Pero si el problema ya se soluciono... Se descubrio que era un fallo al cambiar el horario y que solo afectaba a los 2 primeros días por lo que ya no ocurrira más hasta el proximo año que pase lo mismo, pero para eso ya han sacado un parche en ps4 y esperamos que pronto en one para solucionar ese inconveniente. Pero vamos que ya podeis jugar sin temor que se borre la partida.
Aqui el texto original de un admin del foro Thief.
Thanks for being patient – we’re coming back to you after much overnight work and the good news is that we’ve identified the problem and we can fix it quickly.
Basically, it’s an issue with the mathematical calculations of time-stamps from March 30th – April 2nd, which meant systems didn’t recognise the most recent time-stamp and instead took the previous time-stamp save (re-starting the level). So if you saved your game on March 30th, you may have experienced a disruption yesterday on April 1st and if you saved your game on March 31st, you may have experienced disruption yesterday April 1st and today April 2nd.
After today the calculations are accurate and there should be no other issues. We are working on a patch to ensure this doesn’t happen next year with these March/April calculations.
Also, your saved games should not be corrupted, and after today April 2nd, no one should experience this. Note: it is possible that you may need to restart the chapter you were on, but progress will then be saved as normal.