Que casualidad... he mirado las novedades y entre otras ya viene instalado webmin, telnet y samba... justo lo que yo he estado haciendo estas semanas.... jo la de trabajo que me hubiera ahorrado. Creo que para muchos esta actualización les resorvera muchos quebraderos de cabeza....
Por cierto tambien hay version nueva de mldonkey.... abra que actualizar.... que perezaaaa
>> ShALLaX released a new version of Gentoox Home(info). What's new:
+ Scrollwheel support (Mice)
+ Updated raincoat (Supports v1.2 Xbox TSOP)
+ mkfs.fatx (Formats fatx partitions)
+ Preconfigured sudo (Lets users launch applications as root)
+ Updated GLIBC and GCC
+ USE flags correctly set
+ EVERYTHING recompiled to take advantage of updated GLIB and GCC and the USE flags
+ Updated all software (as of 23/08/03)
+ Added ppp and pppoe support (ppp, pppconfig, rp-pppoe, rppppoek, pppoed) - You figure out how to work them!
+ Scite (Powerful text editor for programmers, located on the KDE menu)
+ Netscape-flash
+ Cromwell(info) integration
+ Stardust integration
+ Added reboot and shutdown to KDE menu (Under the system menu)
+ More X-pads supported without needing to recompile the kernel!
+ dos2unix and unix2dos text file convertors
+ Webmin - extremely useful webconfiguration tool. Simply go to
http://xbox_ip:10000 to use this utility. It really makes configuring your box SO much easier! Webmin even has a builtin SSH client which you can use from any web browser! Login with your root user details. (Autoloads at bootup)
+ Set nano/pico to use the -w flag by default
+ Samba shares enabled (see below for details)
+ Xboxlocal directory removed - totally obsolete, it always has been but I've always left it there to be safe
+ Dynamic IP/hosts reconfiguration on each bootup
+ Hostname and Domainname tools (see below)