El emulador nulldc para windows acaba de ser actualizado :
New version is out. Remember to read the included documentation if you encounter any problems.
Notice that this release lacks support for gamepads since the gamepad plugin needed quite some work. Raz plans to replace the current plugin with one that supports both gamepads and keyboards in the future so just be patient (again).
Changes are too many to list but here's a list of the basic changes:
* VMU/VMS support added.
* Fog emulation added on nullPVR. (Note: This requires a shader model 2 video card for now)
* Experimental DSP emulation support added on nullAICA.
* Image reader can load real CDs now too.
* Added a (hidden) option to get rid of the console window since some people seem to hate it.
* Various bugs and problems fixed. More stuff became compatible. Less issues on already supported stuff.
* NAOMI version of the emulator.
http://www.emudev.org/nullDC/Releases/C ... DC_103.rar (Emulador DC)
http://www.emudev.org/nullDC/Releases/C ... mi_103.rar ( Emulador naomi )
Hay dos links el primero es el emulador de la DC y el segundo de la placa naomi
A disfrutarlo Se recomienda disponer pixels shaders 2.0 en tu tarjeta grafica