Chrono Trigger
snezzi.dat settings:
2D206BF7|Chrono Trigger (U)|5|0|0|0|5|0|703E5=80,7042A=80,70478=80,704F8=80,705D9=80,704EE=EAEAEA,3AC5=A90200
A single screen comes up, but it does not work.
HDMA support is necessary for this game to work correctly, but the author has indicated that it would be too much work to support it. Chrono Trigger will most likely never be playable on the GBA, as SNES Advance does not support HDMA either.
![a lágrima viva [buuuaaaa]](/images/smilies/nuevos/triste_ani3.gif)
Dicen que es probable que el chrono trigger nunca sera compatible!!!