noticias frescas
parece ser que han conseguido dumpear el hypervisor, y cada vez da un dumpeo diferente dentro de un rango, esta haciendo cosas tras un parche!!!
ZoRAY> I'm just using peek and writing directly to file
<EZoRAY> Data is changing each time
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<Shamifun> GaZ-_-
<Shamifun> someday
<ZeZu> maybe you broke the memory controller !
<ZeZu> j/p then the thing wouldn't work
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<EZoRAY> Ps3 is still working ok
<EZoRAY> Peek patch worked
<geohot> EZoRAY: awesome!
<geohot> you replicated it?
<EZoRAY> Yes
<sefivy> wonderfull
<geohot> thanks
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<geohot> i didn't get lv1 dump using peek
<hudson> with what? an fpga-board?
<geohot> you can poke the htab
<S1m0n3> hol� geohot
<EZoRAY> But getting differing dumps each time
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<geohot> and add a hash table entry
<geohot> how different?
<geohot> pastie your code
<S1m0n3> !voice EZoRAY
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<EZoRAY> Sec, I'm using iPhone irc ATM
<S1m0n3> gh
<geohot> and i know how annoying those reboot times are
<EZoRAY> Not at home we are doing this at a friends workplace
<sefivy> maybe is dumping a diferent sector each time
<geohot> it shouldn't
<geohot> 0 should always be 0
<sefivy> true
<sefivy> lol
<EZoRAY> I'm going to mod my dumper to send to framebuffer so I can see what's changing
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<Demonhill> maybe wire too long
<EZoRAY> Its not all changing
<geohot> i mean, it should change a little
<geohot> 0x200000 is the hypervisor
<EZoRAY> Just bits
<EZoRAY> Yea
<geohot> ehh, write it to a file and use it
<will`> geohot are you aware that there are many ps3 motherboard revisions
<EZoRAY> It has hypervisor variables in tha t space too?
<geohot> yea, up by 0x700000 on mine
<EZoRAY> Maybe it's the variBles changing between dumps
<geohot> how much is changing?
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<EZoRAY> Just maybe 40 bytes each time
<geohot> oh, then whats the problem
<geohot> thats normal i bet
<geohot> the hypervisor is doing things
<hudson> is it the same bytes changing each time?
<EZoRAY> Ok , going to put it in ida then
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<geohot> be sure to set the segment to 64-bits
<EZoRAY> Mostly same bytes changing each time yea
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