, and other equipment;
Field equipment and spare parts
Trained Ukrainian troops since April 2015 as part of JMTG-U (Joint Multinational Training Group-Ukraine)[455]
Financial aid:
$1 billion loan on 4 March 2014.[456][457][458]
$560 million on 12 May 2017 via the 2017 Consolidated Appropriations Act.[459]
$350 million on 12 December 2017 via the 2018 National Defense Authorization Act.[460]
$200 million on 20 July 2018.[461][462][463]
$200 million on 19 January 2022.[464][465][466]
$13.6 billion in combined military and humanitarian aid for "responding to the situation in Ukraine", via the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 on 15 March 2022.[467][468]
8 August 2022 the World bank announced a $4.5 billion grant from the United States government to the Ukrainian government, meant for funding social payments, healthcare services and pensions.[469]
European Union
See also: European Union Military Assistance Mission Ukraine
Individual EU member states have provided military, financial, and non-lethal material aid since 2014. The following list is the aid collectively provided by the EU. Most of this aid has been coordinated by the European Commission.
Around €17 billion in grants and loans from 2014 until 12 February 2022.[470]
€1.2 billion loan approved 16 February 2022[471]
€450 million worth of lethal weapons, announced on 27 February 2022,[472] under the European Peace Facility.
€50 million worth of non-lethal aid, announced on 27 February 2022.[473]
Provision of satellite intelligence, notably through the European Union Satellite Centre, as part of 1 March 2022 resolution on the Russian aggression against Ukraine.[474]
Increase of military aid under the European Peace Facility to €1 billion, announced on 23 March 2022.[475]
Military aid increased to €1.5 billion under the European Peace Facility on 13 April 2022, assistance includes personal protective equipment, first aid kits and fuel, as well as military equipment.[476]
Protective gear worth over €977,000 donated to the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine on 8 July 2022.[477]
An additional €500 million military aid package for Ukraine approved by the EU on 18 July 2022.[478]
Around €500,000 worth of thermal imaging equipment provided by the EU for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.[479]
Unknown countries
TAB-71M APCs (Delivered by Romania, Croatia or Moldova)[480]
Titan-s APCs (produced in the United Arab Emirates)[481]
Panthera T-6 APCs (produced in the United Arab Emirates)[482]
100 BATT UMG APCs (delivered by unknown Eastern European country)[483]
GAIA Amir MRAPs (produced in Israel)[484]
M69A 82mm mortars (produced by Bosnian company).[485]
Iranian-smuggled weapons
The following list attempts to provide an overview of Iranian-made or Iranian-smuggled weapons in use by the Ukrainian armed forces. They are believed to be intercepted armaments originally intended for Yemen. The year shown in the brackets indicates the first sighting of the weapons in Ukraine, not their date of delivery. This list will be updated as additional types of weapons are uncovered.[486]
Heavy mortars
120mm HM-16 (July 2022).[486]
Light mortars
82mm HM-19 (May 2022).[486]
Small arms
Type 56-1 assault rifle (April 2022).[486]
80mm S-8OF HE-FRAG rockets for B-8 rocket pod (March 2023).[486]
122mm OF-462 artillery rounds for D-30 howitzer (September 2022).[486]
122mm HE-FRAG rockets for BM-21 'Grad' MRL (January 2023).[486]
152mm artillery rounds for D-20 howitzer (September 2022).[486]
125mm OF19 tank rounds (February 2023).[486]
120mm M48 mortar rounds for HM-16 mortar (March 2023).[486
Ingalius escribió:
Me creo que eres tan gilipollas como tu te crees que yo lo soy.
El desfile del 9 de mayo en Moscu se trata de la conmemoración del triunfo de la antigua Union Sovietica sobre la Alemania nazi en el año 1945.
smaz escribió:@O Dae_soo ¿Cuantas veces se ha dicho aquí que si la guerra escala y entra la OTAN Rusia se va a mierda por lo superior que es? ¿Porque no se le da de lo bueno y en cantidad a Ucrania si tanto tiene la OTAN? Explicame que le han dado en cantidad para que mi afirmacion sea un columpiada épica y que lo de prolongar el conflicto sea mentira
smaz escribió:@O Dae_soo ¿Cuantas veces se ha dicho aquí que si la guerra escala y entra la OTAN Rusia se va a mierda por lo superior que es? ¿Porque no se le da de lo bueno y en cantidad a Ucrania si tanto tiene la OTAN? Explicame que le han dado en cantidad para que mi afirmacion sea un columpiada épica y que lo de prolongar el conflicto sea mentira
Galicha escribió:Evidentemente, luego habría que entrar a valorar la información que aporta que, en una parte y por su propia naturaleza, es difícilmente contrastable, ardua tarea para la que un tipo como yo no tiene ni tiempo ni ganas ni información.
Galicha escribió:la reputación, es una institución muy importante en las sociedades
Galicha escribió:de todas las versiones que han salido es la que más se ajusta al puro sentido común
O Dae_soo escribió:@Ingalius
Desfile 2022
Desfile 2023
¿Relacionar ambas fotos con que se esté dando una guerra en Ucrania es materia de la que hablar en el hilo?
Yo no he hecho ningún juicio de valor sobre que solo hayan paseado un tanque, sólo he dado la información y se abierto el debate y a ti te ha parecido que era offtopic en este hilo
LCD Soundsystem escribió:Ya, pero ésto se desmonta en menos de 5 minutos y con simples búsquedas. Mira la edad de Stoltenberg, mira si estaban en activo el barco o el avión mencionados.
LCD Soundsystem escribió:No, se ajusta a lo que tú quieres creer.
LCD Soundsystem escribió:Lo que está claro es que las declaraciones de Rusia están siendo esclarecedoras... y puede que les salga muy pero que muy mal.
Galicha escribió:LCD Soundsystem escribió:Ya, pero ésto se desmonta en menos de 5 minutos y con simples búsquedas. Mira la edad de Stoltenberg, mira si estaban en activo el barco o el avión mencionados.
¿Cómo es eso? Quiero decir, pregunta sin maldad, como dice otro forero.LCD Soundsystem escribió:No, se ajusta a lo que tú quieres creer.
No, ni mucho menos. Simplemente el puro sentido común, y como le dice Marlon Brando a Al Pacino en El Padrino, "cuando quieras saber quién está detrás de una traición piensa quién es el mayor beneficiado" y, estaremos de acuerdo que, sin recurrir a piruetas y extrañas teorías, de los actores que están en conflicto, el gran beneficiado de sacar a Rusia del mercado europeo del oil&gas, es EEUU: sólo hay que ver declaraciones de Condoleezza Rice (por ejemplo) y quién ha ocupado en Europa ese vacío...
Lo que es fanatismo puro y duro es buscar retorcer argumentos y hacer cabriolas y piruetas para querer pensar que han sido los mismos rusos. Eso es como si esta noche el Madrid se mete 3 goles en propia puerta en diez minutos, nosotros, los "prorrusos" diríamos: "parece que estos del Madrid son unos patanes" y vosotros "los otanistas" diríais "no no, es una estrategia para que los del City se relajen y blablabla y terminar ganando por 8-2" y yo te digo: “Sí, claro, claro, y yo me estoy tirando a Scarlett Johansson”…
De hecho, aunque sólo sea por comparación: las otras 2 versiones que, hasta donde yo sé, nos han ofrecido nuestros medios son 1) Que 4 ucranianos en bote sabotearon eso o 2) Que los propios rusos con un barco navegando por aguas donde la OTAN está haciendo maniobras. "Raro, raro, raro" que decía Papuchi...
Dicho esto, hablamos A PRIORI. También es verdad que hay veces que la realidad supera a la ficción…LCD Soundsystem escribió:Lo que está claro es que las declaraciones de Rusia están siendo esclarecedoras... y puede que les salga muy pero que muy mal.
¿Qué declaraciones?
@gojesusga Que no se nos olvide que Rusia es potencia nuclear...
gojesusga escribió:@O Dae_soo qué te sorprende que no haya tanques? Si en Ucrania han caído el otro día leí por ahí más de 1900 rusos out. También normal con prácticamente la OTAN detrás inyectando dinero a mansalva, armamento e inteligencia.
Un ejemplo:
Rusia parece que está sufriendo de verdad y quizá le toque negociar más pronto que tarde...