Multiversus // El nuevo Platform Fighter // ¡Ya Disponible!

Se juntaron la navidad y que el director del juego se puso enfermo, han anunciado el evento de San Valentín y han dado más tiempo para completar el Battle Pass porque sinceramente se pasaron con la EXP necesaria comparada con los anteriores.

Yo ya lo he terminado y tengo todos los pjs desbloqueados y me sobran 30k monedas, asi que me lo estoy tomando de chill haciendo la victoria diaria y ya.

También han confirmado que el modo ranked ya vuelve permanentemente, y que entre otras cosas ya no se permiten dobles del mismo pj en ellas (que ya se sabía, pero mientras testeaban no estaba habilitada la restricción).

En su día había comentado que una vez alcanzado el máximo nivel con Harley Quinn y Wonder Woman, dejaría de jugar hasta que hubiera novedades en forma de nuevos personajes de mi interés. Eso fue al final del verano pasado. Medio año después, he vuelto a iniciar el videojuego para comprobar que novedades disponía y me encuentro lo siguiente:

1) En medio año, sólo han incorporado cuatro personajes nuevos (Gizmo, Marvin el Marciano, Shazam y Stripe), ya que Rick y Morty los habían agregado un poco antes de que abandonara el juego.

2) Tampoco veo grandes incentivos en el pase de batalla. Ahora mismo hay unos trajes con motivos de San Valentín, pero más de la mitad sólo se desbloquean pagando con dinero real.

3) El tradicional modo por equipos, ha bajado muchísimo el nivel. Tanto que sin jugar medio año (con la ausencia de práctica y habilidad que ello conlleva), gané 8 partidas seguidas. Y sin jugar de manera especialmente brillante. Supongo que es una consecuencia del descenso acusado de jugadores.

4) O he tenido muy mala suerte en el modo 1 vs 1, o hay chetos en dicho modo de juego. A parte de que cuesta Dios y ayuda encontrar una partida (una media de tres minutos y medio), luego me enfrento a rivales que siempre se teletransportan. Y no, dudo que sea cuestión de mi conexión, porque no padezco lag de ningún tipo en el modo por equipos. Es desesperante proceder a golpear a un rival y que de repente, esté en la otra punta del mapa. He jugado tres partidas y en todas ha sucedido lo mismo, teniendo que abandonar dicho modo de juego.

Un frame antes.

Un frame después.

Un frame antes.

Un frame después.

Las principales novedades que he apreciado son un modo arcade (que aún no he probado y no sé como estará configurado) y el modo ranked que por lo que he leído, ha sido un añadido reciente. Por tanto tengo la sensación de que poco ha cambiado en medio año. Personajes supuestamente filtrados como Raven o Poison Ivy... Ni están ni se los espera por lo que parece.

En fin, sensaciones encontradas. Me ha gustado volver a jugar, pero por otro lado no atisbo muchos incentivos para continuar jugando con asiduidad como hacía en antaño. No sé si seré el único que tendré esta impresión.


PD: Con el descenso pronunciado de jugadores, ¿cómo es el modo ranked? ¿Merece la pena?
Llevo sin jugarlo desde verano pero hostia lo de cerrarlo ahora durante meses me parece una locura, aunque he leído por ahí que no tenían muchas más opciones que cerrar e intentar volver a lo grande porque el número de jugadores activos era realmente bajo.
Me preguntó si está vez van a lograr repuntar el juego o si por el contrario, se volverá a pegar una hostia, como todo a los juegos como servicio de Warner

Interesante saber que sucederá sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que Warner acaba de decir que a partir de ahora solo van a sacar juegos como servicio y que los single player se van a tomar por culo

  • Cambio del motor gráfico a Unreal 5.
  • Nuevo y mejorado netcode.
  • Nuevo modo PVE con recompensas únicas (se desconoce si 1 jugador o cooperativo)
  • Lanzamiento el 28 de Mayo.
  • Nuevos escenarios: Space Jam, Game of Thrones, Las Supernenas y el Laboratorio de Dexter.
  • Nuevos personajes: Marvin el Marciano, Black Adam, y en la nueva ilustración oficial se puede ver a Cerebro (Pinky y Cerebro) y Bosko (Tiny Toons)
  • Nuevos movimientos para algunos "personajes viejos" (en el trailer se puede ver como Taz hace un dash-lateral con mordisco que antes no tenia y alguna cosa mas).

¡Hurra! Ya tenemos nueva fecha para volver a la carga: 28 de Mayo [beer]
Gracias por desarchivar @[erick] y gracias por poner la info @Indigo Brother

Pedí desarchivar porqué me llegó el correo del relanzamiento, yo le daré un tiento seguro y ya veremos en qué acaba. Un coleguita y yo le dimos duro.

No quería pedir desarchivar todavía porque aún quedan un par de meses y hasta que no den algún video con más chicha de lo nuevo no había mucho que comentar.
@unilordx Pues pensándolo bien tienes toda la razón del mundo [+risas]

Habrá q ver si van diciendo más cosas y al menos tenemos algo q comentar como bien dices.

A ver que tal, el juego estaba entretenido.
unilordx escribió:No quería pedir desarchivar todavía porque aún quedan un par de meses y hasta que no den algún video con más chicha de lo nuevo no había mucho que comentar.

Tony ya ha comentado por Twitter que van a ir anunciando mas sorpresas y cambios de aquí al lanzamiento, así que tampoco está de más para ir compartiendo y comentándolo por aqui :o

Yo reconozco que tengo muchas ganas de que vuelva, me pareció un juego muy divertido que tenía una falsa sensación de release final cuando era una beta, lo cual hizo que el cierre sentase un poco mal a la gente. Pero en el fondo creo que fue lo que mejor pudieron hacer, tenían un buen juego pero que necesitaba muchos ajustes en el netcode, en algunas hitboxes y frames de personajes (algo lógico en una beta). El problema, algo que comentó Tony en su día, es que la monetización que incluyeron se suponía que era para tantear un poco los gustos y bolsillos de los jugadores, y parece ser que se les fue la mano a la peña pq comenzaron a tirar billetes a la pantalla [+risas]. La otra opción hubiese sido seguir adelante con la beta mientras tardaban meses en ajustar todas las cosas, y quizás desactivando parte de la monetización, pero eso hubiese creado malas criticas a largo plazo mientras se solucionaban todos los problemas.

Pero bien está lo que bien acaba, en poco mas de 2 meses ya volvemos a darnos de tortas xD
@Indigo Brother

El tema es que no tenían gente suficiente para solucionar los problemas de conexión y hitboxes que seguían acumulándose + añadir contenido nuevo. A ver si con el tiempo que han tenido han podido pulirlo.
Tengo muchas muchas ganas de que vuelva este juego. De hecho, junto al Sparking de DB es el que más ganas le tengo.

Solo pido que esta vez nos den Gleanium con las temporadas, que de hecho, dejaron caer que se podrá conseguir de manera gratuita, pero si que me molaría que hicieran como el Fortnite que comprando un pase, si juegas y te pasas todos lo puedes tener con una sola inversión.

Por otro lado, estoy deseando ver a las Supernenas, y por que noooo! A Dexter!!!

Refloto un poco el hilo para dejaron un poco de info nueva:

Tiene buena pinta!!! A ver si van sacando más cosas de aquí a que salga por fin!
A mi me toca las narices que para el video del netcode se veía claramente que estaba todo con zoom y ralentizado para que se notara bien las interacciones y se puso todo el mundo con el grito al cielo de que "han ralentizado el juego!" y ahora en los videos del NHL se ven sin ralentizar pero ya da igual, ya el colectivo ha asimilado juego=lento y no puedes sacarlos de ahí.

Como mucho los ataques son ahora ligeramente menos inmediatos para que encajen mejor con la mecánica de parry.
unilordx escribió:A mi me toca las narices que para el video del netcode se veía claramente que estaba todo con zoom y ralentizado para que se notara bien las interacciones y se puso todo el mundo con el grito al cielo de que "han ralentizado el juego!" y ahora en los videos del NHL se ven sin ralentizar pero ya da igual, ya el colectivo ha asimilado juego=lento y no puedes sacarlos de ahí.

Como mucho los ataques son ahora ligeramente menos inmediatos para que encajen mejor con la mecánica de parry.

Ciertamente, en el vídeo del netcode es verdad que estaba todo más cerca para poder demostrar visualmente lo que estaban hablando. De momento tampoco están enseñando mucho, y aunque tengo mil ganas de que vuelva, no lo venden bien para mi gusto.
Tiene pinta de que les va a pasar igual que en la "beta" y es una pena, es buen juego.
MultiVersus Developer Series: Combat Refactor

Un poco hablando de lo que ya se había visto, han hecho los modelos más grandes, añadido parry y dash attack, y modificado bastantes movimientos, poniendo de ejemplo los globos de Harley Quinn, que ahora se van hacía arriba al poco en vez de quedarse ad aeternum en el sitio como si fueran una mina aérea.
unilordx escribió:MultiVersus Developer Series: Combat Refactor

Un poco hablando de lo que ya se había visto, han hecho los modelos más grandes, añadido parry y dash attack, y modificado bastantes movimientos, poniendo de ejemplo los globos de Harley Quinn, que ahora se van hacía arriba al poco en vez de quedarse ad aeternum en el sitio como si fueran una mina aérea.

El cambio en los globos de Harley estaría muy bien de no ser por esa sensación de que se salta unos cuantos frames [carcajad] [carcajad]

La espera se está haciendo eterna, pero ya "solo" queda un mes... Decir que tengo muchas ganas de que vuelva es quedarse corto xD
Duda: el progreso, personajes que teníamos desbloqueados, etc ¿se mantiene? ¿O se empieza de cero?
Bladigan escribió:Duda: el progreso, personajes que teníamos desbloqueados, etc ¿se mantiene? ¿O se empieza de cero?

Habiendo pase de temporada en la beta me parecería una guarrada tener que empezar de 0.
Eddie11 escribió:
Bladigan escribió:Duda: el progreso, personajes que teníamos desbloqueados, etc ¿se mantiene? ¿O se empieza de cero?

Habiendo pase de temporada en la beta me parecería una guarrada tener que empezar de 0.

Lo primero, gracias por postear las novedades, que lo iba a hacer yo hoy, pero ya me he encontrado que lo han puesto.
a ver, los cambios pienso que harán que sea todo un poco más estratégico y demás, por lo que está bien pensado, al menos están modificando bastantes cosas. Queda por ver si será un juego totalmente distinto a lo que era o no, pero tiene pinta de que si al menos... a nivel mecánicas.

Sobre lo de mantener todo, es verdad que desbloquearon todo tras cerrar la beta y demás, pero creo que han comentado un par de veces que tendremos todo tal cuál lo dejamos en su momento, Gleanium incluido y todo.

Lo que me surge la duda es:

- Darán Gleanium suficiente para poder "pagarte" el pase de batalla? Según los modelos de negocio que hay actualmente, quizás lo más normal es que lo tengas que pagar tú cada temporada, o que haya una ruta gratis y otra premium... está por ver.

- Han dicho que van a remodelar todo el sistema de recompensas y demás, pero aún no han mostrado nada... Tengo mucha impaciencia por este punto la verdad.

Y bueno... ya queda un mes prácticamente, esperemos que pase prontoo!!!!!
unilordx escribió:Muestra del parry de Tom & Jerry.

Una muy buena tunda de golpes, esperemos que ahora no se ponga eso de moda jaja
En estos días ha habido un Q&A con los desarrolladores y esto es lo que han contado, ninguna revelación especialmente grande pero bueno ahí he dejado un copia pega rápido.

Un poco a modo resumen.

- Armadura reajustada, gasta barra defensiva y no es inmediata en todos los movimientos. El parry romperá armadura.

- Parry a movimientos "largos" (Si Jake, esto va por ti) atraerán al enemigo. Parry a proyectiles normales los destruirán, pero si tienes el perk "Clear the air", lo reflejará.

- Zonas de KO de los mapas reajustadas, y todas tendrán forma casual y competitiva (imagino rollo Final Destination).

- Los perks han cambiado pero no han dado detalles, salvo que ahora desde el principio todos los personajes tienen un set de perks disponible en vez de ir consiguiéndolos subiendo maestría.

- No hay customización de cámara, para que todos jueguen en igualdad de condiciones. El resto como los bordeados de colores y demás para diferenciar personajes siguen estando.

- Algunos personajes han cambiado más que otros, hasta el punto que tengan un estilo de juego distinto que durante la beta, pero no han dado detalles.

Here are all the questions that were answered during the Discord Q&A. Enjoy!

What are your thoughts, goals, and changes with armor?
Armor changes were a big focus for the team to make sure there is a healthy balance amongst characters. Armor now uses some defense meter, and the startup has been looked at for the moves that use them. There are also more characters that have an armor breaking move, or multi-hit attacks that can successfully challenge armored moves. This will allow a balance for offensive and defensive use, rather than getting to use armor as both without much drawback.

To that end we tried to make armor break accessible in new ways with new attacks and new perks, and we adjusted existing armor break attacks so they didn’t feel useless in the context of a fast-paced fight. For example, we’ve already shown Batman’s new down attack that can break armor. And we’ve shown Garnet has kept her ability to give armor break to allies with her singing attack. We’ve also tweaked how often armor can be applied, so players can’t get away with overly defensive and campy play.

Will the blast zones be adjusted due to the larger character scale?
Yes, we have fine-tuned blast zones on every stage so that the 1v1 and 2v2 experience feels great. Blast zone adjustments are just one of the ways we have improved stages on a case-by-case basis to reflect the new character sizes.

How will a parry interact with an armored attack?
Parries are tricky to pull off, so we want to make sure you get the reward you deserve for timing your perfect defense. Currently, if you parry an armored opponent it will break their armor. If you parry an opponent from a long range, it will bring them closer to you so you can get your punish.

How is a character assigned a class in MultiVersus?
From initial character brainstorms, we always bring our focus to how to best represent a specific character in a way that is fun and true to the source material. The fighter class often comes directly from that. For example, virtuous and honorable characters are unlikely to be assassins, and their kit tends to naturally follow that as well. There are times when a character could potentially fill multiple class roles, depending on how we design them, but we never want to force a character into a specific class, it should come about naturally as we explore what makes the character unique. Occasionally, the game needs more of a specific class amongst its roster, like a tank for example, and then the question is, “which character have we been exploring will make a good tank?

Can you parry projectiles?
Yes! Parrying a normal projectile will destroy it. In that same vein we’ve updated the “Clear The Air” perk – if the wearer parries a projectile they will reflect it instead.

Will new stages have hazards and different layouts so people can have a laugh and have fun?
I am happy to say that many of the maps in development were initially designed with an eye for casual gameplay and unique map interactions, and then more competitive variants were explored. A lot of our newer maps have distinct versions for competitive and casual play. It's not just about toggling hazards anymore.

Following the Open Beta closure, one of our combat designers Ryan led a lot of level design and pushed really exciting ideas. Now, we have Grant leading maps and has brought our map design to a new level. In a lot of ways, our maps are just as important as our characters, and Ryan and Grant have really gotten us to that point. There are so many faithful adaptations, easter eggs, and surprises in each of our maps. I could go on and on.

Another Dev followed up with "Corey hit the nail right on the head. All I will say is buckle up buttercups!"

Any information that can currently be given regarding potential changes to perks? Are they still in the game? If so, does your character level still need to be level 8+ to equip a full set of perks?
Yes! Well also no. I don’t think I’m at liberty to talk about all the specifics yet but perks have been updated in a Big way!

To answer your question directly: You will always have access to at least one full set of perks.

How did the team come to the decision for a Parry battle mechanic added rather than a Block button?
One thing we learned during the Beta was that dodging in a direction was almost always more powerful than doing a neutral dodge in place. So we wanted to find a way to make neutral dodge more impactful and more interesting as a defensive mechanic. We tried a lot of different options but landed on our current parry design because it filled the niche of high-risk/high-reward defensive option. Steven Universe already has his special blocking passive and we played around with giving more characters a similar mechanic, so it’s not out of the question to see something block-like in the future. We can always give our core mechanics new options with new perks in the future!

Will there be options to customize the camera?
There are no plans for Camera customization at this time. Camera behavior in PvP needs to be consistent for all players to ensure a fair experience. The customization options for scoreboard, cooldowns, character outlines, and other settings will all be returning from Beta.

What was the reason for the decision to increase the stun time in the hitlag and a rescaling of the character, why those big changes?
We’ve covered this a bit already in our Combat Refactor Dev Blog , but the goal with our updates was to make the combat more approachable and impactful for new players while maintaining competitive depth. All of the changes to our combat were made in service of that goal. Bigger characters and higher hitpause (hitlag) really make the combat feel weightier and stronger, and it's much easier to follow the action on screen when everything "pops." But we didn’t want to lose the speed and movement that players came to love in the Beta. Rest assured – combat is still satisfying and fluid even with our larger characters.

Aside from the new mechanics and polished attacks (which look amazing btw), what other changes can we expect to character movesets? (Ex. Attack speed changes, hitboxes, complete moveset revamps)
Every attack on every character was reanalyzed and reevaluated for launch. Every character has at least one new move (dash attack), but the updates range from characters feeling very similar to their Beta version, to characters having a whole new game plan.

What challenges have you run into with the new netcode? It's one thing to test connections from Wired PC to Wired PC, but how is this fairing out with wired and wireless connections on console?
The challenge has come from rebuilding every part of the game from the ground up to fit the requirements of our netcode goals. With the new netcode I’ve personally had matches on wifi and vpn, fighting a player an ocean away, and it felt like we were playing locally

Will the game still feel like launch but less laggy like floaty and fast paced or was it tweaked?
The most important thing was to build something that not only supports four players, but also supports players who are not connected via a lan adapter. In terms of gameplay I believe the speed is primarily influenced by player skill. The game is still quick, but it is not at a chaotic pace that does not allow spectators to watch it easily and it is not so fast that you can’t properly punish the guy who is abusing the fact that he can play safe 24/7. The things that made MultiVersus unique are still in the game and are still intact. You just now have different ways of bringing it out and incorporating it into your game. Decision making, spacing, defense, AND offense are all crucial this time around vs back in the day when what mattered the most was evasion, safe moves, and catering towards a very certain gimmick most of the time. If you are better than your opponent, you should be winning.

What was most challenging about converting the game to Unreal Engine 5?
UE5 has been a fantastic tool, but like any new technology there’s occasional growing pains. Most of the challenges in rebuilding the game’s stages came from making them work with our new netcode rather than the engine itself.

Every single team had their own heavy lifting to do in the port. On the tech art side, a lot of visual systems needed work. Things like mirroring, prop visibility, dynamics, and scaling all needed broad adjustments and reworks. Some of the other tech artists, like Jake and Justin made sweeping changed and reworks. It was then a long process of tracking down every lingering visual bug. We all check each others work, in that way. Tech art might do our initial pass on a lot of things, but then animation or QA will review our work. It’s an ongoing process.

What's the process behind adding a character into the game? Is it difficult to balance the new mechanics these characters might bring to the game?
As a tech arist, I am often involved in the character pipline quite early. The design team has free rein with the character kits, but when it comes time to build the art assets, modeling, tech art, animation, and design will all get hands on the ball. We work together to make the big ideas work in game. We initially prioritize getting basic representations of the character and their kit into builds as soon as possible so we can playtest them and give the design team feedback, and to track technical and visual issues for the art teams. This is when the animation team really starts flexing. As animations get added, and the kit is fleshed out, the character just comes to life. From there it's a matter of testing the full kit, as well as how it interacts with the existing cast. I won’t speak too much on the design process, but the character constantly evolves. Almost daily, there are new things to explore in playtests. At some point the character will just “click” and everybody gets really excited. Then a bunch of meticulous bug fixing, optimization, and balance happens.

How do you balance creative freedom with technical limitations when developing a game?
I think a great example of this is our cartoon characters. Cartoon animations, with lots of squash and stretch, and highly deforming faces, are a real challenge to implement into a real time enviroment. Before I had joined the team, a lof of talented folks, including Khai and Artak, developed a lot of amazing tools and pipelines that really allow us to capture a broad range of animation styles in game. We have an unwritten rule here, if we can't do a character right then we don't do the character. Technical limitations have never gotten in the way of that.

Technical limitations will almost always produce more innovative solutions than having complete creative freedom when developing games. Our team at PFG is always trying to push the envelope while being as resourceful as possible. Beta maps provided a special challenge when trying to make them better and reflect player feedback after Beta ended. We took stock of our catalogue of maps and did as much as possible to make each stage feel great, applying new standards of level design across all the Beta maps to fit the gameplay overhaul. We’ve also taken great care in curating map pools for matchmaking queues.

Will you guys ever share more concept art for stages, characters, and variants?
Absolutely Everyone really enjoyed seeing the ones released so far, and in the future we hope to keep that excitement going.

Do you (devs) acknowledge that we (fans) are so glad your back?
Extremely easy answer We absolutley love this community and appreciate the support every day. The excitment of the community is absolutely infectious. We scrub socials and forums to gauge reactions to every updated we publish, no mater how critical, and strive to exceed expectations. Delivering the best possible game to the community is why we do all this hard work!

Which out of the current roster is your personal favorite?
Nakat: Wonder Woman, Gizmo, and......well I guess you’ll see in a few weeks ;D

Ajax: Batman is my favorite character in all of media, and he is also my favorite to play in MultiVersus. Wonder Woman has also become a favorite of mine in this version of the game. There is also another.....guess you will find that one out very soon

PFG_Reslived: haha oh man...I do truly love playing the entire cast. I think it's important for me to get the feels on whoever I can. But lately I’ve been enjoying Iron Giant and Steven Universe... They’re both really interesting character designs and I’ve been doing a lot of work to make sure they feel extra good for launch.

PFG_Grant: Bugs Bunny is my favorite...for a few more weeks.

Corey: I will always have a place in my heart for Batman, but there is a character coming down the pipes that inspired me to prototype a new way of interacting with our characters. That new...thing...might just end up in game. I hope players get to see it, and I can’t wait to take this unique character into queues.

Then they thanked everyone for their questions.
unilordx escribió:En estos días ha habido un Q&A con los desarrolladores y esto es lo que han contado, ninguna revelación especialmente grande pero bueno ahí he dejado un copia pega rápido.

Un poco a modo resumen.

- Armadura reajustada, gasta barra defensiva y no es inmediata en todos los movimientos. El parry romperá armadura.

- Parry a movimientos "largos" (Si Jake, esto va por ti) atraerán al enemigo. Parry a proyectiles normales los destruirán, pero si tienes el perk "Clear the air", lo reflejará.

- Zonas de KO de los mapas reajustadas, y todas tendrán forma casual y competitiva (imagino rollo Final Destination).

- Los perks han cambiado pero no han dado detalles, salvo que ahora desde el principio todos los personajes tienen un set de perks disponible en vez de ir consiguiéndolos subiendo maestría.

- No hay customización de cámara, para que todos jueguen en igualdad de condiciones. El resto como los bordeados de colores y demás para diferenciar personajes siguen estando.

- Algunos personajes han cambiado más que otros, hasta el punto que tengan un estilo de juego distinto que durante la beta, pero no han dado detalles.

Here are all the questions that were answered during the Discord Q&A. Enjoy!

What are your thoughts, goals, and changes with armor?
Armor changes were a big focus for the team to make sure there is a healthy balance amongst characters. Armor now uses some defense meter, and the startup has been looked at for the moves that use them. There are also more characters that have an armor breaking move, or multi-hit attacks that can successfully challenge armored moves. This will allow a balance for offensive and defensive use, rather than getting to use armor as both without much drawback.

To that end we tried to make armor break accessible in new ways with new attacks and new perks, and we adjusted existing armor break attacks so they didn’t feel useless in the context of a fast-paced fight. For example, we’ve already shown Batman’s new down attack that can break armor. And we’ve shown Garnet has kept her ability to give armor break to allies with her singing attack. We’ve also tweaked how often armor can be applied, so players can’t get away with overly defensive and campy play.

Will the blast zones be adjusted due to the larger character scale?
Yes, we have fine-tuned blast zones on every stage so that the 1v1 and 2v2 experience feels great. Blast zone adjustments are just one of the ways we have improved stages on a case-by-case basis to reflect the new character sizes.

How will a parry interact with an armored attack?
Parries are tricky to pull off, so we want to make sure you get the reward you deserve for timing your perfect defense. Currently, if you parry an armored opponent it will break their armor. If you parry an opponent from a long range, it will bring them closer to you so you can get your punish.

How is a character assigned a class in MultiVersus?
From initial character brainstorms, we always bring our focus to how to best represent a specific character in a way that is fun and true to the source material. The fighter class often comes directly from that. For example, virtuous and honorable characters are unlikely to be assassins, and their kit tends to naturally follow that as well. There are times when a character could potentially fill multiple class roles, depending on how we design them, but we never want to force a character into a specific class, it should come about naturally as we explore what makes the character unique. Occasionally, the game needs more of a specific class amongst its roster, like a tank for example, and then the question is, “which character have we been exploring will make a good tank?

Can you parry projectiles?
Yes! Parrying a normal projectile will destroy it. In that same vein we’ve updated the “Clear The Air” perk – if the wearer parries a projectile they will reflect it instead.

Will new stages have hazards and different layouts so people can have a laugh and have fun?
I am happy to say that many of the maps in development were initially designed with an eye for casual gameplay and unique map interactions, and then more competitive variants were explored. A lot of our newer maps have distinct versions for competitive and casual play. It's not just about toggling hazards anymore.

Following the Open Beta closure, one of our combat designers Ryan led a lot of level design and pushed really exciting ideas. Now, we have Grant leading maps and has brought our map design to a new level. In a lot of ways, our maps are just as important as our characters, and Ryan and Grant have really gotten us to that point. There are so many faithful adaptations, easter eggs, and surprises in each of our maps. I could go on and on.

Another Dev followed up with "Corey hit the nail right on the head. All I will say is buckle up buttercups!"

Any information that can currently be given regarding potential changes to perks? Are they still in the game? If so, does your character level still need to be level 8+ to equip a full set of perks?
Yes! Well also no. I don’t think I’m at liberty to talk about all the specifics yet but perks have been updated in a Big way!

To answer your question directly: You will always have access to at least one full set of perks.

How did the team come to the decision for a Parry battle mechanic added rather than a Block button?
One thing we learned during the Beta was that dodging in a direction was almost always more powerful than doing a neutral dodge in place. So we wanted to find a way to make neutral dodge more impactful and more interesting as a defensive mechanic. We tried a lot of different options but landed on our current parry design because it filled the niche of high-risk/high-reward defensive option. Steven Universe already has his special blocking passive and we played around with giving more characters a similar mechanic, so it’s not out of the question to see something block-like in the future. We can always give our core mechanics new options with new perks in the future!

Will there be options to customize the camera?
There are no plans for Camera customization at this time. Camera behavior in PvP needs to be consistent for all players to ensure a fair experience. The customization options for scoreboard, cooldowns, character outlines, and other settings will all be returning from Beta.

What was the reason for the decision to increase the stun time in the hitlag and a rescaling of the character, why those big changes?
We’ve covered this a bit already in our Combat Refactor Dev Blog , but the goal with our updates was to make the combat more approachable and impactful for new players while maintaining competitive depth. All of the changes to our combat were made in service of that goal. Bigger characters and higher hitpause (hitlag) really make the combat feel weightier and stronger, and it's much easier to follow the action on screen when everything "pops." But we didn’t want to lose the speed and movement that players came to love in the Beta. Rest assured – combat is still satisfying and fluid even with our larger characters.

Aside from the new mechanics and polished attacks (which look amazing btw), what other changes can we expect to character movesets? (Ex. Attack speed changes, hitboxes, complete moveset revamps)
Every attack on every character was reanalyzed and reevaluated for launch. Every character has at least one new move (dash attack), but the updates range from characters feeling very similar to their Beta version, to characters having a whole new game plan.

What challenges have you run into with the new netcode? It's one thing to test connections from Wired PC to Wired PC, but how is this fairing out with wired and wireless connections on console?
The challenge has come from rebuilding every part of the game from the ground up to fit the requirements of our netcode goals. With the new netcode I’ve personally had matches on wifi and vpn, fighting a player an ocean away, and it felt like we were playing locally

Will the game still feel like launch but less laggy like floaty and fast paced or was it tweaked?
The most important thing was to build something that not only supports four players, but also supports players who are not connected via a lan adapter. In terms of gameplay I believe the speed is primarily influenced by player skill. The game is still quick, but it is not at a chaotic pace that does not allow spectators to watch it easily and it is not so fast that you can’t properly punish the guy who is abusing the fact that he can play safe 24/7. The things that made MultiVersus unique are still in the game and are still intact. You just now have different ways of bringing it out and incorporating it into your game. Decision making, spacing, defense, AND offense are all crucial this time around vs back in the day when what mattered the most was evasion, safe moves, and catering towards a very certain gimmick most of the time. If you are better than your opponent, you should be winning.

What was most challenging about converting the game to Unreal Engine 5?
UE5 has been a fantastic tool, but like any new technology there’s occasional growing pains. Most of the challenges in rebuilding the game’s stages came from making them work with our new netcode rather than the engine itself.

Every single team had their own heavy lifting to do in the port. On the tech art side, a lot of visual systems needed work. Things like mirroring, prop visibility, dynamics, and scaling all needed broad adjustments and reworks. Some of the other tech artists, like Jake and Justin made sweeping changed and reworks. It was then a long process of tracking down every lingering visual bug. We all check each others work, in that way. Tech art might do our initial pass on a lot of things, but then animation or QA will review our work. It’s an ongoing process.

What's the process behind adding a character into the game? Is it difficult to balance the new mechanics these characters might bring to the game?
As a tech arist, I am often involved in the character pipline quite early. The design team has free rein with the character kits, but when it comes time to build the art assets, modeling, tech art, animation, and design will all get hands on the ball. We work together to make the big ideas work in game. We initially prioritize getting basic representations of the character and their kit into builds as soon as possible so we can playtest them and give the design team feedback, and to track technical and visual issues for the art teams. This is when the animation team really starts flexing. As animations get added, and the kit is fleshed out, the character just comes to life. From there it's a matter of testing the full kit, as well as how it interacts with the existing cast. I won’t speak too much on the design process, but the character constantly evolves. Almost daily, there are new things to explore in playtests. At some point the character will just “click” and everybody gets really excited. Then a bunch of meticulous bug fixing, optimization, and balance happens.

How do you balance creative freedom with technical limitations when developing a game?
I think a great example of this is our cartoon characters. Cartoon animations, with lots of squash and stretch, and highly deforming faces, are a real challenge to implement into a real time enviroment. Before I had joined the team, a lof of talented folks, including Khai and Artak, developed a lot of amazing tools and pipelines that really allow us to capture a broad range of animation styles in game. We have an unwritten rule here, if we can't do a character right then we don't do the character. Technical limitations have never gotten in the way of that.

Technical limitations will almost always produce more innovative solutions than having complete creative freedom when developing games. Our team at PFG is always trying to push the envelope while being as resourceful as possible. Beta maps provided a special challenge when trying to make them better and reflect player feedback after Beta ended. We took stock of our catalogue of maps and did as much as possible to make each stage feel great, applying new standards of level design across all the Beta maps to fit the gameplay overhaul. We’ve also taken great care in curating map pools for matchmaking queues.

Will you guys ever share more concept art for stages, characters, and variants?
Absolutely Everyone really enjoyed seeing the ones released so far, and in the future we hope to keep that excitement going.

Do you (devs) acknowledge that we (fans) are so glad your back?
Extremely easy answer We absolutley love this community and appreciate the support every day. The excitment of the community is absolutely infectious. We scrub socials and forums to gauge reactions to every updated we publish, no mater how critical, and strive to exceed expectations. Delivering the best possible game to the community is why we do all this hard work!

Which out of the current roster is your personal favorite?
Nakat: Wonder Woman, Gizmo, and......well I guess you’ll see in a few weeks ;D

Ajax: Batman is my favorite character in all of media, and he is also my favorite to play in MultiVersus. Wonder Woman has also become a favorite of mine in this version of the game. There is also another.....guess you will find that one out very soon

PFG_Reslived: haha oh man...I do truly love playing the entire cast. I think it's important for me to get the feels on whoever I can. But lately I’ve been enjoying Iron Giant and Steven Universe... They’re both really interesting character designs and I’ve been doing a lot of work to make sure they feel extra good for launch.

PFG_Grant: Bugs Bunny is my favorite...for a few more weeks.

Corey: I will always have a place in my heart for Batman, but there is a character coming down the pipes that inspired me to prototype a new way of interacting with our characters. That new...thing...might just end up in game. I hope players get to see it, and I can’t wait to take this unique character into queues.

Then they thanked everyone for their questions.

Muchas gracias por el aporte, es verdad que estos días estaba esta charla, pero no la pude seguir.

Parece por un lado, que va a ser más "pausado" o al menos con más estrategia, y ahora que estamos a escasos 25 días, deberían soltar algún bombazo pronto.

Estoy deseando que expliquen también el nuevo modo de progeso o de subidas de nivel!

Os dejo por aquí un vídeo si lo preferís ver directamente en vez de leer! Está todo resumido bastante bien

Análisis de las novedades de la charla
El traje de boda de Granate para los raritos que les gustaba Steven Universe.

No está mal la nueva skin de Garnett, pero cuando van a presentar novedades del progeso o del pasee????

Por cierto, sabéis si habrá de nuevo los pases de fundador? Entiendo que no, pero en su día no me pude hacer con ellos.
Si no es esta semana, y hay muchas papeletas de que lo sea, es la que viene sin falta.
unilordx escribió:Si no es esta semana, y hay muchas papeletas de que lo sea, es la que viene sin falta.

Es que estamos ya en el período de 14 días para que se sepa todo, por lo que estoy deseando de que llegue yaaa!
Quedamos pendientes de las novedades ^^

Al parecer ya tenemos novedades...

Novedades Multiversus

Se está hablando de que puede haber un Early Access el día 14 de este mes, todo esto lo dice la comunidad del Youtuber Deanvid, no sé hasta que punto puede ser así...

Qué pensáis que puede ser? Yo creo que simplemente más info. (Dejo en spoiler lo que se comenta por Twitter, Youtube, por si alguien no quiere saberlo aún)

Un saludo!
Ahora mismo estamos con un ARG en Discord donde daban pistas y habia que averiguar la respuesta pero fue por la noches (zonas horarias yatusabeh), y a las 18:00 continúa.

1st clue was "Be Kind Rewind" and the answer to that was "Scooby Doo Superman" courtesy of one of the VHS tapes names in this video in the top left corner.

2nd Clue was "082622" which lead to a throwback trailer they made referencing 90s advertisement and the answer was "Jinkies Gnarly Rad Tubular"

3rd clue was "108 00:03:59.00" which translated to an episode of Adventure Time where one of the lines shown says "Fin & Jake Adventuring Incorporated"

4th clue was "34149414 118337852" which are coordinates for Warner Bros. Parking Lot when inserted on Google Maps. After some exploring by users around the parking lot via Google Maps, the answer to the clue was revealed to be "The Daily Planet Office" aka the location of the Daily Planet in Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman.

5th clue was "Mistakes were made, or where they?" and the answer was "Guzmo" which was in reference to a Tweet misspelling where it said "Super Guzmo" instead of Super Gizmo

6th Clue were the numbers: "142, 4, 9" which is in reference to a DC Comic starring the Joker, to which the answer was "Just Laugh It Off"

7th Clue was "The Morse Code" which was "SHENANIGANS" aka the Morse Code fans deciphered from their video last Friday revealing Garnet's Wedding Dress.

Esta curioso que cosas como el tuit mal escrito o el código morse se achacaban a casualidades sin mayor relevancia y eran preparaciones para esto XD.

Quedan 3 pistas y como cada una es cada hora, entre las 20:00 y 21:00 tendremos algo imagino cuando se resuelva la última.
Yo solo he visto quejas del sistema de pistas, que lo suelten ya XD
unilordx escribió:

es Mark hamill?
unilordx escribió:

Tiene buenísima pinta, y al menos el arte se me asemeja al de la serie de los 90 en parte.
Nada que ver casi con el nuevo Joker del Escuadrón Suicida.

Esperemos más novedades yaaaa!

Oh no traje de Batman Risas.
Supongo que viendo el bat-ordenador en el trailer no hay duda de que el siguiente personaje son las Super Nenas. Las dos skins adicionales del Joker son bastante chulas la verdad (aunque técnicamente la del Batman que Ríe deberia ser una skin de Batman...), y la de Harley psiquiatra tampoco le hago ascos XD





Guapísimo lo que mostraron ayer, y con las supernenas confirmadas, solo falta que lo hagan con Dexter.
Al parecer el estudio ha dicho que va a ser una semana con más revelaciones! A ver que mas nos pueden contar durante la semana.

Que ganas de que llegue ya el día 28!!!

Confirmado que tiene skin de La Broma Asesina y que la skin Batman Risas tiene voz y líneas distintas. además de pack de anunciador.
Brutal el nuevo Joker...
Pensáis que se podrá comprar nada más salir? O que puedo ser algún tipo de recompensa de pase de batalla de Temporada 1? (Ya dejaron ver en el trailer de antes de ayer, que resetean las temporadas)
Cutre captura de la skin del Joker de la La Broma Asesina y de Superman ...¿turista? [+risas]

Hoy tenemos escenarios de Laboratorio de Dexter y Townsville, y la música de ambos.

Y la versión chiptune del Laboratorio, que imagino que será opcional para customs o algo.
Muy chulo lo de Dexter y tal... A ver si sacan algo más esta semana, que ya solo quedan 12 diaaaaaas!

Espero que saquen el tema de pase de temporada y las mejoras que hayan añadido.
Modo PVE, donde se ve en el listado de PJs 2 "secretos", a saber quienes son XD.

Más Skins de verano (como la del Superman con mariconera)
Brutalisimo lo que sacaron ayerrr!

El modo ese que se ve en el vídeo que se abren cajas... Qué pensáis que puede ser? Estaría genial que en esas cajas (farmeadas previamente con los eventos) se dieran skins o cosas del estilo.
El personaje que todos estaban esperando xD.
¿Os habéis percatado de que esta pantalla de luchadores esta ordenada alfabéticamente, y los dos "secretos" no coinciden ni con la D de Dexter ni la P de Powerpuff Girls? Debería ser A~B y J respectivamente...

EDIT: Vale, la B ya lo sabemos [carcajad]. Ahora solo falta la J y me la voy a jugar diciendo que es
John Nieve o Johnny Bravo
que casualmente cuadra entre Jake y el Joker.

Joder poco a poco va a quedar un plantel la mar de atractivo.
Como esto al final sea verdad, puede ser muy loco el futuro de Multiversus... Aviso de "posibles" spoilers del otro personaje secreto...
y es que los metadatos del último trailer mencionan a Jason ¿Voorhees? :O Quien verá al bueno de Jason apuñalando toda clase de personajes de dibujos infantiles xDDD

No se si sabéis que hay al parecer un tráiler de lanzamiento sobre las 14.30 o 14.45 hora española.

Supongo que pondrán más carne en el asador con eso,

Nos leemos por aquí más tarde con las impresiones!!!
1037 respuestas