nueva version, SnesPSP_TYL, v0.4.2
version ME,
saludos y ya direis como va que aun no podre probarlo talueg
YoyoFR has updated his amazing SNES emulator, SnesPSP_TYL. And as always, there's a long list of fixes and new features.
First, the fixes:
* Key combos are now allowed in-game when not assigned to a specific feature
* Annoying in-game popups should be gone
* Sound issues after loading a savestate should be gone
* Noise issue when starting a game fixed
* Now should exit without crashing on PSP 2.XX
* Uncompressed ROMs now have loading progress bar too
* Improved IPS patch handling, still not perfect. Try to IPS patch your game before putting them on PSP
* Credits screen fixed
Now, the new features:
* ME version : Started to implement a "pseudo sleep mode". PSP clock is reduced, screen is turned off and buttons won't respond
* GUI reworked
* Beep sounds when selecting stuff in Menu & File Browser can now be turned Off in Menu / Misc / Pad Beep
* Sound output volume doubled
* Added a 300Mhz setting for eLoader 0.97 (333Mhz won't work on this eLoader version)
* Savestate export to snes9x (using snes9x slot 1). Copy the SAVES/.000 to your PC and load in snes9x.
* Little intro - Press a button to skip it if you don't like it
As always, this release will be awesome. Both the Standard and ME versions have been updated. Plus the source is also released.
parece ser que ya ha arreglado el bug en 2.xx para salir del emu y el del procesador ha 333mhz con el eloader 97, tambien un sleep mode pero es como parcial me parece, bueno un buen monton de novedades impresionante y en tan poco tiempo joder que makina el amigo yoyofr. saludos y ya direis si ya funcionan estos caracteres correctamente