* Mp3 support, place the tracks of Quake one, or any mp3s you want, into "/apps/quake/music", then name them "<Track Number>.mp3" so tack one would be "1.mp3". Quake only had 10 tacks. So you'll never hear 11.mp3. * Using Q1Rev sound driver, it uses asnd, and it's cleaner.
super_link escribió:A mi no se me escuchan los tracks de musica¿hay que renombrarlos de algun modo?le metido la bso del primer quake¿alguna solucion?
Según el autor (y también lo menciona Thyl-Thalion)...
* Mp3 support, place the tracks of Quake one, or any mp3s you want, into "/apps/quake/music", then name them "<Track Number>.mp3" so tack one would be "1.mp3". Quake only had 10 tacks. So you'll never hear 11.mp3.
Has de renombrarlos a 1.mp3, 2.mp3, 3.mp3... 10.mp3; para que se escuchen
Saludos! y a ver si en tener un rato libre me pongo a fusar con esta nueva versión